<div class="form-group has-feedback"> <label for="adminDir">Administration Directory Name</label> <?php echo HTML::inputField('CFG_ADMIN_DIRECTORY', 'admin', 'required aria-required="true" id="adminDir"'); ?> <span class="help-block">This is the directory where the administration section will be installed. You should change this for security reasons.</span> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="form-group has-feedback"> <label for="Zulu">Time Zone</label> <?php echo HTML::selectField('TIME_ZONE', DateTime::getTimeZones(), date_default_timezone_get(), 'id="Zulu"'); ?> <span class="help-block">The time zone to base the date and time on.</span> </div> <p><?php echo HTML::button('Continue to Step 4', 'triangle-1-e', null, null, 'btn-success'); ?> </p> <?php foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if ($key != 'x' && $key != 'y') { echo HTML::hiddenField($key, $value); } }
<div class="col-xs-9"> <?php echo HTML::inputField('CFG_ADMIN_DIRECTORY', 'admin', 'required aria-required="true" id="adminDir"'); ?> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk form-control-feedback inputRequirement"></span> <span class="help-block">This is the directory where the administration section will be installed. You should change this for security reasons.</span> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="form-group has-feedback"> <label for="Zulu" class="control-label col-xs-3">Time Zone</label> <div class="col-xs-9"> <?php echo HTML::selectField('CFG_TIME_ZONE', DateTime::getTimeZones(), date_default_timezone_get()); ?> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk form-control-feedback inputRequirement"></span> <span class="help-block">The time zone to base the date and time on.</span> </div> </div> <p><?php echo HTML::button('Continue To Step 4', 'triangle-1-e', null, 'primary', null, 'btn-success btn-block'); ?> </p> <?php foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if ($key != 'x' && $key != 'y') { echo HTML::hiddenField($key, $value);