Пример #1
  * @param \Seat\Web\Validation\CsvImport $request
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
 public function postCsv(CsvImport $request)
     // Grab the Data out of the CSV
     $file = $request->file('csv');
     $data = explode("\n", $file->openFile()->fread($file->getSize()));
     // Keep tabs on the amount of keys that have
     // been inserted, and how many have been
     // considered erroneous
     $updated = 0;
     $errored = 0;
     // Loop the CSV, validating the lines
     // and inserting into the database
     foreach ($data as $k => $key) {
         $parts = explode(",", $key);
         // Ensure we have 2 entries in the $parts array
         if (count($parts) != 2) {
         // Assign the $parts to readable names
         $key_id = $parts[0];
         $v_code = $parts[1];
         $validator = Validator::make(['key_id' => $key_id, 'v_code' => $v_code], ['key_id' => 'required|numeric|unique:eve_api_keys,key_id', 'v_code' => 'required|size:64|alpha_num']);
         // Ensure the format was ok
         if ($validator->fails()) {
         // Add the API Key
         ApiKey::create(['key_id' => $key_id, 'v_code' => $v_code, 'user_id' => auth()->user()->id, 'enabled' => true]);
     return redirect()->back()->with('success', 'Import complete! Success: ' . $updated . '. Error: ' . $errored);
Пример #2
  * @param \Seat\Web\Http\Validation\CsvImport $request
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
 public function postCsv(CsvImport $request)
     $csv = Reader::createFromFileObject($request->file('csv')->openFile());
     // Keep tabs on the amount of keys that have
     // been inserted, and how many have been
     // considered erroneous
     $updated = 0;
     $errored = 0;
     // Loop the CSV, validating the lines
     // and inserting into the database
     foreach ($csv as $k => $data) {
         // Assign the $data to readable names
         $key_id = $data[0];
         $v_code = $data[1];
         // Validate the keys. We check that we dont
         // already have this key in the database to ensure
         // that we dont mess up the ownership by accident.
         $validator = Validator::make(['key_id' => $key_id, 'v_code' => $v_code], ['key_id' => 'required|numeric|unique:eve_api_keys,key_id', 'v_code' => 'required|size:64|alpha_num']);
         // Ensure the format was ok
         if ($validator->fails()) {
         // Add the API Key
         ApiKey::create(['key_id' => $key_id, 'v_code' => $v_code, 'user_id' => auth()->user()->id, 'enabled' => true]);
     return redirect()->back()->with('success', 'Import complete! Success: ' . $updated . '. Error: ' . $errored);
Пример #3
  * Return an array with character information.
  * This includes the key info as well as the
  * extended information such as type/expiry etc.
  * @return array
 public function all_with_info()
     $response = [];
     foreach (EveApiKeyModel::all() as $key) {
         $response[$key->key_id] = ['enabled' => $key->enabled, 'user_id' => $key->user_id, 'key_id' => $key->key_id, 'v_code' => str_limit($key->v_code, 15), 'access_mask' => $key->info ? $key->info->accessMask : null, 'type' => $key->info ? $key->info->type : null, 'expires' => $key->info ? $key->info->expires : null, 'last_error' => $key->last_error, 'characters' => count($key->characters) > 0 ? implode(', ', $key->characters->lists('characterName')->all()) : null];
     return $response;
Пример #4
  * Get all of the API keys that are not part
  * of a specific people group
  * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection|static[]
 public function getPeopleUnaffiliatedUserKeys()
     $keys = ApiKey::with('characters')->whereNotIn('key_id', function ($query) {
     if (!auth()->user()->has('apikey.list', false)) {
         $keys = $keys->where('user_id', auth()->user()->id);
     return $keys->get();
Пример #5
  * Execute the console command.
  * @param \Seat\Eveapi\Helpers\JobPayloadContainer $job
  * @return mixed
 public function handle(JobPayloadContainer $job)
     // Query the API Keys from the database
     // and queue jobs for them 10 at a time.
     $key = ApiKey::findOrFail($this->argument('key_id'));
     $job->scope = 'Key';
     $job->api = 'Scheduler';
     $job->owner_id = $key->key_id;
     $job->eve_api_key = $key;
     $job_id = $this->addUniqueJob(CheckAndQueueKey::class, $job);
     $this->info('Job ' . $job_id . ' dispatched!');
     // Analytics
     dispatch((new Analytics((new AnalyticsContainer())->set('type', 'event')->set('ec', 'queues')->set('ea', 'queue_key')->set('el', 'console')))->onQueue('medium'));
Пример #6
 public function call()
     // call the parent call method in order to load the Slack Api Token
     // get all Api Key owned by the user
     $keys = ApiKey::where('user_id', $this->user->id)->get();
     // get the Slack Api User
     $slackUser = SlackUser::where('user_id', $this->user->id)->where('invited', true)->whereNotNull('slack_id')->first();
     if ($slackUser != null) {
         // get channels into which current user is already member
         $channels = $this->getSlackApi()->member($slackUser->slack_id, false);
         $groups = $this->getSlackApi()->member($slackUser->slack_id, true);
         // if key are not valid OR account no longer paid
         // kick the user from all channels to which he's member
         if ($this->isEnabledKey($keys) == false || $this->isActive($keys) == false) {
             if (!empty($channels)) {
                 $this->processChannelsKick($slackUser, $channels);
                 $this->logEvent('kick', $channels);
             if (!empty($groups)) {
                 $this->processGroupsKick($slackUser, $groups);
                 $this->logEvent('kick', $groups);
         // in other way, compute the gap and kick only the user
         // to channel from which he's no longer granted to be in
         $allowedChannels = $this->allowedChannels($slackUser, false);
         $extraChannels = array_diff($channels, $allowedChannels);
         // remove channels in which user is already in from all granted channels and invite him
         if (!empty($extraChannels)) {
             $this->processChannelsKick($slackUser, $extraChannels);
             $this->logEvent('kick', $extraChannels);
         // remove granted channels from channels in which user is already in and kick him
         $allowedGroups = $this->allowedChannels($slackUser, true);
         $extraGroups = array_diff($groups, $allowedGroups);
         if (!empty($extraGroups)) {
             $this->processGroupsKick($slackUser, array_diff($groups, $extraGroups));
             $this->logEvent('kick', $extraGroups);
Пример #7
  * Execute the console command.
  * @param \Seat\Eveapi\Helpers\JobPayloadContainer $job
  * @return mixed
 public function handle(JobPayloadContainer $job)
     // Counter for the number of keys queued
     $queued_keys = 0;
     // Query the API Keys from the database
     // and queue jobs for them 10 at a time.
     ApiKey::where('enabled', 1)->chunk(10, function ($keys) use($job, &$queued_keys) {
         foreach ($keys as $key) {
             $job->scope = 'Key';
             $job->api = 'Scheduler';
             $job->owner_id = $key->key_id;
             $job->eve_api_key = $key;
             $job_id = $this->addUniqueJob(CheckAndQueueKey::class, $job);
             $this->info('Job ' . $job_id . ' dispatched!');
     // Analytics
     dispatch((new Analytics((new AnalyticsContainer())->set('type', 'event')->set('ec', 'queues')->set('ea', 'queue_keys')->set('el', 'console')->set('ev', $queued_keys)))->onQueue('medium'));
Пример #8
 public function call()
     // call the parent call method in order to load the Slack Api Token
     // get all Api Key owned by the user
     $keys = ApiKey::where('user_id', $this->user->id)->get();
     // invite user only if both account are subscribed and keys active
     if ($this->isEnabledKey($keys) && $this->isActive($keys)) {
         // if the user is not yet invited, invite him to team
         if ($this->isInvited($this->user) == false) {
         // in other case, invite him to channels and groups
         // get the attached slack user
         $slackUser = SlackUser::where('user_id', $this->user->id)->first();
         // control that we already know it's slack ID (mean that he creates his account)
         if ($slackUser->slack_id != null) {
             $allowedChannels = $this->allowedChannels($slackUser, false);
             $memberOfChannels = $this->getSlackApi()->member($slackUser->slack_id, false);
             $missingChannels = array_diff($allowedChannels, $memberOfChannels);
             if (!empty($missingChannels)) {
                 $this->processChannelsInvitation($slackUser, $missingChannels);
                 $this->logEvent('invite', $missingChannels);
             $allowedGroups = $this->allowedChannels($slackUser, true);
             $memberOfGroups = $this->getSlackApi()->member($slackUser->slack_id, true);
             $missingGroups = array_diff($allowedGroups, $memberOfGroups);
             if (!empty($missingGroups)) {
                 $this->processGroupsInvitation($slackUser, $missingGroups);
                 $this->logEvent('invite', $missingGroups);
Пример #9
  * @param \Seat\Web\Http\Validation\WorkerConstraint $request
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
 public function postUpdateWorkerConstraint(WorkerConstraint $request)
     $key = ApiKeyModel::findOrFail($request->input('key_id'));
     // Build a new constraints array from the input data
     $constraints = ['character' => $request->input('character'), 'corporation' => $request->input('corporation')];
     $key->api_call_constraints = $constraints;
     // Redirect back with new values.
     return redirect()->back()->with('success', 'Constraints Updated');
Пример #10
  * The required method to handle the Alert.
  * @return mixed
 protected function getData() : Collection
     return ApiKey::with('owner')->get();
Пример #11
  * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
  * @param                          $key_id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
 public function transfer(Request $request, $key_id)
     $key = ApiKeyModel::findOrFail($key_id);
     $user = User::findOrFail($request->user_id);
     $key->user_id = $user->id;
     return redirect()->back()->with('success', 'Key successfully transferred to ' . $user->name);
Пример #12
  * Transfer an EVE API Key to a User
  * @param $key_id
  * @param $user_id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse
 public function transfer($key_id, $user_id)
     $key = ApiKey::findOrFail($key_id);
     $key->user_id = $user_id;
     return response()->json(['ok']);
Пример #13
  * Attempt to take the appropriate action based on the
  * EVE API Exception. Returns a boolean indicating
  * if the calling job should continue or not.
  * @param \Seat\Eveapi\Models\JobTracking $job_tracker
  * @param \Seat\Eveapi\Models\Eve\ApiKey  $api_key
  * @param \Exception                      $exception
  * @return bool
  * @throws \Exception
 public function handleApiException(JobTracking $job_tracker, ApiKey $api_key, $exception)
     // Start by allowing the parent job to continue.
     $should_continue = true;
     // No matter what the error, we will increment the
     // Api Error Counter.
     // Errors from the EVE API should be treated seriously. If
     // these are ignored, one may risk having the calling IP
     // banned entirely. We don't want that, so lets check
     // and act accordingly based on the error code. We also rely
     // entirely on PhealNG to pass us the proper error codes.
     switch ($exception->getCode()) {
         // Invalid contractID something. Probably the
         // most annoying freaking response code that
         // CCP has!
         case 135:
             // "API key authentication failure."
         // "API key authentication failure."
         case 202:
             // "Authentication failure."
         // "Authentication failure."
         case 203:
         case 204:
             // "Authentication failure."
         // "Authentication failure."
         case 205:
             // "Authentication failure."
         // "Authentication failure."
         case 210:
             // "Authentication failure (final pass)."
         // "Authentication failure (final pass)."
         case 212:
             $api_key->update(['enabled' => false, 'last_error' => $exception->getCode() . ':' . $exception->getMessage()]);
             $should_continue = false;
             // "Invalid Corporation Key. Key owner does not fullfill role
             // requirements anymore."
         // "Invalid Corporation Key. Key owner does not fullfill role
         // requirements anymore."
         case 220:
             $api_key->update(['enabled' => false, 'last_error' => $exception->getCode() . ':' . $exception->getMessage()]);
             $should_continue = false;
             // "Illegal page request! Please verify the access granted by the key you are using!."
         // "Illegal page request! Please verify the access granted by the key you are using!."
         case 221:
             // Not 100% sure how to handle this one. This call has no
             // access mask requirement...
             $api_key->update(['last_error' => $exception->getCode() . ':' . $exception->getMessage()]);
             // "Key has expired. Contact key owner for access renewal."
         // "Key has expired. Contact key owner for access renewal."
         case 222:
             $api_key->update(['enabled' => false, 'last_error' => $exception->getCode() . ':' . $exception->getMessage()]);
             $should_continue = false;
             // "Authentication failure. Legacy API keys can no longer be
             // used. Please create a new key on support.eveonline.com
             // and make sure your application supports Customizable
             // API Keys."
         // "Authentication failure. Legacy API keys can no longer be
         // used. Please create a new key on support.eveonline.com
         // and make sure your application supports Customizable
         // API Keys."
         case 223:
             // The API we are working with is waaaaaay too old.
             $api_key->update(['enabled' => false, 'last_error' => $exception->getCode() . ':' . $exception->getMessage()]);
             $should_continue = false;
             // "Web site database temporarily disabled."
         // "Web site database temporarily disabled."
         case 901:
             $should_continue = false;
             // "EVE backend database temporarily disabled.""
         // "EVE backend database temporarily disabled.""
         case 902:
             $should_continue = false;
             // "Your IP address has been temporarily blocked because it
             // is causing too many errors. See the cacheUntil
             // timestamp for when it will be opened again.
             // IPs that continually cause a lot of errors
             // in the API will be permanently banned,
             // please take measures to minimize
             // problematic API calls from your
             // application."
         // "Your IP address has been temporarily blocked because it
         // is causing too many errors. See the cacheUntil
         // timestamp for when it will be opened again.
         // IPs that continually cause a lot of errors
         // in the API will be permanently banned,
         // please take measures to minimize
         // problematic API calls from your
         // application."
         case 904:
             // Get time of IP ban in minutes, rounded up to the next whole minute
             $time = round(($exception->cached_until_unixtime - $exception->request_time_unixtime) / 60, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
             $should_continue = false;
             // We got a problem we don't know what to do with, so log
             // and throw the exception so that the can debug it.
         // We got a problem we don't know what to do with, so log
         // and throw the exception so that the can debug it.
             throw $exception;
     // Update the Job itself with the error information
     $this->reportJobError($job_tracker, $exception);
     return $should_continue;
Пример #14
  * @param string $filter
  * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection|static[]
 public function doSearchApiKey(string $filter)
     $keys = ApiKey::with('info');
     $keys->where(function ($query) use($filter) {
         $query->where('key_id', 'like', '%' . $filter . '%')->orWhere('enabled', 'like', '%' . $filter . '%')->orWhereHas('info', function ($sub_filter) use($filter) {
             $sub_filter->where('type', 'like', '%' . $filter . '%')->orWhere('expires', 'like', '%' . $filter . '%');
     if (!auth()->user()->has('apikey.list', false)) {
         $keys = $keys->where('user_id', auth()->user()->id);
     return $keys->get();
Пример #15
  * Determine all channels in which an user is allowed to be
  * @param SlackUser $slackUser
  * @param boolean $private Determine if channels should be private (group) or public (channel)
  * @return array
 protected function allowedChannels(SlackUser $slackUser, $private)
     $channels = [];
     $rows = User::join('slack_channel_users', 'slack_channel_users.user_id', '=', 'users.id')->join('slack_channels', 'slack_channel_users.channel_id', '=', 'slack_channels.id')->select('channel_id')->where('users.id', $slackUser->user_id)->where('slack_channels.is_group', (int) $private)->where('slack_channels.is_general', (int) false)->union(DB::table('role_user')->join('slack_channel_roles', 'slack_channel_roles.role_id', '=', 'role_user.role_id')->join('slack_channels', 'slack_channel_roles.channel_id', '=', 'slack_channels.id')->where('role_user.user_id', $slackUser->user_id)->where('slack_channels.is_group', (int) $private)->where('slack_channels.is_general', (int) false)->select('channel_id'))->union(ApiKey::join('account_api_key_info_characters', 'account_api_key_info_characters.keyID', '=', 'eve_api_keys.key_id')->join('slack_channel_corporations', 'slack_channel_corporations.corporation_id', '=', 'account_api_key_info_characters.corporationID')->join('slack_channels', 'slack_channel_corporations.channel_id', '=', 'slack_channels.id')->where('eve_api_keys.user_id', $slackUser->user_id)->where('slack_channels.is_group', (int) $private)->where('slack_channels.is_general', (int) false)->select('channel_id'))->union(CharacterSheet::join('slack_channel_alliances', 'slack_channel_alliances.alliance_id', '=', 'character_character_sheets.allianceID')->join('slack_channels', 'slack_channel_alliances.channel_id', '=', 'slack_channels.id')->join('account_api_key_info_characters', 'account_api_key_info_characters.characterID', '=', 'character_character_sheets.characterID')->join('eve_api_keys', 'eve_api_keys.key_id', '=', 'account_api_key_info_characters.keyID')->where('eve_api_keys.user_id', $slackUser->user_id)->where('slack_channels.is_group', (int) $private)->where('slack_channels.is_general', (int) false)->select('channel_id'))->union(SlackChannelPublic::join('slack_channels', 'slack_channel_public.channel_id', '=', 'slack_channels.id')->where('slack_channels.is_group', (int) $private)->where('slack_channels.is_general', (int) false)->select('channel_id'))->get();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $channels[] = $row->channel_id;
     return $channels;