Пример #1
  * Pulls together a bunch of functions from builder.lib.php in an order that makes sense
  * @param  {Boolean}       decide if CSS should be parsed and saved. performance hog.
  * @param  {Boolean}       decide if static files like CSS and JS should be moved
 public function generate($options = array())
     // double-checks options was properly set
     if (empty($options)) {
         Console::writeError("need to pass options to generate...");
     // set the default vars
     $moveStatic = isset($options["moveStatic"]) ? $options["moveStatic"] : true;
     $noCacheBuster = isset($options["noCacheBuster"]) ? $options["noCacheBuster"] : false;
     $exportFiles = isset($options["exportFiles"]) ? $options["exportFiles"] : false;
     $exportClean = isset($options["exportClean"]) ? $options["exportClean"] : false;
     $watchMessage = isset($options["watchMessage"]) ? $options["watchMessage"] : false;
     $watchVerbose = isset($options["watchVerbose"]) ? $options["watchVerbose"] : false;
     $update = isset($options["update"]) ? $options["update"] : false;
     Config::setOption("update", $update);
     if ($noCacheBuster) {
         Config::updateOption("cacheBuster", 0);
     FileChangeList::init(Config::getOption("publicDir") . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "fileChangeList.csv");
     // gather up all of the data to be used in patterns
     // gather all of the various pattern info
     $options = array();
     $options["exportClean"] = $exportClean;
     $options["exportFiles"] = $exportFiles;
     // gather the annotations
     // clean the public directory to remove old files
     if (Config::getOption("cleanPublic") == "true" && $moveStatic) {
     // render out the index and style guide
     // render out the patterns and move them to public/patterns
     $options = array();
     $options["exportFiles"] = $exportFiles;
     // render the annotations as a js file
     // move all of the files unless pattern only is set
     if ($moveStatic) {
     // update the change time so the auto-reload will fire (doesn't work for the index and style guide)
     if ($watchVerbose && $watchMessage) {
     } else {
         Console::writeLine("your site has been generated...");
Пример #2
  * Watch the source/ directory for any changes to existing files. Will run forever if given the chance.
  * @param  {Boolean}       decide if the reload server should be turned on
  * @param  {Boolean}       decide if static files like CSS and JS should be moved
 public function watch($options = array())
     // double-checks options was properly set
     if (empty($options)) {
         Console::writeError("need to pass options to generate...");
     // set default attributes
     $moveStatic = isset($options["moveStatic"]) ? $options["moveStatic"] : true;
     $noCacheBuster = isset($options["noCacheBuster"]) ? $options["noCacheBuster"] : false;
     // make sure a copy of the given options are saved for using when running generate
     $this->options = $options;
     // automatically start the auto-refresh tool
     /*if ($reload) {
     			$path = str_replace("lib".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."PatternLab","autoReloadServer.php",__DIR__);
     			$fp = popen("php ".$path." -s", "r"); 
     			Console::writeLine("starting page auto-reload...");
     if ($noCacheBuster) {
         Config::updateOption("cacheBuster", 0);
     $c = false;
     // track that one loop through the pattern file listing has completed
     $o = new \stdClass();
     // create an object to hold the properties
     $cp = new \stdClass();
     // create an object to hold a clone of $o
     $o->patterns = new \stdClass();
     Console::writeLine("watching your site for changes...");
     // default vars
     $publicDir = Config::getOption("publicDir");
     $sourceDir = Config::getOption("sourceDir");
     $ignoreExts = Config::getOption("ie");
     $ignoreDirs = Config::getOption("id");
     $patternExt = Config::getOption("patternExtension");
     // run forever
     while (true) {
         // clone the patterns so they can be checked in case something gets deleted
         $cp = clone $o->patterns;
         // iterate over the patterns & related data and regenerate the entire site if they've changed
         $patternObjects = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($sourceDir . "/_patterns/"), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
         // make sure dots are skipped
         foreach ($patternObjects as $name => $object) {
             // clean-up the file name and make sure it's not one of the pattern lab files or to be ignored
             $fileName = str_replace($sourceDir . "/_patterns" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "", $name);
             $fileNameClean = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "_", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $fileName);
             if ($object->isFile() && ($object->getExtension() == $patternExt || $object->getExtension() == "json" || $object->getExtension() == "md")) {
                 // make sure this isn't a hidden pattern
                 $patternParts = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $fileName);
                 $pattern = isset($patternParts[2]) ? $patternParts[2] : $patternParts[1];
                 // make sure the pattern still exists in source just in case it's been deleted during the iteration
                 if (file_exists($name)) {
                     $mt = $object->getMTime();
                     if (isset($o->patterns->{$fileName}) && $o->patterns->{$fileName} != $mt) {
                         $o->patterns->{$fileName} = $mt;
                         $this->updateSite($fileName, "changed");
                     } else {
                         if (!isset($o->patterns->{$fileName}) && $c) {
                             $o->patterns->{$fileName} = $mt;
                             $this->updateSite($fileName, "added");
                             if ($object->getExtension() == $patternExt) {
                                 $patternSrcPath = str_replace("." . $patternExt, "", $fileName);
                                 $patternDestPath = str_replace("/", "-", $patternSrcPath);
                                 $render = $pattern[0] != "_" ? true : false;
                                 $this->patternPaths[$patternParts[0]][$pattern] = array("patternSrcPath" => $patternSrcPath, "patternDestPath" => $patternDestPath, "render" => $render);
                         } else {
                             if (!isset($o->patterns->{$fileName})) {
                                 $o->patterns->{$fileName} = $mt;
                     if ($c && isset($o->patterns->{$fileName})) {
                 } else {
                     // the file was removed during the iteration so remove references to the item
                     $this->updateSite($fileName, "removed");
         // make sure old entries are deleted
         // will throw "pattern not found" errors if an entire directory is removed at once but that shouldn't be a big deal
         if ($c) {
             foreach ($cp as $fileName => $mt) {
                 $patternParts = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $fileName);
                 $pattern = isset($patternParts[2]) ? $patternParts[2] : $patternParts[1];
                 $this->updateSite($fileName, "removed");
         // iterate over annotations, data, meta and any other _ dirs
         $watchDirs = glob($sourceDir . "/_*", GLOB_ONLYDIR);
         foreach ($watchDirs as $watchDir) {
             if (str_replace($sourceDir . "/", "", $watchDir) != "_patterns") {
                 // iterate over the data files and regenerate the entire site if they've changed
                 $objects = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($watchDir), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
                 // make sure dots are skipped
                 foreach ($objects as $name => $object) {
                     $fileName = str_replace($sourceDir . "/", "", $name);
                     $mt = $object->getMTime();
                     if (!isset($o->{$fileName})) {
                         $o->{$fileName} = $mt;
                         if ($c) {
                             $this->updateSite($fileName, "added");
                     } else {
                         if ($o->{$fileName} != $mt) {
                             $o->{$fileName} = $mt;
                             if ($c) {
                                 $this->updateSite($fileName, "changed");
         // iterate over all of the other files in the source directory and move them if their modified time has changed
         if ($moveStatic) {
             $objects = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($sourceDir . "/"), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
             // make sure dots are skipped
             foreach ($objects as $name => $object) {
                 // clean-up the file name and make sure it's not one of the pattern lab files or to be ignored
                 $fileName = str_replace($sourceDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "", $name);
                 if ($fileName[0] != "_" && !in_array($object->getExtension(), $ignoreExts) && !in_array($object->getFilename(), $ignoreDirs)) {
                     // catch directories that have the ignored dir in their path
                     $ignoreDir = FileUtil::ignoreDir($fileName);
                     // check to see if it's a new directory
                     if (!$ignoreDir && $object->isDir() && !isset($o->{$fileName}) && !is_dir($publicDir . "/" . $fileName)) {
                         mkdir($publicDir . "/" . $fileName);
                         $o->{$fileName} = "dir created";
                         // placeholder
                         Console::writeLine($fileName . "/ directory was created...");
                     // check to see if it's a new file or a file that has changed
                     if (file_exists($name)) {
                         $mt = $object->getMTime();
                         if (!$ignoreDir && $object->isFile() && !isset($o->{$fileName}) && !file_exists($publicDir . "/" . $fileName)) {
                             $o->{$fileName} = $mt;
                             FileUtil::moveStaticFile($fileName, "added");
                             if ($object->getExtension() == "css") {
                                 $this->updateSite($fileName, "changed", 0);
                                 // make sure the site is updated for MQ reasons
                         } else {
                             if (!$ignoreDir && $object->isFile() && isset($o->{$fileName}) && $o->{$fileName} != $mt) {
                                 $o->{$fileName} = $mt;
                                 FileUtil::moveStaticFile($fileName, "changed");
                                 if ($object->getExtension() == "css") {
                                     $this->updateSite($fileName, "changed", 0);
                                     // make sure the site is updated for MQ reasons
                             } else {
                                 if (!isset($o->fileName)) {
                                     $o->{$fileName} = $mt;
                     } else {
         $c = true;
         // taking out the garbage. basically killing mustache after each run.
         if (gc_enabled()) {
         // output anything the reload server might send our way
         // DEPRECATED
         if ($reload) {
         	$output = fgets($fp, 100);
         	if ($output != "\n") print $output;
         // pause for .05 seconds to give the CPU a rest
     // close the auto-reload process, this shouldn't do anything
     // fclose($fp);