TDateTimeStamp Class is a wrapper to DateTime: Prado implemented this class before php started shipping the DateTime extension. This class is deprecated and left here only for compatibility for legacy code. Please note that this class doesn't support automatic conversion from gregorian to julian dates anymore.
Устаревший: since 3.2.1
С версии: 3.0.4
Автор: Fabio Bas ctrlaltca[AT]gmail[DOT]com
Пример #1
 function testRandomDates()
     $start = 1960 + rand(0, 10);
     $yrs = 12;
     $i = 365.25 * 86400 * ($start - 1970);
     $offset = 36000 + rand(10000, 60000);
     $max = 365 * $yrs * 86400;
     $lastyear = 0;
     $s = new TDateTimeStamp();
     // we generate a timestamp, convert it to a date, and convert it back to a timestamp
     // and check if the roundtrip broke the original timestamp value.
     //print "Testing $start to ".($start+$yrs).", or $max seconds, offset=$offset: ";
     $fails = 0;
     for ($max += $i; $i < $max; $i += $offset) {
         $ret = $s->formatDate('m,d,Y,H,i,s', $i);
         $arr = explode(',', $ret);
         if ($lastyear != $arr[2]) {
             $lastyear = $arr[2];
         $newi = $s->getTimestamp($arr[3], $arr[4], $arr[5], $arr[0], $arr[1], $arr[2]);
         if ($i != $newi) {
             // This actually can fail if $i is in the middle of a time change due to DST
             $tz = new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get());
             $transitions = $tz->getTransitions($i - 3600, $i + 3600);
             if (count($transitions) == 0) {
             //$j = mktime($arr[3],$arr[4],$arr[5],$arr[0],$arr[1],$arr[2]);
             //print "Error at $i, $j, getTimestamp() returned $newi ($ret)\n";
     $this->assertEquals($fails, 0);
Пример #2
  * Parse the string according to the pattern.
  * @param string|int date string or integer to parse
  * @return int date time stamp
  * @throws TInvalidDataValueException if date string is malformed.
 public function parse($value, $defaultToCurrentTime = true)
     if (is_int($value) || is_float($value)) {
         return $value;
     } else {
         if (!is_string($value)) {
             throw new TInvalidDataValueException('date_to_parse_must_be_string', $value);
     if (empty($this->pattern)) {
         return time();
     $date = time();
     if ($this->length(trim($value)) < 1) {
         return $defaultToCurrentTime ? $date : null;
     $pattern = $this->pattern;
     $i_val = 0;
     $i_format = 0;
     $pattern_length = $this->length($pattern);
     $c = '';
     $token = '';
     $x = null;
     $y = null;
     if ($defaultToCurrentTime) {
         $year = "{$date['year']}";
         $month = $date['mon'];
         $day = $date['mday'];
     } else {
         $year = null;
         $month = null;
         $day = null;
     while ($i_format < $pattern_length) {
         $c = $this->charAt($pattern, $i_format);
         $token = '';
         while ($this->charEqual($pattern, $i_format, $c) && $i_format < $pattern_length) {
             $token .= $this->charAt($pattern, $i_format++);
         if ($token == 'yyyy' || $token == 'yy' || $token == 'y') {
             if ($token == 'yyyy') {
                 $x = 4;
                 $y = 4;
             if ($token == 'yy') {
                 $x = 2;
                 $y = 2;
             if ($token == 'y') {
                 $x = 2;
                 $y = 4;
             $year = $this->getInteger($value, $i_val, $x, $y);
             if ($year === null) {
                 return null;
             //throw new TInvalidDataValueException('Invalid year', $value);
             $i_val += strlen($year);
             if (strlen($year) == 2) {
                 $iYear = (int) $year;
                 if ($iYear > 70) {
                     $year = $iYear + 1900;
                 } else {
                     $year = $iYear + 2000;
             $year = (int) $year;
         } elseif ($token == 'MM' || $token == 'M') {
             $month = $this->getInteger($value, $i_val, $this->length($token), 2);
             $iMonth = (int) $month;
             if ($month === null || $iMonth < 1 || $iMonth > 12) {
                 return null;
             //throw new TInvalidDataValueException('Invalid month', $value);
             $i_val += strlen($month);
             $month = $iMonth;
         } elseif ($token == 'dd' || $token == 'd') {
             $day = $this->getInteger($value, $i_val, $this->length($token), 2);
             $iDay = (int) $day;
             if ($day === null || $iDay < 1 || $iDay > 31) {
                 return null;
             //throw new TInvalidDataValueException('Invalid day', $value);
             $i_val += strlen($day);
             $day = $iDay;
         } else {
             if ($this->substring($value, $i_val, $this->length($token)) != $token) {
                 return null;
             } else {
                 $i_val += $this->length($token);
     if ($i_val != $this->length($value)) {
         return null;
     //throw new TInvalidDataValueException("Pattern '{$this->pattern}' mismatch", $value);
     if (!$defaultToCurrentTime && ($month === null || $day === null || $year === null)) {
         return null;
     } else {
         if (empty($year)) {
             $year = date('Y');
         $day = (int) $day <= 0 ? 1 : (int) $day;
         $month = (int) $month <= 0 ? 1 : (int) $month;
         $s = new TDateTimeStamp();
         return $s->getTimeStamp(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
Пример #3
  * Renders the drop down list date picker.
 protected function renderDropDownListCalendar($writer)
     if ($this->getMode() == TDatePickerMode::Basic) {
     $writer->addAttribute('id', $this->getClientID());
     if (strlen($class = $this->getCssClass()) > 0) {
         $writer->addAttribute('class', $class);
     $s = new TDateTimeStamp();
     $date = $s->getDate($this->getTimeStampFromText());
     //$date = @getdate($this->getTimeStampFromText());
     $this->renderCalendarSelections($writer, $date);
     //render a hidden input field
     $writer->addAttribute('name', $this->getUniqueID());
     $writer->addAttribute('type', 'hidden');
     $writer->addAttribute('value', $this->getText());
Пример #4
  * Client-side Text property can only be updated after the OnLoad stage.
  * @param string text content for the textbox
 public function setText($value)
     if (parent::getText() === $value) {
     if ($this->getActiveControl()->canUpdateClientSide() && $this->getHasLoadedPostData()) {
         $cb = $this->getPage()->getCallbackClient();
         $cb->setValue($this, $value);
         if ($this->getInputMode() == TDatePickerInputMode::DropDownList) {
             $s = new TDateTimeStamp();
             $date = $s->getDate($this->getTimeStampFromText());
             $id = $this->getClientID();
             $cb->select($id . TControl::CLIENT_ID_SEPARATOR . 'day', 'Value', $date['mday'], 'select');
             $cb->select($id . TControl::CLIENT_ID_SEPARATOR . 'month', 'Value', $date['mon'] - 1, 'select');
             $cb->select($id . TControl::CLIENT_ID_SEPARATOR . 'year', 'Value', $date['year'], 'select');
Пример #5
 protected function getDateTimeValue($container, $column, $record)
     if (preg_match('/timestamp/i', $column->getDbType())) {
         $time = $container->findControl(self::DEFAULT_ID)->getTimestamp();
         $s = new TDateTimeStamp();
         $date = $s->getDate($time);
         $hour = $container->findControl('scaffold_time_hour')->getSelectedValue();
         $mins = $container->findControl('scaffold_time_min')->getSelectedValue();
         $secs = $container->findControl('scaffold_time_sec')->getSelectedValue();
         return $s->getTimeStamp($hour, $mins, $secs, $date['mon'], $date['mday'], $date['year']);
     } else {
         return parent::getDateTimeValue($container, $column, $record);