function add_product_to_collection($product_id, $collection_id) { $shopify = shopify\client(SHOPIFY_SHOP, SHOPIFY_APP_API_KEY, SHOPIFY_APP_PASSWORD, true); try { # Making an API request can throw an exception $collect = $shopify('POST /admin/collects.json', array(), array('collect' => array('product_id' => $product_id, 'collection_id' => $collection_id))); return array('collect' => $collect, 'success' => 'true'); } catch (shopify\ApiException $e) { # HTTP status code was >= 400 or response contained the key 'errors' return array('request' => $e->getRequest(), 'response' => $e->getResponse(), 'error' => $e, 'success' => 'false'); } catch (shopify\CurlException $e) { # cURL error return array('request' => $e->getRequest(), 'response' => $e->getResponse(), 'error' => $e, 'success' => 'false'); } }
<?php session_start(); require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; use phpish\shopify; require __DIR__ . '/conf.php'; $shopify = shopify\client(SHOPIFY_SHOP, SHOPIFY_APP_API_KEY, SHOPIFY_APP_PASSWORD, true); echo "<pre>"; try { # Making an API request can throw an exception $products = $shopify('GET /admin/products.json', array('published_status' => 'published')); } catch (shopify\ApiException $e) { # HTTP status code was >= 400 or response contained the key 'errors' echo $e; print_R($e->getRequest()); print_R($e->getResponse()); } catch (shopify\CurlException $e) { # cURL error echo $e; print_R($e->getRequest()); print_R($e->getResponse()); } foreach ($products as $key => $product) { try { # Making an API request can throw an exception $response = $shopify('DELETE /admin/products/' . $product['id'] . '.json', array()); echo $key . '\\r\\n'; } catch (shopify\ApiException $e) { # HTTP status code was >= 400 or response contained the key 'errors' echo $e; print_R($e->getRequest());
<?php session_start(); require __DIR__ . '/db.php'; require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; use phpish\shopify; require __DIR__ . '/conf.php'; if (isset($_POST['domain_api_key']) && isset($_POST['api_token']) && isset($_SESSION['oauth_token'])) { $shopify = shopify\client($_SESSION['shop'], SHOPIFY_APP_API_KEY, $_SESSION['oauth_token']); $newDomain = $_POST['domain']; $newDomainApiKey = $_POST['domain_api_key']; $newApiToken = $_POST['api_token']; $changeStatus = isset($_POST['changeStatus']) ? true : false; $newHelpPages = $_POST['help_pages']; $newAddToCart = $_POST['qs_add_to_cart']; $newVariation = $_POST['qs_variation']; $newAddToWishlist = $_POST['qs_add_to_wishlist']; $newImage = $_POST['qs_image']; $newReview = $_POST['qs_review']; $newPrice = $_POST['qs_price']; $response = updateShopDetails($conn, $_SESSION['shop'], $_SESSION['oauth_token'], $newDomain, $newDomainApiKey, $newApiToken, $changeStatus, $newHelpPages, $newAddToCart, $newVariation, $newAddToWishlist, $newImage, $newReview, $newPrice); try { $shop = getShopDetails($conn, $_SESSION['shop']); $res = array(); if ($shop['status']) { // enable Retargeting App // base embedding $scriptTag = array('script_tag' => array('event' => 'onload', 'src' => '')); $res[] = $shopify('POST /admin/script_tags.json', $scriptTag); // triggers $scriptTag = array('script_tag' => array('event' => 'onload', 'src' => ''));
<?php session_start(); require __DIR__ . '/db.php'; require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; use phpish\shopify; require __DIR__ . '/conf.php'; if (isset($_GET['shop']) && ($shop = verifyShopStatus($conn, $_GET['shop']))) { $shopify = shopify\client($shop['shop'], SHOPIFY_APP_API_KEY, $shop['token']); if (isset($_GET['t'])) { if ($_GET['t'] == 'sendProduct') { $productHandle = $_GET['h']; $categoryHandle = $_GET['hc']; if ($productHandle == '') { echo 'false'; return false; } try { $product = $shopify('GET /admin/products.json?handle=' . $productHandle); if (count($product) > 0) { $product = $product[0]; $productImage = ''; if (array_key_exists('image', $product)) { $productImage = $product['image']['src']; } // $category = 'false'; $category = '{ "id": 1, "name": "Root", "parent": false, "breadcrumb": []
$upsell_products = $row['upsell_product']; $shop_id = $row['shop_id']; $upsell_show = $row['upsell_show']; $title_upsell = $row['title_upsell']; $body_upsell = $row['body_upsell']; } } $result = pg_query($db, "SELECT * from app_shop_data where shop_id='{$shop_id}'"); if (pg_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($row = pg_fetch_array($result)) { $shop_url = $row['shop_url']; } } $upsell_product = explode(",", $upsell_products); $count_upsell = count($upsell_product); $shopify = shopify\client($shop_url, SHOPIFY_APP_API_KEY, $token); ?> document.write("<div id='cartrelatedproduct' style='display:none'><a class='fancybox-close1' href='/cart'></a><div class='popup'><div class='content'><div id='four-product' class='product-upsell'><div class='opt1' ><div class='upsell-description'><?php echo $title_upsell; ?> </div><div class='upsell-description-small' style=''><?php echo $body_upsell; ?> </div></div><div class='hidd mobilecontent' style='display:none'><div id='relCarousel1' class='container jsCollection row-store-collection relCarousel_1'><?php for ($i = 0; $i < $count_upsell; $i++) { $up_p_id = $upsell_product[$i]; $products = $shopify("GET /admin/products/{$upsell_product[$i]}.json", array('published_status' => 'published')); $upsell_product_id = $products['id']; ?> <div class='col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-12'> <div class='product_image'> <center> <img style='width:auto;' src='<?php echo $products['image']['src'];