Пример #1

use Palmabit\Catalog\Orders\OrderService;
 * Passa le voci di menu al pannello admin categoria
View::composer('catalog::category.*', function ($view) {
    $view->with('sidebar_items', array("Lista categorie" => URL::to('/admin/category/lists'), "Aggiungi categoria" => URL::to('/admin/category/edit')));
 * Passa le voci di menu al pannello admin prodotti
View::composer(['catalog::products.*', 'catalog::orders.*'], function ($view) {
    $view->with('sidebar_items', array("Lista prodotti" => URL::to('/admin/products/lists'), "Aggiungi prodotti" => URL::to('/admin/products/edit'), "Lista Ordini" => URL::to('/admin/orders/lists')));
// elementi presenti nel carrello
View::composer(['*'], function ($view) {
    $service = new OrderService();
    $order = $service->getOrder();
    $row_order = $order->getRowOrders();
    $view->with('row_orders', $row_order);
 * Send to the view the logged user
View::composer('*', function ($view) {
    $logged_user = App::make('authenticator')->getLoggedUser();
    $view->with('logged_user', $logged_user);
Пример #2
 public function __construct($order = null)
     if ($order) {
         $this->order = $order;