См. также: http://raml.org/spec.html
Наследование: implements raml\ArrayInstantiationInterface
  * @param string $path
  * @return \Raml\Resource
  * @throws ValidatorSchemaException
 private function getResource($path)
     try {
         return $this->apiDefinition->getResourceByUri($path);
     } catch (ResourceNotFoundException $exception) {
         $message = sprintf('Schema for URI %s was not found in API definition', $path);
         throw new ValidatorSchemaException($message, 0, $exception);
Пример #2
  * @param string $path
  * @throw Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException
  * @return \Raml\Resource|false
 protected function getResourceFromPath($path)
     try {
         $resource = $this->apiDefinition->getResourceByUri($path);
     } catch (ResourceNotFoundException $e) {
         //Try with a trailing slash to accept /resource/ and /ressource
         try {
             $resource = $this->apiDefinition->getResourceByUri($path . '/');
         } catch (ResourceNotFoundException $e) {
             throw new NotFoundHttpException($e->getMessage());
     return $resource;
Пример #3
  * Build namespace given ApiDefinition and base namespace
  * @param  ApiDefinition $definition Checks if definition has version
  * @param  string        $namespace  Base
  * @return string
 protected function buildNamespace(ApiDefinition $definition, $namespace)
     if ($this->config['version_in_namespace'] && $definition->getVersion()) {
         $namespace .= '\\' . preg_replace(array('/(^[0-9])/', '/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/'), array('Version\\1', '_'), $definition->getVersion());
     return $namespace;
Пример #4
  * Parse RAML data
  * @param string $ramlData
  * @param string $rootDir
  * @throws RamlParserException
  * @return \Raml\ApiDefinition
 private function parseRamlData($ramlData, $rootDir)
     if (!isset($ramlData['title'])) {
         throw new RamlParserException();
     $ramlData = $this->parseTraits($ramlData);
     $ramlData = $this->parseResourceTypes($ramlData);
     if ($this->configuration->isSchemaParsingEnabled()) {
         if (isset($ramlData['schemas'])) {
             $schemas = [];
             foreach ($ramlData['schemas'] as $schemaCollection) {
                 foreach ($schemaCollection as $schemaName => $schema) {
                     $schemas[$schemaName] = $schema;
         foreach ($ramlData as $key => $value) {
             if (0 === strpos($key, '/')) {
                 if (isset($schemas)) {
                     $value = $this->replaceSchemas($value, $schemas);
                 if (is_array($value)) {
                     $value = $this->recurseAndParseSchemas($value, $rootDir);
                 $ramlData[$key] = $value;
     if (isset($ramlData['securitySchemes'])) {
         $ramlData['securitySchemes'] = $this->parseSecuritySettings($ramlData['securitySchemes']);
     return ApiDefinition::createFromArray($ramlData['title'], $ramlData);
Пример #5
  * @param string $output file to generate
 public function generate($output)
     $html = $this->twig->render('index.html.twig', array('title' => $this->specification->getTitle(), 'base_url' => $this->specification->getBaseUrl(), 'security' => $this->specification->getSecuritySchemes(), 'resources' => $this->specification->getResources(), 'documentation' => $this->specification->getDocumentationList(), 'base_dir_raml' => $this->base_dir_raml, 'version' => $this->specification->getVersion()));
     file_put_contents($output, $html);
Пример #6
  * @param string $ramlFile
 public function generateRest($ramlFile, Local $directoryOutput)
     $parser = new Parser();
     try {
          * file di routing symfony
          * @var array
         $routing = [];
          * Mappa delle proprieta dei controller da generare
          * @var array
         $mappaClassDef = [];
         $this->apiDef = $parser->parse($ramlFile);
         $this->logger->info('Title: ' . $this->apiDef->getTitle());
         $baseUrl = $this->apiDef->getBaseUrl();
         $parametriBaseUrl = $this->apiDef->getBaseUriParameters();
         /** @var \Raml\BaseUriParameter $definition */
         foreach ($parametriBaseUrl as $varName => $definition) {
             if (!array_key_exists($varName, $this->mapExternalInfo)) {
                 $this->error('Missing: ' . $varName . ' -> ' . $definition->getDescription());
                 $this->mapExternalInfo[$varName] = 'undefined';
             $baseUrl = str_replace($varName, $this->mapExternalInfo[$varName], $baseUrl);
         $this->info('BaseUrl ' . $baseUrl);
         //corrisponde a host: "{subdomain}.example.com" dentro routing.yml
         $enabledProtocols = $this->apiDef->getProtocols();
         //serve per fare controlli su http/https -> schemes:  [https] dentro routing.yml
         $infoSecuritySchema = $this->apiDef->getSecuredBy();
         // descrive i vari security schema usati nelle varie risorse
         /* @var: \Raml\Resource[] */
         $resources = $this->apiDef->getResources();
         $namespace = $this->bundleName . '\\Controller';
         /** @var: \Raml\Resource $resource */
         foreach ($resources as $resource) {
             $displayName = $resource->getDisplayName();
             $this->info('Controller per path: ' . $displayName);
             $names = explode('/', $displayName);
             preg_match_all("/(\\/{[a-zA-Z]+}(\\/)?)+/i", $displayName, $methodParam);
             array_walk($names, [$this, 'removeGraph']);
             $className = implode('', $names);
             $methods = $resource->getMethods();
             if (count($methods) > 0) {
                 /** @var \Raml\Method $method */
                 foreach ($methods as $method) {
                     $controllerName = ucfirst($className);
                     // Creo $appBundle / $workspace Controller . php
                     $this->info('Genera: ' . $namespace . $controllerName . 'Controller');
                     $controllerProperties = [];
                     $controllerProperties['name'] = $controllerName . 'Controller';
                     $controllerProperties['namespace'] = $namespace;
                     $controllerProperties['extend'] = 'Symfony\\Bundle\\FrameworkBundle\\Controller\\Controller';
                     $methodListParams = implode(',', $methodParam[0]);
                     $type = strtolower($method->getType());
                     $methodCallName = $type . $controllerName;
                     $actionName = $methodCallName . 'Action';
                     $this->info('Call Method: ' . $actionName . '(' . $methodListParams . ')');
                     $controllerProperties['methods'] = [];
                     $controllerProperties['methods'][$actionName] = [];
                     $controllerProperties['methods'][$actionName]['params'] = [];
                     $description = $method->getDescription();
                     $this->info('Description: ' . $description);
                     $entryName = strtolower($className) . '_' . $type;
                     $routing[$entryName]['path'] = $displayName;
                     $routing[$entryName]['defaults']['_controller'] = $this->bundleName . ':' . $controllerName . ':' . $methodCallName;
                     $routing[$entryName]['host'] = $baseUrl;
                     $routing[$entryName]['methods'] = [];
                     $routing[$entryName]['methods'][] = strtoupper($type);
                     $routing[$entryName]['schemas'] = $enabledProtocols;
                     $routing[$entryName]['requirements'] = [];
                     $routing[$entryName]['requirements'][] = 'FIXME';
                     $mappaClassDef[$controllerName . 'Controller'] = $controllerProperties;
                 //fine methods
             /* @var \Raml\Resource $subResources */
             $subResources = $resource->getResources();
             foreach ($subResources as $subResource) {
                 //$this->analyzeResource($subResource, $directoryOutput);
                 //// SAMPLE:
                 // /Workspace GET => Workspace/GetWorkspace.php
                 // /Workspace POST => Workspace/POSTWorkspace.php
                 // /Workspace/{id} GET => Workspace/GetWorkspaceById.php
         //fine reousrces
         $indent = 4;
         $inline = 2;
         $yaml = new Dumper($indent);
         $this->currentFile = $yaml->dump($routing, $inline, 0, 0);
         $this->_createFileOnDir($directoryOutput, $this->bundleName . '/Resources/config/routing.yml');
         foreach ($mappaClassDef as $className => $controllerProp) {
             $this->info('Devo creare ' . $className);
             $gClassgen = new ClassGenerator($namespace, $className);
             $config = new ClassConfig();
             $typesReferenceArray = [];
             $typesDescArray = [];
             $gClassgen->generateClassType($controllerProp, $typesReferenceArray, $typesDescArray, $config);
         $this->info('Scrittura su ' . $directoryOutput);
     } catch (InvalidJsonException $e) {
         $this->error('[' . $e->getErrorCode() . '] ' . $e->getMessage());
     } catch (RamlParserException $e) {
         $this->error('[' . $e->getErrorCode() . '] ' . $e->getMessage());