Пример #1
  * Default constructor for the Commerce Product object. Do not call this
  * class directly. Create a separate class for each product type and use its
  * constructor.
  * @param int $product_id
  *   Product id if an existing product is to be loaded.
 public function __construct($product_id = NULL)
     $class = new \ReflectionClass(get_called_class());
     $type = Utils::makeSnakeCase($class->getShortName());
     if (!is_null($product_id)) {
         $product = NULL;
         if (is_numeric($product_id)) {
             $product = commerce_product_load($product_id);
         if ($product && $product->type == $type) {
         // SKU might have been passed instead.
         $product = commerce_product_load_by_sku($product_id);
         if ($product && $product->type == $type) {
         if (!$product) {
             $this->setErrors("Product with id or sku {$product_id} and type {$type} does not exist.");
     } else {
         $product = commerce_product_new($type);
Пример #2
  * Default constructor.
  * @param null|int $id
  *   Comment id if a comment edit form is to be loaded and null if comment
  *   add form is to be loaded.
 public function __construct($id)
     if (!user_access('post comments')) {
         $this->setErrors("User is not allowed to post comments.");
     $args = func_get_args();
     $nid = array_shift($args);
     $pid = array_shift($args);
     $classname = get_called_class();
     $class = new \ReflectionClass($classname);
     $class_shortname = $class->getShortName();
     $class_fullname = "RedTest\\entities\\Comment\\" . substr($class_shortname, 0, -4);
     $commentObject = new $class_fullname($id, $nid, $pid);
     if (!$commentObject->getInitialized()) {
     $nid = $commentObject->getNidValues();
     $node = node_load($nid);
     if ($node->comment != COMMENT_NODE_OPEN && is_null($id)) {
         $this->setErrors("Node {$nid} does not allow posting of comments.");
     $type = Utils::makeSnakeCase(substr($class_shortname, 0, -11));
     parent::__construct('comment_node_' . $type . '_form', (object) array('nid' => $nid, 'pid' => $pid));
Пример #3
  * Default constructor for the node object. Do not call this class directly.
  * Create a separate class for each content type and use its constructor.
  * @param int $nid
  *   Nid if an existing node is to be loaded.
 public function __construct($nid = NULL)
     $class = new \ReflectionClass(get_called_class());
     $type = Utils::makeSnakeCase($class->getShortName());
     if (!is_null($nid) && is_numeric($nid)) {
         $node = node_load($nid);
         if (!$node) {
             $this->setErrors("Node with nid {$nid} does not exist.");
         if ($node->type != $type) {
             $this->setErrors("Node's type doesn't match the class.");
     } else {
         global $user;
         $node = (object) array('title' => NULL, 'type' => $type, 'language' => LANGUAGE_NONE, 'is_new' => TRUE, 'name' => $user->name);
Пример #4
  * Default constructor for the comment object.
  * @param int|null $cid
  *   Cid if an existing comment is to be loaded and null if a new comment is
  *   to be loaded.
 public function __construct($cid = NULL)
     $args = func_get_args();
     $nid = array_shift($args);
     $pid = array_shift($args);
     if (is_null($cid)) {
         if (!isset($nid) || !is_numeric($nid)) {
             $this->setErrors('Provide nid for a comment add form.');
         $node = node_load($nid);
         $comment = (object) array('nid' => $nid);
     } else {
         $comment = comment_load($cid);
         $comment_nid = $comment->nid;
         if (!is_null($nid) && $comment_nid != $nid) {
             $this->setErrors('Id of the node associated with the comment and provided node id do not match.');
         $node = node_load($comment_nid);
     if (!$node) {
         $this->setErrors("Node {$nid} doesn't exist.");
     if (!is_null($pid)) {
         $parent_comment = comment_load($pid);
         if (!$parent_comment) {
             $this->setErrors("Comment {$pid} does not exist.");
         if ($parent_comment->nid != $node->nid) {
             $this->setErrors("Node id associated with the parent comment and the one that is provided do not match.");
         $comment->pid = $pid;
     $classname = get_called_class();
     $class = new \ReflectionClass($classname);
     $class_shortname = $class->getShortName();
     $type = Utils::makeSnakeCase(substr($class_shortname, 0, -7));
     if ($node->type != $type) {
         $this->setErrors("Classes of comment and the node do not match. Class of comment is {$type} while that of node is " . $node->type . ".");
Пример #5
  * Default constructor of the node form. You should not be invoking NodeForm
  * directly. Create a form for your content type that extends NodeForm and
  * invoke that. The access level has to be kept public here because access
  * level of parent class has to be match that of child class.
  * @param null|int $nid
  *   Node id if an existing node form is to be loaded. If a new node form is
  *   to be created, then keep it empty.
 public function __construct($nid = NULL)
     $classname = get_called_class();
     $class = new \ReflectionClass($classname);
     $class_shortname = $class->getShortName();
     $class_fullname = "RedTest\\entities\\Node\\" . Utils::makeTitleCase(substr($class_shortname, 0, -4));
     $type = Utils::makeSnakeCase(substr($class_shortname, 0, -4));
     $nodeObject = new $class_fullname($nid);
     if (!is_null($this->getEntityObject()->getEntity())) {
         $this->includeFile('inc', 'node', 'node.pages');
         parent::__construct($type . '_node_form', $this->getEntityObject()->getEntity());
Пример #6
  * Default constructor for the term object.
  * @param int $tid
  *   TaxonomyTerm id if an existing term is to be loaded.
 public function __construct($tid = NULL)
     $class = new \ReflectionClass(get_called_class());
     $vocabulary_name = Utils::makeSnakeCase($class->getShortName());
     if (!is_null($tid) && is_numeric($tid)) {
         $term = taxonomy_term_load($tid);
         if ($term->vocabulary_machine_name == $vocabulary_name) {
     } else {
         $term = (object) array('name' => '', 'description' => '', 'format' => NULL, 'vocabulary_machine_name' => $vocabulary_name, 'tid' => NULL, 'weight' => 0);
Пример #7
  * Default constructor for the node object. Do not call this class directly.
  * Create a separate class for each content type and use its constructor.
  * @param int $nid
  *   Nid if an existing node is to be loaded.
 public function __construct($nid = NULL)
     $class = new \ReflectionClass(get_called_class());
     $type = Utils::makeSnakeCase($class->getShortName());
     if (!is_null($nid) && is_numeric($nid)) {
         $node = node_load($nid);
         if ($node->type == $type) {
     } else {
         global $user;
         $node = (object) array('title' => NULL, 'type' => $type, 'language' => LANGUAGE_NONE, 'is_new' => TRUE, 'name' => $user->name);
  * Default constructor for the Commerce Customer Profile.
  * @param int $order_id
  *   Order id if an existing order is to be loaded.
 public function __construct($profile_id = NULL)
     if (!is_null($profile_id) && is_numeric($profile_id)) {
         $profile = commerce_customer_profile_load($profile_id);
         if (!$profile) {
             $this->setErrors("Profile with id {$profile} does not exist.");
     } else {
         global $user;
         $class = new \ReflectionClass(get_called_class());
         $type = Utils::makeSnakeCase($class->getShortName());
         $profile = commerce_customer_profile_new($type, $user->uid);
Пример #9
  * Default constructor for the Commerce Recurring object.
  * @param int $recurring_id
  *   Recurring id if an existing recurring entity is to be loaded.
 public function __construct($recurring_id = NULL)
     $class = new \ReflectionClass(get_called_class());
     $type = Utils::makeSnakeCase($class->getShortName());
     if (!is_null($recurring_id)) {
         $rec_entity = NULL;
         if (is_numeric($recurring_id)) {
             $rec_entity = commerce_recurring_load($recurring_id);
         if (!empty($rec_entity)) {
     } else {
         $rec_entity = commerce_recurring_new(array('type' => $type));
Пример #10
  * Default constructor for the Commerce Line Item object. Do not call this
  * class directly. Create a separate class for each line item type and use
  * its constructor.
  * You can also pass a second argument, and it will be interpreted as
  * order_id. It is used for creating a new line item.
  * @param int $line_item_id
  *   Product id if an existing product is to be loaded.
 public function __construct($line_item_id = NULL)
     $args = func_get_args();
     $order_id = array_shift($args);
     if (is_null($order_id)) {
         $order_id = 0;
     if (!is_null($line_item_id) && is_numeric($line_item_id)) {
         $line_item = commerce_line_item_load($line_item_id);
         if (!$line_item) {
             $this->setErrors("Line item with id {$line_item_id} does not exist.");
     } else {
         $class = new \ReflectionClass(get_called_class());
         $type = Utils::makeSnakeCase($class->getShortName());
         $line_item = commerce_line_item_new($type, $order_id);
Пример #11
  * Default constructor of the taxonomy term form. You should not be invoking
  * TaxonomyFormTerm directly. Create a form for your vocabulary that extends
  * TaxonomyFormTerm and invoke that. The access level has to be kept public
  * here because access level of parent class has to be match that of child
  * class.
  * @param null|int $tid
  *   Taxonomy term id if a taxonomy term edit form is to be loaded. If a
  *   taxonomy term add form is to be created, then keep it empty.
 public function __construct($tid = NULL)
     $classname = get_called_class();
     $class = new \ReflectionClass($classname);
     $class_shortname = $class->getShortName();
     $vocabulary_name = Utils::makeSnakeCase(substr($class_shortname, 0, -4));
     if (!is_null($tid) && is_numeric($tid)) {
         // Tid is not null and is numeric.
         $term = taxonomy_term_load($tid);
         if ($term->vocabulary_machine_name == $vocabulary_name) {
             $this->vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($vocabulary_name);
             $base_path = "RedTest\\entities\\TaxonomyTerm\\";
             $class_fullname = $base_path . substr($class_shortname, 0, -4);
             $termObject = new $class_fullname($tid);
             $this->includeFile('inc', 'taxonomy', 'taxonomy.admin');
             parent::__construct('taxonomy_form_term', $term, $this->vocabulary);
         } else {
             // Vocabulary name of the provided term does not match the class it was called from. Return with a FAIL response.
             $this->setErrors("Vocabulary of the provided term does not match the class it was called from.");
     } else {
         // Proper tid is not provided. Create a dummy term object.
         $base_path = "RedTest\\entities\\TaxonomyTerm\\";
         $class_fullname = $base_path . substr($class_shortname, 0, -4);
         $termObject = new $class_fullname();
     // tid is not provided or is not numeric.
     $this->vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($vocabulary_name);
     $this->includeFile('inc', 'taxonomy', 'taxonomy.admin');
     parent::__construct('taxonomy_form_term', array(), $this->vocabulary);
Пример #12
  * Magic method. This function will be executed when a matching function is
  * not found. Currently this supports three kinds of functions:
  * getEntityType(), get<FieldName>() and has<FieldName><View|Edit>Access().
  * @param string $name
  *   Called function name.
  * @param string $arguments
  *   Function arguments.
  * @return mixed $output
  *   Output depends on which function ultimately gets called.
 public function __call($name, $arguments)
     if ($name == 'getEntityType') {
         return $this->getObjectEntityType();
     } elseif ($name == 'hasAccess') {
         return call_user_func_array(array($this, 'hasObjectAccess'), $arguments);
     } elseif ($this->isHasFieldAccessFunction($name)) {
         // Function name starts with "has" and ends with "Access". Function name
         // is not one of "hasCreateAccess", "hasUpdateAccess", "hasViewAccess" or
         // "hasDeleteAccess" otherwise code execution would not have reached this
         // function. This means that we are checking if a field is accessible.
         $name = substr($name, 3, -6);
         $op = '';
         $field_name = '';
         if (Utils::endsWith($name, 'View')) {
             $op = 'view';
             $field_name = Utils::makeSnakeCase(substr($name, 0, -4));
         } elseif (Utils::endsWith($name, 'Update')) {
             $op = 'edit';
             $field_name = Utils::makeSnakeCase(substr($name, 0, -6));
         if (in_array($op, array('view', 'edit'))) {
             return $this->hasFieldAccess($field_name, $op);
     } elseif ($this->isGetFieldValuesFunction($name)) {
         // Function name starts with "get" and ends with "Values". This means that
         // we need to return value of a field.
         array_unshift($arguments, Utils::makeSnakeCase(substr($name, 3, -6)));
         return call_user_func_array(array($this, 'getFieldValues'), $arguments);
     } elseif (strpos($name, 'view') === 0) {
         // Function name starts with "view".
         array_unshift($arguments, Utils::makeSnakeCase(substr($name, 4)));
         return call_user_func_array(array($this, 'viewField'), $arguments);
     } elseif ($this->isCheckFieldValuesFunction($name)) {
         // Function name starts with "check" and ends with "Values".
         $field_name = Utils::makeSnakeCase(substr($name, 5, -6));
         array_unshift($arguments, $field_name);
         return call_user_func_array(array($this, 'checkFieldValues'), $arguments);
     } elseif (strpos($name, "check") === 0 && strrpos($name, 'Views') == strlen($name) - 5) {
         // Function name starts with "check" and ends with "Values".
         $field_name = Utils::makeSnakeCase(substr($name, 5, -5));
         array_unshift($arguments, $field_name);
         return call_user_func_array(array($this, 'checkFieldViews'), $arguments);
Пример #13
  * Magic method. This function will be executed when a matching function is
  * not found. Currently this supports four kinds of functions:
  * fill<FieldName>RandomValues(), fill<FieldName>Values,
  * has<FieldName>Access, is<FieldName>Required.
  * @param string $name
  *   Called function name.
  * @param string $arguments
  *   Function arguments.
  * @return mixed $output
  *   Output depends on which function ultimately gets called.
 public function __call($name, $arguments)
     if ($this->isFillFieldRandomValuesFunction($name)) {
         // Function name starts with "fill" and ends with "RandomValues".
         $field_name = Utils::makeSnakeCase(substr($name, 4, -12));
         array_unshift($arguments, $field_name);
         return call_user_func_array(array($this, 'fillFieldRandomValues'), $arguments);
     } elseif ($this->isFillFieldValuesFunction($name)) {
         // Function name starts with "fill" and ends with "Values".
         $field_name = Utils::makeSnakeCase(substr($name, 4, -6));
         $arguments = array_shift($arguments);
         return $this->fillFieldValues($field_name, $arguments);
     } elseif (strpos($name, 'has') === 0 && strrpos($name, 'Access') == strlen($name) - 6) {
         // Function name starts with "has" and ends with "Access". Function name
         // is not one of "hasCreateAccess", "hasUpdateAccess", "hasViewAccess" or
         // "hasDeleteAccess" otherwise code execution would not have reached this
         // function. This means that we are checking if a field is accessible.
         $field_name = Utils::makeSnakeCase(substr($name, 3, -6));
         return $this->hasFieldAccess($field_name);
     } elseif (strpos($name, 'is') === 0 && strrpos($name, 'Required') == strlen($name) - 8) {
         // Function name starts with "is" and ends with "Required". We are
         // checking if a field is required or not.
         $field_name = Utils::makeSnakeCase(substr($name, 2, -8));
         $arguments = array_shift($arguments);
         return $this->isRequired($field_name, $arguments);