Пример #1
  * @depends testAdd
  * @return void
 public function testDisableAndEnable()
     $id = $this->util->add(array('name' => TEST_QUEUE_NAME, 'disabled' => 'no', 'target' => ''));
     $printRequest = new Request('/queue/simple/print', Query::where('.id', $id));
     $this->assertSame('false', $this->client->sendSync($printRequest)->getProperty('disabled'));
     $this->assertSame('true', $this->client->sendSync($printRequest)->getProperty('disabled'));
     $this->assertSame('false', $this->client->sendSync($printRequest)->getProperty('disabled'));
     $removeRequest = new Request('/queue/simple/remove');
     $removeRequest->setArgument('numbers', $id);
Пример #2
 public function testCancellingSeparation()
     $client = new Client(\HOSTNAME, USERNAME, PASSWORD, PORT, true);
     $pingRequest = new Request('/ping', null, 'ping');
     $pingRequest->setArgument('address', Test\HOSTNAME);
     $this->assertGreaterThan(0, count($client->extractNewResponses('ping')));
     $this->assertGreaterThan(0, count($this->object->extractNewResponses('ping')));
     $this->assertGreaterThan(0, count($this->object->extractNewResponses('ping')));
Пример #3
  * Executes a RouterOS script.
  * Same as the public equivalent, with the addition of allowing you to get
  * the contents of the script post execution, instead of removing it.
  * @param string|resource $source The source of the script, as a string or
  *     stream. If a stream is provided, reading starts from the current
  *     position to the end of the stream, and the pointer stays at the end
  *     after reading is done.
  * @param array           $params An array of parameters to make available
  *     in the script as local variables.
  *     Variable names are array keys, and variable values are array values.
  *     Array values are automatically processed with
  *     {@link static::escapeValue()}. Streams are also supported, and are
  *     processed in chunks, each processed with
  *     {@link static::escapeString()}. Processing starts from the current
  *     position to the end of the stream, and the stream's pointer is left
  *     untouched after the reading is done.
  *     Note that the script's (generated) name is always added as the
  *     variable "_", which will be inadvertently lost if you overwrite it
  *     from here.
  * @param string          $policy Allows you to specify a policy the script
  *     must follow. Has the same format as in terminal.
  *     If left NULL, the script has no restrictions beyond those imposed by
  *     the username.
  * @param string          $name   The script is executed after being saved
  *     in "/system script" under a random name (prefixed with the computer's
  *     name), and is removed after execution. To eliminate any possibility
  *     of name clashes, you can specify your own name.
  * @param bool            $get    Whether to get the source of the script.
  * @return ResponseCollection|string Returns the response collection of the
  *     run, allowing you to inspect errors, if any.
  *     If the script was not added successfully before execution, the
  *     ResponseCollection from the add attempt is going to be returned.
  *     If $get is TRUE, returns the source of the script on success.
 private function _exec($source, array $params = array(), $policy = null, $name = null, $get = false)
     $request = new Request('/system/script/add');
     if (null === $name) {
         $name = uniqid(gethostname(), true);
     $request->setArgument('name', $name);
     $request->setArgument('policy', $policy);
     $params += array('_' => $name);
     $finalSource = fopen('php://temp', 'r+b');
     fwrite($finalSource, '/' . str_replace('/', ' ', substr($this->menu, 1)) . "\n");
     static::appendScript($finalSource, $source, $params);
     fwrite($finalSource, "\n");
     $request->setArgument('source', $finalSource);
     $result = $this->client->sendSync($request);
     if (0 === count($result->getAllOfType(Response::TYPE_ERROR))) {
         $request = new Request('/system/script/run');
         $request->setArgument('number', $name);
         $result = $this->client->sendSync($request);
         if ($get) {
             $result = $this->client->sendSync(new Request('/system/script/print .proplist="source"', Query::where('name', $name)))->getProperty('source');
         $request = new Request('/system/script/remove');
         $request->setArgument('numbers', $name);
     return $result;
Пример #4
$req = new RouterOS\Request("/ip/firewall/address-list/print");
$query = RouterOS\Query::where("list", $list)->andWhere("comment", $dnshost);
$resp = $c->sendSync($req);
$todelete = array();
$toadd = $dnsip;
foreach ($resp as $r) {
    if ($r->getType() === RouterOS\Response::TYPE_DATA) {
        $pos = array_search($r->getProperty("address"), $toadd);
        if ($pos === FALSE) {
            $todelete[] = $r->getProperty(".id");
        } else {
foreach ($toadd as $ip) {
    echo "Adding {$ip}...\n";
    $req = new RouterOS\Request("/ip/firewall/address-list/add");
    $req->setArgument("address", $ip);
    $req->setArgument("comment", $dnshost);
    $req->setArgument("list", $list);
foreach ($todelete as $id) {
    echo "Removing {$id}...\n";
    $req = new RouterOS\Request("/ip/firewall/address-list/remove");
    $req->setArgument("numbers", $id);

use PEAR2\Net\RouterOS;
require_once 'PEAR2/Autoload.php';
$client = new RouterOS\Client('', 'admin');
$addRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/arp/add');
$addRequest->setArgument('address', '');
$addRequest->setArgument('mac-address', '00:00:00:00:00:01');
$addRequest->setArgument('address', '');
$addRequest->setArgument('mac-address', '00:00:00:00:00:02');
foreach ($client->completeRequest('arp1') as $response) {
    if ($response->getType() === Response::TYPE_ERROR) {
        echo "Error response for 'arp1'!\n";
foreach ($client->completeRequest('arp2') as $response) {
    if ($response->getType() === Response::TYPE_ERROR) {
        echo "Error response for 'arp2'!\n";
echo 'OK';
Пример #6
 public function testTaglessModePassing()
     $com1 = new Communicator(\HOSTNAME, PORT, true);
     Client::login($com1, USERNAME, PASSWORD);
     $reg1 = new Registry('dummy');
     $com2 = new Communicator(\HOSTNAME, PORT, true);
     $reg2 = new Registry('dummy');
     $this->assertNotEquals($reg1->getOwnershipTag(), $reg2->getOwnershipTag());
     $pingRequest1 = new Request('/ping address=' . HOSTNAME, null, 'ping');
     $pingRequest1->send($com1, $reg1);
     $response1_1 = new Response($com1, false, null, null, $reg1);
     $cancelRequest = new Request('/cancel');
     $cancelRequest->setArgument('tag', $reg1->getOwnershipTag() . 'ping');
     $cancelRequest->send($com1, $reg1);
     $pingRequest2 = new Request('/ping count=2 address=' . HOSTNAME, null, 'ping');
     $pingRequest2->send($com2, $reg2);
     $response2_1 = new Response($com2, false, null, null, $reg2);
     $response2_2 = new Response($com2, false, null, null, $reg2);
     $response2_3 = new Response($com2, false, null, null, $reg2);
     $this->assertEquals(Response::TYPE_DATA, $response2_1->getType());
     $this->assertEquals(Response::TYPE_DATA, $response2_2->getType());
     $this->assertEquals(Response::TYPE_FINAL, $response2_3->getType());
     $response1_2 = new Response($com1, false, null, null, $reg1);
     $response1_3 = new Response($com1, false, null, null, $reg1);
     $this->assertEquals(Response::TYPE_DATA, $response1_1->getType());
     $this->assertEquals(Response::TYPE_ERROR, $response1_2->getType());
     $this->assertEquals(Response::TYPE_FINAL, $response1_3->getType());
     $this->assertStringStartsWith('-1_', $reg2->getOwnershipTag());
Пример #7
$oldid = -1;
$same = false;
foreach ($resp as $r) {
    if ($r->getType() === RouterOS\Response::TYPE_DATA) {
        $oldid = $r->getProperty(".id");
        if ($r->getProperty("address") == $ipaddr) {
            $same = true;
if (!$same) {
    if ($oldid > -1) {
        echo "Removing old {$ipaddr}...\n";
        $req = new RouterOS\Request("/ip/firewall/address-list/remove");
        $req->setArgument("numbers", $oldid);
    echo "Adding {$ipaddr}...\n";
    $req = new RouterOS\Request("/ip/firewall/address-list/add");
    $req->setArgument("address", $ipaddr);
    $req->setArgument("list", $list);
    $req->setArgument("timeout", "01:00:00");
} else {
    echo "Resetting timeout on {$ipaddr}...\n";
    $req = new RouterOS\Request("/ip/firewall/address-list/set");
    $req->setArgument(".id", $oldid);
    $req->setArgument("timeout", "01:00:00");
Пример #8
  * Cancels a request.
  * Cancels an active request. Using this function in favor of a plain call
  * to the "/cancel" command is highly reccomended, as it also updates the
  * counter of pending requests properly. Note that canceling a request also
  * removes any responses for it that were not previously extracted with
  * {@link static::extractNewResponses()}.
  * @param string $tag Tag of the request to cancel. Setting NULL will cancel
  *     all requests.
  * @return $this The client object.
  * @see sendAsync()
  * @see close()
 public function cancelRequest($tag = null)
     $cancelRequest = new Request('/cancel');
     $hasTag = !('' == $tag);
     $hasReg = null !== $this->registry;
     if ($hasReg && !$hasTag) {
         $tags = array_merge(array_keys($this->responseBuffer), array_keys($this->callbacks));
         foreach ($tags as $t) {
             $cancelRequest->setArgument('tag', $this->registry->getOwnershipTag() . $t);
     } else {
         if ($hasTag) {
             if ($this->isRequestActive($tag)) {
                 if ($hasReg) {
                     $cancelRequest->setArgument('tag', $this->registry->getOwnershipTag() . $tag);
                 } else {
                     $cancelRequest->setArgument('tag', $tag);
             } else {
                 throw new DataFlowException('No such request. Canceling aborted.', DataFlowException::CODE_CANCEL_FAIL);
         if ($hasReg) {
     if ($hasTag) {
         if ($this->isRequestActive($tag, self::FILTER_BUFFER)) {
             $this->responseBuffer[$tag] = $this->completeRequest($tag);
         } else {
     } else {
     return $this;
Пример #9
 public function testSetCharset()
     if (!extension_loaded('iconv') || !function_exists('iconv')) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('iconv is not enabled.');
     $this->assertEquals(array(Communicator::CHARSET_REMOTE => null, Communicator::CHARSET_LOCAL => null), $this->object->setCharset(array(Communicator::CHARSET_REMOTE => 'windows-1251', Communicator::CHARSET_LOCAL => 'UTF-8')));
     $addRequest = new Request('/queue/simple/add');
     $addRequest->setArgument('name', TEST_QUEUE_NAME)->setArgument('target', '');
     $addRequest->setArgument('comment', 'ПРИМЕР');
     $responses = $this->object->sendSync($addRequest);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($responses), 'There should be only one response.');
     if (count($responses) === 1 && $responses[-1]->getType() === Response::TYPE_FINAL) {
         $appropriateCharsets = $this->object->setCharset(array(Communicator::CHARSET_REMOTE => 'ISO-8859-1', Communicator::CHARSET_LOCAL => 'UTF-8'));
         $printRequest = new Request('/queue/simple/print');
         $printRequest->setQuery(Query::where('name', TEST_QUEUE_NAME));
         $responses = $this->object->sendSync($printRequest);
         $this->assertEquals(TEST_QUEUE_NAME, $responses[0]->getProperty('name'));
         $this->assertNotEquals('ПРИМЕР', $responses[0]->getProperty('comment'));
         $this->assertNotEquals('ПРИМЕР', $responses[0]->getProperty('comment'));
         $responses = $this->object->sendSync($printRequest);
         $this->assertEquals(TEST_QUEUE_NAME, $responses[0]->getProperty('name'));
         $this->assertEquals('ПРИМЕР', $responses[0]->getProperty('comment'));
         $this->object->setCharset('ISO-8859-1', Communicator::CHARSET_REMOTE);
         $responses = $this->object->sendSync($printRequest);
         $this->assertNotEquals('ПРИМЕР', $responses[0]->getProperty('comment'));
         $this->object->setCharset('ISO-8859-1', Communicator::CHARSET_LOCAL);
         $responses = $this->object->sendSync($printRequest);
         $this->assertNotEquals('ПРИМЕР', $responses[0]->getProperty('comment'));
         $responses = $this->object->sendSync($printRequest);
         $this->assertEquals('ПРИМЕР', $responses[0]->getProperty('comment'));
         $responses = $this->object->sendSync($printRequest);
         $this->assertEquals('ПРИМЕР', stream_get_contents($responses[0]->getProperty('comment')));
         $this->object->setCharset('ISO-8859-1', Communicator::CHARSET_REMOTE);
         $responses = $this->object->sendSync($printRequest);
         $this->assertNotEquals('ПРИМЕР', stream_get_contents($responses[0]->getProperty('comment')));
         $responses = $this->object->sendSync($printRequest);
         $this->assertNotEquals('ПРИМЕР', stream_get_contents($responses[0]->getProperty('comment')));
         $testQueueNameStream = fopen('php://temp', 'r+b');
         fwrite($testQueueNameStream, TEST_QUEUE_NAME);
         $printRequest->setQuery(Query::where('name', $testQueueNameStream));
         $responses = $this->object->sendSync($printRequest);
         $this->assertNotEquals('ПРИМЕР', stream_get_contents($responses[0]->getProperty('comment')));
         $responses = $this->object->sendSync($printRequest);
         $this->assertEquals('ПРИМЕР', stream_get_contents($responses[0]->getProperty('comment')));
         $removeRequest = new Request('/queue/simple/remove');
         $removeRequest->setArgument('numbers', TEST_QUEUE_NAME);
         $responses = $this->object->sendSync($removeRequest);
Пример #10
 public function testSendAsyncWithoutCallbackAndLoop()
     $arpPrint = new Request('/ip/arp/print');
     $list = $this->object->extractNewResponses('arp');
     $this->assertInstanceOf(ROS_NAMESPACE . '\\ResponseCollection', $list, 'The list is not a collection');
     $this->assertGreaterThan(0, count($list), 'No responses.');
     $ping = new Request('/ping');
     $ping->setArgument('address', HOSTNAME)->setArgument('interval', '0.5')->setTag('ping');
     $list = $this->object->extractNewResponses('ping');
     $this->assertInstanceOf(ROS_NAMESPACE . '\\ResponseCollection', $list, 'The list is not a collection');
     $this->assertGreaterThan(0, count($list), 'No responses.');
     $this->assertEquals(0, count($list->getAllOfType(Response::TYPE_FINAL)), 'The command should not be finished yet.');
     $this->assertEquals(count($list), count($list->getAllOfType(Response::TYPE_DATA)), 'There should be only data responses.');