public function printOptions() { if (count($this->descriptionTable) > 0) { pantr::out()->nl()->writeln('Options:', 'BOLD'); foreach ($this->descriptionTable as $long => $desc) { // check if there is a short version if (isset($this->requestAliasTable[$long])) { $short = $this->requestAliasTable[$long]; pantr::writeOption($short, $long, $desc); } else { pantr::writeOption($long, $desc); } } } }
public function upload($files, $in) { $this->progressBar = new \Pagosoft\Console\ProgressBar(pantr::out(), count($files)); $tree = $this->createTree($files); if (is_null($in)) { $stack = array(); } else { $stack = array($in); } $this->progressBar->paint(); $this->uploadTree($tree, $stack); $this->progressBar->erase(); }
public function tearDown() { pantr::out()->disableColorizedOutput(false); }
$task = $tasks[$taskName]; if ($task->getName() == 'help') { $task->desc('Display detailed information for a task'); } $task->printHelp(); } } else { // show summary of all tasks pantr::writeln('Usage:', pantr::SECTION)->write('pantr [options]')->write(' <task> ', pantr::PARAMETER)->writeln('[args]'); Application::printOptions(); pantr::out()->nl()->writeln('Available tasks:', pantr::SECTION); $showGlobalTasks = isset($req['global-tasks']); $tasks = pantr::getDefinedTasks(); $names = array_keys($tasks); sort($names); foreach ($names as $key) { $task = $tasks[$key]; $taskName = $task->getName(); $isGlobalTask = $task->isGlobal(); $showTask = $task->isHidden() == false && $showGlobalTasks == $isGlobalTask; if ($showTask) { if ($task->getName() != $key) { pantr::writeAction($key, 'Alias for [' . $task->getName() . '|INFO]'); } else { pantr::writeAction($key, $task->getDescription()); } } } pantr::out()->nl()->writeln('Help', pantr::SECTION)->write('See ')->write('pantr help ', pantr::COMMENT)->write('<task> ', pantr::PARAMETER)->writeln(' for help with a specific task.'); } });