AddressVerify() публичный Метод

Service Call: AddressVerify
public AddressVerify ( AddressVerifyReq $addressVerifyReq, mixed $apiCredential = null ) : AddressVerifyResponseType
$addressVerifyReq PayPal\PayPalAPI\AddressVerifyReq
$apiCredential mixed - Optional API credential - can either be a username configured in sdk_config.ini or a ICredential object created dynamically
Результат PayPal\PayPalAPI\AddressVerifyResponseType
Пример #1
 * Email address of a PayPal member to verify
 * First line of the billing or shipping postal address to verify. To pass verification, the value of Street must match the first 3 single-byte characters of a postal address on file for the PayPal member. 
 * Postal code to verify. To pass verification, the value of Zip must match the first 5 single-byte characters of the postal code of the verified postal address for the verified PayPal member.
$addressVerifyRequest = new AddressVerifyRequestType($_REQUEST['mail'], $_REQUEST['street'], $_REQUEST['zip']);
$addrVerifyReq = new AddressVerifyReq();
$addrVerifyReq->AddressVerifyRequest = $addressVerifyRequest;
 * 		// ## Creating service wrapper object
		// Creating service wrapper object to make API call and loading
		Configuration::getAcctAndConfig() returns array that contains credential and config parameters
$paypalService = new PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService(Configuration::getAcctAndConfig());
try {
    /* wrap API method calls on the service object with a try catch */
    $addrVerifyResponse = $paypalService->AddressVerify($addrVerifyReq);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
    include_once "../Error.php";
if (isset($addrVerifyResponse)) {
    echo "<table>";
    echo "<tr><td>Ack :</td><td><div id='Ack'>{$addrVerifyResponse->Ack}</div> </td></tr>";
    echo "<tr><td>StreetMatch :</td><td><div id='StreetMatch'>{$addrVerifyResponse->StreetMatch}</div> </td></tr>";
    echo "<tr><td>ZipMatch :</td><td><div id='ZipMatch'>{$addrVerifyResponse->ZipMatch}</div> </td></tr>";
    echo "</table>";
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
require_once '../Response.php';