Пример #1
 public function isInside(Vector3 $v)
     if (!$this->isValid()) {
         return false;
     return min($this->x1, $this->x2) <= $v->x and min($this->y1, $this->y2) <= $v->y and min($this->z1, $this->z2) <= $v->z and max($this->x1, $this->x2) >= $v->x and max($this->y1, $this->y2) >= $v->y and max($this->z1, $this->z2) >= $v->z and !$v instanceof Position or $v->getLevel()->getName() === $this->levelName;
 public function isInside(Vector3 $v)
     $out = true;
     $out = ($out and $v->distance($this->centre) <= $this->radius);
     if ($v instanceof Position) {
         $out = ($out and $v->getLevel()->getName() === $this->centre->getLevel()->getName());
     return $out;
Пример #3
 public function isInside(Vector3 $v)
     if (!$this->isValid()) {
         return false;
     if ($v instanceof Position and $v->getLevel()->getName() !== $this->levelName) {
         return false;
     return $v->distanceSquared($this->center) <= $this->radiusSquared;
Пример #4
  * Checks whether the passed {@link Vector3} is included in this {@link Space}.<br>
  * Floating point vectors are accepted.<br>
  * <br>
  * The contents of this function are based on <a
  * href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Point-LineDistance3-Dimensional.html">Wolfram|MathWorld: Point-Lne Distance
  * (3-Dimensional)</a>, whereas {@code X0 = $v, X1 = $this->baseCenter, X2 = $this->topCenter}.
  * @param Vector3 $v the coordinates to check.
  * @return bool whether <code> $v</code> is inside the space.
 public function isInside(Vector3 $v)
     if (!$this->isValid()) {
         return false;
     if ($v instanceof Position and $v->getLevel()->getName() !== $this->levelName) {
         return false;
     $distSquared = $v->subtract($this->baseCenter)->cross($v->subtract($this->topCenter))->lengthSquared() / $this->topCenter->subtract($this->baseCenter)->lengthSquared();
     // |---|
     return $distSquared <= $this->radiusSquared;
     // |(X0 - X1) x (X0 - X2)| / |X2 - X1|
Пример #5
  * Sets the spawnpoint of the player (and the compass direction) to a Vector3, or set it on another world with a Position object
  * @param Vector3|Position $pos
 public function setSpawn(Vector3 $pos)
     if (!$pos instanceof Position) {
         $level = $this->level;
     } else {
         $level = $pos->getLevel();
     $this->spawnPosition = new Position($pos->x, $pos->y, $pos->z, $level);
     $pk = new SetSpawnPositionPacket();
     $pk->x = (int) $this->spawnPosition->x;
     $pk->y = (int) $this->spawnPosition->y;
     $pk->z = (int) $this->spawnPosition->z;
Пример #6
  * Returns the Tile in a position, or false if not found
  * @param Vector3 $pos
  * @return bool|Tile
 public function getTile(Vector3 $pos)
     if ($pos instanceof Position and $pos->getLevel() !== $this) {
         return false;
     $tiles = $this->getChunkTiles($pos->x >> 4, $pos->z >> 4);
     if (count($tiles) > 0) {
         foreach ($tiles as $tile) {
             if ($tile->x === (int) $pos->x and $tile->y === (int) $pos->y and $tile->z === (int) $pos->z) {
                 return $tile;
     return false;
Пример #7
 public function setPosition(Vector3 $pos)
     if ($this->closed) {
         return \false;
     if ($pos instanceof Position and $pos->level !== \null and $pos->level !== $this->level) {
         if ($this->switchLevel($pos->getLevel()) === \false) {
             return \false;
     $this->x = $pos->x;
     $this->y = $pos->y;
     $this->z = $pos->z;
     $radius = $this->width / 2;
     $this->boundingBox->setBounds($pos->x - $radius, $pos->y, $pos->z - $radius, $pos->x + $radius, $pos->y + $this->height, $pos->z + $radius);
     if ($this->chunk === \null or $this->chunkX !== $this->x >> 4 and $this->chunkZ !== $this->z >> 4) {
         if ($this->chunk !== \null) {
         $this->level->loadChunk($this->x >> 4, $this->z >> 4);
         $this->chunk = $this->level->getChunk($this->x >> 4, $this->z >> 4, \true);
         $this->chunkX = $this->chunk->getX();
         $this->chunkZ = $this->chunk->getZ();
         if (!$this->justCreated) {
             $newChunk = $this->level->getUsingChunk($this->x >> 4, $this->z >> 4);
             foreach ($this->hasSpawned as $player) {
                 if (!isset($newChunk[$player->getId()])) {
                 } else {
             foreach ($newChunk as $player) {
     return \true;
Пример #8
  * Returns the distance between two points or objects
  * @param Vector3 $pos
  * @return float
 public function distance(Vector3 $pos)
     if ($pos instanceof Position and $pos->getLevel() !== $this->getLevel()) {
         return PHP_INT_MAX;
     return parent::distance($pos);
Пример #9
 public function onUpdate($currentTick)
     if (!$this->loggedIn) {
         return false;
     $tickDiff = $currentTick - $this->lastUpdate;
     if ($tickDiff <= 0) {
         return true;
     $this->messageCounter = 2;
     $this->lastUpdate = $currentTick;
     if (!$this->isAlive() and $this->spawned) {
         if ($this->deadTicks >= 10) {
         return true;
     if ($this->spawned) {
         if ($this->server->netherEnabled) {
             if (($this->isCreative() or $this->isSurvival() and $this->server->getTick() - $this->portalTime >= 80) and $this->portalTime > 0) {
                 if ($this->server->netherLevel instanceof Level) {
                     if ($this->getLevel() != $this->server->netherLevel) {
                         $this->fromPos = $this->getPosition();
                         $this->fromPos->x = (int) $this->fromPos->x + 0.5;
                         $this->fromPos->z = (int) $this->fromPos->z + 0.5;
                         $this->teleport($this->shouldResPos = $this->server->netherLevel->getSafeSpawn());
                     } elseif ($this->fromPos instanceof Position) {
                         if (!$this->getLevel()->isChunkLoaded($this->fromPos->x, $this->fromPos->z)) {
                             $this->getLevel()->loadChunk($this->fromPos->x, $this->fromPos->z);
                         $add = [1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1];
                         $tempos = null;
                         for ($j = 2; $j < 5; $j++) {
                             for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
                                 if ($this->fromPos->getLevel()->getBlock($this->temporalVector->fromObjectAdd($this->fromPos, $add[$i] * $j, 0, $add[$i + 4] * $j))->getId() === Block::AIR) {
                                     if ($this->fromPos->getLevel()->getBlock($this->temporalVector->fromObjectAdd($this->fromPos, $add[$i] * $j, 1, $add[$i + 4] * $j))->getId() === Block::AIR) {
                                         $tempos = $this->fromPos->add($add[$i] * $j, 0, $add[$i + 4] * $j);
                             if ($tempos != null) {
                         if ($tempos == null) {
                             $tempos = $this->fromPos->add(mt_rand(-2, 2), 0, mt_rand(-2, 2));
                         $this->teleport($this->shouldResPos = $tempos);
                         $add = null;
                         $tempos = null;
                         $this->fromPos = null;
                     } else {
                         $this->teleport($this->shouldResPos = $this->server->getDefaultLevel()->getSafeSpawn());
                     $this->portalTime = 0;
         if (!$this->isSleeping()) {
         if (!$this->isSpectator()) {
         if ($this->isOnFire() or $this->lastUpdate % 10 == 0) {
             if ($this->isCreative() and !$this->isInsideOfFire()) {
             } elseif ($this->getLevel()->getWeather()->isRainy()) {
                 if ($this->getLevel()->canBlockSeeSky($this)) {
         if ($this->server->antiFly) {
             if (!$this->isSpectator() and $this->speed !== null) {
                 if ($this->onGround) {
                     if ($this->inAirTicks !== 0) {
                         $this->startAirTicks = 5;
                     $this->inAirTicks = 0;
                 } else {
                     if (!$this->allowFlight and $this->inAirTicks > 10 and !$this->isSleeping() and $this->getDataProperty(self::DATA_NO_AI) !== 1) {
                         //expectedVelocity here is not calculated correctly
                         //This causes players to fall too fast when bouncing on slime when antiFly is enabled
                         $expectedVelocity = -$this->gravity / $this->drag - -$this->gravity / $this->drag * exp(-$this->drag * ($this->inAirTicks - $this->startAirTicks));
                         $diff = ($this->speed->y - $expectedVelocity) ** 2;
                         if (!$this->hasEffect(Effect::JUMP) and $diff > 0.6 and $expectedVelocity < $this->speed->y and !$this->server->getAllowFlight()) {
                             $this->setMotion($this->temporalVector->setComponents(0, $expectedVelocity, 0));
                             /*if($this->inAirTicks < 1000){
                             								}elseif($this->kick("Flying is not enabled on this server")){
                             									return false;
         if ($this->getTransactionQueue() !== null) {
     return true;
Пример #10
  * @param Vector3|Position $pos
  * @param null|Level $level
 public function createTNT(Vector3 $pos, Level $level = null)
     if ($level === null) {
         if ($pos instanceof Position) {
             $level = $pos->getLevel();
         } else {
     $mot = (new Random())->nextSignedFloat() * M_PI * 2;
     $entity = Entity::createEntity("PrimedTNT", $level->getChunk($pos->x >> 4, $pos->z >> 4), new Compound("EssNuke", ["Pos" => new Enum("Pos", [new DoubleTag("", $pos->getFloorX() + 0.5), new DoubleTag("", $pos->getFloorY()), new DoubleTag("", $pos->getFloorZ() + 0.5)]), "Motion" => new Enum("Motion", [new DoubleTag("", -sin($mot) * 0.02), new DoubleTag("", 0.2), new DoubleTag("", -cos($mot) * 0.02)]), "Rotation" => new Enum("Rotation", [new FloatTag("", 0), new FloatTag("", 0)]), "Fuse" => new ByteTag("Fuse", 80)]));
 public function isInside(Vector3 $v)
     $out = true;
     $out = ($out and $this->baked0->getFloorX() <= $v->getX() and $v->getX() <= $this->baked1->getFloorX());
     $out = ($out and $this->baked0->getFloorY() <= $v->getY() and $v->getY() <= $this->baked1->getFloorY());
     $out = ($out and $this->baked0->getFloorZ() <= $v->getZ() and $v->getZ() <= $this->baked1->getFloorZ());
     if ($v instanceof Position) {
         $out = ($out and $this->baked0->getLevel()->getName() === $v->getLevel()->getName());
     return $out;
Пример #12
  * @param Vector3 $v0
  * @param Vector3 $v1
  * @return bool
 protected final function equals(Vector3 $v0, Vector3 $v1)
     $out = true;
     $out = ($out and $v0->getX() === $v1->getX());
     $out = ($out and $v0->getY() === $v1->getY());
     $out = ($out and $v0->getZ() === $v1->getZ());
     if ($v0 instanceof Position and $v1 instanceof Position) {
         $out = ($out and $v0->getLevel()->getName() === $v1->getLevel()->getName());
     return $out;
Пример #13
 public function setPosition(Vector3 $pos, $force = false)
     if ($pos instanceof Position and $pos->getLevel() instanceof Level and $pos->getLevel() !== $this->getLevel()) {
         if ($this->switchLevel($pos->getLevel()) === false) {
             return false;
     if (!$this->justCreated and $force !== true) {
         $ev = new EntityMoveEvent($this, $pos);
         if ($ev->isCancelled()) {
             return false;
     $this->x = $pos->x;
     $this->y = $pos->y;
     $this->z = $pos->z;
     $radius = $this->width / 2;
     $this->boundingBox->setBounds($pos->x - $radius, $pos->y + $this->ySize, $pos->z - $radius, $pos->x + $radius, $pos->y + $this->height + $this->ySize, $pos->z + $radius);
     if ($this->chunk === null or $this->chunk->getX() !== $this->x >> 4 and $this->chunk->getZ() !== $this->z >> 4) {
         if ($this->chunk instanceof FullChunk) {
         $this->getLevel()->loadChunk($this->x >> 4, $this->z >> 4);
         $this->chunk = $this->getLevel()->getChunkAt($this->x >> 4, $this->z >> 4);
         if (!$this->justCreated) {
             $newChunk = $this->getLevel()->getUsingChunk($this->x >> 4, $this->z >> 4);
             foreach ($this->hasSpawned as $player) {
                 if (!isset($newChunk[$player->getID()])) {
                 } else {
             foreach ($newChunk as $player) {
     return true;
 public function isInside(Vector3 $v)
     $out = true;
     switch ($this->axis) {
         case self::X:
             $out = ($out and $this->base->getX() <= $v->getX() and $v->getX() <= $this->base->getX() + $this->height);
             $out = ($out and $v->distance(new Vector3($v->getX(), $this->base->getY(), $this->base->getZ())) <= $this->radius);
         case self::Y:
             $out = ($out and $this->base->getY() <= $v->getY() and $v->getY() <= $this->base->getY() + $this->height);
             $out = ($out and $v->distance(new Vector3($this->base->getX(), $v->getY(), $this->base->getZ())) <= $this->radius);
         case self::Z:
             $out = ($out and $this->base->getZ() <= $v->getZ() and $v->getZ() <= $this->base->getZ() + $this->height);
             $out = ($out and $v->distance(new Vector3($this->base->getX(), $this->base->getY(), $v->getZ())) <= $this->radius);
     if ($v instanceof Position) {
         $out = ($out and $v->getLevel()->getName() === $this->base->getLevel()->getName());
     return $out;
Пример #15
 public function set(Block $block, Vector3 $pos, Level $level = null)
     if ($pos instanceof Position && $pos->getLevel() !== null) {
         $level = $pos->getLevel();
     } elseif ($block->getLevel() !== null) {
         $level = $block->getLevel();
     } elseif ($level === null) {
     $tile = $level->getTile($pos);
     if ($tile instanceof Chest) {
     if ($tile instanceof Tile) {
     $level->setBlock($pos, $block, false, false);
Пример #16
 public function setPosition(Vector3 $pos)
     if ($this->closed) {
         return false;
     if ($pos instanceof Position and $pos->level !== null and $pos->level !== $this->level) {
         if ($this->switchLevel($pos->getLevel()) === false) {
             return false;
     $this->x = $pos->x;
     $this->y = $pos->y;
     $this->z = $pos->z;
     $radius = $this->width / 2;
     $this->boundingBox->setBounds($pos->x - $radius, $pos->y, $pos->z - $radius, $pos->x + $radius, $pos->y + $this->height, $pos->z + $radius);
     return true;