  * In here you should create your backup.
  * @param \phpbu\App\Backup\Target $target
  * @param \phpbu\App\Result $result
  * @return \phpbu\App\Backup\Source\Status
  * @throws \phpbu\App\Exception;
 public function backup(Target $target, Result $result)
     $status = Status::create();
     // use these methods to store the backup at the configured location
     // $target->getPath()
     // $target->getPathname()
     // $target->getFilename()
     // to know if the backup should be compressed use
     // $target->shouldBeCompressed()
     // to get the compression settings use
     // $target->getCompressor()
     // if you want to log some debug information use
     // $result->debug('some message');
     // anything bad happens throw a \phpbu\App\Exception
     // Clone target class for the archiving part
     //        $tarTarget = clone $target;
     // Rsync to a temporary directory
     //        $date = new \DateTime();
     //        $target->setPath('/tmp/phpbu-rsync-' . $date->format('Ymd-His'));
     // Execute the sync
     $rsync = $this->execute($target);
     if (!$rsync->wasSuccessful()) {
         throw new Exception('rsync failed: ' . PHP_EOL . $rsync->getOutputAsString());
     // Archive the synced files
     //        $tarOptions = [
     //            'path'       => $target->getPath(),
     //            // FIXME: removeDir boolean doesn't work. Value in Source/Tar class is not used or passed along to the executable
     //            'removeDir'  => true,
     //            'showStdErr' => true,
     //        ];
     //        $tar = new Source\Tar();
     //        $tar->setup($tarOptions);
     //        $tarResult = $tar->backup($tarTarget, $result);
     //        // If tar doesn't handle the compression mark status
     //        // uncompressed so the app can take care of compression
     //        if (!$tarResult->handledCompression()) {
     //            $status->uncompressed()->dataPath($target->getPathnamePlain());
     //        }
     return $status;
Пример #2
  * (non-PHPDoc)
  * @see    \phpbu\App\Backup\Source
  * @param  \phpbu\App\Backup\Target $target
  * @param  \phpbu\App\Result        $result
  * @return \phpbu\App\Backup\Source\Status
  * @throws \phpbu\App\Exception
 public function backup(Target $target, Result $result)
     $elasticdump = $this->execute($target);
     if (!$elasticdump->wasSuccessful()) {
         throw new Exception('elasticdump failed');
     return Status::create()->uncompressed($target->getPathnamePlain());
Пример #3
  * (non-PHPDoc)
  * @see    \phpbu\App\Backup\Source
  * @param  \phpbu\App\Backup\Target $target
  * @param  \phpbu\App\Result        $result
  * @return \phpbu\App\Backup\Source\Status
  * @throws \phpbu\App\Exception
 public function backup(Target $target, Result $result)
     // set uncompressed default MIME type
     $status = Status::create();
     $tar = $this->execute($target);
     // if tar doesn't handle the compression mark status uncompressed so the app can take care of compression
     if (!$this->executable->handlesCompression()) {
     if (!$tar->wasSuccessful()) {
         throw new Exception('tar failed');
     return $status;
Пример #4
  * Execute the backup.
  * @see    \phpbu\App\Backup\Source
  * @param  \phpbu\App\Backup\Target $target
  * @param  \phpbu\App\Result        $result
  * @return \phpbu\App\Backup\Source\Status
  * @throws \phpbu\App\Exception
 public function backup(Target $target, Result $result)
     // set uncompressed default MIME type
     $redisSave = $this->getExecutable($target);
     $redisLast = $this->getRedisLastSave($redisSave);
     $lastBackupTimestamp = $this->getLastBackupTime($redisLast);
     $saveResult = $redisSave->run();
     if (!$saveResult->wasSuccessful()) {
         throw new Exception('redis-cli BGSAVE failed');
     $this->isDumpCreatedYet($lastBackupTimestamp, $redisLast);
     $pathToDump = $this->copyDumpToTargetDir($target);
     return Status::create()->uncompressed($pathToDump);
Пример #5
  * (non-PHPDoc)
  * @see    \phpbu\App\Backup\Source
  * @param  \phpbu\App\Backup\Target $target
  * @param  \phpbu\App\Result        $result
  * @return \phpbu\App\Backup\Source\Status
  * @throws \phpbu\App\Exception
 public function backup(Target $target, Result $result)
     // setup dump location and execute the dump
     $mongodump = $this->execute($target);
     if (!$mongodump->wasSuccessful()) {
         throw new Exception('Mongodump failed');
     return Status::create()->uncompressed($this->getDumpDir($target));
Пример #6
  * (non-PHPDoc)
  * @see    \phpbu\App\Backup\Source
  * @param  \phpbu\App\Backup\Target $target
  * @param  \phpbu\App\Result        $result
  * @return \phpbu\App\Backup\Source\Status
  * @throws \phpbu\App\Exception
 public function backup(Target $target, Result $result)
     $innobackupex = $this->execute($target);
     if (!$innobackupex->wasSuccessful()) {
         throw new Exception('XtraBackup failed');
     return Status::create()->uncompressed()->dataPath($this->getDumpDir($target));
Пример #7
  * (non-PHPDoc)
  * @see    \phpbu\App\Backup\Source
  * @param  \phpbu\App\Backup\Target $target
  * @param  \phpbu\App\Result        $result
  * @return \phpbu\App\Backup\Source\Status
  * @throws \phpbu\App\Exception
 public function backup(Target $target, Result $result)
     // setup dump location and execute the dump
     $this->dumpPathname = $target->getPathnamePlain();
     $mysqldump = $this->execute($target);
     if (!$mysqldump->wasSuccessful()) {
         throw new Exception('mysqldump failed');
     return Status::create()->uncompressed()->dataPath($this->dumpPathname);