  * Standard set up method. Calls parent first.
 public function setUp()
     $configFile = Registry::get("oxConfigFile");
     $configFile->setVar('sShopDir', realpath(__DIR__ . '/TestData'));
     Registry::set('oxConfigFile', $configFile);
     $this->environment = new Environment();
Пример #2
  * Tests OxReg::get() and OxReg::set()
 public function testSetGetInstance()
     $oTest = new stdClass();
     $oTest->testPublic = "testPublicVal";
     Registry::set("testCase", $oTest);
     $oTest2 = Registry::get("testCase");
     $this->assertEquals("testPublicVal", $oTest2->testPublic);
    protected function createModuleClassFile($extensionPath)
        $modulesDirectory = Registry::get("oxConfigFile")->getVar("sShopDir");
        $moduleClassFilePath = "{$modulesDirectory}/modules/{$extensionPath}.php";
        if (!is_dir(dirname($moduleClassFilePath))) {
            if (!mkdir(dirname($moduleClassFilePath), 0755, true)) {
                return false;
        $class = basename($extensionPath);
        $classDefinition = <<<EOT
             * This file is generated by \\Unit\\Core\\ModuleChainsGeneratorTest::testCreateClassChain and it should have 
             * been deleted after the test run.
            class {$class} extends {$class}_parent {}

        if (!file_put_contents($moduleClassFilePath, $classDefinition)) {
            return false;
        return $moduleClassFilePath;
Пример #4
  * Returns request url, which was executed to render current page view
  * @param string $sParams     Parameters to object
  * @param bool   $blReturnUrl If return url
  * @deprecated since v6.0.0 (2016-05-16); Use OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Core\Request::getRequestUrl().
  * @return string
 function getRequestUrl($sParams = '', $blReturnUrl = false)
     return Registry::get(Request::class)->getRequestUrl($sParams, $blReturnUrl);
Пример #5
  * Redirect to start page and display the error
  * @param oxException $ex message to show on exit
 protected function _handleCookieException($ex)
     //starting up the session
     // redirect to start page and display the error
     Registry::getUtils()->redirect($this->getShopHomeUrl() . 'cl=start', true, 302);
Пример #6
  * Get an instance of the config file.
  * @throws DatabaseNotConfiguredException
  * @return ConfigFile
 protected function fetchConfigFile()
      * Do the configuration of the database connection parameters
     /** @var ConfigFile $configFile */
     $configFile = Registry::get('oxConfigFile');
     return $configFile;
Пример #7
 public function testGetDbThrowsDatabaseNotConfiguredException()
     /** @var ConfigFile $configFileBackup Backup of the configFile as stored in Registry. This object must be restored */
     $configFileBackup = Registry::get('oxConfigFile');
     $configFile = $this->getBlankConfigFile();
     $configFile->setVar('dbHost', '<');
     Registry::set('oxConfigFile', $configFile);
     $this->setProtectedClassProperty(oxDb::getInstance(), 'db', null);
     try {
     } catch (DatabaseNotConfiguredException $exception) {
         /** Restore original configFile object */
         Registry::set('oxConfigFile', $configFileBackup);
         throw $exception;
Пример #8
  * Check for forced edition in config file. If edition is not specified,
  * determine it by ClassMap existence.
  * @return string
 protected function findEdition()
     if (!class_exists('OxidEsales\\EshopCommunity\\Core\\Registry') || !Registry::instanceExists('oxConfigFile')) {
         $configFile = new ConfigFile(getShopBasePath() . "config.inc.php");
     $configFile = isset($configFile) ? $configFile : Registry::get('oxConfigFile');
     $edition = $configFile->getVar('edition') ?: $this->findEditionByClassMap();
     $configFile->setVar('edition', $edition);
     return strtoupper($edition);
 public function testCharsetIsUtf8()
     $character_set = 'utf8';
     $configFile = Registry::get('oxConfigFile');
     $database = oxDb::getInstance();
     $databaseConnection = $database::getDb(oxDb::FETCH_MODE_ASSOC);
     $actualResult = $databaseConnection->getRow('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE \'character_set_client\'');
     $this->assertEquals($character_set, $actualResult['Value'], 'As shop is in utf-8 mode, character_set_client is ' . $character_set);
     $actualResult = $databaseConnection->getRow('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE \'character_set_results\'');
     $this->assertEquals($character_set, $actualResult['Value'], 'As shop is in utf-8 mode, character_set_results is ' . $character_set);
     $actualResult = $databaseConnection->getRow('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE \'character_set_connection\'');
     $this->assertEquals($character_set, $actualResult['Value'], 'As shop is in utf-8 mode, character_set_client is ' . $character_set);
Пример #10
  * Send an offline warning to the shop owner.
  * Currently an email is sent to the email address configured as 'sAdminEmail' in the eShop config file.
  * This method forms part of the exception handling process. Any further exceptions must be caught.
  * @param StandardException $exception
  * @return bool Returns true, if the email was sent.
 protected function sendOfflineWarning(StandardException $exception)
     $result = false;
     /** @var  $emailAddress Email address to sent the message to */
     $emailAddress = Registry::get("OxConfigFile")->getVar('sAdminEmail');
     if ($emailAddress) {
         /** As we are inside the exception handling process, any further exceptions must be caught */
         try {
             $failedShop = isset($_REQUEST['shp']) ? addslashes($_REQUEST['shp']) : 'Base shop';
             $date = date(DATE_RFC822);
             // RFC 822 (example: Mon, 15 Aug 05 15:52:01 +0000)
             $script = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
             $referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
             //sending a message to admin
             $emailSubject = 'Offline warning!';
             $emailBody = "\n                Database connection error in OXID eShop:\n                Date: {$date}\n                Shop: {$failedShop}\n\n                mysql error: " . $exception->getMessage() . "\n                mysql error no: " . $exception->getCode() . "\n\n                Script: {$script}\n                Referrer: {$referrer}";
             $mailer = new PHPMailer();
             $mailer->Subject = $emailSubject;
             $mailer->Body = $emailBody;
             /** Set the priority of the message
              * For most clients expecting the Priority header:
              * 1 = High, 2 = Medium, 3 = Low
              * */
             $mailer->Priority = 1;
             /** MS Outlook custom header */
             $mailer->addCustomHeader("X-MSMail-Priority: Urgent");
             /** Set the Importance header: */
             $mailer->addCustomHeader("Importance: High");
             $result = $mailer->send();
         } catch (\Exception $exception) {
     return $result;
  * Get a PDO instance representing a connection to the database.
  * Use this static method to access the database without using the shop adapters.
  * @return \PDO PDO instance.
 protected static function getDatabaseHandler()
     $configFile = Registry::get('oxConfigFile');
     $dsn = 'mysql:host=' . $configFile->getVar('dbHost') . ';dbname=' . $configFile->getVar('dbName');
     $username = $configFile->getVar('dbUser');
     $password = $configFile->getVar('dbPwd');
     $dbh = new \PDO($dsn, $username, $password);
     return $dbh;