Пример #1
  * Sets the attribute
  * @param AbstractAttribute $attribute
  * @throws ColumnLabelException
 public function setAttribute(AbstractAttribute $attribute = null)
     $this->attribute = $attribute;
     if (null === $attribute) {
         $this->locale = null;
         $this->scope = null;
         $this->suffixes = $this->rawSuffixes;
         $this->propertyPath = lcfirst(Inflector::classify($this->name));
     } else {
         $this->propertyPath = $attribute->getBackendType();
         $suffixes = $this->rawSuffixes;
         if ($attribute->isLocalizable()) {
             if (count($suffixes)) {
                 $this->locale = array_shift($suffixes);
             } else {
                 throw new ColumnLabelException('The column "%column%" must contain a locale code', array('%column%' => $this->label));
         if ($attribute->isScopable()) {
             if (count($suffixes)) {
                 $this->scope = array_shift($suffixes);
             } else {
                 throw new ColumnLabelException('The column "%column%" must contain a scope code', array('%column%' => $this->label));
         $this->suffixes = $suffixes;
  * Test related method
 public function testConstruct()
 function let(SerializerInterface $serializer, AbstractAttribute $simpleAttribute)
 function it_adds_a_order_by_on_an_attribute_value_in_the_query(Builder $queryBuilder, AbstractAttribute $sku)
     $queryBuilder->sort('normalizedData.sku', 'desc')->willReturn($queryBuilder);
     $this->addAttributeSorter($sku, 'desc');
 function it_adds_a_less_than_or_equals_filter_in_the_query(Builder $queryBuilder, AbstractAttribute $price)
     $this->addAttributeFilter($price, '<=', '22.5 EUR');
 function it_adds_a_in_filter_on_an_attribute_value_in_the_query($qb, AbstractAttribute $color)
     $qb->in([1, 2])->willReturn($qb);
     $this->addAttributeFilter($color, 'IN', [1, 2]);
 function it_adds_a_like_filter_on_an_attribute_value_in_the_query(Builder $queryBuilder, AbstractAttribute $sku)
     $this->addAttributeFilter($sku, 'LIKE', 'my-sku');
 function it_adds_a_less_than_or_equals_filter_in_the_query(Builder $queryBuilder, AbstractAttribute $metric)
     $this->addAttributeFilter($metric, '<=', '22.5');
 function it_returns_attribute_informations_from_field_name_with_price_attribute($managerRegistry, AttributeRepository $repository, AbstractAttribute $attribute)
     $this->extractAttributeFieldNameInfos('foo-USD')->shouldReturn(['attribute' => $attribute, 'locale_code' => null, 'scope_code' => null, 'price_currency' => 'USD']);
  * Get all locale codes
  * @param AbstractAttribute $attribute
  * @return array
 public function getLocaleCodes(AbstractAttribute $attribute = null)
     $localeCodes = [];
     if (null === $attribute || $attribute->isLocalizable()) {
         foreach ($this->getLocales() as $locale) {
             $localeCodes[] = $locale->getCode();
     return $localeCodes;
 function it_normalizes_value_with_decimal_support_backend(ProductValueInterface $value, AbstractAttribute $attribute)
     $this->normalize($value, 'mongodb_json', [])->shouldReturn(['code' => 42.42]);
Пример #12
  * Prepare join to attribute condition with current locale and scope criterias
  * @param AbstractAttribute $attribute the attribute
  * @param string            $joinAlias the value join alias
  * @return string
 public function prepareCondition(AbstractAttribute $attribute, $joinAlias)
     $condition = $joinAlias . '.attribute = ' . $attribute->getId();
     if ($attribute->isLocalizable()) {
         $condition .= ' AND ' . $joinAlias . '.locale = ' . $this->qb->expr()->literal($this->context->getLocaleCode());
     if ($attribute->isScopable()) {
         $condition .= ' AND ' . $joinAlias . '.scope = ' . $this->qb->expr()->literal($this->context->getScopeCode());
     return $condition;
 function it_adds_a_like_filter_in_the_query(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, AbstractAttribute $sku)
     $queryBuilder->expr()->willReturn(new Expr());
     $condition = "filtersku1.attribute = 42 AND filtersku1.varchar LIKE 'My Sku'";
     $queryBuilder->innerJoin('p.values', 'filtersku1', 'WITH', $condition)->shouldBeCalled();
     $this->addAttributeFilter($sku, 'LIKE', 'My Sku');
 function it_adds_a_not_between_filter_on_an_attribute_value_in_the_query($queryBuilder, AbstractAttribute $date)
     $queryBuilder->gte(strtotime('2014-03-20 23:59:59'))->willReturn($queryBuilder);
     $this->addAttributeFilter($date, ['from' => '<', 'to' => '>'], ['from' => '2014-03-15', 'to' => '2014-03-20']);
  * Extract informations from an attribute and exploded field name
  * This method is used from extractAttributeFieldNameInfos and can be redefine to add new rules
  * @param AbstractAttribute $attribute
  * @param array             $explodedFieldName
  * @return array
 protected function extractAttributeInfos(AbstractAttribute $attribute, array $explodedFieldName)
     if ($attribute->isLocalizable() && $attribute->isScopable()) {
         $localeCode = $explodedFieldName[1];
         $scopeCode = $explodedFieldName[2];
         $priceCurrency = $attribute->getBackendType() === 'prices' ? $explodedFieldName[3] : null;
     } elseif ($attribute->isLocalizable()) {
         $localeCode = $explodedFieldName[1];
         $scopeCode = null;
         $priceCurrency = $attribute->getBackendType() === 'prices' ? $explodedFieldName[2] : null;
     } elseif ($attribute->isScopable()) {
         $localeCode = null;
         $scopeCode = $explodedFieldName[1];
         $priceCurrency = $attribute->getBackendType() === 'prices' ? $explodedFieldName[2] : null;
     } else {
         $localeCode = null;
         $scopeCode = null;
         $priceCurrency = $attribute->getBackendType() === 'prices' ? $explodedFieldName[1] : null;
     $priceArray = null === $priceCurrency ? [] : ['price_currency' => $priceCurrency];
     return ['attribute' => $attribute, 'locale_code' => $localeCode, 'scope_code' => $scopeCode] + $priceArray;
  * @param AbstractAttribute $attribute
  * @return array
 protected function getAttributeClasses(AbstractAttribute $attribute)
     $classes = array();
     if ($attribute->isScopable()) {
         $classes['scopable'] = true;
     if ($attribute->isLocalizable()) {
         $classes['localizable'] = true;
     if ('pim_catalog_price_collection' === $attribute->getAttributeType()) {
         $classes['currency'] = true;
     return $classes;
 function it_adds_a_sorter_in_the_query(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, AbstractAttribute $sku)
     $queryBuilder->expr()->willReturn(new Expr());
     $condition = "sorterVsku1.attribute = 42";
     $queryBuilder->leftJoin('p.values', 'sorterVsku1', 'WITH', $condition)->shouldBeCalled();
     $queryBuilder->addOrderBy('sorterVsku1.varchar', 'DESC')->shouldBeCalled();
     $this->addAttributeSorter($sku, 'DESC');
  * Provides the potential column keys for this attribute
  * @param AbstractAttribute $attribute
  * @return array
 protected function getAttributeKeys(AbstractAttribute $attribute)
     $keys = [];
     $keys[] = $attribute->getCode();
     $updatedKeys = [];
     if ($attribute->isScopable() && $attribute->isLocalizable()) {
         foreach ($this->getLocales() as $locale) {
             foreach ($this->getChannels() as $channel) {
                 foreach ($keys as $baseKey) {
                     $key = $baseKey . '-' . $locale->getCode() . '-' . $channel->getCode();
                     $updatedKeys[] = $key;
         $keys = $updatedKeys;
     } elseif ($attribute->isScopable() && !$attribute->isLocalizable()) {
         foreach ($this->getChannels() as $channel) {
             foreach ($keys as $baseKey) {
                 $key = $baseKey . '-' . $channel->getCode();
                 $updatedKeys[] = $key;
         $keys = $updatedKeys;
     } elseif (!$attribute->isScopable() && $attribute->isLocalizable()) {
         foreach ($this->getLocales() as $locale) {
             foreach ($keys as $baseKey) {
                 $key = $baseKey . '-' . $locale->getCode();
                 $updatedKeys[] = $key;
         $keys = $updatedKeys;
     switch ($attribute->getBackendType()) {
         case 'prices':
             $updatedKeys = [];
             foreach ($keys as $key) {
                 foreach ($this->getCurrencies() as $currency) {
                     $updatedKeys[] = $key . '-' . $currency->getCode();
             $keys = $updatedKeys;
         case 'metric':
             $updatedKeys = [];
             foreach ($keys as $key) {
                 $updatedKeys[] = $key;
                 $updatedKeys[] = $key . '-' . self::METRIC_UNIT;
             $keys = $updatedKeys;
     return $keys;
 function it_normalizes_product_with_a_multiselect_value($filter, $serializer, ProductInterface $product, AbstractAttribute $skuAttribute, AbstractAttribute $colorsAttribute, AbstractProductValue $sku, AbstractProductValue $colors, AttributeOption $red, AttributeOption $blue, Collection $values, Family $family)
     $colors->getData()->willReturn([$red, $blue]);
     $filter->filter($values, ['identifier' => $sku, 'scopeCode' => null, 'localeCodes' => []])->willReturn([$sku, $colors]);
     $serializer->normalize($sku, 'flat', Argument::any())->willReturn(['sku' => 'sku-001']);
     $serializer->normalize($colors, 'flat', Argument::any())->willReturn(['colors' => 'red, blue']);
     $this->normalize($product, 'flat', [])->shouldReturn(['sku' => 'sku-001', 'family' => 'shoes', 'groups' => '', 'categories' => '', 'colors' => 'red, blue', 'enabled' => 1]);
  * Does the attribute scope match with attributeScope on prestashop ?
  * @param AbstractAttribute $attribute
  * @param string            $attributeScope
  * @return boolean
 protected function scopeMatches(AbstractAttribute $attribute, $attributeScope)
     return $attributeScope !== self::GLOBAL_SCOPE && $attribute->isLocalizable() || $attributeScope === self::GLOBAL_SCOPE && !$attribute->isLocalizable();
  * Get normalized default value for attribute
  * @param AbstractAttribute $attribute
  * @param string            $defaultLocale
  * @param array             $magentoAttributes
  * @param array             $magentoAttributesOptions
  * @param MappingCollection $attributeMapping
  * @return string
 protected function getNormalizedDefaultValue(AbstractAttribute $attribute, $defaultLocale, array $magentoAttributes, array $magentoAttributesOptions, MappingCollection $attributeMapping)
     $attributeCode = strtolower($attributeMapping->getTarget($attribute->getCode()));
     $context = ['identifier' => null, 'scopeCode' => null, 'localeCode' => $defaultLocale, 'onlyLocalized' => false, 'magentoAttributes' => [$attributeCode => ['scope' => !$attribute->isLocalizable() ? ProductValueNormalizer::GLOBAL_SCOPE : '']], 'magentoAttributesOptions' => $magentoAttributesOptions, 'attributeCodeMapping' => $attributeMapping, 'currencyCode' => ''];
     if ($attribute->getDefaultValue() instanceof ProductValueInterface) {
         return reset($this->productValueNormalizer->normalize($attribute->getDefaultValue(), 'MagentoArray', $context));
     } elseif ($attribute->getDefaultValue() instanceof AttributeOption) {
         $productValue = $this->productValueManager->createProductValueForDefaultOption($attribute);
         $normalizedOption = $this->productValueNormalizer->normalize($productValue, 'MagentoArray', $context);
         return null != $normalizedOption ? reset($normalizedOption) : null;
     } else {
         return null !== $attribute->getDefaultValue() ? (string) $attribute->getDefaultValue() : '';
  * Get the name of a normalized data field
  * @param AbstractAttribute $attribute
  * @param Channel           $channel
  * @param Locale            $locale
  * @return string
 protected function getNormalizedFieldName(AbstractAttribute $attribute, Channel $channel, Locale $locale)
     $suffix = '';
     if ($attribute->isLocalizable()) {
         $suffix = sprintf('-%s', $locale->getCode());
     if ($attribute->isScopable()) {
         $suffix .= sprintf('-%s', $channel->getCode());
     return $attribute->getCode() . $suffix;
  * Normalize the field name from attribute and catalog context
  * @param AbstractAttribute $attribute
  * @param CatalogContext    $context
  * @return string
 public static function getNormalizedValueFieldFromAttribute(AbstractAttribute $attribute, CatalogContext $context)
     return self::getNormalizedValueField($attribute->getCode(), $attribute->isLocalizable(), $attribute->isScopable(), $attribute->isLocalizable() ? $context->getLocaleCode() : null, $attribute->isScopable() ? $context->getScopeCode() : null);
 function it_generates_attribute_indexes_when_saving_filterable_scopable_and_localizable_attribute($collection, $namingUtility, AbstractAttribute $description)
     $namingUtility->getAttributeNormFields($description)->willReturn(['normalizedData.description-en_US-ecommerce', 'normalizedData.description-de_DE-ecommerce', 'normalizedData.description-en_US-mobile']);
  * Get normalized scope for attribute.
  * @param AbstractAttribute $attribute
  * @return string
 protected function getNormalizedScope(AbstractAttribute $attribute)
     return $attribute->isLocalizable() ? self::STORE_SCOPE : self::GLOBAL_SCOPE;
  * @param AbstractAttribute $attribute
  * @return boolean
 protected function isLocalizable(AbstractAttribute $attribute = null)
     return $attribute && $attribute->isLocalizable();
  * @param AbstractAttribute $attribute
  * @param string            $locale
  * @param string            $scope
  * @return string
 protected function getValueCode(AbstractAttribute $attribute, $locale, $scope)
     $valueCode = $attribute->getCode();
     if ($attribute->isLocalizable()) {
         $valueCode .= '_' . $locale;
     if ($attribute->isScopable()) {
         $valueCode .= '_' . $scope;
     return $valueCode;