Пример #1
 public static function Update($keyID, $vCode)
     // Start and validate they key pair
     BaseApi::validateKeyPair($keyID, $vCode);
     // Set key scopes and check if the call is banned
     $scope = 'Corp';
     $api = 'Titles';
     if (BaseApi::isBannedCall($api, $scope, $keyID)) {
     // Get the characters for this key
     $characters = BaseApi::findKeyCharacters($keyID);
     // Check if this key has any characters associated with it
     if (!$characters) {
     // Lock the call so that we are the only instance of this running now()
     // If it is already locked, just return without doing anything
     if (!BaseApi::isLockedCall($api, $scope, $keyID)) {
         $lockhash = BaseApi::lockCall($api, $scope, $keyID);
     } else {
     // So I think a corporation key will only ever have one character
     // attached to it. So we will just use that characterID for auth
     // things, but the corporationID for locking etc.
     $corporationID = BaseApi::findCharacterCorporation($characters[0]);
     // Prepare the Pheal instance
     $pheal = new Pheal($keyID, $vCode);
     // Do the actual API call. pheal-ng actually handles some internal
     // caching too.
     try {
         $title_list = $pheal->corpScope->Titles(array('characterID' => $characters[0]));
     } catch (\Pheal\Exceptions\APIException $e) {
         // If we cant get account status information, prevent us from calling
         // this API again
         BaseApi::banCall($api, $scope, $keyID, 0, $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage());
     } catch (\Pheal\Exceptions\PhealException $e) {
         throw $e;
     // Check if the data in the database is still considered up to date.
     // checkDbCache will return true if this is the case
     if (!BaseApi::checkDbCache($scope, $api, $title_list->cached_until, $corporationID)) {
         foreach ($title_list->titles as $title) {
             $title_data = \EveCorporationTitlemap::where('corporationID', '=', $corporationID)->where('titleID', '=', $title->titleID)->first();
             if (!$title_data) {
                 $title_info = new \EveCorporationTitlemap();
             } else {
                 $title_info = $title_data;
             $title_info->corporationID = $corporationID;
             $title_info->titleID = $title->titleID;
             $title_info->titleName = $title->titleName;
             $title_info->roles = Titles::getRolesFromRolegroup($title->roles);
             $title_info->grantableRoles = Titles::getRolesFromRolegroup($title->grantableRoles);
             $title_info->rolesAtHQ = Titles::getRolesFromRolegroup($title->rolesAtHQ);
             $title_info->grantableRolesAtHQ = Titles::getRolesFromRolegroup($title->grantableRolesAtHQ);
             $title_info->rolesAtBase = Titles::getRolesFromRolegroup($title->rolesAtBase);
             $title_info->grantableRolesAtBase = Titles::getRolesFromRolegroup($title->grantableRolesAtBase);
             $title_info->rolesAtOther = Titles::getRolesFromRolegroup($title->rolesAtOther);
             $title_info->grantableRolesAtOther = Titles::getRolesFromRolegroup($title->grantableRolesAtOther);
         // Update the cached_until time in the database for this api call
         BaseApi::setDbCache($scope, $api, $title_list->cached_until, $corporationID);
     // Unlock the call
     return $title_list;