  * @param String $profileId Recurring payments profile ID returned in the 
  *      CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile response. Character length and 
  *      limitations: 14 single-byte alphanumeric characters. 19 character 
  *      profile IDs are supported for compatibility with previous versions 
  *      of the PayPal API.
 public function __construct($profileId)
     $this->collection = new Collection(self::$allowedValues, null);
     $this->collection->setValue('METHOD', self::$methodName);
     $this->collection->setValue('PROFILEID', $profileId);
     $this->nvpResponse = null;
Пример #2
  * @param String $queryString from paypal response
 public function __construct($queryString)
     $response = array();
     /* make sure that ? is not passed */
     $url = explode("?", $queryString);
     $index = count($url) - 1;
     $queryString = $url[$index];
     $parts = explode("&", $queryString);
     foreach ($parts as $part) {
         $values = explode("=", $part);
         $response[$values[0]] = $values[1];
     $this->collection = new Collection(self::$allowedValues, $response);
     $this->collection->setValue('METHOD', self::$methodName);
Пример #3
  * A unique identifier of the specific payment request.
  * Required for paralel payments.
  * Character length and limit: Up to 127 single-byte characters
  * @param String $id
 public function setPaymentRequestId($id)
     $this->collection->setValue('PAYMENTREQUESTID', $id);
Пример #4
  * Shipping option. Required if specifying the Callback URL. The amount of
  * the flat rate shipping option. Limitations: Must not exceed $10,000 USD
  * in any currency. No currency symbol. Must have two decimal places,
  * decimal separator must be a period (.), and the optional thousands
  * separator must be a comma (,).
  * @param String $amount
 public function setAmount($amount)
     $this->collection->setValue('SHIPPINGOPTIONAMOUNT', $amount);
Пример #5
  * Tax amount for each billing cycle during this payment period.
  * Note: All amounts in the request must have the same currency.
  * Character length and limitations: Does not exceed $10,000 USD in any
  * currency. No currency symbol. Regardless of currency, decimal separator
  * is a period (.), and the optional thousands separator is a comma (,).
  * Equivalent to nine characters maximum for USD.
  * @param string $amount
 public function setTaxAmount($amount)
     $this->collection->setValue('TAXAMT', $amount);
  * @param String $date the date when billing for this profile begins. Must be 
  *      a valid date, in UTC/GMT format. Note: The profile may take up to 
  *      24 hours for activation.
 public function setProfileStartDate($date)
     $this->collection->setValue('PROFILESTARTDATE', $date);
Пример #7
  * Phone number.
  * Character length and limit: 20 single-byte characters.
  * @param String $phoneNumber
 public function setPhoneNumber($phoneNumber)
     $this->collection->setValue('SHIPTOPHONENUM', $phoneNumber);
Пример #8
  * The unique identifier provided by eBay for this order from the buyer.
  * Character length: 255 single-byte characters
  * @param String $cartId
 public function setCartId($cartId)
     $this->collection->setValue('EBAYCARTID', $cartId);
Пример #9
  * @param RefundType $type defaults to Full
 public function setRefundType(RefundType $type)
     $this->collection->setValue('REFUNDTYPE', $type->getCode());
Пример #10
  * Flag to indicate whether you want the results returned by Fraud
  * Management Filters. By default, you do not receive this information.
  * true - do not receive FMF details (default)
  * false - receive FMF details
  * @param boolean $return
 public function setReturnFmfDetails($return)
     $return = $return ? 1 : 0;
     $this->collection->setValue('RETURNFMFDETAILS', $return);
Пример #11
  * Possible options for the survey answers on the PayPal Review page.
  * Answers are displayed only if a valid survey question is present.
  * Limitations: 15 single-byte characters
  * Array has to be indexed (from 0)
  * @param array $choices
 public function setSurveyChoices(array $choices)
     foreach ($choices as $index => $choice) {
         $this->collection->setValue('L_SURVEYCHOICE' . $index, $choice);
Пример #12
  * Unique identifier for the merchant. For parallel payments, this
  * field is required and must contain the Payer Id or the email address
  * of the merchant. Character length and limitations: 127 single-byte
  * alphanumeric characters
  * @param String $id
 public function setPayPalAccountId($id)
     $this->collection->setValue('SELLERPAYPALACCOUNTID', $id);
Пример #13
  * Whether the merchant can accept push funding:
  * true — Merchant can accept push funding
  * false — Merchant cannot accept push funding
  * Note: This field overrides the setting in the merchant's PayPal account
  * @param boolean $pushFunding
 private function setAllowPushFunding($pushFunding)
     $this->collection->setValue('ALLOWPUSHFUNDING', $pushFunding);
  * A timestamped token, the value of which was returned in the response to
  * the first call to SetExpressCheckout. You can also use the token
  * returned in the SetCustomerBillingAgreement response.
  * Either this token or a credit card number is required. If you include
  * both token and credit card number, the token is used and credit card
  * number is ignored.
  * Call CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile once for each billing agreement
  * included in SetExpressCheckout request and use the same token for each
  * call. Each CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile request creates a single
  * recurring payments profile.
  * Note: Tokens expire after approximately 3 hours.
  * @param string $token
 public function setToken($token)
     $this->collection->setValue('TOKEN', $token);
Пример #15
  * @param String $autoBill This field indicates whether you would like
  *      PayPal to automatically bill the outstanding balance amount in the
  *      next billing cycle. The outstanding balance is the total amount of
  *      any previously failed scheduled payments that have yet to be
  *      successfully paid.
 public function setAutoBill(AutoBill $autoBill)
     $this->collection->setValue('AUTOBILLOUTAMT', $autoBill->getValue());
Пример #16
  * Custom annotation field for your own use.
  * Note: For recurring payments, this field is ignored.
  * Character length and limitations: 256 single-byte alphanumeric bytes.
  * @param String $custom
 public function setCustomField($custom)
     $this->collection->setValue('BILLINGAGREEMENTCUSTOM', $custom);
Пример #17
  * Issue number of Maestro or Solo card. Character length: two numeric
  * digits maximum.
  * @param String $date
 public function setIssueNumber($number)
     $this->collection->setValue('ISSUENUMBER', $number);
Пример #18
  * By default, PayPal will suspend the pending profile in the event that
  * the initial payment amount fails. You can override this default behavior
  * by setting this field to ContinueOnFailure, which indicates that if the
  * initial payment amount fails, PayPal should add the failed payment
  * amount to the outstanding balance for this recurring payment profile.
  * When this flag is set to ContinueOnFailure, a success code will be
  * returned to the merchant in the CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile response
  * and the recurring payments profile will be activated for scheduled
  * billing immediately. You should check your IPN messages or PayPal
  * account for updates of the payment status. If this field is not set or
  * is set to CancelOnFailure, PayPal will create the recurring payment
  * profile, but will place it into a pending status until the initial
  * payment is completed. If the initial payment clears, PayPal will notify
  * you by IPN that the pending profile has been activated. If the payment
  * fails, PayPal will notify you by IPN that the pending profile has been
  * canceled. Character length and limitations: ContinueOnFailure or
  * CancelOnFailure.
  * @param String $action
 public function setFaildInitialAmountAction($action)
     $this->collection->setValue('FAILEDINITAMTACTION', $action);
Пример #19
  * @param string Email address of payer. Character length and limitations:
  *      127 single-byte characters.
 public function setEmail($email)
     $this->collection->setValue('EMAIL', $email);
Пример #20
  * An identification code for use by third-party applications to identify
  * transactions. Character length and limitations: 32 single-byte
  * alphanumeric characters
  * @param string $source
 public function setButtonSource($source)
     $this->collection->setValue('BUTTONSOURCE', $source);
  * @param string $note the reason for the change in status. For profiles 
  *      created using Express Checkout, this message will be included in 
  *      the email notification to the buyer when the status of the profile 
  *      is successfully changed, and can also be seen by both you and the 
  *      buyer on the Status History page of the PayPal account. 
 public function setNote($note)
     $this->collection->setValue('NOTE', $note);
Пример #22
  * The merchant's own unique reference or invoice number.
  * @param String $reference
 public function setProfileReference($reference)
     $this->collection->setValue('PROFILEREFERENCE', $reference);
Пример #23
  * Date when the user registered with the marketplace.
  * @param string $date - xs:dateTime
 public function setRegistrationDate($registrationDate)
     $this->collection->setValue('BUYERREGISTRATIONDATE', $registrationDate);
Пример #24
  * @param ItemCategory $itemCategory
 public function setItemCategory(ItemCategory $itemCategory)
     $this->collection->setValue('ITEMCATEGORY', $itemCategory);