/** * Initializes the connection. */ public function init() { parent::init(); if (!class_exists('ResqueAutoloader', false)) { # Turn off our amazing library autoload spl_autoload_unregister(['Yii', 'autoload']); # Include Autoloader library include dirname(__FILE__) . '/ResqueAutoloader.php'; # Run request autoloader ResqueAutoloader::register(); # Give back the power to Yii spl_autoload_register(array('Yii', 'autoload')); } Resque::setBackend($this->server . ':' . $this->port, $this->database, $this->password, $this->timeout); if ($this->prefix) { Resque::redis()->prefix($this->prefix); } }
/** * This command echoes what you have entered as the message. * @param string $message the message to be echoed. */ public function actionIndex() { $includeFiles = getenv('INCLUDE_FILES'); if ($includeFiles) { $includeFiles = explode(',', $includeFiles); foreach ($includeFiles as $file) { require_once $file; } } if (file_exists(Yii::getAlias('@app') . '/config/console.php')) { // Yii2-Basic $config = (require Yii::getAlias('@app') . '/config/console.php'); } else { // Yii2-Advance $config = (require Yii::getAlias('@app') . '/config/main.php'); } $application = new \yii\console\Application($config); # Turn off our amazing library autoload spl_autoload_unregister(array('Yii', 'autoload')); if (file_exists(Yii::getAlias('@vendor') . '/resque/yii2-resque/ResqueAutoloader.php')) { // Yii2-Basic require_once Yii::getAlias('@vendor') . '/resque/yii2-resque/ResqueAutoloader.php'; } else { // Yii2-Advance require_once Yii::getAlias('@app') . '/../vendor/resque/yii2-resque/ResqueAutoloader.php'; } ResqueAutoloader::register(); # Give back the power to Yii spl_autoload_register(array('Yii', 'autoload')); $QUEUE = getenv('QUEUE'); if (empty($QUEUE)) { die("Set QUEUE env var containing the list of queues to work.\n"); } $REDIS_BACKEND = getenv('REDIS_BACKEND'); $REDIS_BACKEND_DB = getenv('REDIS_BACKEND_DB'); $REDIS_AUTH = getenv('REDIS_AUTH'); if (!empty($REDIS_BACKEND)) { $REDIS_BACKEND_DB = !empty($REDIS_BACKEND_DB) ? $REDIS_BACKEND_DB : 0; Resque::setBackend($REDIS_BACKEND, $REDIS_BACKEND_DB, $REDIS_AUTH); } $logLevel = 0; $LOGGING = getenv('LOGGING'); $VERBOSE = getenv('VERBOSE'); $VVERBOSE = getenv('VVERBOSE'); if (!empty($LOGGING) || !empty($VERBOSE)) { $logLevel = Resque_Worker::LOG_NORMAL; } else { if (!empty($VVERBOSE)) { $logLevel = Resque_Worker::LOG_VERBOSE; } } $logger = null; $LOG_HANDLER = getenv('LOGHANDLER'); $LOG_HANDLER_TARGET = getenv('LOGHANDLERTARGET'); if (class_exists('MonologInit_MonologInit')) { if (!empty($LOG_HANDLER) && !empty($LOG_HANDLER_TARGET)) { $logger = new MonologInit_MonologInit($LOG_HANDLER, $LOG_HANDLER_TARGET); } else { fwrite(STDOUT, '*** loghandler or logtarget is not set.' . "\n"); } } else { fwrite(STDOUT, '*** MonologInit_MonologInit logger cannot be found, continue without loghandler.' . "\n"); } $interval = 5; $INTERVAL = getenv('INTERVAL'); if (!empty($INTERVAL)) { $interval = $INTERVAL; } $count = 1; $COUNT = getenv('COUNT'); if (!empty($COUNT) && $COUNT > 1) { $count = $COUNT; } $PREFIX = getenv('PREFIX'); if (!empty($PREFIX)) { fwrite(STDOUT, '*** Prefix set to ' . $PREFIX . "\n"); Resque::redis()->prefix($PREFIX); } if ($count > 1) { for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) { $pid = Resque::fork(); if ($pid == -1) { die("Could not fork worker " . $i . "\n"); } else { if (!$pid) { startWorker($QUEUE, $logLevel, $logger, $interval); break; } } } } else { $PIDFILE = getenv('PIDFILE'); if ($PIDFILE) { file_put_contents($PIDFILE, getmypid()) or die('Could not write PID information to ' . $PIDFILE); } $this->startWorker($QUEUE, $logLevel, $logger, $interval); } }