function handleFacebookMessage($message, $db, $user_object, $type) { $uid = $message->getPubId(); switch ($type) { case "fb": $con = "AND (expires_at>" . time() . " OR expires_at=0)"; break; case "fbp": $con = ""; break; } $condition = "SELECT * FROM manager_" . $type . "_acc WHERE userid=" . $uid . " AND expired=0 {$con}"; if ($fbacc = $db->query($condition)) { if ($fbacc->rowCount() > 0) { $fbacc = $fbacc->fetch(); $timezone = time() + $fbacc['timezone']; $limit = $user_object->getAllPublishedWithinTimeFrame($uid, $type, 30, $timezone); if ($limit < 45) { try { $hfb = new Handler_Facebook(); if ($post = $hfb->post($message->getFacebookTarget(), $message->getFacebookPostBody(), $fbacc['access_token'])) { $table = "manager_stats"; $fields = array("userid" => $uid, "social_network" => $type, "user_id" => $fbacc['user_id'], "message" => $message->getStatus(), "message_id" => $post['id'], "type" => 1, "time" => $timezone); $db->doInsert($table, $fields); } else { error_log($hfb->getErrorMes()); } } catch (Exception $e) { error_log($e); } } } } }
function handleFacebookMessage($message, $uid, $db, $user_object, $total) { $table = "manager_fb_acc"; $condition = " userid=" . $uid . " AND expired=0 AND (expires_at>" . time() . " OR expires_at=0) "; if ($fbcc = $db->doSingleSelect($table, $condition)) { $timezone = time() + $fbacc['timezone']; $limit = $user_object->getAllPublishedWithinTimeFrame($uid, "fb", 30, $timezone); if ($limit < 45) { try { $hfb = new Handler_Facebook(); if ($post = $hfb->post("/me/feed", $message->getFacebookPostBody(), $fbacc['access_token'])) { $table = "manager_stats"; $fields = array("userid" => $uid, "social_network" => "fb", "user_id" => $fbacc['user_id'], "message" => $message->getStatus(), "message_id" => $post->{$response}['id'], "type" => 2, "time" => $timezone); $db->doInsert($table, $fields); } else { error_log($hfb->lastError); } } catch (Exception $e) { error_log($e); } } } }
function handleFacebookMessage($message, $uid, $db, $user_object, $total, $type) { switch ($type) { case "fb": $con = "AND (expires_at>" . time() . " OR expires_at=0)"; break; case "fbp": $con = ""; break; } $condition = "SELECT * FROM manager_" . $type . "_acc WHERE userid=" . $uid . " AND expired=0 {$con}"; if ($fbacc = $db->query($condition)) { if ($fbacc->rowCount() > 0) { $fbacc = $fbacc->fetch(); /*foreach($fbacc as $key=>$value) error_log(" $key => $value ");*/ $timezone = time() + $fbacc['timezone']; $lastTime = $user_object->getLastPublishedTime($uid, $type, 1); $limit = $user_object->getAllPublishedWithinTimeFrame($uid, $type, 30, $timezone); if ($limit < 45 && sanityCheck($timezone, $lastTime, $total)) { try { $hfb = new Handler_Facebook(); error_log(json_encode($message->getFacebookPostBody())); if ($post = $hfb->post("/me/feed", $message->getFacebookPostBody(), $fbacc['access_token'])) { $table = "manager_stats"; $fields = array("userid" => $uid, "social_network" => $type, "user_id" => $fbacc['user_id'], "message" => $message->getStatus(), "message_id" => $post['id'], "type" => 1, "time" => $timezone); $db->doInsert($table, $fields); $message->setLastShare(); } else { error_log($hfb->getErrorMes()); } } catch (Exception $e) { error_log($e); } } } } }
<?php require_once "../../clases/manager/autoload.php"; require_once "../../clases/bd.php"; use OneAManager\Handler_Facebook; use OneAManager\Handler_NewSocialConnection; $login = $_GET['state'] ? $_GET['state'] : 0; try { $fbh = new Handler_Facebook(); $hsc = new Handler_NewSocialConnection(); $db = new bd(); $permissions = ['user_posts', 'publish_actions', 'user_photos', 'manage_pages', 'publish_pages']; if ($info = $fbh->javascriptCallbackManager($permissions)) { $uid = $info['user_id']; $at = $info['access_token']; $table = "manager_fb_acc"; $condition = " user_id=" . $uid; if ($result = $db->doSingleSelect($table, $condition)) { //account already belongs to a user if ($info["e"]) { //some error, could mean a lot of things, but whichever the case we need to expire all the accounts. $fbh->revokePermissions($at, array()); $fields = array('expires_at' => 1, 'expired' => 1); $db->doUpdate($table, $fields, $condition); $return = array("e" => 2); } else { $ea = $info['expires_at']; $fields = array('access_token' => $at, 'expires_at' => $ea, 'expired' => 0); $db->doUpdate($table, $fields, $condition); switch ($login) { case 0:
<?php require_once "../../clases/manager/autoload.php"; require_once "../../clases/bd.php"; use OneAManager\Handler_Facebook; try { $fbh = new Handler_Facebook(); $hsc = new Handler_NewSocialConnection(); $db = new bd(); if ($signed_request = $_REQUEST['signed_request']) { if ($data = $fbh->parseSignedRequest($signed_request)) { $uid = $data['user_id']; $table = "manager_fb_acc"; if ($acc = $db->doSingleSelect($table, " user_id=" . $uid)) { $uuid = $acc['userid']; $table = "manager_fb_acc"; $condition = " user_id=" . $uuid; $fields = array('expires_at' => 1, 'expired' => 1); $db->doUpdate($table, $fields, $condition); $table = "manager_fbp_acc"; $fields = array('expired' => 1); $condition = " user_id=" . $uuid; $db->doUpdate($table, $fields, $condition); error_log("I've deleted {$uid}"); } else { error_log("We got lucky, I guess! {$uid}"); } } } else { error_log("No request"); }