function setupRootContainer() { // before running tests, delete the TestingEnvironmentVariables file, since it can indirectly mess w/ // phpunit's class loading (if a test class is loaded in bootstrap.php, phpunit can't load it from a file, // so executing the tests in a file will fail) $vars = new TestingEnvironmentVariables(); $vars->delete(); Environment::setGlobalEnvironmentManipulator(new TestingEnvironmentManipulator($vars)); $rootTestEnvironment = new \Piwik\Application\Environment(null); $rootTestEnvironment->init(); }
/** * We will be simulating an HTTP request here (by including index.php). * * To avoid weird side-effects (e.g. the logging output messing up the HTTP response on the CLI output) * we need to recreate the container with the default environment instead of the CLI environment. */ private function recreateContainerWithWebEnvironment() { StaticContainer::clearContainer(); Log::unsetInstance(); $this->environment = new Environment(null); $this->environment->init(); }
protected function initEnvironment(OutputInterface $output) { try { if ($this->environment === null) { $this->environment = new Environment('cli'); $this->environment->init(); } $config = Config::getInstance(); return $config; } catch (\Exception $e) { $output->writeln($e->getMessage() . "\n"); } }
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { if (!defined('PIWIK_TEST_MODE')) { define('PIWIK_TEST_MODE', true); } Environment::setGlobalEnvironmentManipulator(new TestingEnvironmentManipulator(new TestingEnvironmentVariables())); $serverGlobal = $input->getOption('server-global'); if ($serverGlobal) { $_SERVER = json_decode($serverGlobal, true); } if (Config::getInstance()->database_tests['tables_prefix'] !== '') { throw new \Exception("To generate OmniFixture for the UI tests, you must set an empty tables_prefix in [database_tests]"); } $this->requireFixtureFiles($input); $this->setIncludePathAsInTestBootstrap(); $host = Url::getHost(); if (empty($host)) { $host = 'localhost'; Url::setHost('localhost'); } $configDomainToSave = $input->getOption('save-config'); if (!empty($configDomainToSave)) { $pathToDomainConfig = PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/config/' . $host . '.config.ini.php'; if (!file_exists($pathToDomainConfig)) { link(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/config/config.ini.php', $pathToDomainConfig); } } if ($input->getOption('set-phantomjs-symlinks')) { $this->createSymbolicLinksForUITests(); } $fixture = $this->createFixture($input, $allowSave = !empty($configDomainToSave)); $this->setupDatabaseOverrides($input, $fixture); // perform setup and/or teardown if ($input->getOption('teardown')) { $fixture->getTestEnvironment()->save(); $fixture->performTearDown(); } else { $fixture->performSetUp(); } $this->writeSuccessMessage($output, array("Fixture successfully setup!")); $sqlDumpPath = $input->getOption('sqldump'); if ($sqlDumpPath) { $this->createSqlDump($sqlDumpPath, $output); } if (!empty($configDomainToSave)) { Config::getInstance()->forceSave(); } }
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $systemCheck = new SystemCheck(); $systemCheck->checkRedisIsInstalled(); $trackerEnvironment = new Environment('tracker'); $trackerEnvironment->init(); Log::unsetInstance(); $trackerEnvironment->getContainer()->get('Piwik\\Access')->setSuperUserAccess(false); $trackerEnvironment->getContainer()->get('Piwik\\Plugin\\Manager')->setTrackerPluginsNotToLoad(array('Provider')); Tracker::loadTrackerEnvironment(); if (OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE <= $output->getVerbosity()) { $GLOBALS['PIWIK_TRACKER_DEBUG'] = true; } $backend = Queue\Factory::makeBackend(); $queueManager = Queue\Factory::makeQueueManager($backend); if (!$queueManager->canAcquireMoreLocks()) { $trackerEnvironment->destroy(); $this->writeSuccessMessage($output, array("Nothing to proccess. Already max number of workers in process.")); return; } $shouldProcess = false; foreach ($queueManager->getAllQueues() as $queue) { if ($queue->shouldProcess()) { $shouldProcess = true; break; } } if (!$shouldProcess) { $trackerEnvironment->destroy(); $this->writeSuccessMessage($output, array("No queue currently needs processing")); return; } $output->writeln("<info>Starting to process request sets, this can take a while</info>"); register_shutdown_function(function () use($queueManager) { $queueManager->unlock(); }); $startTime = microtime(true); $processor = new Processor($queueManager); $processor->setNumberOfMaxBatchesToProcess(1000); $tracker = $processor->process(); $neededTime = microtime(true) - $startTime; $numRequestsTracked = $tracker->getCountOfLoggedRequests(); $requestsPerSecond = $this->getNumberOfRequestsPerSecond($numRequestsTracked, $neededTime); Piwik::postEvent('Tracker.end'); $trackerEnvironment->destroy(); $this->writeSuccessMessage($output, array(sprintf('This worker finished queue processing with %sreq/s (%s requests in %02.2f seconds)', $requestsPerSecond, $numRequestsTracked, $neededTime))); }
private function recreateLogSingleton($backend, $level = 'INFO') { $newEnv = new Environment('test', array('ini.log.log_writers' => array($backend), 'ini.log.log_level' => $level, 'ini.log.string_message_format' => self::STRING_MESSAGE_FORMAT, 'ini.log.logger_file_path' => self::getLogFileLocation(), 'Psr\\Log\\LoggerInterface' => \DI\get('Monolog\\Logger'))); $newEnv->init(); $newMonologLogger = $newEnv->getContainer()->make('Psr\\Log\\LoggerInterface'); $oldLogger = new Log($newMonologLogger); Log::setSingletonInstance($oldLogger); }
public function destroyEnvironment() { if ($this->piwikEnvironment === null) { return; } $this->piwikEnvironment->destroy(); $this->piwikEnvironment = null; }
define('PIWIK_ENABLE_SESSION_START', false); require_once PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . "/index.php"; if (!Common::isPhpCliMode()) { return; } $testmode = in_array('--testmode', $_SERVER['argv']); if ($testmode) { define('PIWIK_TEST_MODE', true); Environment::setGlobalEnvironmentManipulator(new TestingEnvironmentManipulator(new TestingEnvironmentVariables())); } function getPiwikDomain() { foreach ($_SERVER['argv'] as $param) { $pattern = '--piwik-domain='; if (false !== strpos($param, $pattern)) { return substr($param, strlen($pattern)); } } return null; } $environment = new Environment('cli'); $environment->init(); $piwikDomain = getPiwikDomain(); if ($piwikDomain) { Url::setHost($piwikDomain); } $token = Db::get()->fetchOne("SELECT token_auth\n FROM " . Common::prefixTable("user") . "\n WHERE superuser_access = 1\n ORDER BY date_registered ASC"); $filename = $environment->getContainer()->get('path.tmp') . '/cache/token.php'; $content = "<?php exit; //\t" . $token; file_put_contents($filename, $content); echo $filename;
<?php use Piwik\Application\Environment; use Piwik\Tests\Framework\TestingEnvironmentManipulator; use Piwik\Tests\Framework\TestingEnvironmentVariables; define('PIWIK_ARCHIVE_NO_TRUNCATE', true); require realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/includes.php"; Environment::setGlobalEnvironmentManipulator(new TestingEnvironmentManipulator(new TestingEnvironmentVariables())); // include archive.php, and let 'er rip require_once PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . "/misc/cron/archive.php";
* - Allows to overwrite the Visitor IP, and Server datetime * */ use Piwik\Application\Environment; use Piwik\DataTable\Manager; use Piwik\Option; use Piwik\Plugins\UserCountry\LocationProvider\GeoIp; use Piwik\Site; use Piwik\Tests\Framework\TestingEnvironmentManipulator; use Piwik\Tests\Framework\TestingEnvironmentVariables; use Piwik\Tracker; require realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/includes.php"; // Wrapping the request inside ob_start() calls to ensure that the Test // calling us waits for the full request to process before unblocking ob_start(); try { $globalObservers = array(array('Environment.bootstrapped', function () { Tracker::setTestEnvironment(); Manager::getInstance()->deleteAll(); Option::clearCache(); Site::clearCache(); })); Environment::setGlobalEnvironmentManipulator(new TestingEnvironmentManipulator(new TestingEnvironmentVariables(), $globalObservers)); GeoIp::$geoIPDatabaseDir = 'tests/lib/geoip-files'; include PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/piwik.php'; } catch (Exception $ex) { echo "Unexpected error during tracking: " . $ex->getMessage() . "\n" . $ex->getTraceAsString() . "\n"; } if (ob_get_level() > 1) { ob_end_flush(); }
public static function getSegmentsMetadata() { // Refresh cache for CustomVariables\Model Cache::clearCacheGeneral(); $segments = array(); $environment = new Environment(null); $exception = null; try { $environment->init(); $environment->getContainer()->get('Piwik\\Plugin\\Manager')->loadActivatedPlugins(); foreach (Dimension::getAllDimensions() as $dimension) { if ($dimension instanceof CustomVariableName || $dimension instanceof CustomVariableValue) { continue; // added manually below } foreach ($dimension->getSegments() as $segment) { $segments[] = $segment->getSegment(); } } // add CustomVariables manually since the data provider may not have access to the DB for ($i = 1; $i != Model::DEFAULT_CUSTOM_VAR_COUNT + 1; ++$i) { $segments = array_merge($segments, self::getCustomVariableSegments($i)); } $segments = array_merge($segments, self::getCustomVariableSegments()); } catch (\Exception $ex) { $exception = $ex; echo $ex->getMessage() . "\n" . $ex->getTraceAsString() . "\n"; } $environment->destroy(); if (!empty($exception)) { throw $exception; } return $segments; }
protected function initEnvironment() { $this->environment = new Environment($environment = null, $this->provideContainerConfig(), $postBootstrappedEvent = false); $this->environment->init(); }
/** * The actual task is defined in this method. Here you can access any option or argument that was defined on the * command line via $input and write anything to the console via $output argument. * In case anything went wrong during the execution you should throw an exception to make sure the user will get a * useful error message and to make sure the command does not exit with the status code 0. * * Ideally, the actual command is quite short as it acts like a controller. It should only receive the input values, * execute the task by calling a method of another class and output any useful information. * * Execute the command like: ./console queuedtracking:test --name="The Piwik Team" */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $systemCheck = new SystemCheck(); $systemCheck->checkRedisIsInstalled(); $trackerEnvironment = new Environment('tracker'); $trackerEnvironment->init(); Tracker::loadTrackerEnvironment(); $settings = Queue\Factory::getSettings(); $output->writeln('<comment>Settings that will be used:</comment>'); $output->writeln('Host: ' . $settings->redisHost->getValue()); $output->writeln('Port: ' . $settings->redisPort->getValue()); $output->writeln('Timeout: ' . $settings->redisTimeout->getValue()); $output->writeln('Password: '******'Database: ' . $settings->redisDatabase->getValue()); $output->writeln('NumQueueWorkers: ' . $settings->numQueueWorkers->getValue()); $output->writeln('NumRequestsToProcess: ' . $settings->numRequestsToProcess->getValue()); $output->writeln('ProcessDuringTrackingRequest: ' . (int) $settings->processDuringTrackingRequest->getValue()); $output->writeln('QueueEnabled: ' . (int) $settings->queueEnabled->getValue()); $output->writeln(''); $output->writeln('<comment>Version / stats:</comment>'); $output->writeln('PHP version: ' . phpversion()); $output->writeln('Uname: ' . php_uname()); $extension = new \ReflectionExtension('redis'); $output->writeln('PHPRedis version: ' . $extension->getVersion()); $backend = Queue\Factory::makeBackend(); $output->writeln('Redis version: ' . $backend->getServerVersion()); $output->writeln('Memory: ' . var_export($backend->getMemoryStats(), 1)); $redis = $backend->getConnection(); $evictionPolicy = $this->getRedisConfig($redis, 'maxmemory-policy'); $output->writeln('MaxMemory Eviction Policy config: ' . $evictionPolicy); if ($evictionPolicy !== 'allkeys-lru' && $evictionPolicy !== 'noeviction') { $output->writeln('<error>The eviction policy can likely lead to errors when memory is low. We recommend to use eviction policy <comment>allkeys-lru</comment> or alternatively <comment>noeviction</comment>. Read more here:</error>'); } $evictionPolicy = $this->getRedisConfig($redis, 'maxmemory'); $output->writeln('MaxMemory config: ' . $evictionPolicy); $output->writeln(''); $output->writeln('<comment>Performing some tests:</comment>'); if (method_exists($redis, 'isConnected')) { $output->writeln('Redis is connected: ' . (int) $redis->isConnected()); } if ($backend->testConnection()) { $output->writeln('Connection works in general'); } else { $output->writeln('Connection does not actually work: ' . $redis->getLastError()); } $this->testRedis($redis, 'set', array('testKey', 'value'), 'testKey', $output); $this->testRedis($redis, 'setnx', array('testnxkey', 'value'), 'testnxkey', $output); $this->testRedis($redis, 'setex', array('testexkey', 5, 'value'), 'testexkey', $output); $this->testRedis($redis, 'set', array('testKeyWithNx', 'value', array('nx')), 'testKeyWithNx', $output); $this->testRedis($redis, 'set', array('testKeyWithEx', 'value', array('ex' => 5)), 'testKeyWithEx', $output); $backend->delete('foo'); if (!$backend->setIfNotExists('foo', 'bar', 5)) { $output->writeln("setIfNotExists(foo, bar, 1) does not work, most likely we won't be able to acquire a lock:" . $redis->getLastError()); } else { $initialTtl = $redis->ttl('foo'); if ($initialTtl > 3 && $initialTtl <= 5) { $output->writeln('Initial expire seems to be set correctly'); } else { $output->writeln('<error>Initial expire seems to be not set correctly: ' . $initialTtl . ' </error>'); } if ($backend->get('foo') == 'bar') { $output->writeln('setIfNotExists works fine'); } else { $output->writeln('There might be a problem with setIfNotExists'); } if ($backend->expireIfKeyHasValue('foo', 'bar', 10)) { $output->writeln('expireIfKeyHasValue seems to work fine'); } else { $output->writeln('<error>There might be a problem with expireIfKeyHasValue: ' . $redis->getLastError() . '</error>'); } $extendedTtl = $redis->ttl('foo'); if ($extendedTtl > 8 && $extendedTtl <= 10) { $output->writeln('Extending expire seems to be set correctly'); } else { $output->writeln('<error>Extending expire seems to be not set correctly: ' . $extendedTtl . ' </error>'); } if ($backend->expireIfKeyHasValue('foo', 'invalidValue', 10)) { $output->writeln('<error>expireIfKeyHasValue expired a key which it should not have since values does not match</error>'); } else { $output->writeln('expireIfKeyHasValue correctly expires only when the value is correct'); } $extendedTtl = $redis->ttl('foo'); if ($extendedTtl > 7 && $extendedTtl <= 10) { $output->writeln('Expire is still set which is correct'); } else { $output->writeln('<error>Expire missing after a wrong extendExpire: ' . $extendedTtl . ' </error>'); } if ($backend->deleteIfKeyHasValue('foo', 'bar')) { $output->writeln('deleteIfKeyHasValue seems to work fine'); } else { $output->writeln('<error>There might be a problem with deleteIfKeyHasValue: ' . $redis->getLastError() . '</error>'); } } $redis->delete('fooList'); $backend->appendValuesToList('fooList', array('value1', 'value2', 'value3')); $values = $backend->getFirstXValuesFromList('fooList', 2); if ($values == array('value1', 'value2')) { $backend->removeFirstXValuesFromList('fooList', 1); $backend->removeFirstXValuesFromList('fooList', 1); $values = $backend->getFirstXValuesFromList('fooList', 2); if ($values == array('value3')) { $output->writeln('List feature seems to work fine'); } else { $output->writeln('List feature seems to work only partially: ' . var_export($values, 1)); } } else { $output->writeln('<error>List feature seems to not work fine: ' . $redis->getLastError() . '</error>'); } $output->writeln(''); $output->writeln('<comment>Done</comment>'); }