Пример #1
  * Parse transaction-data form TSV-file
  * @param $value
  * @param int $skipHeaderLines
  * @param Data\Company $company
  * @return Data\Company
 public function parseTransactions($value, Data\Company $company, $skipHeaderLines = 1)
     // parse text
     $rows = $this->getTabularData($value);
     // kill header lines
     for ($i = 0; $i < $skipHeaderLines; $i++) {
     // fix ordering
     usort($rows, array($this, 'tabularDataCompareRows'));
     // add a verification series and two dimensions
     $verificationSeries = new Data\VerificationSeries();
     $company->addVerificationSeries($verificationSeries)->addDimension(new Data\Dimension(Data\Dimension::DIMENSION_COST_CENTRE))->addDimension(new Data\Dimension(Data\Dimension::DIMENSION_PROJECT));
     $last_verification_id = null;
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         /* -- Our columns --
          * 0: Verification number
          * 1: Transaction / verification date
          * 3: Account number
          * 4: Account name
          * 5: Result unit
          * 6: Project
          * 13: Verification name
          * 14: Verification row number
          * 15: Transaction name
          * 18: Transaction amount
         $data = array('ver_no' => $row[0], 'date' => $row[1], 'account_no' => $row[3], 'account_name' => $row[4], 'result_unit' => $row[5], 'project' => $row[6], 'ver_name' => $row[13], 'ver_row' => $row[14], 'trans_text' => $row[15], 'trans_amount' => (double) str_replace(array('.', ','), array('', '.'), $row[18]));
         // verification
         if ($last_verification_id !== $data['ver_no']) {
             $verification = (new Data\Verification($data['ver_no']))->setDate($data['date'])->setText($data['ver_name']);
         // account
         $account = $company->getAccount($row[3]);
         if ($account === null) {
             $account = (new Data\Account($data['account_no']))->setName($data['account_name']);
         // transaction
         $transaction = (new Data\Transaction())->setAccount($account)->setAmount($data['trans_amount'])->setText($data['trans_text']);
         // dimension - result unit
         if ($data['result_unit']) {
             // find dimension (pre-defined)
             $dim = $company->getDimension(Data\Dimension::DIMENSION_COST_CENTRE);
             // find / create object
             $object = $dim->getObject($data['result_unit']);
             if ($object === null) {
                 $object = (new Data\Object($data['result_unit']))->setDimension($dim)->setName('Resultatenhet ' . $data['result_unit']);
                 //We don't have this data, so just set it
             // add to transaction
         // dimension - project
         if ($data['project']) {
             // find dimension (pre-defined)
             $dim = $company->getDimension(Data\Dimension::DIMENSION_PROJECT);
             // find / create object
             $object = $dim->getObject($data['project']);
             if ($object === null) {
                 $object = (new Data\Object($data['project']))->setDimension($dim)->setName('Projekt ' . $data['project']);
                 //We don't have this data, so just set it
             // add to transaction
         $last_verification_id = $verification->getId();
Пример #2
  * Dumps the Company and the data to SIE-format. Returns the SIE-contents as a string
  * @param Data\Company $sie
  * @return string
 public function dump(Data\Company $sie)
     // mandatory
     $data = $this->getLine('FLAGGA', array('0'));
     $data .= $this->getLine('FORMAT', array('PC8'));
     $data .= $this->getLine('SIETYP', array('4'));
     $data .= $this->getLine('PROGRAM', array($this->options['generator']));
     $data .= $this->getLine('GEN', array($this->options['generated_date'], $this->options['generated_sign']));
     $data .= $this->getLine('FNAMN', array($sie->getCompanyName()));
     // optional
     if ($sie->getCompanyNumber() !== null) {
         $data .= $this->getLine('ORGNR', array($sie->getCompanyNumber()));
     // accounts
     foreach ($sie->getAccounts() as $account) {
         $data .= $this->getLine('KONTO', array($account->getId(), $account->getName()));
     // objects
     foreach ($sie->getDimensions() as $dimension) {
         foreach ($dimension->getObjects() as $object) {
             $data .= $this->getLine('OBJEKT', array($dimension->getId(), $object->getId(), $object->getName()));
     // fiscal year - add a #RAR line for each year
     $fiscalYears = $sie->getFiscalYears();
     $year = 0;
     foreach ($fiscalYears as $fiscalYear) {
         $data .= $this->getLine('RAR', array($year--, $fiscalYear->getDateStart()->format('Ymd'), $fiscalYear->getDateEnd()->format('Ymd')));
     // balance data per fiscal year
     $year = 0;
     foreach ($fiscalYears as $fiscalYear) {
         foreach ($fiscalYear->getAccountBalances() as $balance) {
             $data .= $this->getLine('IB', array($year, $balance->getAccount()->getId(), $balance->getIncomingBalance()));
             $data .= $this->getLine('UB', array($year, $balance->getAccount()->getId(), $balance->getOutgoingBalance()));
     // end head with a blank line (not needed but looks nice)
     $data .= $this->delimiter_newline;
     // verifications
     foreach ($sie->getVerificationSeriesAll() as $series) {
         foreach ($series->getVerifications() as $ver) {
             $data .= $this->getLine('VER', array($series->getId(), $ver->getId(), $ver->getDate(), $ver->getText(), $ver->getRegistrationDate(), $ver->GetRegistrationSign()));
             // transactions for this verification
             $data .= '{' . $this->delimiter_newline;
             foreach ($ver->getTransactions() as $trans) {
                 $data .= '    ' . $this->getLine('TRANS', array($trans->getAccount()->getId(), $trans->getObjectsAsArrayPairs(), $trans->getAmount(), $trans->getDate() ? $trans->getDate() : $ver->getDate(), $trans->getText(), $trans->getQuantity(), $trans->getRegistrationSign()));
             $data .= '}' . $this->delimiter_newline;
             $data .= $this->delimiter_newline;
     return $data;