getNextStatusListData() публичный статический Метод

Returns an associative array containing all statuses that can be reached by model.
public static getNextStatusListData ( BaseActiveRecord $model, boolean $validate = false, boolean $beforeEvents = false, boolean $includeCurrent = false ) : array
$model yii\db\BaseActiveRecord
$validate boolean when TRUE only those status with successfull attribute validation are included. When FALSE (default) Attribute validation is done performed.
$beforeEvents boolean when TRUE all configured *before* events are fired : only the status that don't invalidate the workflow event are included in the returned array, otherwise no event is fired and all next status are included
$includeCurrent boolean when TRUE the current model status is added to the returned array. When FALSE (default) only next statuses are included
Результат array
 public function testGetNextStatusListData()
     $model = new Item04();
     $ar = WorkflowHelper::getNextStatusListData($model);
     $expected = ['Item04Workflow/A' => 'Entry', 'Item04Workflow/B' => 'Published'];
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($ar));
     $this->assertEquals(2, count(array_intersect_assoc($expected, $ar)));
     $ar = WorkflowHelper::getNextStatusListData($model, false, false, true);
     $this->assertEquals(3, count($ar));
     $this->assertEquals(3, count(array_intersect_assoc(['Item04Workflow/A' => 'Entry', 'Item04Workflow/B' => 'Published', 'Item04Workflow/C' => 'node C'], $ar)));
Пример #2
  * Returns the status string of the next valid status from the list of transitions
  * @param BaseActiveRecord|SimpleWorkflowBehavior $model
  * @return string
 public static function getNextStatus($model)
     $currentStatus = $model->getAttribute('status');
     $statusList = $model->getWorkflowSource()->getAllStatuses($model->getWorkflow()->getId());
     $transitions = array_keys(WorkflowHelper::getNextStatusListData($this->owner));
     $started = false;
     foreach ($statusList as $status) {
         $status_id = $status->getId();
         if ($started) {
             if (in_array($status_id, $transitions) && static::isValidNextStatus($model, $status_id)) {
                 return $status_id;
         if ($status_id == $currentStatus) {
             $started = true;
     return $currentStatus;