/** * Registers the PDOStatement to execute in DBErrorException * * @param PDOStatement $stm Prepared statement to store errors to database * @param array $binders Array or keys to bind to when executing $stm * @return self */ public function registerPDOStatement(API\Interfaces\PDOStatement $stm = null, array $binders = array()) { if (is_null($stm)) { $this->error_stm = Core\PDO::load(PDO::DEFAULT_CON)->prepare(self::PDO_QUERY); } else { $this->error_stm = $stm; } if (array_keys($binders) === array_keys($this->binders)) { $this->binders = $binders; } return $this; }
/** * Where all of the parsing and setting of data is handled. * Switches on type of page request, and sets various properties * accordingly. * * @return void * @uses \shgsyk8zer0\Template */ private function getContent() { $login = Core\Login::load(); $DB = Core\PDO::load('connect.json'); switch ($this->type) { case 'posts': $data = get_object_vars($this->data); array_map(function ($name, $value) { $this->{$name} = $value; }, array_keys($data), array_values($data)); unset($data); $post = Core\Template::load('posts'); $comments = Core\Template::load('comments'); $comments_section = Core\Template::load('comments_section'); $comments_section->title($this->data->title)->home(URL)->comments(null); $results = $DB->prepare('SELECT `comment`, `author`, `author_url`, `time` FROM `comments` WHERE `post` = :post;')->execute(['post' => end($this->request_path)])->getResults(); if (is_array($results)) { foreach ($results as $comment) { $time = strtotime($comment->time); $comments->comment($comment->comment)->author(strlen($comment->author_url) ? "<a href=\"{$comment->author_url}\" target=\"_blank\">{$comment->author}</a>" : $comment->author)->time(date('l, F jS Y h:i A', $time)); $comments_section->comments .= "{$comments}"; } } foreach (explode(',', $this->data->keywords) as $tag) { $post->tags .= '<a href="' . URL . 'tags/' . urlencode(trim($tag)) . '" rel="tag">' . trim($tag) . "</a>"; } $license = new Core\Creative_Commons_License(); $license->title = $this->data->title; $license->author = $this->data->author; $license->author_url = "{$this->data->author_url}?rel=author"; $license->time = $this->data->created; $license->use_svg = true; $license->share_alike = true; $post->title($this->data->title)->content($this->data->content)->home(URL)->comments("{$comments_section}")->url($this->data->url)->license($license); $this->content = "{$post}"; break; case 'tags': $this->title = 'Tags'; $this->description = "Tags search results for {$this->request_path[1]}"; $this->keywords = "Keywords, tags, search, {$this->request_path[1]}"; $this->content = '<div class="tags">'; $template = Core\Template::load('tags'); array_map(function (\stdClass $post) use(&$template) { if (!isset($post->title)) { return; } $template->title($post->title)->description($post->description)->author($post->author)->author_url($post->author_url)->url($post->url === '' ? URL : URL . 'posts/' . $post->url)->date(date('D M jS, Y \\a\\t h:iA', strtotime($post->created))); $this->content .= "{$template}"; }, array_filter($this->data, 'is_object')); $this->content .= '</div>'; break; } }
<?php error_reporting(0); define('PARAM', 'query'); if (!array_key_exists(PARAM, $_REQUEST)) { http_response_code(400); exit; } $PDO = \shgysk8zer0\Core\PDO::load('connect.json'); if (!$PDO->connected) { http_response_code(500); exit; } header('Content-Type: application/json'); $matches = $PDO->prepare('SELECT DISTINCT(`keywords`) as `tags` FROM `posts` WHERE `keywords` LIKE :tags'); $matches->tags = '%' . str_replace(' ', '%', $_REQUEST[PARAM]) . '%'; $results = array_reduce($matches->execute()->getResults(), 'reduce_tags', array()); exit(json_encode($results)); /** * Reduce an array of results from PDO query into a unique array * * @param array $results Carried array of unique results * @param stdClass $tags Single row item * @return array Array of unique results */ function reduce_tags(array $results = array(), \stdClass $post) { foreach (explode(',', $post->tags) as $tag) { $tag = trim(strtolower($tag)); if (!in_array(['phrase' => $tag], $results) and preg_match('/^' . preg_quote($tag) . '/i', $_REQUEST[PARAM])) { array_push($results, ['phrase' => $tag]);
/** * Stores data array to database * * @param mixed $con Database credentials * @param string $table Table to use * @return void */ private function _storeData($con, $table) { $pdo = PDO::load($con); $stm = $pdo->prepare(str_replace('%TABLE%', $table, self::SQL)); $stm->execute($this->{self::MAGIC_PROPERTY}); }
/** * Builds a <datalist> for the request, each result being a <option> * * @param string $list Requested datalist * @return string Results as a <datalist> * @uses \DOMDocument * @uses \DOMElement */ function get_datalist($list) { $pdo = \shgysk8zer0\Core\PDO::load('connect.json'); if (!$pdo->connected) { return; } switch (strtolower($list)) { case 'tags': $options = get_all_tags(); break; case 'php_errors_files': $options = array_map(function (\stdClass $option) { return preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote(BASE . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/') . '/', null, $option->file); }, $pdo->fetchArray("SELECT DISTINCT(`file`) FROM `PHP_errors`;")); break; default: return []; } $datalist = array_reduce($options, function (\DOMElement $list, $item) { $list->option = ['@value' => $item]; return $list; }, new \shgysk8zer0\Core\HTML_El('datalist', null, null, true)); $datalist->{'@id'} = "{$list}"; return "{$datalist}"; }
/** * Updates `last_ran` column for all executed jobs * * @return void */ private function update_last_ran(\shgysk8zer0\Core\PDO &$pdo) { $pdo->prepare("UPDATE `cron`\n\t\t\t\tSET `last_ran` = :time\n\t\t\t\tWHERE `function` = :function\n\t\t\t"); //Update all jobs which completed with new last_run foreach ($this->jobs as $job) { $pdo->bind(['time' => date('Y-m-d H:i', $this->time) . ':00', 'function' => $job->function])->execute(); } }