<!-- layout: default --> Current Module: <?php echo $moduleName; ?> <br /> Testing: <?php echo $welcomeText; ?> <br /> <?php \Scabbia\Helpers\String::vardump($this->controller->routeInfo); \Scabbia\Helpers\String::vardump(\Scabbia\Framework\ApplicationBase::$current->config); ?> .
/** * GET /config action * * @route {method: get, name: "home/config", path: "/config"} * * @return void */ public function getConfig() { // $tConfig = new Config(); // $tConfig->add("/var/www/test.yml"); // $tConfig->add("/var/www/test2.yml"); // var_dump($tConfig->get()); echo "application configuration:<br />"; String::vardump($this->application->config); echo "<br />"; echo "module configuration:<br />"; String::vardump($this->moduleConfig); echo "<br />"; }
/** * A sample for event-member method for requestBegin event * * @event {on: requestBegin, priority: 10} * * @param null|array $uEventArgs arguments for the event * * @return void */ public static function onRequestBegin($uEventArgs) { // echo "onRequestBegin<br />"; String::vardump($uEventArgs); }
/** * Creates a table widget * * @param array $uHeaders table headers * @param iterable $uData table data * @param array $uVariables variables * * @return string html output */ public static function table(array $uHeaders, $uData, array $uVariables) { $uVariables = $uVariables + self::$defaults; $tResult = String::format($uVariables["table_table"], []); if (count($uHeaders) > 0) { $tResult .= "<tr>"; foreach ($uHeaders as $tColumn) { $tResult .= String::format($uVariables["table_header"], ["value" => $tColumn]); } $tResult .= "</tr>"; } $tCount = 0; foreach ($uData as $tRow) { if (isset($uVariables["table_row_func"])) { $tResult .= call_user_func($uVariables["table_row_func"], $tRow, $tCount++); } else { if (isset($uVariables["row"])) { $tResult .= String::format($uVariables["table_row"], $tRow); } else { $tResult .= "<tr>"; foreach ($tRow as $tColumn) { $tResult .= String::format($uVariables["table_cell"], ["value" => $tColumn]); } $tResult .= "</tr>"; } } } $tResult .= "</table>"; return $tResult; }
/** * Returns the mimetype of given extension * * @param string $uExtension extension of the file * @param string $uDefault default mimetype if nothing found * * @return string */ public static function getMimetype($uExtension, $uDefault = "application/octet-stream") { $tExtension = String::toLower($uExtension); if ($tExtension === "pdf") { return "application/pdf"; } elseif ($tExtension === "exe") { return "application/octet-stream"; } elseif ($tExtension === "dll") { return "application/x-msdownload"; } elseif ($tExtension === "zip") { return "application/zip"; } elseif ($tExtension === "rar") { return "application/x-rar-compressed"; } elseif ($tExtension === "gz" || $tExtension === "gzip" || $tExtension === "tgz") { return "application/gzip"; } elseif ($tExtension === "7z") { return "application/x-7z-compressed"; } elseif ($tExtension === "tar") { return "application/x-tar"; } elseif ($tExtension === "jar") { return "application/java-archive"; } elseif ($tExtension === "deb") { return "application/x-deb"; } elseif ($tExtension === "img") { return "application/x-apple-diskimage"; } elseif ($tExtension === "csv") { return "text/csv"; } elseif ($tExtension === "txt" || $tExtension === "text" || $tExtension === "log" || $tExtension === "ini") { return "text/plain"; } elseif ($tExtension === "md") { return "text/x-markdown"; } elseif ($tExtension === "rtf") { return "text/rtf"; } elseif ($tExtension === "odt") { return "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text"; } elseif ($tExtension === "ods") { return "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet"; } elseif ($tExtension === "smil") { return "application/smil"; } elseif ($tExtension === "eml") { return "message/rfc822"; } elseif ($tExtension === "xml" || $tExtension === "xsl") { return "text/xml"; } elseif ($tExtension === "doc" || $tExtension === "dot" || $tExtension === "word") { return "application/msword"; } elseif ($tExtension === "docx" || $tExtension === "dotx") { return "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"; } elseif ($tExtension === "xls") { return "application/vnd.ms-excel"; } elseif ($tExtension === "xl") { return "application/excel"; } elseif ($tExtension === "xlsx") { return "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"; } elseif ($tExtension === "ppt" || $tExtension === "pps") { return "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint"; } elseif ($tExtension === "pptx") { return "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"; } elseif ($tExtension === "ppsx") { return "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow"; } elseif ($tExtension === "ics") { return "text/calendar"; } elseif ($tExtension === "vcf" || $tExtension === "vcard") { return "text/vcard"; } elseif ($tExtension === "bmp") { return "image/x-ms-bmp"; } elseif ($tExtension === "gif") { return "image/gif"; } elseif ($tExtension === "png") { return "image/png"; } elseif ($tExtension === "jpeg" || $tExtension === "jpe" || $tExtension === "jpg") { return "image/jpeg"; } elseif ($tExtension === "webp") { return "image/webp"; } elseif ($tExtension === "tif" || $tExtension === "tiff") { return "image/tiff"; } elseif ($tExtension === "psd") { return "image/vnd.adobe.photoshop"; } elseif ($tExtension === "ai" || $tExtension === "eps" || $tExtension === "ps") { return "application/postscript"; } elseif ($tExtension === "cdr") { return "application/cdr"; } elseif ($tExtension === "mid" || $tExtension === "midi") { return "audio/midi"; } elseif ($tExtension === "mpga" || $tExtension === "mp2" || $tExtension === "mp3") { return "audio/mpeg"; } elseif ($tExtension === "aif" || $tExtension === "aiff" || $tExtension === "aifc") { return "audio/x-aiff"; } elseif ($tExtension === "wav") { return "audio/x-wav"; } elseif ($tExtension === "aac") { return "audio/aac"; } elseif ($tExtension === "ogg") { return "application/ogg"; } elseif ($tExtension === "wma") { return "audio/x-ms-wma"; } elseif ($tExtension === "m4a") { return "audio/x-m4a"; } elseif ($tExtension === "mpeg" || $tExtension === "mpg" || $tExtension === "mpe") { return "video/mpeg"; } elseif ($tExtension === "mp4" || $tExtension === "f4v") { return "application/mp4"; } elseif ($tExtension === "qt" || $tExtension === "mov") { return "video/quicktime"; } elseif ($tExtension === "avi") { return "video/x-msvideo"; } elseif ($tExtension === "wmv") { return "video/x-ms-wmv"; } elseif ($tExtension === "webm") { return "video/webm"; } elseif ($tExtension === "swf") { return "application/x-shockwave-flash"; } elseif ($tExtension === "flv") { return "video/x-flv"; } elseif ($tExtension === "mkv") { return "video/x-matroska"; } elseif ($tExtension === "htm" || $tExtension === "html" || $tExtension === "shtm" || $tExtension === "shtml") { return "text/html"; } elseif ($tExtension === "php") { return "application/x-httpd-php"; } elseif ($tExtension === "phps") { return "application/x-httpd-php-source"; } elseif ($tExtension === "css") { return "text/css"; } elseif ($tExtension === "js") { return "application/x-javascript"; } elseif ($tExtension === "json") { return "application/json"; } elseif ($tExtension === "c" || $tExtension === "h") { return "text/x-c"; } elseif ($tExtension === "py") { return "application/x-python"; } elseif ($tExtension === "sh") { return "text/x-shellscript"; } elseif ($tExtension === "pem") { return "application/x-x509-user-cert"; } elseif ($tExtension === "crt" || $tExtension === "cer") { return "application/x-x509-ca-cert"; } elseif ($tExtension === "pgp") { return "application/pgp"; } elseif ($tExtension === "gpg") { return "application/gpg-keys"; } elseif ($tExtension === "svg") { return "image/svg+xml"; } elseif ($tExtension === "ttf") { return "application/x-font-ttf:"; } elseif ($tExtension === "woff") { return "application/x-font-woff"; } if (function_exists("finfo_open")) { $tFinfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME); $tMimetype = finfo_file($tFinfo, "test.{$uExtension}"); finfo_close($tFinfo); return $tMimetype; } return $uDefault; }