Пример #1
  * Encrypt data.
  * @param string $text  Plaintext.
  * @return array  Array of MPI values (c1, c2).
 public function encrypt($text)
     $p_len = strlen($this->_key->key['p']);
     $length = $p_len - 11;
     if ($length <= 0) {
         return false;
     $g = new BigInteger($this->_key->key['g'], 256);
     $p = new BigInteger($this->_key->key['p'], 256);
     $y = new BigInteger($this->_key->key['y'], 256);
     $out = array();
     foreach (str_split($text, $length) as $m) {
         // EME-PKCS1-v1_5 encoding
         $psLen = $p_len - strlen($m) - 3;
         $ps = '';
         while (($psLen2 = strlen($ps)) != $psLen) {
             $tmp = Random::String($psLen - $psLen2);
             $ps .= str_replace("", '', $tmp);
         $em = new BigInteger(chr(0) . chr(2) . $ps . chr(0) . $m, 256);
         // End EME-PKCS1-v1_5 encoding
         $k = Horde_Pgp_Crypt_DSA::randomNumber($p);
         $c1 = $g->modPow($k, $p);
         $c2_base = $y->modPow($k, $p)->multiply($em)->divide($p);
         $c2 = $c2_base[1];
         $out[] = str_pad($c1->toBytes(), $p_len, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT);
         $out[] = str_pad($c2->toBytes(), $p_len, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT);
     return $out;
Пример #2
  * Generate a number that lies between 0 and q-1.
  * @param \phpseclib\Math\BigInteger $q  Max number.
  * @return \phpseclib\Math\BigInteger  Generated number.
 public static function randomNumber($q)
     $bytes = strlen($q->toBytes()) + 8;
     $ints = $bytes + 1 >> 2;
     $cstring = Crypt\Random::String($ints);
     $random = '';
     for ($i = 0; $i < $ints; ++$i) {
         $random .= pack('N', $cstring[$i]);
     $c = new BigInteger(substr($random, 0, $bytes), 256);
     $one = new BigInteger(1);
     $result_base = $c->divide($q->subtract($one));
     return $result_base[1]->add($one);
Пример #3
  * Encrypt data.
  * @param mixed $key   The list of public keys used to encrypt or a list
  *                     of passphrases.
  * @param mixed $data  The data to be PGP encrypted.
  * @param array $opts  Additional options:
  *   - cipher: (integer) Cipher algorithm.
  *   - compress: (integer) Compression algorithm.
  * @param Horde_Pgp_Element_Message  Encrypted message.
 protected function _encrypt($key, $data, $opts)
     $msg = $this->_compressMessageOb($this->_getMessageOb($data), $opts['compress']);
     /* Following code adapted from OpenPGP_Crypt_Symmetric::encrypt(). */
     list($cipher, $key_bytes, $block_bytes) = OpenPGP_Crypt_Symmetric::getCipher($opts['cipher']);
     $prefix = Crypt\Random::String($block_bytes);
     $prefix .= substr($prefix, -2);
     $to_encrypt = $prefix . $msg->to_bytes();
     $mdc = new OpenPGP_ModificationDetectionCodePacket(hash('sha1', $to_encrypt . "Ó", true));
     /* This is the symmetric encryption session key. */
     $ckey = Crypt\Random::String($key_bytes);
     /* This is the symmetrically encrypted version of plaintext. */
     $encrypted = array(new OpenPGP_IntegrityProtectedDataPacket($cipher->encrypt($to_encrypt . $mdc->to_bytes())));
     /* Now we need to encrypt the symmetric session key into the various
      * session key encrypted entities. */
     foreach ($key as $k) {
         /* Symmetric encryption. */
         if (is_string($k)) {
             $s2k = new OpenPGP_S2K(Crypt\Random::String(8, 2));
             // SHA-1
             $cipher->setKey($s2k->make_key($k, $key_bytes));
             $encrypted[] = new OpenPGP_SymmetricSessionKeyPacket($s2k, $cipher->encrypt(chr($opts['cipher']) . $ckey), $opts['cipher']);
         /* Public key encryption. */
         switch ($k->algorithm) {
             case 1:
             case 2:
             case 3:
                 $rsa = new OpenPGP_Crypt_RSA($k);
                 $pk = $rsa->public_key();
             case 16:
                 $pk = new Horde_Pgp_Crypt_Elgamal($k);
         $pk_encrypt = $pk->encrypt(chr($opts['cipher']) . $ckey . pack('n', OpenPGP_Crypt_Symmetric::checksum($ckey)));
         $esk = array();
         foreach (is_array($pk_encrypt) ? $pk_encrypt : array($pk_encrypt) as $val) {
             $esk[] = pack('n', OpenPGP::bitlength($val)) . $val;
         $encrypted[] = new OpenPGP_AsymmetricSessionKeyPacket($k->algorithm, $k->fingerprint(), implode('', $esk));
     return new Horde_Pgp_Element_Message(new OpenPGP_Message(array_reverse($encrypted)));