/** * Display board announcements * * @return null * @access public */ public function display_board_announcements() { // Do not continue if announcement has been disabled if (!$this->config['board_announcements_enable']) { return; } // Get board announcement data from the cache $board_announcement_data = $this->cache->get('_board_announcement_data'); if ($board_announcement_data === false) { // Get board announcement data from the config_text object $board_announcement_data = $this->config_text->get_array(array('announcement_text', 'announcement_uid', 'announcement_bitfield', 'announcement_options', 'announcement_bgcolor', 'announcement_timestamp')); // Cache board announcement data $this->cache->put('_board_announcement_data', $board_announcement_data); } // Get announcement cookie if one exists $cookie = $this->request->variable($this->config['cookie_name'] . '_baid', '', true, \phpbb\request\request_interface::COOKIE); // Do not continue if announcement has been dismissed if (!$this->user->data['board_announcements_status'] || $cookie == $board_announcement_data['announcement_timestamp']) { return; } // Prepare board announcement message for display $announcement_message = generate_text_for_display($board_announcement_data['announcement_text'], $board_announcement_data['announcement_uid'], $board_announcement_data['announcement_bitfield'], $board_announcement_data['announcement_options']); // Add board announcements language file $this->user->add_lang_ext('phpbb/boardannouncements', 'boardannouncements'); // Output board announcement to the template $this->template->assign_vars(array('S_BOARD_ANNOUNCEMENT' => true, 'S_BOARD_ANNOUNCEMENT_DISMISS' => (bool) $this->config['board_announcements_dismiss'], 'BOARD_ANNOUNCEMENT' => $announcement_message, 'BOARD_ANNOUNCEMENT_BGCOLOR' => $board_announcement_data['announcement_bgcolor'], 'U_BOARD_ANNOUNCEMENT_CLOSE' => $this->controller_helper->route('phpbb_boardannouncements_controller', array('hash' => generate_link_hash('close_boardannouncement'))))); }
/** * Remove an existing config_text setting. * * @param string $config_name The name of the config_text setting you would * like to remove * @return null */ public function remove($config_name) { if (is_null($this->config_text->get($config_name))) { return; } $this->config_text->delete($config_name); }
/** * @param string $list_name whitelist or blacklist * @param string $u_action phpbb acp-u_action */ private function manage_list($u_action, $list_name) { $list_name_upper = strtoupper($list_name); // Define the name of the form for use as a form key $form_name = 'topictags'; add_form_key($form_name); $errors = array(); if ($this->request->is_set_post('submit')) { if (!check_form_key($form_name)) { trigger_error('FORM_INVALID'); } $this->config->set(prefixes::CONFIG . '_' . $list_name . '_enabled', $this->request->variable(prefixes::CONFIG . '_' . $list_name . '_enabled', 0)); $list = rawurldecode(base64_decode($this->request->variable(prefixes::CONFIG . '_' . $list_name, ''))); if (!empty($list)) { $list = json_decode($list, true); $tags = array(); for ($i = 0, $size = sizeof($list); $i < $size; $i++) { $tags[] = $list[$i]['text']; } $list = json_encode($tags); } // store the list $this->config_text->set(prefixes::CONFIG . '_' . $list_name, $list); trigger_error($this->user->lang('TOPICTAGS_' . $list_name_upper . '_SAVED') . adm_back_link($u_action)); } // display $list = $this->config_text->get(prefixes::CONFIG . '_' . $list_name); $list = base64_encode(rawurlencode($list)); $this->template->assign_vars(array('TOPICTAGS_VERSION' => $this->user->lang('TOPICTAGS_INSTALLED', $this->config[prefixes::CONFIG . '_version']), 'TOPICTAGS_' . $list_name_upper . '_ENABLED' => $this->config[prefixes::CONFIG . '_' . $list_name . '_enabled'], 'TOPICTAGS_' . $list_name_upper => $list, 'S_RH_TOPICTAGS_INCLUDE_NG_TAGS_INPUT' => true, 'S_RH_TOPICTAGS_INCLUDE_CSS' => true, 'TOPICTAGS_CONVERT_SPACE_TO_MINUS' => $this->config[prefixes::CONFIG . '_convert_space_to_minus'] ? 'true' : 'false', 'S_ERROR' => sizeof($errors) ? true : false, 'ERROR_MSG' => implode('<br />', $errors), 'U_ACTION' => $u_action)); }
/** * Set a cookie to keep an announcement closed * * @return bool True * @access protected */ protected function set_board_announcement_cookie() { // Get board announcement data from the DB text object $announcement_timestamp = $this->config_text->get('announcement_timestamp'); // Store the announcement timestamp/id in a cookie with a 1 year expiration $this->user->set_cookie('baid', $announcement_timestamp, strtotime('+1 year')); return true; }
public function test_update_resume_data() { $resume_data = array('test_reparser' => array('range-min' => 0, 'range-max' => 100, 'range-size' => 50)); $this->config_text->set('reparser_resume', serialize($resume_data)); $this->reparser_manager->update_resume_data('another_reparser', 5, 20, 10, false); $this->assert_array_content_equals($resume_data, unserialize($this->config_text->get('reparser_resume'))); $this->reparser_manager->update_resume_data('test_reparser', 0, 50, 50); $resume_data = array('test_reparser' => array('range-min' => 0, 'range-max' => 50, 'range-size' => 50), 'another_reparser' => array('range-min' => 5, 'range-max' => 20, 'range-size' => 10)); $this->assert_array_content_equals($resume_data, unserialize($this->config_text->get('reparser_resume'))); }
/** * Updates the resume data in the database * * @param string $name Name of the reparser to which the resume data belongs * @param int $min Lowest record ID * @param int $current Current record ID * @param int $size Number of records to process at a time * @param bool $update_db True if the resume data should be written to the database, false if not. (default: true) */ public function update_resume_data($name, $min, $current, $size, $update_db = true) { // Prevent overwriting the old, stored array if ($this->resume_data === null) { $this->get_resume_data(''); } $this->resume_data[$name] = array('range-min' => $min, 'range-max' => $current, 'range-size' => $size); if ($update_db) { $this->config_text->set('reparser_resume', serialize($this->resume_data)); } }
public function test_delete_array_get_remaining() { $this->config_text->delete_array(array('foo', 'bar')); $this->assertNull($this->config_text->get('bar')); $this->assertNull($this->config_text->get('foo')); $this->assertSame('string-de-ding', $this->config_text->get('meh')); }
/** * {inheritDoc} */ public function render(\phpbb\template\template $template) { $l_admin_info = $this->config_text->get('contact_admin_info'); if ($l_admin_info) { $contact_admin_data = $this->config_text->get_array(array('contact_admin_info', 'contact_admin_info_uid', 'contact_admin_info_bitfield', 'contact_admin_info_flags')); $l_admin_info = generate_text_for_display($contact_admin_data['contact_admin_info'], $contact_admin_data['contact_admin_info_uid'], $contact_admin_data['contact_admin_info_bitfield'], $contact_admin_data['contact_admin_info_flags']); } $template->assign_vars(array('S_CONTACT_ADMIN' => true, 'S_CONTACT_FORM' => $this->config['contact_admin_form_enable'], 'S_IS_REGISTERED' => $this->user->data['is_registered'], 'S_POST_ACTION' => append_sid($this->phpbb_root_path . 'memberlist.' . $this->phpEx, 'mode=contactadmin'), 'CONTACT_INFO' => $l_admin_info, 'MESSAGE' => $this->body, 'SUBJECT' => $this->subject, 'NAME' => $this->sender_name, 'EMAIL' => $this->sender_address)); parent::render($template); }
public function core_posting_modify_template_vars($event) { $page_data = $event['page_data']; $post_data = $event['post_data']; $mode = $event['mode']; $submit = $event['submit']; $preview = $event['preview']; $load = $event['load']; $save = $event['save']; $refresh = $event['refresh']; $forum_id = $event['forum_id']; if ($mode == 'post' && !$submit && !$preview && !$load && !$save && !$refresh && empty($post_data['post_text']) && empty($post_data['post_subject']) && $this->config_text->get('marttiphpbb_postingtemplate_forum[' . $forum_id . ']')) { $page_data['MESSAGE'] = $this->config_text->get('marttiphpbb_postingtemplate_forum[' . $forum_id . ']'); } $event['page_data'] = $page_data; }
/** * Add some stats from piwik on the index * * @param object $event The event object * @return null * @access public */ public function add_on_index($event) { //Is it activated? if (!empty($this->config['piwik_stats_index_active']) == false) { return; } // Get piwikstats data from the config_text object $config_text = $this->config_text->get_array(array('piwik_token', 'piwik_time_index', 'piwik_cache_index')); //Get the data from Cache $data = false; // $this->cache->get('piwik_stats_index'); //No Data in the Cache if ($data === false) { //url to piwik $url = $this->config['piwik_url'] . '/index.php?module=API&method=VisitsSummary.get' . '&idSite=' . $this->config['piwik_site_id'] . '&apiModule=VisitsSummary&apiAction=get' . '&period=range&date=last' . $config_text['piwik_time_index'] . '&token_auth=' . $config_text['piwik_token'] . '&format=php'; //get the data from piwik $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $data = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); //Is it a correct url? if ($data === false) { return; } //$this->cache->put('piwik_stats_index', $data, $config_text['piwik_cache_index']); } //unserialize the data $data = @unserialize($data); //Is there serialized data or get we an error from piwik? if ($data === false || isset($data['result']) && $data['result'] === 'error') { return; } // Add piwikstats language file $this->user->add_lang_ext('tacitus89/piwikstats', 'piwikstats'); // Output piwikstats to the template $this->template->assign_vars(array('S_PIWIK_STATS_INDEX_ACTIVATE' => !empty($this->config['piwik_stats_index_active']) ? true : false, 'S_PIWIK_STATS_PAGE_ACTIVATE' => !empty($this->config['piwik_stats_page_active']) ? true : false, 'PIWIK_STATS_URL' => $this->helper->route('tacitus89_piwikstats_main_controller'), 'PIWIK_VISITORS' => number_format($data['nb_visits'], 0, ',', '.'), 'PIWIK_ACTIONS' => number_format($data['nb_actions'], 0, ',', '.'), 'PIWIK_AVG_TIME_ON_SITE' => gmdate("H:i:s", $data['avg_time_on_site']), 'PIWIK_ACTIONS_PER_VISIT' => round($data['nb_actions_per_visit'], 2), 'PIWIK_TIME' => $config_text['piwik_time_index'])); }
public function edit_subject($event) { $mode = $event['mode']; $post_data = $event['post_data']; $topic_first_post_id = isset($event['post_data']['topic_first_post_id']) ? $event['post_data']['topic_first_post_id'] : 0; $post_id = isset($event['post_data']['post_id']) ? $event['post_data']['post_id'] : 0; $forums = explode(',', $this->config['sub_prfx_forums']); if (in_array($event['forum_id'], $forums) && ($mode == 'post' || $mode == 'edit') && ($post_id == $topic_first_post_id || !$topic_first_post_id)) { if ($mode == 'edit') { $subject_data = $event['post_data']['post_subject']; $subject_data = explode(']', $subject_data); $subject = array_pop($subject_data); $subject_prfixes = array_diff($subject_data, array($subject)); foreach ($subject_prfixes as $key => $pfx) { $subject_prfixes[$key] = str_replace('[', '', $pfx); } } $options = $options_second = array(0 => $this->user->lang['SELECT']); $options = array_merge($options, explode(',', (string) $this->config_text->get('sub_prfx'))); $options_second = array_merge($options_second, explode(',', (string) $this->config_text->get('sub_prfx_second'))); $key = isset($subject_prfixes[0]) ? array_search($subject_prfixes[0], $options) : 0; $second_key = isset($subject_prfixes[1]) ? array_search($subject_prfixes[1], $options_second) : 0; $prefix = $this->request->variable('subprfx', $key); $subprfx_second = $this->request->variable('subprfx_second', $second_key); $select = ''; if ($options[1]) { foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $select .= '<option value="' . $key . '"' . ($key == $prefix ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $value . '</option>'; } } $select_second = ''; if ($options_second[1]) { foreach ($options_second as $key => $value) { $select_second .= '<option value="' . $key . '"' . ($key == $subprfx_second ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $value . '</option>'; } } $this->template->assign_vars(array('S_SELECT' => $select, 'S_SELECT_SECOND' => $select_second)); } }
public function test_is_valid_tag() { global $table_prefix; $this->assertTrue($this->tags_manager->is_valid_tag("tag")); // clean tags must be trimed (note the trailing space) $this->assertFalse($this->tags_manager->is_valid_tag("tag ", true)); $this->assertFalse($this->tags_manager->is_valid_tag("ta"), 'tag is too short'); $this->assertFalse($this->tags_manager->is_valid_tag("abcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghija", true), 'tag is too long'); // will be cleaned and thereby trimmed to 30 chars $this->assertTrue($this->tags_manager->is_valid_tag("abcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghija", false)); // enable blacklist and whitelist global $table_prefix; $config = new \phpbb\config\config(array(prefixes::CONFIG . '_allowed_tags_regex' => '/^[a-z]{3,30}$/i', prefixes::CONFIG . '_whitelist_enabled' => true, prefixes::CONFIG . '_blacklist_enabled' => true)); $this->config_text->set_array(array(prefixes::CONFIG . '_blacklist' => json_encode(array("blacktag", "blackwhitetag")), prefixes::CONFIG . '_whitelist' => json_encode(array("whitetag", "blackwhitetag")))); $db_helper = new \robertheim\topictags\service\db_helper($this->db); $this->tags_manager = new tags_manager($this->db, $config, $this->config_text, $this->auth, $db_helper, $table_prefix); $this->assertFalse($this->tags_manager->is_valid_tag("blacktag", true), 'tag is on blacklist'); $this->assertFalse($this->tags_manager->is_valid_tag("notwhitetag", true), 'tag is not on whitelist'); $this->assertTrue($this->tags_manager->is_valid_tag("whitetag", true), 'tag is not blacklisted and on whitelist'); $this->assertFalse($this->tags_manager->is_valid_tag("blackwhitetag", true), 'blacklist must be given priority'); $this->config_text->delete_array(array(prefixes::CONFIG . '_blacklist', prefixes::CONFIG . '_whitelist')); }
public function posts_merging($event) { $mode = $event['mode']; $subject = $event['subject']; $username = $event['username']; $topic_type = $event['topic_type']; $poll = $event['poll']; $data = $event['data']; $update_message = $event['update_message']; $update_search_index = $event['update_search_index']; $current_time = time(); $do_not_merge_with_previous = $this->request->variable('posts_merging_option', false); if (!$do_not_merge_with_previous && !$this->helper->post_needs_approval($data) && in_array($mode, array('reply', 'quote')) && $this->merge_interval && !$this->helper->excluded_from_merge($data)) { $merge_post_data = $this->helper->get_last_post_data($data); // Do not merge if there's no last post data, the post is locked or allowed merge period has left if (!$merge_post_data || $merge_post_data['post_edit_locked'] || $current_time - (int) $merge_post_data['topic_last_post_time'] > $this->merge_interval || !$this->user->data['is_registered']) { return; } // Also, don't let user to violate attachments limit by posts merging // In this case, also don't merge posts and return // Exceptions are administrators and forum moderators $num_old_attachments = $this->helper->count_post_attachments((int) $merge_post_data['post_id']); $num_new_attachments = sizeof($data['attachment_data']); $total_attachments_count = $num_old_attachments + $num_new_attachments; if ($total_attachments_count > $this->config['max_attachments'] && !$this->auth->acl_get('a_') && !$this->auth->acl_get('m_', (int) $data['forum_id'])) { return; } $data['post_id'] = (int) $merge_post_data['post_id']; $merge_post_data['post_attachment'] = $total_attachments_count ? 1 : 0; // Decode old message and addon $merge_post_data['post_text'] = $this->helper->prepare_text_for_merge($merge_post_data); $data['message'] = $this->helper->prepare_text_for_merge($data); // Handle inline attachments BBCode in old message if ($num_new_attachments) { $merge_post_data['post_text'] = preg_replace('#\\[attachment=([0-9]+)\\](.*?)\\[\\/attachment\\]#e', "'[attachment='.(\\1 + {$num_new_attachments}).']\\2[/attachment]'", $merge_post_data['post_text']); } // Prepare message separator $separator = (string) $this->config_text->get('posts_merging_separator_text'); $this->user->add_lang_ext('rxu/PostsMerging', 'posts_merging'); // Calculate the time interval $interval = $this->helper->get_time_interval($current_time, $merge_post_data['post_time']); $time = array(); $time[] = $interval->h ? $this->user->lang('D_HOURS', $interval->h) : null; $time[] = $interval->i ? $this->user->lang('D_MINUTES', $interval->i) : null; $time[] = $interval->s ? $this->user->lang('D_SECONDS', $interval->s) : null; // Allow using language variables like {L_LANG_VAR} $separator = preg_replace_callback('/{L_([A-Z0-9_]+)}/', function ($matches) { return $this->user->lang($matches[1]); }, $separator); // Eval linefeeds and generate the separator, time interval included $separator = sprintf(str_replace('\\n', "\n", $separator), implode(' ', $time)); // Merge subject if (!empty($subject) && $subject != $merge_post_data['post_subject'] && $merge_post_data['post_id'] != $merge_post_data['topic_first_post_id']) { $separator .= sprintf($this->user->lang['MERGE_SUBJECT'], $subject); } // Merge posts $merge_post_data['post_text'] = $merge_post_data['post_text'] . $separator . $data['message']; // Make sure the message is safe $this->type_cast_helper->recursive_set_var($merge_post_data['post_text'], '', true); //Prepare post for submit $options = ''; $warn_msg = generate_text_for_storage($merge_post_data['post_text'], $merge_post_data['bbcode_uid'], $merge_post_data['bbcode_bitfield'], $options, $merge_post_data['enable_bbcode'], $merge_post_data['enable_magic_url'], $merge_post_data['enable_smilies']); // If $warn_msg is not empty, the merged message does not conform some restrictions // In this case we simply don't merge and return back to the function submit_post() if (!empty($warn_msg)) { return; } // If this is the first merging for current post, save original post time within the post_created field // Update post time with the current time and submit post to the database $merge_post_data['post_created'] = $merge_post_data['post_created'] ?: $merge_post_data['post_time']; $merge_post_data['post_time'] = $data['post_time'] = $current_time; $this->helper->submit_post_to_database($merge_post_data); // Submit attachments $this->helper->submit_attachments($data); // Update read tracking $this->helper->update_read_tracking($data); // If a username was supplied or the poster is a guest, we will use the supplied username. // Doing it this way we can use "...post by guest-username..." in notifications when // "guest-username" is supplied or ommit the username if it is not. $username = $username !== '' || !$this->user->data['is_registered'] ? $username : $this->user->data['username']; // Send Notifications // Despite the post_id is the same and users who've been already notified // won't be notified again about the same post_id, we send notifications // for new users possibly subscribed to it $notification_data = array_merge($data, array('topic_title' => isset($data['topic_title']) ? $data['topic_title'] : $subject, 'post_username' => $username, 'poster_id' => (int) $data['poster_id'], 'post_text' => $data['message'], 'post_time' => $merge_post_data['post_time'], 'post_subject' => $subject)); $this->notification_manager->add_notifications(array('notification.type.quote', 'notification.type.bookmark', 'notification.type.post'), $notification_data); // Update search index $this->helper->update_search_index($merge_post_data); //Generate redirection URL and redirecting $params = $add_anchor = ''; $params .= '&t=' . $data['topic_id']; $params .= '&p=' . $data['post_id']; $add_anchor = '#p' . $data['post_id']; $url = "{$this->phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.{$this->php_ext}"; $url = append_sid($url, 'f=' . (int) $data['forum_id'] . $params) . $add_anchor; /** * Modify the data for post submitting * * @event rxu.postsmerging.posts_merging_end * @var string mode Variable containing posting mode value * @var string subject Variable containing post subject value * @var string username Variable containing post author name * @var int topic_type Variable containing topic type value * @var array poll Array with the poll data for the post * @var array data Array with the data for the post * @var bool update_message Flag indicating if the post will be updated * @var bool update_search_index Flag indicating if the search index will be updated * @var string url The "Return to topic" URL * @since 2.0.0 */ $vars = array('mode', 'subject', 'username', 'topic_type', 'poll', 'data', 'update_message', 'update_search_index', 'url'); extract($this->phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('rxu.postsmerging.posts_merging_end', compact($vars))); redirect($url); } }
/** * Get piwikstats data from the config_text object * * @return array * @access private */ private function getConfigText() { // Get piwikstats data from the config_text object return $this->config_text->get_array(array('piwik_token', 'piwik_cache_page', 'piwik_time_page')); }
/** * Gets all tags from the whitelist */ public function get_whitelist_tags() { return json_decode($this->config_text->get(prefixes::CONFIG . '_whitelist'), true); }
function main($id, $mode) { global $config, $request, $template, $user, $phpbb_container; $this->config = $config; $this->request = $request; $this->template = $template; $this->user = $user; $this->log = $phpbb_container->get('log'); $this->config_text = $phpbb_container->get('config_text'); // Add the piwikstats ACP lang file $user->add_lang_ext('tacitus89/piwikstats', 'piwikstats_acp'); // Create a form key for preventing CSRF attacks add_form_key('piwikstats_config'); // Create an array to collect errors that will be output to the user $errors = array(); // Is the form being submitted to us? if ($this->request->is_set_post('submit')) { // Test if the submitted form is valid if (!check_form_key('piwikstats_config')) { $errors[] = $this->user->lang('FORM_INVALID'); } $cacheTime = $this->request->variable('piwik_cache_page', 0); $cacheTimeIndex = $this->request->variable('piwik_cache_index', 0); if ($cacheTime > 2592000 || $cacheTimeIndex > 2592000) { $errors[] = $this->user->lang('ACP_PIWIK_CACHE_TOO_HIGH'); } // If no errors, process the form data if (empty($errors)) { // Set the options $this->config->set('piwik_ext_active', $this->request->variable('piwik_ext_active', 0)); $this->config->set('piwik_url', rtrim($this->request->variable('piwik_url', '', true), '/')); $this->config->set('piwik_site_id', $this->request->variable('piwik_site_id', 0)); $this->config->set('piwik_accept_donottrack', $this->request->variable('piwik_accept_donottrack', 0)); $this->config->set('piwik_use_user_id', $this->request->variable('piwik_use_user_id', 0)); $this->config->set('piwik_set_title', $this->request->variable('piwik_set_title', 0)); $this->config->set('piwik_track_visitortype', $this->request->variable('piwik_track_visitortype', 0)); $this->config->set('piwik_search', $this->request->variable('piwik_search', 0)); $this->config_text->set('piwik_token', $this->request->variable('piwik_token', '', true)); //Set stats_page $this->config->set('piwik_stats_page_active', $this->request->variable('piwik_stats_page_active', 0)); $this->config_text->set('piwik_time_page', $this->request->variable('piwik_time_page', 0)); $this->config_text->set('piwik_cache_page', $cacheTime); //Set stats_index $this->config->set('piwik_stats_index_active', $this->request->variable('piwik_stats_index_active', 0)); $this->config_text->set('piwik_time_index', $this->request->variable('piwik_time_index', 0)); $this->config_text->set('piwik_cache_index', $cacheTimeIndex); // Add option settings change action to the admin log $this->log->add('admin', $this->user->data['user_id'], $this->user->ip, 'ACP_PIWIKSTATS_SETTINGS_LOG'); // Option settings have been updated // Confirm this to the user and provide link back to previous page trigger_error($this->user->lang('ACP_PIWIKSTATS_SETTINGS_SAVED') . adm_back_link($this->u_action)); } } // Get piwikstats data from the config_text object $config_text = $this->config_text->get_array(array('piwik_token', 'piwik_cache_page', 'piwik_time_page', 'piwik_cache_index', 'piwik_time_index')); // Set output vars for display in the template $this->template->assign_vars(array('S_ERROR' => sizeof($errors) ? true : false, 'ERROR_MSG' => sizeof($errors) ? implode('<br />', $errors) : '', 'U_ACTION' => $this->u_action, 'S_PIWIK_EXT_ACTIVE' => $this->config['piwik_ext_active'] ? true : false, 'PIWIK_URL' => $this->config['piwik_url'], 'PIWIK_SITE_ID' => $this->config['piwik_site_id'], 'S_PIWIK_ACCEPT_DONOTTRACK' => $this->config['piwik_accept_donottrack'] ? true : false, 'S_PIWIK_USER_ID' => $this->config['piwik_use_user_id'] ? true : false, 'S_PIWIK_SET_TITLE' => $this->config['piwik_set_title'] ? true : false, 'S_PIWIK_TRACK_VISITORTYPE' => $this->config['piwik_track_visitortype'] ? true : false, 'S_PIWIK_SEARCH' => $this->config['piwik_search'] ? true : false, 'PIWIK_TOKEN' => $config_text['piwik_token'], 'S_PIWIK_STATS_PAGE_ACTIVE' => $this->config['piwik_stats_page_active'] ? true : false, 'PIWIK_TIME_PAGE' => $config_text['piwik_time_page'], 'PIWIK_CACHE_PAGE' => $config_text['piwik_cache_page'], 'S_PIWIK_STATS_INDEX_ACTIVE' => $this->config['piwik_stats_index_active'] ? true : false, 'PIWIK_TIME_INDEX' => $config_text['piwik_time_index'], 'PIWIK_CACHE_INDEX' => $config_text['piwik_cache_index'])); // Load a template from adm/style for our ACP page $this->tpl_name = 'acp_piwikstats'; // Set the page title for our ACP page $this->page_title = $user->lang('ACP_PIWIK_INDEX'); }
/** * Save the resume data to the database */ protected function save_resume_data() { $this->config_text->set('reparser_resume', serialize($this->resume_data)); }
public function main($id, $mode) { global $cache, $config, $db, $phpbb_log, $request, $template, $user, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $phpbb_container; $this->cache = $cache; $this->config = $config; $this->config_text = $phpbb_container->get('config_text'); $this->db = $db; $this->log = $phpbb_log; $this->request = $request; $this->template = $template; $this->user = $user; $this->phpbb_root_path = $phpbb_root_path; $this->php_ext = $phpEx; // Add the posting lang file needed by BBCodes $this->user->add_lang(array('posting')); // Add the board announcements ACP lang file $this->user->add_lang_ext('phpbb/boardannouncements', 'boardannouncements_acp'); // Load a template from adm/style for our ACP page $this->tpl_name = 'board_announcements'; // Set the page title for our ACP page $this->page_title = 'ACP_BOARD_ANNOUNCEMENTS_SETTINGS'; // Define the name of the form for use as a form key $form_name = 'acp_board_announcements'; add_form_key($form_name); // Set an empty error string $error = ''; // Include files needed for displaying BBCodes if (!function_exists('display_custom_bbcodes')) { include $this->phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_display.' . $this->php_ext; } // Get all board announcement data from the config_text table in the database $data = $this->config_text->get_array(array('announcement_text', 'announcement_uid', 'announcement_bitfield', 'announcement_options', 'announcement_bgcolor')); // If form is submitted or previewed if ($this->request->is_set_post('submit') || $this->request->is_set_post('preview')) { // Test if form key is valid if (!check_form_key($form_name)) { $error = $this->user->lang('FORM_INVALID'); } // Get new announcement text and bgcolor values from the form $data['announcement_text'] = $this->request->variable('board_announcements_text', '', true); $data['announcement_bgcolor'] = $this->request->variable('board_announcements_bgcolor', '', true); // Get config options from the form $enable_announcements = $this->request->variable('board_announcements_enable', false); $allow_guests = $this->request->variable('board_announcements_guests', false); $dismiss_announcements = $this->request->variable('board_announcements_dismiss', false); // Prepare announcement text for storage generate_text_for_storage($data['announcement_text'], $data['announcement_uid'], $data['announcement_bitfield'], $data['announcement_options'], !$this->request->variable('disable_bbcode', false), !$this->request->variable('disable_magic_url', false), !$this->request->variable('disable_smilies', false)); // Store the announcement text and settings if submitted with no errors if (empty($error) && $this->request->is_set_post('submit')) { // Store the config enable/disable state $this->config->set('board_announcements_enable', $enable_announcements); $this->config->set('board_announcements_guests', $allow_guests); $this->config->set('board_announcements_dismiss', $dismiss_announcements); // Store the announcement settings to the config_table in the database $this->config_text->set_array(array('announcement_text' => $data['announcement_text'], 'announcement_uid' => $data['announcement_uid'], 'announcement_bitfield' => $data['announcement_bitfield'], 'announcement_options' => $data['announcement_options'], 'announcement_bgcolor' => $data['announcement_bgcolor'], 'announcement_timestamp' => time())); // Set the board_announcements_status for all normal users // to 1 when an announcement is created, or 0 when announcement is empty $announcement_status = !empty($data['announcement_text']) ? 1 : 0; $sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . ' SET board_announcements_status = ' . $announcement_status . ' WHERE user_type <> ' . USER_IGNORE; $this->db->sql_query($sql); // Set the board_announcement status for guests if they are allowed // We do this separately for guests to make sure it is always set to // the correct value every time. $sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . ' SET board_announcements_status = ' . ($allow_guests && $announcement_status ? 1 : 0) . ' WHERE user_id = ' . ANONYMOUS; $this->db->sql_query($sql); // Log the announcement update $this->log->add('admin', $this->user->data['user_id'], $this->user->ip, 'BOARD_ANNOUNCEMENTS_UPDATED_LOG'); // Destroy any cached board announcement data $this->cache->destroy('_board_announcement_data'); // Output message to user for the announcement update trigger_error($this->user->lang('BOARD_ANNOUNCEMENTS_UPDATED') . adm_back_link($this->u_action)); } } // Prepare a fresh announcement preview $announcement_text_preview = ''; if ($this->request->is_set_post('preview')) { $announcement_text_preview = generate_text_for_display($data['announcement_text'], $data['announcement_uid'], $data['announcement_bitfield'], $data['announcement_options']); } // prepare the announcement text for editing inside the textbox $announcement_text_edit = generate_text_for_edit($data['announcement_text'], $data['announcement_uid'], $data['announcement_options']); // Output data to the template $this->template->assign_vars(array('ERRORS' => $error, 'BOARD_ANNOUNCEMENTS_ENABLED' => isset($enable_announcements) ? $enable_announcements : $this->config['board_announcements_enable'], 'BOARD_ANNOUNCEMENTS_GUESTS' => isset($allow_guests) ? $allow_guests : $this->config['board_announcements_guests'], 'BOARD_ANNOUNCEMENTS_DISMISS' => isset($dismiss_announcements) ? $dismiss_announcements : $this->config['board_announcements_dismiss'], 'BOARD_ANNOUNCEMENTS_TEXT' => $announcement_text_edit['text'], 'BOARD_ANNOUNCEMENTS_PREVIEW' => $announcement_text_preview, 'BOARD_ANNOUNCEMENTS_BGCOLOR' => $data['announcement_bgcolor'], 'S_BBCODE_DISABLE_CHECKED' => !$announcement_text_edit['allow_bbcode'], 'S_SMILIES_DISABLE_CHECKED' => !$announcement_text_edit['allow_smilies'], 'S_MAGIC_URL_DISABLE_CHECKED' => !$announcement_text_edit['allow_urls'], 'BBCODE_STATUS' => $this->user->lang('BBCODE_IS_ON', '<a href="' . append_sid("{$this->phpbb_root_path}faq.{$this->php_ext}", 'mode=bbcode') . '">', '</a>'), 'SMILIES_STATUS' => $this->user->lang('SMILIES_ARE_ON'), 'IMG_STATUS' => $this->user->lang('IMAGES_ARE_ON'), 'FLASH_STATUS' => $this->user->lang('FLASH_IS_ON'), 'URL_STATUS' => $this->user->lang('URL_IS_ON'), 'S_BBCODE_ALLOWED' => true, 'S_SMILIES_ALLOWED' => true, 'S_BBCODE_IMG' => true, 'S_BBCODE_FLASH' => true, 'S_LINKS_ALLOWED' => true, 'S_BOARD_ANNOUNCEMENTS' => true, 'U_ACTION' => $this->u_action)); // Build custom bbcodes array display_custom_bbcodes(); }
private function get_settings() { $settings = $this->config_text->get('sfs_settings'); $settings = unserialize($settings); return $settings; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function save_record(array $record) { $this->config_text->set('contact_admin_info', $record['text']); }