Пример #1
  * @param array $aProfile
  * @param object \PH7\UserCoreModel $oUserModel
  * @return void
 public function add(array $aProfile, UserCoreModel $oUserModel)
     $sBirthDate = !empty($aProfile['birthday']) ? $aProfile['birthday'] : date('m/d/Y', strtotime('-30 year'));
     $sSex = $aProfile['gender'] != 'male' && $aProfile['gender'] != 'female' && $aProfile['gender'] != 'couple' ? 'female' : $aProfile['gender'];
     // Default 'female'
     $sMatchSex = $sSex == 'male' ? 'female' : ($sSex == 'female' ? 'male' : 'couple');
     $this->_sUsername = (new UserCore())->findUsername($aProfile['given_name'], $aProfile['name'], $aProfile['family_name']);
     $this->_aUserInfo = ['email' => $aProfile['email'], 'username' => $this->_sUsername, 'password' => Various::genRndWord(8, 30), 'first_name' => !empty($aProfile['given_name']) ? $aProfile['given_name'] : '', 'last_name' => !empty($aProfile['family_name']) ? $aProfile['family_name'] : '', 'sex' => $sSex, 'match_sex' => array($sMatchSex), 'birth_date' => (new CDateTime())->get($sBirthDate)->date('Y-m-d'), 'country' => Geo::getCountryCode(), 'city' => Geo::getCity(), 'state' => Geo::getState(), 'zip_code' => Geo::getZipCode(), 'description' => !empty($aProfile['bio']) ? $aProfile['bio'] : '', 'website' => '', 'social_network_site' => $aProfile['link'], 'ip' => Ip::get(), 'prefix_salt' => Various::genRnd(), 'suffix_salt' => Various::genRnd(), 'hash_validation' => Various::genRnd(), 'is_active' => DbConfig::getSetting('userActivationType')];
     $this->_iProfileId = $oUserModel->add($this->_aUserInfo);
Пример #2
  * @param object $oProfile
  * @param object \PH7\UserCoreModel $oUserModel
  * @return void
 public function add($oProfile, UserCoreModel $oUserModel)
     $sBirthDate = isset($oProfile->birth_month, $oProfile->birth_day, $oProfile->birth_year) ? $oProfile->birth_month . '/' . $oProfile->birth_day . '/' . $oProfile->birth_year : date('m/d/Y', strtotime('-30 year'));
     $sSex = $oProfile->gender != 'male' && $oProfile->gender != 'female' && $oProfile->gender != 'couple' ? 'female' : $oProfile->gender;
     // Default 'female'
     $sMatchSex = $sSex == 'male' ? 'female' : ($sSex == 'female' ? 'male' : 'couple');
     $this->_sUsername = (new UserCore())->findUsername($oProfile->name, $oProfile->first_name, $oProfile->last_name);
     $this->_aUserInfo = ['email' => $oProfile->emails->account, 'username' => $this->_sUsername, 'password' => Various::genRndWord(8, 30), 'first_name' => !empty($oProfile->first_name) ? $oProfile->first_name : '', 'last_name' => !empty($oProfile->last_name) ? $oProfile->last_name : '', 'sex' => $sSex, 'match_sex' => array($sMatchSex), 'birth_date' => (new CDateTime())->get($sBirthDate)->date('Y-m-d'), 'country' => Geo::getCountryCode(), 'city' => Geo::getCity(), 'state' => Geo::getState(), 'zip_code' => Geo::getZipCode(), 'description' => '', 'website' => '', 'social_network_site' => '', 'ip' => Ip::get(), 'prefix_salt' => Various::genRnd(), 'suffix_salt' => Various::genRnd(), 'hash_validation' => Various::genRnd(), 'is_active' => DbConfig::getSetting('userActivationType')];
     $this->_iProfileId = $oUserModel->add($this->_aUserInfo);
Пример #3
  * @param array $aProfile
  * @param object \PH7\UserCoreModel $oUserModel
  * @return void
 public function add(array $aProfile, UserCoreModel $oUserModel)
     $oUser = new UserCore();
     $sBirthDate = !empty($aProfile['birthday']) ? $aProfile['birthday'] : date('m/d/Y', strtotime('-30 year'));
     $sLocation = !empty($aProfile['location']['name']) ? $aProfile['location']['name'] : (!empty($aProfile['hometown']['name']) ? $aProfile['hometown']['name'] : '');
     $aLocation = @explode(',', $sLocation);
     $sSex = $aProfile['gender'] != 'male' && $aProfile['gender'] != 'female' && $aProfile['gender'] != 'couple' ? 'female' : $aProfile['gender'];
     // Default 'female'
     $sMatchSex = $oUser->getMatchSex($sSex);
     $this->_sUsername = $oUser->findUsername($aProfile['username'], $aProfile['first_name'], $aProfile['last_name']);
     $sSite = !empty($aProfile['link']) ? explode(' ', $aProfile['link'])[0] : '';
     $sSocialNetworkSite = !empty($aProfile['username']) ? 'http://facebook.com/' . $aProfile['username'] : '';
     $this->_aUserInfo = ['email' => $aProfile['email'], 'username' => $this->_sUsername, 'password' => Various::genRndWord(8, 30), 'first_name' => !empty($aProfile['first_name']) ? $aProfile['first_name'] : '', 'last_name' => !empty($aProfile['last_name']) ? $aProfile['last_name'] : '', 'middle_name' => !empty($aProfile['middle_name']) ? $aProfile['middle_name'] : '', 'sex' => $sSex, 'match_sex' => array($sMatchSex), 'birth_date' => (new CDateTime())->get($sBirthDate)->date('Y-m-d'), 'country' => !empty($aLocation[1]) ? trim($aLocation[1]) : Geo::getCountryCode(), 'city' => !empty($aLocation[0]) ? trim($aLocation[0]) : Geo::getCity(), 'state' => !empty($aProfile['locale']) ? $aProfile['locale'] : Geo::getState(), 'zip_code' => !empty($aProfile['hometown_location']['zip']) ? $aProfile['hometown_location']['zip'] : Geo::getZipCode(), 'description' => !empty($aProfile['bio']) ? $aProfile['bio'] : '', 'website' => $sSite, 'social_network_site' => $sSocialNetworkSite, 'ip' => Ip::get(), 'prefix_salt' => Various::genRnd(), 'suffix_salt' => Various::genRnd(), 'hash_validation' => Various::genRnd(), 'is_active' => DbConfig::getSetting('userActivationType')];
     $this->_iProfileId = $oUserModel->add($this->_aUserInfo);
 public function reset($sMod = '', $sMail = '', $sHash = '')
     $sTable = VariousModel::convertModToTable($sMod);
     if (!(new UserCoreModel())->checkHashValidation($sMail, $sHash, $sTable)) {
         Header::redirect($this->registry->site_url, t('Oops! Email or hash is invalid.'), 'error');
     } else {
         $sNewPassword = Various::genRndWord(8, 40);
         (new UserCoreModel())->changePassword($sMail, $sNewPassword, $sTable);
         $this->view->content = t('Hello!<br />Your password has been changed to <em>"%0%"</em>.<br />Please change it next time you login.', $sNewPassword);
         $sMessageHtml = $this->view->parseMail(PH7_PATH_SYS . 'global/' . PH7_VIEWS . PH7_TPL_NAME . '/mail/sys/mod/lost-password/recover_password.tpl', $sMail);
         $aInfo = ['to' => $sMail, 'subject' => t('Your new password - %site_name%')];
         if (!(new Mail())->send($aInfo, $sMessageHtml)) {
             Header::redirect($this->registry->site_url, Form::errorSendingEmail(), 'error');
         } else {
             Header::redirect($this->registry->site_url, t('Your new password has been emailed to you.'));
Пример #5
  * Finds a free username in our database to use for Facebook connect.
  * @param string $sNickname
  * @param string $sFirstName
  * @param string $sLastName
  * @return string Username
 public function findUsername($sNickname, $sFirstName, $sLastName)
     $sRnd = Various::genRnd('pH_Pierre-Henry_Soria_Sanz_González', 4);
     // Random String
     $iMinLen = DbConfig::getSetting('minUsernameLength');
     // Minimum Length
     $iMaxLen = DbConfig::getSetting('maxUsernameLength');
     // Maximum Length
     $aUsernameList = [$sNickname, $sFirstName, $sLastName, $sNickname . $sRnd, $sFirstName . $sRnd, $sLastName . $sRnd, Various::genRndWord($iMinLen, $iMaxLen), $sFirstName . '-' . $sLastName, $sLastName . '-' . $sFirstName, $sFirstName . '-' . $sLastName . $sRnd, $sLastName . '-' . $sFirstName . $sRnd];
     foreach ($aUsernameList as $sUsername) {
         $sUsername = substr($sUsername, 0, $iMaxLen);
         if ((new Framework\Security\Validate\Validate())->username($sUsername)) {
         } else {
             $sUsername = Various::genRnd('pOH_Pierre-Henry_Soria_Béghin_Rollier', $iMaxLen);
         // Default value
     return $sUsername;