protected function getSDK($authorized = true) { date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $sdk = new SDK('whatever', 'whatever', 'https://whatever', 'SDKTests', SDK::VERSION, $authorized, $authorized); if ($authorized) { $sdk->mockRegistry()->authenticationMock(); $sdk->platform()->login('18881112233', null, 'password'); } return $sdk; }
<?php require_once __DIR__ . '/_bootstrap.php'; use RingCentral\SDK\SDK; // Create SDK instance $credentials = (require __DIR__ . '/_credentials.php'); $rcsdk = new SDK($credentials['appKey'], $credentials['appSecret'], $credentials['server'], 'Demo', '1.0.0'); $platform = $rcsdk->platform(); // Authorize $platform->login($credentials['username'], $credentials['extension'], $credentials['password'], true); // Find call log records with recordings $callLogRecords = $platform->get('/account/~/extension/~/call-log', array('type' => 'Voice', 'withRecording' => 'True', 'dateFrom' => $credentials['dateFrom'], 'dateTo' => $credentials['dateTo']))->json()->records; // Create a CSV file to log the records $status = "Success"; $dir = $credentials['dateFrom']; $fname = "recordings_{$dir}.csv"; $fdir = "/Recordings/{$dir}"; if (is_dir($fdir) === false) { mkdir($fdir, 0777, true); } $file = fopen($fname, 'w'); $fileHeaders = array("RecordingID", "ContentURI", "Filename", "DownloadStatus"); fputcsv($file, $fileHeaders); $fileContents = array(); $timePerRecording = 6; foreach ($callLogRecords as $i => $callLogRecord) { $id = $callLogRecord->recording->id; $uri = $callLogRecord->recording->contentUri; $apiResponse = $platform->get($callLogRecord->recording->contentUri); $ext = $apiResponse->response()->getHeader('Content-Type')[0] == 'audio/mpeg' ? 'mp3' : 'wav'; $start = microtime(true);
private function connectToLiveServer($server) { $sdk = new SDK('foo', 'bar', $server); $res = $sdk->platform()->get('', array(), array(), array('skipAuthCheck' => true))->json(); $this->assertEquals('v1.0', $res->uriString); }
<?php require_once __DIR__ . '/_bootstrap.php'; use RingCentral\SDK\SDK; // Create SDK instance $credentials = (require __DIR__ . '/_credentials.php'); $rcsdk1 = new SDK($credentials['appKey'], $credentials['appSecret'], $credentials['server'], 'Demo', '1.0.0'); $rcsdk2 = new SDK($credentials['appKey'], $credentials['appSecret'], $credentials['server'], 'Demo', '1.0.0'); $platform1 = $rcsdk1->platform(); $platform2 = $rcsdk2->platform(); $platform1->login($credentials['username'], $credentials['extension'], $credentials['password']); print 'Platform1 Authorized' . PHP_EOL; // Share P1 auth data with P2 $platform2->auth()->setData($platform1->auth()->data()); // Make first refresh $platform1->refresh(); try { // Attempt to make second refresh $platform2->refresh(); print 'Tokens should be identical' . PHP_EOL; print $platform1->auth()->accessToken() . PHP_EOL; print $platform2->auth()->accessToken() . PHP_EOL; } catch (\Exception $e) { print 'Failed to do double refresh: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; print $e->getTraceAsString() . PHP_EOL; $extension = $platform1->get('/account/~/extension/~')->json(); print 'Platform1 is still alive though: ' . $extension->name . PHP_EOL; }