Пример #1
  * @param string $emailFromTableAlias EmailAddress table alias of joined Email#fromEmailAddress association
  * @return string
 protected function getFromEmailExpression($emailFromTableAlias)
     $providers = $this->emailOwnerProviderStorage->getProviders();
     if (empty($providers)) {
         return sprintf('%s.email', $emailFromTableAlias);
     $expressionsByOwner = [];
     foreach ($providers as $provider) {
         $relationAlias = $this->emailOwnerProviderStorage->getEmailOwnerFieldName($provider);
         $expressionsByOwner[$relationAlias] = $this->entityNameResolver->getNameDQL($provider->getEmailOwnerClass(), $relationAlias);
     $expression = '';
     foreach ($expressionsByOwner as $alias => $expressionPart) {
         $expression .= sprintf('WHEN %s.%s IS NOT NULL THEN %s ', $emailFromTableAlias, $alias, $expressionPart);
     $expression = sprintf('CASE %sELSE \'\' END', $expression);
     // if has owner then use expression to expose formatted name, use email otherwise
     return sprintf('CONCAT(\'\', CASE WHEN %1$s.hasOwner = true THEN (%2$s) ELSE %1$s.email END) as fromEmailExpression', $emailFromTableAlias, $expression);
Пример #2
 public function testGetNameDQLByFallbackFormat()
     $className = 'Test\\Entity';
     $alias = 'entity_alias';
     $format = 'full';
     $locale = 'en_US';
     $expected = $alias . '.field';
     $this->provider1->expects($this->once())->method('getNameDQL')->with($format, $locale, $className, $alias)->willReturn(false);
     $this->provider2->expects($this->at(0))->method('getNameDQL')->with($format, $locale, $className, $alias)->willReturn(false);
     $this->provider2->expects($this->at(1))->method('getNameDQL')->with('short', $locale, $className, $alias)->willReturn($expected);
     $result = $this->entityNameResolver->getNameDQL($className, $alias, $format, $locale);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
Пример #3
  * Returns a query builder that could be used for fetching the list of entities
  * associated with $associationOwnerClass entities found by $filters and $joins
  * @param string      $associationTargetClass The FQCN of the entity that is the owning side of the association
  * @param mixed|null  $filters                Criteria is used to filter entities which are association owners
  *                                            e.g. ['age' => 20, ...] or \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria
  * @param array|null  $joins                  Additional associations required to filter owning side entities
  * @param array       $associationOwners      The list of fields responsible to store associations between
  *                                            the given target and association owners
  *                                            Array format: [owner_entity_class => field_name]
  * @param int         $limit                  The maximum number of items per page
  * @param int         $page                   The page number
  * @param string|null $orderBy                The ordering expression for the result
  * @return SqlQueryBuilder
 public function getMultiAssociationOwnersQueryBuilder($associationTargetClass, $filters, $joins, $associationOwners, $limit = null, $page = null, $orderBy = null)
     $em = $this->doctrineHelper->getEntityManager($associationTargetClass);
     $criteria = $this->doctrineHelper->normalizeCriteria($filters);
     $selectStmt = null;
     $subQueries = [];
     $targetIdFieldName = $this->doctrineHelper->getSingleEntityIdentifierFieldName($associationTargetClass);
     foreach ($associationOwners as $ownerClass => $fieldName) {
         // dispatch oro_api.request.get_list.before event
         $event = new GetListBefore($this->cloneCriteria($criteria), $associationTargetClass);
         $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(GetListBefore::NAME, $event);
         $subCriteria = $event->getCriteria();
         $nameExpr = $this->entityNameResolver->getNameDQL($ownerClass, 'e');
         $subQb = $em->getRepository($ownerClass)->createQueryBuilder('e')->select(sprintf('target.%s AS id, e.id AS entityId, \'%s\' AS entityClass, ' . ($nameExpr ?: '\'\'') . ' AS entityTitle', $targetIdFieldName, str_replace('\'', '\'\'', $ownerClass)))->innerJoin('e.' . $fieldName, 'target');
         $this->doctrineHelper->applyJoins($subQb, $joins);
         // fix of doctrine error with Same Field, Multiple Values, Criteria and QueryBuilder
         // http://www.doctrine-project.org/jira/browse/DDC-2798
         // TODO revert changes when doctrine version >= 2.5 in scope of BAP-5577
         QueryBuilderHelper::addCriteria($subQb, $subCriteria);
         // $subQb->addCriteria($criteria);
         $subQuery = $subQb->getQuery();
         $subQueries[] = QueryUtils::getExecutableSql($subQuery);
         if (empty($selectStmt)) {
             $mapping = QueryUtils::parseQuery($subQuery)->getResultSetMapping();
             $selectStmt = sprintf('entity.%s AS id, entity.%s AS entity, entity.%s AS title', QueryUtils::getColumnNameByAlias($mapping, 'entityId'), QueryUtils::getColumnNameByAlias($mapping, 'entityClass'), QueryUtils::getColumnNameByAlias($mapping, 'entityTitle'));
     $rsm = new ResultSetMapping();
     $rsm->addScalarResult('id', 'id', Type::INTEGER)->addScalarResult('entity', 'entity')->addScalarResult('title', 'title');
     $qb = new SqlQueryBuilder($em, $rsm);
     $qb->select($selectStmt)->from('(' . implode(' UNION ALL ', $subQueries) . ')', 'entity');
     if (null !== $limit) {
         if (null !== $page) {
             $qb->setFirstResult($this->doctrineHelper->getPageOffset($page, $limit));
     if ($orderBy) {
     return $qb;
Пример #4
  * Returns a query builder that could be used for fetching the list of owner side entities
  * the specified $associationTargetClass associated with.
  * The $filters and $joins could be used to filter entities
  * The resulting query would be something like this:
  * <code>
  * SELECT entity.entityId AS id, entity.entityClass AS entity, entity.entityTitle AS title FROM (
  *          target.id AS id,
  *          e.id AS entityId,
  *          {first_owner_entity_class} AS entityClass,
  *          {first_owner_title} AS entityTitle
  *      FROM {first_owner_entity_class} AS e
  *          INNER JOIN e.{target_field_name_for_first_owner} AS target
  *          {joins}
  *      WHERE {filters}
  *      UNION ALL
  *          target.id AS id,
  *          e.id AS entityId,
  *          {second_owner_entity_class} AS entityClass,
  *          {second_owner_title} AS entityTitle
  *      FROM {second_owner_entity_class} AS e
  *          INNER JOIN e.{target_field_name_for_second_owner} AS target
  *          {joins}
  *      WHERE {filters}
  *      UNION ALL
  *      ... select statements for other owners
  * ) entity
  * ORDER BY {orderBy}
  * LIMIT {limit} OFFSET {(page - 1) * limit}
  * </code>
  * @param string        $associationTargetClass The FQCN of the entity that is the target side of the association
  * @param mixed|null    $filters                Criteria is used to filter entities which are association owners
  *                                              e.g. ['age' => 20, ...] or \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria
  * @param array|null    $joins                  Additional associations required to filter owning side entities
  * @param array         $associationOwners      The list of fields responsible to store associations between
  *                                              the given target and association owners
  *                                              Array format: [owner_entity_class => field_name]
  * @param int|null      $limit                  The maximum number of items per page
  * @param int|null      $page                   The page number
  * @param string|null   $orderBy                The ordering expression for the result
  * @param callable|null $callback               A callback function which can be used to modify child queries
  *                                              function (QueryBuilder $qb, $ownerEntityClass)
  * @return SqlQueryBuilder
 public function getMultiAssociationOwnersQueryBuilder($associationTargetClass, $filters, $joins, $associationOwners, $limit = null, $page = null, $orderBy = null, $callback = null)
     $em = $this->doctrineHelper->getEntityManager($associationTargetClass);
     $criteria = QueryUtils::normalizeCriteria($filters);
     $selectStmt = null;
     $subQueries = [];
     $targetIdFieldName = $this->doctrineHelper->getSingleEntityIdentifierFieldName($associationTargetClass);
     foreach ($associationOwners as $ownerClass => $fieldName) {
         $nameExpr = $this->entityNameResolver->getNameDQL($ownerClass, 'e');
         $subQb = $em->getRepository($ownerClass)->createQueryBuilder('e')->select(sprintf('target.%s AS id, e.id AS entityId, \'%s\' AS entityClass, ' . ($nameExpr ?: '\'\'') . ' AS entityTitle', $targetIdFieldName, str_replace('\'', '\'\'', $ownerClass)))->innerJoin('e.' . $fieldName, 'target');
         QueryUtils::applyJoins($subQb, $joins);
         if (null !== $callback && is_callable($callback)) {
             call_user_func($callback, $subQb, $ownerClass);
         $subQuery = $this->getAclHelper()->apply($subQb);
         $subQueries[] = QueryUtils::getExecutableSql($subQuery);
         if (empty($selectStmt)) {
             $mapping = QueryUtils::parseQuery($subQuery)->getResultSetMapping();
             $selectStmt = sprintf('entity.%s AS id, entity.%s AS entity, entity.%s AS title', QueryUtils::getColumnNameByAlias($mapping, 'entityId'), QueryUtils::getColumnNameByAlias($mapping, 'entityClass'), QueryUtils::getColumnNameByAlias($mapping, 'entityTitle'));
     $rsm = new ResultSetMapping();
     $rsm->addScalarResult('id', 'id', Type::INTEGER)->addScalarResult('entity', 'entity')->addScalarResult('title', 'title');
     $qb = new SqlQueryBuilder($em, $rsm);
     $qb->select($selectStmt)->from('(' . implode(' UNION ALL ', $subQueries) . ')', 'entity');
     if (null !== $limit) {
         if (null !== $page) {
             $qb->setFirstResult(QueryUtils::getPageOffset($page, $limit));
     if ($orderBy) {
     return $qb;
  * Returns a query builder that contains entities from the search result in which titles replaced with
  * text representation of appropriate entities.
  * @todo: This functionality should be removed in the BAP-8995.
  * @param SearchResult $searchResult
  * @return SqlQueryBuilder
 protected function getEmailAssociatedEntitiesQueryBuilder(SearchResult $searchResult)
     /** @var EntityManager $em */
     $em = $this->getObjectManager();
     $selectStmt = null;
     $subQueries = [];
     foreach ($this->getAssociatedEntitiesFilters($searchResult) as $entityClass => $ids) {
         $nameExpr = $this->entityNameResolver->getNameDQL($entityClass, 'e');
         /** @var QueryBuilder $subQb */
         $subQb = $em->getRepository($entityClass)->createQueryBuilder('e')->select(sprintf('e.id AS id, \'%s\' AS entityClass, ' . ($nameExpr ?: '\'\'') . ' AS entityTitle', str_replace('\'', '\'\'', $entityClass)));
         $subQb->where($subQb->expr()->in('e.id', $ids));
         $subQuery = $subQb->getQuery();
         $subQueries[] = QueryUtils::getExecutableSql($subQuery);
         if (empty($selectStmt)) {
             $mapping = QueryUtils::parseQuery($subQuery)->getResultSetMapping();
             $selectStmt = sprintf('entity.%s AS id, entity.%s AS entity, entity.%s AS title', QueryUtils::getColumnNameByAlias($mapping, 'id'), QueryUtils::getColumnNameByAlias($mapping, 'entityClass'), QueryUtils::getColumnNameByAlias($mapping, 'entityTitle'));
     $rsm = new ResultSetMapping();
     $rsm->addScalarResult('id', 'id', Type::INTEGER)->addScalarResult('entity', 'entity')->addScalarResult('title', 'title');
     $qb = new SqlQueryBuilder($em, $rsm);
     $qb->select($selectStmt)->from('(' . implode(' UNION ALL ', $subQueries) . ')', 'entity');
     return $qb;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getListQueryBuilder($limit = 10, $page = 1, $criteria = [], $orderBy = null, $joins = [])
     $userNameDQL = $this->entityNameResolver->getNameDQL('Oro\\Bundle\\UserBundle\\Entity\\User', 'u');
     $criteria = $this->prepareQueryCriteria($limit ?: null, $page, $criteria, $orderBy);
     return $this->getRepository()->createQueryBuilder('e')->select('e.id, e.invitationStatus, u.email,' . sprintf('%s AS userFullName', $userNameDQL))->join('e.calendar', 'c')->join('c.owner', 'u')->addCriteria($criteria);