Пример #1
 public function go($order_id)
      * vars used for setExpressCheckout
      * $order Order The order object, which is used to get products and prices
      * $config ConfigInterface Object that contains configuration
      * $api PaypalApiCredentials Class used by the library to store and use 3T login(username, password, signature)
      * $redirect_api PaypalApiManager Instance of PaypalApiManager, only used to get checkout url ( and redirect to paypal )
      * $sandbox bool true if sandbox is enabled
      * $products array(array) 2D array that stores products in usable NVP format.
      * $i int counter
      * $logger PaypalApiLogManager used to log transactions with paypal
     $order = OrderQuery::create()->findPk($order_id);
     $config = new PaypalConfig();
     $api = new PaypalApiCredentials($config);
     $redirect_api = new PaypalApiManager($config);
     $sandbox = $api->getConfig()->getSandbox();
     $products = array(array());
     $i = 0;
     $logger = new PaypalApiLogManager();
      * Store products into 2d array $products
     $products_amount = 0;
     foreach ($order->getOrderProducts() as $product) {
         if ($product !== null) {
             $amount = floatval($product->getWasInPromo() ? $product->getPromoPrice() : $product->getPrice());
             foreach ($product->getOrderProductTaxes() as $tax) {
                 $amount += $product->getWasInPromo() ? $tax->getPromoAmount() : $tax->getAmount();
             $products_amount += $amount * $product->getQuantity();
             $products[0]["NAME" . $i] = urlencode($product->getTitle());
             $products[0]["AMT" . $i] = urlencode(round($amount, 2));
             $products[0]["QTY" . $i] = urlencode($product->getQuantity());
      * Compute difference between prodcts total and cart amount
      * -> get Coupons.
     $delta = round($products_amount - $order->getTotalAmount($useless, false), 2);
     if ($delta > 0) {
         $products[0]["NAME" . $i] = Translator::getInstance()->trans("Discount");
         $products[0]["AMT" . $i] = -$delta;
         $products[0]["QTY" . $i] = 1;
      * Create setExpressCheckout request
     $setExpressCheckout = new PaypalNvpOperationsSetExpressCheckout($api, round($order->getTotalAmount(), 2), $order->getCurrency()->getCode(), Paypal::getPaypalURL('paiement', $order_id), Paypal::getPaypalURL('cancel', $order_id), 0, array("L_PAYMENTREQUEST" => $products, "PAYMENTREQUEST" => array(array("SHIPPINGAMT" => round($order->getPostage(), 2), "ITEMAMT" => round($order->getTotalAmount($useless, false), 2)))));
      * Try to get customer's delivery address
     $address = OrderAddressQuery::create()->findPk($order->getDeliveryOrderAddressId());
     if ($address !== null) {
          * If address is found, set address in setExpressCheckout request
         $setExpressCheckout->setCustomerDeliveryAddress($address->getLastname(), $address->getAddress1(), $address->getAddress2(), $address->getCity(), "", $address->getZipcode(), CountryQuery::create()->findPk($address->getCountryId())->getIsoalpha2());
          * $sender PaypalNvpMessageSender Instance of the class that sends requests
          * $response string NVP response of paypal for setExpressCheckout request
          * $req array array cast of NVP response
         $sender = new PaypalNvpMessageSender($setExpressCheckout, $sandbox);
         $response = $sender->send();
         $response = PaypalApiManager::nvpToArray($response);
          * if setExpressCheckout is correct, store values in the session & redirect to paypal checkout page
          * else print error. ( return $this->render ... )
         if (isset($response['ACK']) && $response['ACK'] === "Success" && isset($response['TOKEN']) && !empty($response['TOKEN'])) {
             $sess = $this->getRequest()->getSession();
             $sess->set("Paypal.token", $response['TOKEN']);
             return new RedirectResponse($redirect_api->getExpressCheckoutUrl($response['TOKEN']));
     return $this->render("gotopaypalfail", array(), 500);
Пример #2
 public function cancel($order_id)
      * Check if token&order are valid
     $token = null;
     $order = $this->checkorder($order_id, $token);
      * $logger PaypalApiLogManager used to log transctions with paypal
     $logger = new PaypalApiLogManager('canceled_orders');
     $logger->logText("Order canceled: " . $order->getRef());
     $event = new OrderEvent($order);
     $this->dispatch(TheliaEvents::ORDER_UPDATE_STATUS, $event);
     return $this->render("order-failed", ["failed_order_id" => $order_id]);