"value": "' . $passenger . '"
        "transitType" : "PKTransitTypeAir"
    "barcode": {
        "format": "PKBarcodeFormatQR",
        "message": "Flight-Gate' . $gate . '-' . $date . '-' . $passenger . '-' . $destination . '",
        "messageEncoding": "iso-8859-1"
    if ($pass->checkError($error) == true) {
        exit('An error occured: ' . $error);
    // add files to the PKPass package
    // specify english and french localizations
    $pass->addFile('en.strings', 'en.lproj/pass.strings');
    $pass->addFile('fr.strings', 'fr.lproj/pass.strings');
    if ($pass->checkError($error) == true) {
        exit('An error occured: ' . $error);
    //If you pass true, the class will output the zip into the browser.
    $result = $pass->create(true);
    if ($result == false) {
        // Create and output the PKPass
        echo $pass->getError();
} else {
                "key": "id",
                "label": "Card Number",
                "value": "' . $id . '"
    "barcode": {
        "format": "PKBarcodeFormatPDF417",
        "message": "' . $id . '",
        "messageEncoding": "iso-8859-1",
        "altText": "' . $id . '"

    // add files to the PKPass package
    $pass->addFile('background.png', 'strip.png');

    if ( !$pass->create(true)) { // Create and output the PKPass
        echo 'Error: ' . $pass->getError();
} else {
    // User lands here, there are no $_POST variables set

        <title>Starbucks pass creator - PHP class demo</title>

use PKPass\PKPass;
require '../PKPass.php';
$pass = new PKPass();
// 1. Set the path to your Pass Certificate (.p12 file)
// 2. Set password for certificate
// 3. Set the path to your WWDR Intermediate certificate (.pem file)
// Top-Level Keys http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/userexperience/Reference/PassKit_Bundle/Chapters/TopLevel.html
$standardKeys = ['description' => 'Demo pass', 'formatVersion' => 1, 'organizationName' => 'Flight Express', 'passTypeIdentifier' => 'pass.com.apple.test', 'serialNumber' => '123456', 'teamIdentifier' => 'AGK5BZEN3E'];
$associatedAppKeys = [];
$relevanceKeys = [];
$styleKeys = ['boardingPass' => ['primaryFields' => [['key' => 'origin', 'label' => 'San Francisco', 'value' => 'SFO'], ['key' => 'destination', 'label' => 'London', 'value' => 'LHR']], 'secondaryFields' => [['key' => 'gate', 'label' => 'Gate', 'value' => 'F12'], ['key' => 'date', 'label' => 'Departure date', 'value' => '07/11/2012 10:22']], 'backFields' => [['key' => 'passenger-name', 'label' => 'Passenger', 'value' => 'John Appleseed']], 'transitType' => 'PKTransitTypeAir']];
$visualAppearanceKeys = ['barcode' => ['format' => 'PKBarcodeFormatQR', 'message' => 'Flight-GateF12-ID6643679AH7B', 'messageEncoding' => 'iso-8859-1'], 'backgroundColor' => 'rgb(107,156,196)', 'logoText' => 'Flight info'];
$webServiceKeys = [];
// Merge all pass data and set JSON for $pass object
$passData = array_merge($standardKeys, $associatedAppKeys, $relevanceKeys, $styleKeys, $visualAppearanceKeys, $webServiceKeys);
// Add files to the PKPass package
if (!$pass->create(true)) {
    // Create and output the PKPass
    echo 'Error: ' . $pass->getError();