public function __construct($ID) { parent::__construct(); $this->admissionID = $ID; $productQuery = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT ID, Description + ' ' + ProductSize AS TheProduct FROM vwProducts WHERE ID NOT IN (403, 412, 221) AND ID IN (SELECT ProductID FROM AT_CMNProducts WHERE AdmissionID = :admissionID)"); $productQuery->execute(array(':admissionID' => $this->admissionID)); while ($row = $productQuery->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $this->products[] = new \OnlineOrders\Product($row['ID'], $row['TheProduct']); } $admissionQuery = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT (SELECT NPI FROM AT_ProviderInfo P WHERE P.ID = A.ProviderID) As NPI, Saline, PartABed, IsHH, Location, PatientID, PlanCode, PhyRefusesToSign, CompTicket, DoctorSig, ClinicID, CMNDate, CMNValidDays FROM AT_Admission A WHERE ID = :admissionID"); $admissionQuery->execute(array(':admissionID' => $this->admissionID)); $row = $admissionQuery->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $this->clinicID = $row['ClinicID']; $this->signatureInfo['PhyRefusesToSign'] = $row['PhyRefusesToSign']; $this->signatureInfo['DoctorSig'] = $row['DoctorSig']; $this->providerNPI = $row['NPI']; $this->compTicket = $row['CompTicket']; $this->planCode = $row['PlanCode']; $this->patientID = $row['PatientID']; $this->CMNDate = $row['CMNDate']; $this->saline = $row['Saline']; $this->partA = $row['PartABed']; $this->hospice = $row['IsHH']; $this->location = $row['Location']; $this->expirationDate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+" . $row['CMNValidDays'] . " days", strtotime($row['CMNDate']))); }
public function __construct($ID) { parent::__construct(); $this->clinicID = $ID; $clinicInfoQuery = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM webVW_Clinics WHERE ID = :clinicID"); $clinicInfoQuery->execute(array('clinicID' => $this->clinicID)); $this->clinicInfo = $clinicInfoQuery->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $ownerNameQuery = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT OwnedBy FROM Contact WHERE ID = :clinicID"); $ownerNameQuery->execute(array(':clinicID' => $this->clinicID)); $ownerName = $ownerNameQuery->fetchColumn(); $ownerInfoQuery = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT FirstName, LastName, Email FROM RMUsers WHERE Email = :user"); $ownerInfoQuery->execute(array(':user' => $ownerName)); $this->ownerInfo = $ownerInfoQuery->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); // $providerQuery = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT doc.PhysicianName, doc.NPI, doc.UPIN, info.City, info.STATE_CODE, info.Phone_Number, info.DCFaxPhone FROM (SELECT * FROM AT_ProviderInfo WHERE NPI <> '') AS info JOIN AT_Physician doc ON info.NPI = doc.NPI WHERE doc.ClinicID = :clinicID"); // $providerQuery->execute( array('clinicID' => $this->clinicID) ); // while($provider = $providerQuery->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { // //$address = new \OnlineOrders\Address(); // $this->providers[] = new \OnlineOrders\Provider($provider['NPI']); // } $templateQuery = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM CMNTemplate WHERE ClinicID = :ClinicID"); $templateQuery->execute(array(':ClinicID' => $this->clinicID)); $template = array(); while ($row = $templateQuery->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $template[] = $row; } if (count($template) == 1) { $this->cmnTemplate = $template; } else { $this->cmnTemplate = array('Message' => 'Invalid or nonexistent template.'); } }
/** * User instance constructor * *@param string $userID * **/ public function __construct($userID) { parent::__construct(); $this->userID = $userID; $this->userInfo = array(); //Prepare and execute statement to count results and store the number of results //We do this in case multiple entries have been made with the same username $stmt = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM AT_WebUsers WHERE UserID = :user AND Inactive = 0"); $stmt->execute(array('user' => $this->userID)); $results = $stmt->fetchColumn(); //If one result returned, store user info in object. Otherwise throw exception. //@TODO - Catch Exceptions below. if ($results == 1) { $stmt = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT ID, FName, LName, UserRole, NPI, Logins, ChangePass, Inactive, Verified FROM AT_WebUsers WHERE UserID = :user AND Inactive = 0"); $stmt->execute(array('user' => $this->userID)); $row = $stmt->fetch(); $this->userInfo = $row; if ($row['NPI']) { $this->isPhysician = TRUE; } } else { if ($results > 1) { throw new \Exception('tooManyFail'); } else { throw new \Exception('usernameFail'); } } }
public function __construct($ID) { parent::__construct(); $this->productID = $ID; $productQuery = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT Description, ProductSize FROM vwProducts WHERE ID = :productID"); $productQuery->execute(array(':productID' => $this->productID)); $row = $productQuery->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $this->description = trim($row['Description']) . ' (' . trim($row['ProductSize'] . ')'); }
public function __construct($orderID) { parent::__construct(); $this->orderID = $orderID; $orderQuery = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM AT_Orders WHERE ID = :orderID"); $orderQuery->execute(array(':orderID' => $this->orderID)); $order = $orderQuery->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $this->status = $order['Status']; $this->admissionID = $order['AdmissionID']; $this->shipDate = $order['ShipDate']; $this->trackingNum = $order['TrackingNum']; $this->financials['TotalAmt'] = $order['TotalAmt']; $this->financials['TotalCost'] = $order['TotalCost']; }
public function __construct($NPI) { parent::__construct(); $this->NPI = $NPI; $providerQuery = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT info.ID, doc.PhysicianName, doc.NPI, doc.UPIN, info.City, info.STATE_CODE, info.Phone_Number, info.DCFaxPhone FROM (SELECT * FROM AT_ProviderInfo WHERE NPI = :NPI) AS info JOIN AT_Physician doc ON info.NPI = doc.NPI"); $providerQuery->execute(array('NPI' => $this->NPI)); $row = $providerQuery->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $this->name = $row['PhysicianName']; $this->providerID = $row['ID']; $this->UPIN = $row['UPIN']; $this->address = array('City' => $row['City'], 'State' => $row['STATE_CODE']); $this->phoneNumber = $row['Phone_Number']; $this->faxNumber = $row['DCFaxPhone']; }
public function __construct($planCode, $patientID) { parent::__construct(); $this->planCode = $planCode; $planQuery = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT p.PlanCode, p.PlanNo, p.GroupNo, p.PlanType, p.Relation, p.GuarFirstName, p.GuarLastName, p.GuarAddress1, p.GuarAddress2, p.GuarState, p.GuarCity, p.GuarZip, p.GuarPhone, p.GuarSex, p.GuarDOB, p.GuarSSN, i.Plan_Name FROM AT_PatientPlans p JOIN AT_InsurancePlans i ON p.PlanCode = i.Plan_Code WHERE p.PatientID = :patientID AND p.PlanCode = :planCode"); $planQuery->execute(array(':patientID' => intval($patientID), ':planCode' => $planCode)); $row = $planQuery->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $this->planName = $row['Plan_Name']; $this->planType = $row['PlanType']; $this->planNumber = $row['PlanNo']; $this->groupNumber = $row['GroupNo']; $address = new \OnlineOrders\Address($row['GuarAddress1'], $row['GuarAddress2'], $row['GuarCity'], $row['GuarState'], $row['GuarZip'], NULL); $this->guarantorInfo = array('relation' => $row['Relation'], 'firstName' => $row['GuarFirstName'], 'lastName' => $row['GuarLastName'], 'address' => $address, 'phone' => $row['GuarPhone'], 'sex' => $row['GuarSex'], 'DOB' => $row['GuarDOB'], 'SSN' => $row['GuarSSN']); }
public function __construct($woundID, $admissionID) { parent::__construct(); $this->woundID = $woundID; $woundQuery1 = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM AT_Wounds WHERE ID = :woundID"); $woundQuery1->execute(array('woundID' => $this->woundID)); $row1 = $woundQuery1->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $woundQuery2 = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM AT_OrderProductWounds WHERE WoundID = :woundID AND AdmissionID = :admissionID"); $woundQuery2->execute(array('woundID' => $this->woundID, 'admissionID' => $admissionID)); $row2 = $woundQuery2->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $dimensions = array('Width' => $row2['WoundW'], 'Length' => $row2['WoundL'], 'Depth' => $row2['WoundD']); $this->longDescription = $row1['Description']; $this->shortDescription = $row1['WoundDesc']; $this->dimensions = $dimensions; $this->drainage = $row2['wDrainage']; $this->thickness = $row2['wThickness']; $this->FOC = $row2['FOC']; $this->woundNo = $row1['WoundNo']; $this->woundLoc = $row1['Side'] . ' ' . $row1['WoundLoc']; }
public function __construct($PatientID) { parent::__construct(); $this->patientID = $PatientID; $patientQuery = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT PatientFirstName, PatientLastName, PatientNum, Address1, Address2, City, State, Zip, PatSSN, PatDOB FROM AT_Patient WHERE PatientID = :patientID"); $patientQuery->execute(array(':patientID' => $this->patientID)); $info = $patientQuery->fetch(); $this->firstName = $info['PatientFirstName']; $this->lastName = $info['PatientLastName']; $this->patientNum = $info['PatientNum']; $this->DOB = $info['PatDOB']; $this->SSN = $info['PatSSN']; $this->address = new \OnlineOrders\Address($info['Address1'], $info['Address2'], $info['City'], $info['State'], $info['Zip'], NULL); $admissionNumQuery = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT MAX(ID) AS ID FROM AT_Admission WHERE PatientID = :patientID"); $admissionNumQuery->execute(array(':patientID' => $this->patientID)); $lastAdmissionID = $admissionNumQuery->fetchColumn(); $this->lastAdmission = new \OnlineOrders\Admission($lastAdmissionID); $woundQuery = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT ID FROM AT_Wounds WHERE PatientID = :patientID AND Healed = 'False' ORDER BY ID"); $woundQuery->execute(array(':patientID' => $this->patientID)); while ($row = $woundQuery->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $this->openWounds[] = new \OnlineOrders\Wound($row['ID'], $this->lastAdmission->get('admissionID')); } $insPlanQuery = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT PlanCode FROM AT_PatientPlans WHERE Expired = 0 AND PatientID = :patientID"); $insPlanQuery->execute(array(':patientID' => $this->patientID)); while ($row = $insPlanQuery->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $this->insurancePlans[] = new \OnlineOrders\InsurancePlan($row['PlanCode'], $this->patientID); } foreach ($this->lastAdmission->get('products') as $product) { $wounds = array(); foreach ($this->openWounds as $wound) { if ($wound->checkProductMatch($product->get('productID'), $this->lastAdmission->get('admissionID'))) { $quantityQuery = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT QtyPerChange FROM AT_OrderProductWounds WHERE WoundID = :woundID AND AdmissionID = :admissionID_1 AND OPID IN (SELECT ID FROM AT_CMNProducts WHERE ProductID = :productID AND admissionID = :admissionID_2)"); $quantityQuery->execute(array(':woundID' => $wound->get('woundID'), ':admissionID_1' => $this->lastAdmission->get('admissionID'), ':productID' => $product->get('productID'), ':admissionID_2' => $this->lastAdmission->get('admissionID'))); $result = $quantityQuery->fetchColumn(); $wounds[] = array('woundNo' => $wound->get('woundNo'), 'quantity' => $result); } } $this->currentProductWoundMatches[] = array('productID' => $product->get('productID'), 'wounds' => $wounds); } }