public function init() { \Pingpp\Pingpp::setApiKey($this->live ? $this->live_secret_key : $this->test_secret_key); if (!empty($this->private_key_path)) { if (file_exists($this->private_key_path)) { throw new InvalidConfigException('The private key file not exists.'); } \Pingpp\Pingpp::setPrivateKeyPath($this->private_key_path); } }
/** * Register the service provider. * * @return void */ public function register() { $config = config('pingpp'); $this->app->bind('pingpp', function () use($config) { Pingpp::setApiKey($config['live'] === true ? $config['live_secret_key'] : $config['test_secret_key']); if (!empty($config['private_key_path']) && file_exists($config['private_key_path'])) { Pingpp::setPrivateKeyPath($config['private_key_path']); } return new PingppCollertion(); }); }
/** * @throws InvalidConfigException */ public function init() { if ($this->apiKey === null) { throw new InvalidConfigException('The apiKey property must be set.'); } if ($this->appId === null) { throw new InvalidConfigException('The appId property must be set.'); } Pingpp::setApiKey($this->apiKey); if (!empty($this->privateKeyPath)) { $privateKeyFullPath = Yii::getAlias($this->privateKeyPath); if (!file_exists($privateKeyFullPath)) { throw new InvalidConfigException('The private key file not exists.'); } Pingpp::setPrivateKeyPath($privateKeyFullPath); } elseif (!empty($this->privateKey)) { Pingpp::setPrivateKey($this->privateKey); } }
public function promotion_pay() { $api_key = C('API_KEY'); $api_id = C('API_ID'); $input_data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true); if (empty($input_data['channel']) || empty($input_data['amount'])) { echo 'channel or amount is empty'; exit; } $channel = strtolower($input_data['channel']); $submission_id = $input_data['submission_id']; $amount = 0; $choice1 = $input_data['choice1']; if ($choice1 == '1a') { $amount = 3000; } elseif ($choice1 == '1b') { $amount = 8000; } elseif ($choice1 == '1c') { $amount = 12000; } elseif ($choice1 == '1d') { $amount = 18000; } $choice2 = $input_data['choice2']; $prices = [3000, 15000, 10000, 1000, 5000, 12000, 500, 200]; $promotion = $choice1; for ($i = 0; $i < count($choice2); $i++) { $amount += $choice2[$i] * $prices[$i]; $promotion .= ',' . $choice2[$i]; } $amount *= 100; if ($_SESSION['urole'] == 2) { $amount = 1; } $orderNo = $input_data['order_no']; M('promotion')->where(array('contest_id' => C('CONTESTID'), 'user_id' => $_SESSION['uid'], 'submission_id' => $submission_id, 'promotion' => $promotion, 'price' => $amount / 100, 'ispaied' => 0))->delete(); M('promotion')->data(array('contest_id' => C('CONTESTID'), 'user_id' => $_SESSION['uid'], 'submission_id' => $submission_id, 'promotion_code' => $orderNo, 'promotion' => $promotion, 'timestamp' => time(), 'price' => $amount / 100))->add(); \Pingpp\Pingpp::setPrivateKeyPath('Public/rsa_private_key.pem'); /** * $extra 在使用某些渠道的时候,需要填入相应的参数,其它渠道则是 array()。 * 以下 channel 仅为部分示例,未列出的 channel 请查看文档 */ $extra = array(); $extra['context'] = 'promotion'; $extra['submission_id'] = $submission_id; switch ($channel) { case 'alipay_wap': $extra = array('success_url' => C('SITE_PREFIX') . U('Pay/promotion_pay_success', array('submission_id' => $submission_id, 'promotion_code' => $orderNo)), 'cancel_url' => C('SITE_PREFIX') . U('Pay/promotion_pay_cancel', array('submission_id' => $submission_id, 'promotion_code' => $orderNo))); break; case 'bfb_wap': $extra = array('result_url' => '', 'bfb_login' => true); break; case 'upacp_wap': $extra = array('result_url' => ''); break; case 'wx_pub': $extra = array('open_id' => 'openidxxxxxxxxxxxx'); break; case 'wx_pub_qr': $extra = array('product_id' => 'Productid'); break; case 'yeepay_wap': $extra = array('product_category' => '1', 'identity_id' => 'your identity_id', 'identity_type' => 1, 'terminal_type' => 1, 'terminal_id' => 'your terminal_id', 'user_ua' => 'your user_ua', 'result_url' => ''); break; case 'jdpay_wap': $extra = array('success_url' => '', 'fail_url' => '', 'token' => 'dsafadsfasdfadsjuyhfnhujkijunhaf'); break; } $subject = '成功设计大赛作品推广 ' . $submission_id; \Pingpp\Pingpp::setApiKey($api_key); try { $ch = \Pingpp\Charge::create(array('subject' => $subject, 'body' => '快来支付吧', 'amount' => $amount, 'order_no' => $orderNo, 'currency' => 'cny', 'extra' => $extra, 'channel' => $channel, 'client_ip' => get_client_ip(), 'app' => array('id' => $api_id))); echo $ch; } catch (\Pingpp\Error\Base $e) { // 捕获报错信息 if ($e->getHttpStatus() != NULL) { header('Status: ' . $e->getHttpStatus()); echo $e->getHttpBody(); } else { echo $e->getMessage(); } } }
$input_data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true); if (empty($input_data['channel']) || empty($input_data['amount'])) { echo 'channel or amount is empty'; exit; } $channel = strtolower($input_data['channel']); $amount = $input_data['amount']; $orderNo = substr(md5(time()), 0, 12); /** * 设置请求签名密钥,密钥对需要你自己用 openssl 工具生成,如何生成可以参考帮助中心:; * 生成密钥后,需要在代码中设置请求签名的私钥(rsa_private_key.pem); * 然后登录 [Dashboard](>点击右上角公司名称->开发信息->商户公钥(用于商户身份验证) * 将你的公钥复制粘贴进去并且保存->先启用 Test 模式进行测试->测试通过后启用 Live 模式 */ // 设置私钥内容方式1 \Pingpp\Pingpp::setPrivateKeyPath(__DIR__ . '/your_rsa_private_key.pem'); // 设置私钥内容方式2 // \Pingpp\Pingpp::setPrivateKey(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/your_rsa_private_key.pem')); /** * $extra 在使用某些渠道的时候,需要填入相应的参数,其它渠道则是 array()。 * 以下 channel 仅为部分示例,未列出的 channel 请查看文档; * 或直接查看开发者中心:;包含了所有渠道的 extra 参数的示例; */ $extra = array(); switch ($channel) { case 'alipay_wap': $extra = array('success_url' => '', 'cancel_url' => ''); break; case 'bfb_wap': $extra = array('result_url' => '', 'bfb_login' => true); break;