getConfig() публичный Метод

public getConfig ( ) : array
Результат array
  * Returns the URL to which the user must be redirected to
  * logout from the OpenID provider (i.e. PayPal)
  * @param string $redirectUri Uri on merchant website to where
  * 				the user must be redirected to post logout
  * @param string $idToken id_token from the TokenInfo object
  * @param PPApiContext $apiContext Optional API Context
 public static function getLogoutUrl($redirectUri, $idToken, $apiContext = null)
     if (is_null($apiContext)) {
         $apiContext = new PPApiContext();
     $config = $apiContext->getConfig();
     $params = array('id_token' => $idToken, 'redirect_uri' => $redirectUri, 'logout' => 'true');
     return sprintf("%s/v1/endsession?%s", self::getBaseUrl($config), http_build_query($params));
Пример #2
  * @param string     $method        - API method to call
  * @param object     $requestObject Request object
  * @param apiContext $apiContext    object containing credential and SOAP headers
  * @param array      $handlers      Array of Handlers
  * @param mixed      $apiUserName   - Optional API credential - can either be
  *                                  a username configured in sdk_config.ini or a ICredential object created dynamically
 public function call($port, $method, $requestObject, $apiContext, $handlers = array())
     if (!is_array($handlers)) {
         $handlers = array();
     if (is_array($this->handlers)) {
         $handlers = array_merge($this->handlers, $handlers);
     if ($apiContext == null) {
         $apiContext = new PPApiContext(PPConfigManager::getConfigWithDefaults($this->config));
     if ($apiContext->getConfig() == null) {
     $service = new PPAPIService($port, $this->serviceName, $this->serviceBinding, $apiContext, $handlers);
     $ret = $service->makeRequest($method, new PPRequest($requestObject, $this->serviceBinding));
     $this->lastRequest = $ret['request'];
     $this->lastResponse = $ret['response'];
     return $this->lastResponse;
Пример #3
  * Creates an Access Token from an Authorization Code.
  * @path /v1/identity/openidconnect/tokenservice
  * @method POST
  * @param array        $params     (allowed values are client_id, client_secret, grant_type, code and redirect_uri)
  *                                 (required) client_id from developer portal
  *                                 (required) client_secret from developer portal
  *                                 (required) code is Authorization code previously received from the authorization server
  *                                 (required) redirect_uri Redirection endpoint that must match the one provided during the
  *                                 authorization request that ended in receiving the authorization code.
  *                                 (optional) grant_type is the Token grant type. Defaults to authorization_code
  * @param PPApiContext $apiContext Optional API Context
  * @return PPOpenIdTokeninfo
 public static function createFromAuthorizationCode($params, $clientId, $clientSecret, $apiContext = null)
     static $allowedParams = array('grant_type' => 1, 'code' => 1, 'redirect_uri' => 1);
     if (is_null($apiContext)) {
         $apiContext = new PPApiContext();
     $config = $apiContext->getConfig();
     if ($apiContext->get($clientId) !== false) {
         $clientId = $apiContext->get($clientId);
     if ($apiContext->get($clientSecret) !== false) {
         $clientSecret = $apiContext->get($clientSecret);
     if (!array_key_exists('grant_type', $params)) {
         $params['grant_type'] = 'authorization_code';
     $call = new PPRestCall($apiContext);
     $token = new PPOpenIdTokeninfo();
     $token->fromJson($call->execute(array(new PPOpenIdHandler()), "/v1/identity/openidconnect/tokenservice", "POST", http_build_query(array_intersect_key($params, $allowedParams)), array('Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode($clientId . ":" . $clientSecret))));
     return $token;