  * @param $connection
  * @param array $config
  * @throws Exception\RuntimeException
 public function __construct($connection, $config = [])
     // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
     if (!extension_loaded('mongo') || !class_exists('MongoClient') || version_compare(MongoClient::VERSION, '1.4.1', '<')) {
         throw new Exception\RuntimeException('The Mongo Driver v1.4.1 required for this adapter to work');
     // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
     parent::__construct($connection, $config);
Пример #2
  * @param null $connection
  * @param array $config
  * @throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException
  * @throws \yii\mongodb\Exception
 public function __construct($connection = null, $config = [])
     if ($connection === null) {
         if ($this->connection !== null && \Yii::$app->has($this->connection)) {
             $db = \Yii::$app->get($this->connection);
             if (!$db instanceof \yii\mongodb\Connection) {
                 throw new \yii\base\InvalidConfigException('Connection component must implement \\yii\\mongodb\\Connection.');
             $connection = $db->getDatabase()->mongoDb;
     } else {
         $connection = new \yii\mongodb\Connection(['dsn' => $this->dsn]);
         $connection = $connection->getDatabase()->mongoDb;
     parent::__construct($connection, $config);
Пример #3

require_once __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';
use Chadicus\Slim\OAuth2\Routes;
use Chadicus\Slim\OAuth2\Middleware;
use Slim\Slim;
use OAuth2\Server;
use OAuth2\Storage;
use OAuth2\GrantType;
$mongoDb = (new MongoClient())->selectDb('slim_oauth2');
$storage = new Storage\Mongo($mongoDb);
$storage->setClientDetails('librarian', 'secret', '/receive-code', null, 'bookCreate');
$storage->setClientDetails('student', 's3cr3t');
$server = new Server($storage, ['access_lifetime' => 3600], [new GrantType\ClientCredentials($storage), new GrantType\AuthorizationCode($storage)]);
$app = new Slim();
Routes\Token::register($app, $server);
Routes\Authorize::register($app, $server);
$app->config('templates.path', __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/chadicus/slim-oauth2-routes/templates');
$authorization = new Middleware\Authorization($server);
$app->get('/books', $authorization, function () use($app, $mongoDb) {
    $result = [];
    try {
        $limit = isset($_GET['limit']) ? (int) $_GET['limit'] : 5;
        $offset = isset($_GET['offset']) ? (int) $_GET['offset'] : 0;
        $books = $mongoDb->books->find([])->skip($offset)->limit($limit);
        $result = ['offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $books->count(true), 'total' => $books->count(), 'books' => []];
        foreach ($books as $book) {
            $result['books'][] = ['id' => (string) $book['_id'], 'url' => "/books/{$book['_id']}"];
Пример #4
  * @param $connection
  * @param array $config
  * @throws Exception\RuntimeException
 public function __construct($connection, $config = [])
     // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
     if (!(extension_loaded('mongodb') || extension_loaded('mongo')) || !class_exists(MongoClient::class) || version_compare(MongoClient::VERSION, '1.4.1', '<')) {
         throw new Exception\RuntimeException('The MongoAdapter requires either the Mongo Driver v1.4.1 or ' . 'ext/mongodb + the alcaeus/mongo-php-adapter package (which provides ' . 'backwards compatibility for ext/mongo classes)');
     // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
     parent::__construct($connection, $config);