Пример #1
  * Renders a CMS object as file content.
  * @return string
 public static function render($data, $options = [])
     extract(array_merge(['wrapCodeInPhpTags' => true, 'isCompoundObject' => true], $options));
     if (!$isCompoundObject) {
         return array_get($data, 'content');
     $iniParser = new Ini();
     $code = trim(array_get($data, 'code'));
     $markup = trim(array_get($data, 'markup'));
     $trim = function (&$values) use(&$trim) {
         foreach ($values as &$value) {
             if (!is_array($value)) {
                 $value = trim($value);
             } else {
     $settings = array_get($data, 'settings', []);
      * Build content
     $content = [];
     if ($settings) {
         $content[] = $iniParser->render($settings);
     if ($code) {
         if ($wrapCodeInPhpTags) {
             $code = preg_replace('/^\\<\\?php/', '', $code);
             $code = preg_replace('/^\\<\\?/', '', $code);
             $code = preg_replace('/\\?>$/', '', $code);
             $code = trim($code, PHP_EOL);
             $content[] = '<?php' . PHP_EOL . $code . PHP_EOL . '?>';
         } else {
             $content[] = $code;
     $content[] = $markup;
     $content = trim(implode(PHP_EOL . self::SECTION_SEPARATOR . PHP_EOL, $content));
     return $content;
 public function testRender()
     $parser = new IniParser();
     $data = ['var1' => 'value 1', 'var2' => 'value 21'];
     $path = __DIR__ . '/../fixtures/parse/simple.ini';
     $str = $parser->render($data);
     $this->assertEquals($this->getContents($path), $str);
     $data = ['section' => ['sectionVar1' => 'section value 1', 'sectionVar2' => 'section value 2'], 'section data' => ['sectionVar3' => 'section value 3', 'sectionVar4' => 'section value 4'], 'emptysection' => [], 'var1' => 'value 1', 'var2' => 'value 21'];
     $path = __DIR__ . '/../fixtures/parse/sections.ini';
     $str = $parser->render($data);
     $this->assertEquals($this->getContents($path), $str);
     $data = ['section' => ['sectionVar1' => 'section value 1', 'sectionVar2' => 'section value 2', 'subsection' => ['subsection value 1', 'subsection value 2'], 'sectionVar3' => 'section value 3'], 'section data' => ['sectionVar3' => 'section value 3', 'sectionVar4' => 'section value 4', 'subsection' => ['subsection value 1', 'subsection value 2']], 'var1' => 'value 1', 'var2' => 'value 21'];
     $path = __DIR__ . '/../fixtures/parse/subsections.ini';
     $str = $parser->render($data);
     $this->assertEquals($this->getContents($path), $str);
Пример #3
  * Formats an INI file string from an array
  * @param array $vars Data to format.
  * @param int $level Specifies the level of array value.
  * @return string Returns the INI file string.
  * @static 
 public static function render($vars = array(), $level = 1)
     return \October\Rain\Parse\Ini::render($vars, $level);