public function init() { parent::init(); // PHP 7.0 compatibility of adminer (throws some warnings) ini_set("display_errors", 0); // only for admins $this->checkPermission("adminer"); // call this to keep the session 'open' so that Adminer can write to it $session = \Pimcore\Tool\Session::get(); $this->adminerHome = PIMCORE_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/vendor/vrana/adminer/'; // proxy for resources $path = $this->getRequest()->getPathInfo(); $path = str_replace("/admin/external_adminer/", "", $path); if (preg_match("@\\.(css|js|ico|png|jpg|gif)\$@", $path)) { $filePath = $this->adminerHome . "/" . $path; // it seems that css files need the right content-type (Chrome) if (preg_match("@.css\$@", $path)) { header("Content-Type: text/css"); } elseif (preg_match("@.js\$@", $path)) { header("Content-Type: text/javascript"); } if (file_exists($filePath)) { echo file_get_contents($filePath); if (preg_match("@default.css\$@", $path)) { // append custom styles, because in Adminer everything is hardcoded echo file_get_contents($this->adminerHome . "designs/konya/adminer.css"); echo file_get_contents(PIMCORE_DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/pimcore/static6/css/adminer-modifications.css"); } } exit; } }
public function init() { parent::init(); $this->checkPermission("backup"); @ini_set("memory_limit", "-1"); $this->session = \Pimcore\Tool\Session::get("pimcore_backup"); }
/** * @static * @throws Exception * @return User */ public static function authenticateSession() { if (!isset($_COOKIE["pimcore_admin_sid"]) && !isset($_REQUEST["pimcore_admin_sid"])) { // if no session cookie / ID no authentication possible, we don't need to start a session return null; } $session = Session::getReadOnly(); $user = $session->user; if ($user instanceof User) { // renew user $user = User::getById($user->getId()); if (self::isValidUser($user)) { return $user; } } return null; }
public function logoutAction() { $controller = $this; // clear open edit locks for this session \Pimcore\Model\Element\Editlock::clearSession(session_id()); Tool\Session::useSession(function ($adminSession) use($controller) { if ($adminSession->user instanceof User) { \Pimcore::getEventManager()->trigger("admin.login.logout", $controller, ["user" => $adminSession->user]); $adminSession->user = null; } \Zend_Session::destroy(); }); // cleanup pimcore-cookies => 315554400 => strtotime('1980-01-01') setcookie("pimcore_opentabs", false, 315554400, "/"); $this->redirect("/admin/login/"); }
public function previewAction() { $id = $this->getParam("id"); $key = "object_" . $id; $session = Tool\Session::getReadOnly("pimcore_objects"); if ($session->{$key}) { $object = $session->{$key}; } else { die("Preview not available, it seems that there's a problem with this object."); } $url = $object->getClass()->getPreviewUrl(); // replace named variables $vars = get_object_vars($object); foreach ($vars as $key => $value) { if (!empty($value) && (is_string($value) || is_numeric($value))) { $url = str_replace("%" . $key, urlencode($value), $url); } else { if (strpos($url, "%" . $key) !== false) { die("No preview available, please ensure that all fields which are required for the preview are filled correctly."); } } } // replace all remainaing % signs $url = str_replace("%", "%25", $url); $urlParts = parse_url($url); $this->redirect($urlParts["path"] . "?pimcore_object_preview=" . $id . "&_dc=" . time() . "&" . $urlParts["query"]); }
/** * */ public function removeFromSessionAction() { $key = "document_" . $this->getParam("id"); Session::useSession(function ($session) use($key) { $session->{$key} = null; }, "pimcore_documents"); $this->_helper->json(array("success" => true)); }
/** * @throws \Zend_Controller_Router_Exception */ public function init() { // this is only executed once per request (first request) if (self::$isInitial) { \Pimcore::getEventManager()->trigger("frontend.controller.preInit", $this); } parent::init(); // log exceptions if handled by error_handler $this->checkForErrors(); // general definitions if (self::$isInitial) { \Pimcore::unsetAdminMode(); Document::setHideUnpublished(true); Object\AbstractObject::setHideUnpublished(true); Object\AbstractObject::setGetInheritedValues(true); Object\Localizedfield::setGetFallbackValues(true); } // assign variables $this->view->controller = $this; // init website config $config = Config::getWebsiteConfig(); $this->config = $config; $this->view->config = $config; $document = $this->getParam("document"); if (!$document instanceof Document) { \Zend_Registry::set("pimcore_editmode", false); $this->editmode = false; $this->view->editmode = false; self::$isInitial = false; // check for a locale first, and set it if available if ($this->getParam("pimcore_parentDocument")) { // this is a special exception for renderlets in editmode (ajax request), because they depend on the locale of the parent document // otherwise there'll be notices like: Notice: 'No translation for the language 'XX' available.' if ($parentDocument = Document::getById($this->getParam("pimcore_parentDocument"))) { if ($parentDocument->getProperty("language")) { $this->setLocaleFromDocument($parentDocument->getProperty("language")); } } } // no document available, continue, ... return; } else { $this->setDocument($document); // register global locale if the document has the system property "language" if ($this->getDocument()->getProperty("language")) { $this->setLocaleFromDocument($this->getDocument()->getProperty("language")); } if (self::$isInitial) { // append meta-data to the headMeta() view helper, if it is a document-request if (!Model\Staticroute::getCurrentRoute() && $this->getDocument() instanceof Document\Page) { if (is_array($this->getDocument()->getMetaData())) { foreach ($this->getDocument()->getMetaData() as $meta) { // only name if (!empty($meta["idName"]) && !empty($meta["idValue"]) && !empty($meta["contentValue"])) { $method = "append" . ucfirst($meta["idName"]); $this->view->headMeta()->{$method}($meta["idValue"], $meta["contentValue"]); } } } } } } // this is only executed once per request (first request) if (self::$isInitial) { // contains the logged in user if necessary $user = null; // default is to set the editmode to false, is enabled later if necessary \Zend_Registry::set("pimcore_editmode", false); if (Tool::isFrontentRequestByAdmin()) { $this->disableBrowserCache(); // start admin session & get logged in user $user = Authentication::authenticateSession(); } if (\Pimcore::inDebugMode()) { $this->disableBrowserCache(); } if (!$this->document->isPublished()) { if (Tool::isFrontentRequestByAdmin()) { if (!$user) { throw new \Zend_Controller_Router_Exception("access denied for " . $this->document->getFullPath()); } } else { throw new \Zend_Controller_Router_Exception("access denied for " . $this->document->getFullPath()); } } // logged in users only if ($user) { // set the user to registry so that it is available via \Pimcore\Tool\Admin::getCurrentUser(); \Zend_Registry::set("pimcore_admin_user", $user); // document editmode if ($this->getParam("pimcore_editmode")) { \Zend_Registry::set("pimcore_editmode", true); // check if there is the document in the session $docKey = "document_" . $this->getDocument()->getId(); $docSession = Session::getReadOnly("pimcore_documents"); if ($docSession->{$docKey}) { // if there is a document in the session use it $this->setDocument($docSession->{$docKey}); } else { // set the latest available version for editmode if there is no doc in the session $latestVersion = $this->getDocument()->getLatestVersion(); if ($latestVersion) { $latestDoc = $latestVersion->loadData(); if ($latestDoc instanceof Document\PageSnippet) { $this->setDocument($latestDoc); } } } // register editmode plugin $front = \Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance(); $front->registerPlugin(new \Pimcore\Controller\Plugin\Frontend\Editmode($this), 1000); } // document preview if ($this->getParam("pimcore_preview")) { // get document from session $docKey = "document_" . $this->getParam("document")->getId(); $docSession = Session::getReadOnly("pimcore_documents"); if ($docSession->{$docKey}) { $this->setDocument($docSession->{$docKey}); } } // object preview if ($this->getParam("pimcore_object_preview")) { $key = "object_" . $this->getParam("pimcore_object_preview"); $session = Session::getReadOnly("pimcore_objects"); if ($session->{$key}) { $object = $session->{$key}; // add the object to the registry so every call to Object::getById() will return this object instead of the real one \Zend_Registry::set("object_" . $object->getId(), $object); } } // for version preview if ($this->getParam("pimcore_version")) { // only get version data at the first call || because of embedded Snippets ... if (!\Zend_Registry::isRegistered("pimcore_version_active")) { $version = Model\Version::getById($this->getParam("pimcore_version")); $this->setDocument($version->getData()); \Zend_Registry::set("pimcore_version_active", true); } } } // for public versions if ($this->getParam("v")) { try { $version = Model\Version::getById($this->getParam("v")); if ($version->getPublic()) { $this->setDocument($version->getData()); } } catch (\Exception $e) { } } // check for persona if ($this->getDocument() instanceof Document\Page) { $this->getDocument()->setUsePersona(null); // reset because of preview and editmode (saved in session) if ($this->getParam("_ptp") && self::$isInitial) { $this->getDocument()->setUsePersona($this->getParam("_ptp")); } } // check if document is a wrapped hardlink, if this is the case send a rel=canonical header to the source document if ($this->getDocument() instanceof Document\Hardlink\Wrapper\WrapperInterface) { // get the cononical (source) document $hardlinkCanonicalSourceDocument = Document::getById($this->getDocument()->getId()); $request = $this->getRequest(); if (\Pimcore\Tool\Frontend::isDocumentInCurrentSite($hardlinkCanonicalSourceDocument)) { $this->getResponse()->setHeader("Link", '<' . $request->getScheme() . "://" . $request->getHttpHost() . $hardlinkCanonicalSourceDocument->getFullPath() . '>; rel="canonical"'); } } \Pimcore::getEventManager()->trigger("frontend.controller.postInit", $this); } // set some parameters $this->editmode = \Zend_Registry::get("pimcore_editmode"); $this->view->editmode = \Zend_Registry::get("pimcore_editmode"); self::$isInitial = false; }
/** * */ protected function protectCSRF() { $csrfToken = Session::useSession(function ($adminSession) { return $adminSession->csrfToken; }); if ($csrfToken != $_SERVER["HTTP_X_PIMCORE_CSRF_TOKEN"]) { die("Detected CSRF Attack! Do not do evil things with pimcore ... ;-)"); } }
* Pimcore * * This source file is subject to the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3) * For the full copyright and license information, please view the and gpl-3.0.txt * files that are distributed with this source code. dsf sdaf asdf asdf * * @copyright Copyright (c) 2009-2015 pimcore GmbH ( * @license GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3) */ // adminer isn'T fully php 5.4 compatible error_reporting(E_ERROR); $workingDirectory = getcwd(); include "../../../cli/startup.php"; chdir($workingDirectory); // start global session an keep it open (this is needed for the CSRF protections from adminer) \Pimcore\Tool\Session::get(); // only for logged in users $user = \Pimcore\Tool\Authentication::authenticateSession(); if (!$user instanceof User) { die("Authentication failed!"); } if (!$user->isAllowed("database")) { die("Permission denied!"); } $conf = \Pimcore\Config::getSystemConfig()->database->params; if (empty($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"])) { header("Location: /pimcore/modules/3rdparty/adminer/index.php?username="******"&db=" . $conf->dbname); exit; } // adminer plugin function adminer_object()
public function indexAction() { // IE compatibility //$this->getResponse()->setHeader("X-UA-Compatible", "IE=8; IE=9", true); // clear open edit locks for this session (in the case of a reload, ...) \Pimcore\Model\Element\Editlock::clearSession(session_id()); // check maintenance $maintenance_enabled = false; $manager = Model\Schedule\Manager\Factory::getManager(""); $lastExecution = $manager->getLastExecution(); if ($lastExecution) { if (time() - $lastExecution < 610) { // maintenance script should run at least every 10 minutes + a little tolerance $maintenance_enabled = true; } } $this->view->maintenance_enabled = \Zend_Json::encode($maintenance_enabled); // configuration $sysConfig = Config::getSystemConfig(); $this->view->config = $sysConfig; //mail settings $mailIncomplete = false; if ($sysConfig->email) { if (!$sysConfig->email->debug->emailaddresses) { $mailIncomplete = true; } if (!$sysConfig->email->sender->email) { $mailIncomplete = true; } if ($sysConfig->email->method == "smtp" && !$sysConfig->email->smtp->host) { $mailIncomplete = true; } } $this->view->mail_settings_complete = \Zend_Json::encode(!$mailIncomplete); // report configuration $this->view->report_config = Config::getReportConfig(); // customviews config $cvConfig = Tool::getCustomViewConfig(); $cvData = array(); if ($cvConfig) { foreach ($cvConfig as $node) { $tmpData = $node; $rootNode = Model\Object::getByPath($tmpData["rootfolder"]); if ($rootNode) { $tmpData["rootId"] = $rootNode->getId(); $tmpData["allowedClasses"] = explode(",", $tmpData["classes"]); $tmpData["showroot"] = (bool) $tmpData["showroot"]; $cvData[] = $tmpData; } } } $this->view->customview_config = $cvData; // upload limit $max_upload = filesize2bytes(ini_get("upload_max_filesize") . "B"); $max_post = filesize2bytes(ini_get("post_max_size") . "B"); $upload_mb = min($max_upload, $max_post); $this->view->upload_max_filesize = $upload_mb; // csrf token $user = $this->getUser(); $this->view->csrfToken = Tool\Session::useSession(function ($adminSession) use($user) { if (!isset($adminSession->csrfToken) && !$adminSession->csrfToken) { $adminSession->csrfToken = sha1(microtime() . $user->getName() . uniqid()); } return $adminSession->csrfToken; }); if (\Pimcore\Tool\Admin::isExtJS6()) { $this->forward("index6"); } }
/** * if this method is called in self::shutdown() it forces the browser to close the connection an allows the * shutdown-function to run in the background * @static * @return string */ public static function outputBufferEnd($data) { $output = null; $contentEncoding = null; if (headers_sent()) { return $data; } // cleanup admin session Set-Cookie headers if needed // a detailed description why this is necessary can be found in the doc-block of \Pimcore\Tool\Session::$sessionCookieCleanupNeeded if (Tool\Session::isSessionCookieCleanupNeeded()) { $headers = headers_list(); $headers = array_reverse($headers); foreach ($headers as $header) { if (strpos($header, Tool\Session::getOption("name")) !== false) { header($header, true); // setting the header again with 2nd arg = true, overrides all duplicates break; } } } // only send this headers in the shutdown-function, so that it is also possible to get the contents of this buffer earlier without sending headers if (self::$inShutdown) { // force closing the connection at the client, this enables to do certain tasks (writing the cache) in the "background" header("Connection: close\r\n"); // check for supported content-encodings if (strpos($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING"], "gzip") !== false) { $contentEncoding = "gzip"; } if (!empty($data) && $contentEncoding) { ignore_user_abort(true); // find the content-type of the response $front = \Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance(); $a = $front->getResponse()->getHeaders(); $b = array_merge(headers_list(), $front->getResponse()->getRawHeaders()); $contentType = null; // first check headers in headers_list() because they overwrite all other headers => see SOAP controller foreach ($b as $header) { if (stripos($header, "content-type") !== false) { $parts = explode(":", $header); if (strtolower(trim($parts[0])) == "content-type") { $contentType = trim($parts[1]); break; } } } if (!$contentType) { foreach ($a as $header) { if (strtolower(trim($header["name"])) == "content-type") { $contentType = $header["value"]; break; } } } // prepare the response to be sent (gzip or not) // do not add text/xml or a wildcard for text/* here because this causes problems with the SOAP server $gzipContentTypes = array("@text/html@i", "@application/json@", "@text/javascript@", "@text/css@"); $gzipIt = false; foreach ($gzipContentTypes as $type) { if (@preg_match($type, $contentType)) { $gzipIt = true; break; } } // gzip the contents and send connection close tthat the process can run in the background to finish // some tasks like writing the cache ... // using mb_strlen() because of PIMCORE-1509 if ($gzipIt) { $output = "‹" . substr(gzcompress($data, 2), 0, -4) . pack('V', crc32($data)) . pack('V', mb_strlen($data, "latin1")); // (although all modern browsers don't need it anymore) to work properly with google adwords check & co. header("Content-Encoding: {$contentEncoding}\r\n"); } } // no gzip/deflate encoding if (!$output) { $output = $data; } if (strlen($output) > 0) { // check here if there is actually content, otherwise readfile() and similar functions are not working anymore header("Content-Length: " . mb_strlen($output, "latin1")); } header("X-Powered-By: pimcore", true); } // return the data unchanged return $output; }
public function copyAction() { $success = false; $sourceId = intval($this->getParam("sourceId")); $source = Asset::getById($sourceId); $session = Tool\Session::get("pimcore_copy"); $targetId = intval($this->getParam("targetId")); if ($this->getParam("targetParentId")) { $sourceParent = Asset::getById($this->getParam("sourceParentId")); // this is because the key can get the prefix "_copy" if the target does already exists if ($session->{$this->getParam("transactionId")}["parentId"]) { $targetParent = Asset::getById($session->{$this->getParam("transactionId")}["parentId"]); } else { $targetParent = Asset::getById($this->getParam("targetParentId")); } $targetPath = preg_replace("@^" . $sourceParent->getFullPath() . "@", $targetParent . "/", $source->getPath()); $target = Asset::getByPath($targetPath); } else { $target = Asset::getById($targetId); } if ($target->isAllowed("create")) { $source = Asset::getById($sourceId); if ($source != null) { if ($this->getParam("type") == "child") { $newAsset = $this->_assetService->copyAsChild($target, $source); // this is because the key can get the prefix "_copy" if the target does already exists if ($this->getParam("saveParentId")) { $session->{$this->getParam("transactionId")}["parentId"] = $newAsset->getId(); } } else { if ($this->getParam("type") == "replace") { $this->_assetService->copyContents($target, $source); } } $success = true; } else { \Logger::debug("prevended copy/paste because asset with same path+key already exists in this location"); } } else { \Logger::error("could not execute copy/paste because of missing permissions on target [ " . $targetId . " ]"); $this->_helper->json(array("error" => false, "message" => "missing_permission")); } Tool\Session::writeClose(); $this->_helper->json(array("success" => $success)); }
public function indexAction() { // clear open edit locks for this session (in the case of a reload, ...) \Pimcore\Model\Element\Editlock::clearSession(session_id()); // check maintenance $maintenance_enabled = false; $manager = Model\Schedule\Manager\Factory::getManager(""); $lastExecution = $manager->getLastExecution(); if ($lastExecution) { if (time() - $lastExecution < 610) { // maintenance script should run at least every 10 minutes + a little tolerance $maintenance_enabled = true; } } $this->view->maintenance_enabled = \Zend_Json::encode($maintenance_enabled); // configuration $sysConfig = Config::getSystemConfig(); $this->view->config = $sysConfig; //mail settings $mailIncomplete = false; if ($sysConfig->email) { if (!$sysConfig->email->debug->emailaddresses) { $mailIncomplete = true; } if (!$sysConfig->email->sender->email) { $mailIncomplete = true; } if ($sysConfig->email->method == "smtp" && !$sysConfig->email->smtp->host) { $mailIncomplete = true; } } $this->view->mail_settings_complete = \Zend_Json::encode(!$mailIncomplete); // report configuration $this->view->report_config = Config::getReportConfig(); $cvData = []; // still needed when publishing objects $cvConfig = Tool::getCustomViewConfig(); if ($cvConfig) { foreach ($cvConfig as $node) { $tmpData = $node; // backwards compatibility $treeType = $tmpData["treetype"] ? $tmpData["treetype"] : "object"; $rootNode = Model\Element\Service::getElementByPath($treeType, $tmpData["rootfolder"]); if ($rootNode) { $tmpData["rootId"] = $rootNode->getId(); $tmpData["allowedClasses"] = $tmpData["classes"] ? explode(",", $tmpData["classes"]) : null; $tmpData["showroot"] = (bool) $tmpData["showroot"]; // Check if a user has privileges to that node if ($rootNode->isAllowed("list")) { $cvData[] = $tmpData; } } } } $this->view->customview_config = $cvData; // upload limit $max_upload = filesize2bytes(ini_get("upload_max_filesize") . "B"); $max_post = filesize2bytes(ini_get("post_max_size") . "B"); $upload_mb = min($max_upload, $max_post); $this->view->upload_max_filesize = $upload_mb; // session lifetime (gc) $session_gc_maxlifetime = ini_get("session.gc_maxlifetime"); if (empty($session_gc_maxlifetime)) { $session_gc_maxlifetime = 120; } $this->view->session_gc_maxlifetime = $session_gc_maxlifetime; // csrf token $user = $this->getUser(); $this->view->csrfToken = Tool\Session::useSession(function ($adminSession) use($user) { if (!isset($adminSession->csrfToken) && !$adminSession->csrfToken) { $adminSession->csrfToken = sha1(microtime() . $user->getName() . uniqid()); } return $adminSession->csrfToken; }); if (\Pimcore\Tool\Admin::isExtJS6()) { $this->forward("index6"); } }
public function diffVersionsAction() { $versionFrom = Version::getById($this->getParam("from")); $docFrom = $versionFrom->loadData(); $request = $this->getRequest(); $sessionName = Tool\Session::getOption("name"); $prefix = $request->getScheme() . "://" . $request->getHttpHost() . $docFrom->getFullPath() . "?pimcore_version="; $fromUrl = $prefix . $this->getParam("from") . "&" . $sessionName . "=" . $_COOKIE[$sessionName]; $toUrl = $prefix . $this->getParam("to") . "&" . $sessionName . "=" . $_COOKIE[$sessionName]; $fromFile = PIMCORE_SYSTEM_TEMP_DIRECTORY . "/version-diff-tmp-" . uniqid() . ".png"; $toFile = PIMCORE_SYSTEM_TEMP_DIRECTORY . "/version-diff-tmp-" . uniqid() . ".png"; $diffFile = PIMCORE_SYSTEM_TEMP_DIRECTORY . "/version-diff-tmp-" . uniqid() . ".png"; if (\Pimcore\Image\HtmlToImage::isSupported() && class_exists("Imagick")) { \Pimcore\Image\HtmlToImage::convert($fromUrl, $fromFile); \Pimcore\Image\HtmlToImage::convert($toUrl, $toFile); $image1 = new Imagick($fromFile); $image2 = new Imagick($toFile); if ($image1->getImageWidth() == $image2->getImageWidth() && $image1->getImageHeight() == $image2->getImageHeight()) { $result = $image1->compareImages($image2, Imagick::METRIC_MEANSQUAREERROR); $result[0]->setImageFormat("png"); $result[0]->writeImage($diffFile); $result[0]->clear(); $result[0]->destroy(); $this->view->image = base64_encode(file_get_contents($diffFile)); unlink($diffFile); } else { $this->view->image1 = base64_encode(file_get_contents($fromFile)); $this->view->image2 = base64_encode(file_get_contents($toFile)); } // cleanup $image1->clear(); $image1->destroy(); $image2->clear(); $image2->destroy(); unlink($fromFile); unlink($toFile); } else { $this->renderScript("document/diff-versions-unsupported.php"); } }
public function updateCurrentUserAction() { $this->protectCSRF(); $user = $this->getUser(); if ($user != null) { if ($user->getId() == $this->getParam("id")) { $values = \Zend_Json::decode($this->getParam("data")); unset($values["name"]); unset($values["id"]); unset($values["admin"]); unset($values["permissions"]); unset($values["roles"]); unset($values["active"]); if (!empty($values["new_password"])) { $oldPasswordCheck = false; if (empty($values["old_password"])) { // if the user want to reset the password, the old password isn't required $oldPasswordCheck = Tool\Session::useSession(function ($adminSession) use($oldPasswordCheck) { if ($adminSession->password_reset) { return true; } return false; }); } else { // the password has to match $checkUser = Tool\Authentication::authenticatePlaintext($user->getName(), $values["old_password"]); if ($checkUser) { $oldPasswordCheck = true; } } if ($oldPasswordCheck && $values["new_password"] == $values["retype_password"]) { $values["password"] = Tool\Authentication::getPasswordHash($user->getName(), $values["new_password"]); } else { $this->_helper->json(["success" => false, "message" => "password_cannot_be_changed"]); } } $user->setValues($values); $user->save(); $this->_helper->json(["success" => true]); } else { \Logger::warn("prevented save current user, because ids do not match. "); $this->_helper->json(false); } } else { $this->_helper->json(false); } }
/** * Get CoreShop Session * * @return \stdClass */ public static function getSession() { return Session::get('CoreShop'); }
public function saveAction() { try { if ($this->getParam("id")) { $page = Document\Page::getById($this->getParam("id")); // check if there's a document in session which should be used as data-source // see also self::clearEditableDataAction() | this is necessary to reset all fields and to get rid of // outdated and unused data elements in this document (eg. entries of area-blocks) $pageSession = Session::useSession(function ($session) use($page) { if (isset($session->{"document_" . $page->getId()}) && isset($session->{"document_" . $page->getId() . "_useForSave"})) { if ($session->{"document_" . $page->getId() . "_useForSave"}) { // only use the page from the session once unset($session->{"document_" . $page->getId() . "_useForSave"}); return $session->{"document_" . $page->getId()}; } } return null; }, "pimcore_documents"); if ($pageSession) { $page = $pageSession; } else { $page = $this->getLatestVersion($page); } $page->setUserModification($this->getUser()->getId()); if ($this->getParam("task") == "unpublish") { $page->setPublished(false); } if ($this->getParam("task") == "publish") { $page->setPublished(true); } $settings = []; if ($this->getParam("settings")) { $settings = \Zend_Json::decode($this->getParam("settings")); } // check for redirects if ($this->getUser()->isAllowed("redirects") && $this->getParam("settings")) { if (is_array($settings)) { $redirectList = new Redirect\Listing(); $redirectList->setCondition("target = ?", $page->getId()); $existingRedirects = $redirectList->load(); $existingRedirectIds = []; foreach ($existingRedirects as $existingRedirect) { $existingRedirectIds[$existingRedirect->getId()] = $existingRedirect->getId(); } for ($i = 1; $i < 100; $i++) { if (array_key_exists("redirect_url_" . $i, $settings)) { // check for existing if ($settings["redirect_id_" . $i]) { $redirect = Redirect::getById($settings["redirect_id_" . $i]); unset($existingRedirectIds[$redirect->getId()]); } else { // create new one $redirect = new Redirect(); } $redirect->setSource($settings["redirect_url_" . $i]); $redirect->setTarget($page->getId()); $redirect->setStatusCode(301); $redirect->save(); } } // remove existing redirects which were delete foreach ($existingRedirectIds as $existingRedirectId) { $redirect = Redirect::getById($existingRedirectId); $redirect->delete(); } } } // check if settings exist, before saving meta data if ($this->getParam("settings") && is_array($settings)) { $metaData = []; for ($i = 1; $i < 30; $i++) { if (array_key_exists("metadata_" . $i, $settings)) { $metaData[] = $settings["metadata_" . $i]; } } $page->setMetaData($metaData); } // only save when publish or unpublish if ($this->getParam("task") == "publish" && $page->isAllowed("publish") or $this->getParam("task") == "unpublish" && $page->isAllowed("unpublish")) { $this->setValuesToDocument($page); try { $page->save(); $this->saveToSession($page); $this->_helper->json(["success" => true]); } catch (\Exception $e) { if (\Pimcore\Tool\Admin::isExtJS6() && $e instanceof Element\ValidationException) { throw $e; } Logger::err($e); $this->_helper->json(["success" => false, "message" => $e->getMessage()]); } } else { if ($page->isAllowed("save")) { $this->setValuesToDocument($page); try { $page->saveVersion(); $this->saveToSession($page); $this->_helper->json(["success" => true]); } catch (\Exception $e) { Logger::err($e); $this->_helper->json(["success" => false, "message" => $e->getMessage()]); } } } } } catch (\Exception $e) { Logger::log($e); if (\Pimcore\Tool\Admin::isExtJS6() && $e instanceof Element\ValidationException) { $this->_helper->json(["success" => false, "type" => "ValidationException", "message" => $e->getMessage(), "stack" => $e->getTraceAsString(), "code" => $e->getCode()]); } throw $e; } $this->_helper->json(false); }