public function __construct(Library\ObjectConfig $config) { parent::__construct($config); if (isset($config->state) && $config->state->type) { $this->setType($config->state->type); } }
public function save() { $modified = $this->isModified('enabled'); $result = parent::save(); if ($this->getStatus() == Library\Database::STATUS_UPDATED && $modified && $this->enabled) { $database = $this->getTable()->getAdapter(); $languages = $this->getObject('application.languages'); $primary = $languages->getPrimary(); foreach ($languages as $language) { if ($language->id != $primary->id) { $table = strtolower($language->iso_code) . '_' . $this->name; // Create language specific table. $query = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $database->quoteIdentifier($table) . ' LIKE ' . $database->quoteIdentifier($this->name); $database->execute($query); // Copy content of original table into the language specific one. $query = $this->getObject('lib:atabase.query.insert')->table($table)->values($this->getObject('')->table($this->name)); $database->execute($query); $status = DatabaseRowTranslation::STATUS_MISSING; $original = 0; } else { $status = DatabaseRowTranslation::STATUS_COMPLETED; $original = 1; } // Add items to the translations table. $select = $this->getObject('')->columns(array('iso_code' => ':iso_code', 'table' => ':table', 'row' => $this->unique_column, 'status' => ':status', 'original' => ':original'))->table($this->name)->bind(array('iso_code' => $language->iso_code, 'table' => $this->name, 'status' => $status, 'original' => $original)); $query = $this->getObject('lib:database.query.insert')->table('languages_translations')->columns(array('iso_code', 'table', 'row', 'status', 'original'))->values($select); $database->execute($query); } } return $result; }
public function save() { $result = parent::save(); if ($this->users) { // Add new users to group foreach ($this->users as $user) { $group_user = $this->getObject('com:users.database.row.groups_users'); $group_user->group_id = $this->id; $group_user->user_id = $user; if (!$group_user->load()) { $group_user->save(); } } // Remove users no longer attached to group foreach ($this->getObject('com:users.model.groups_users')->group_id($this->id)->getRowset() as $group_user) { // Remove all users that are no longer selected if (!in_array($group_user->user_id, $this->users)) { $row = $this->getObject('com:users.model.groups_users')->group_id($this->id)->user_id($group_user->user_id)->getRow(); $row->delete(); } } } else { // @TODO: Bug, this should work by using the entire rowset instead of getting a row object for each row foreach ($this->getObject('com:users.model.groups_users')->group_id($this->id)->getRowset() as $group_user) { $row = $this->getObject('com:users.model.groups_users')->group_id($this->id)->user_id($group_user->user_id)->getRow(); $row->delete(); } } return $result; }
public function setStatus($status) { if ($status == 'trashed') { parent::setStatus(Library\Database::STATUS_DELETED); } $this->_status = $status; return $this; }
public function getData($modified = false) { $data = parent::getData($modified); if (isset($data['parameters'])) { $data['parameters'] = $this->parameters->getData(); } return $data; }
/** * Return an associative array of the data. * * @return array */ public function toArray() { $data = parent::toArray(); //Include the manifest fields foreach (self::$_manifest_fields as $field) { $data[$field] = (string) $this->{$field}; } $data['title'] = (string) $this->title; $data['params'] = $this->params->toArray(); return $data; }
public function __get($name) { if ($name == 'relation' && !isset($this->relation)) { $this->relation = $this->getObject('com:attachments.database.table.relations')->select(array('attachments_attachment_id' => $this->id), Library\Database::FETCH_ROW); } if ($name == 'file' && !isset($this->file)) { $this->file = $this->getObject('com:files.model.files')->container($this->container)->folder($this->path)->name($this->name)->getRow(); } if ($name == 'thumbnail' && !isset($this->thumbnail)) { $file = $this->file; if ($file && $file->isImage()) { $this->thumbnail = $this->getObject('com:files.controller.thumbnail')->container($this->container)->filename($this->path)->read(); } } return parent::__get($name); }
public function save() { $result = false; //@TODO : Implement automatic schema validation if (!empty($this->id)) { if ($result = parent::save()) { // Hit the user last visit field $row = $this->getObject('com:users.database.row.user')->setData(array('email' => $this->email))->load(); if ($row) { $row->last_visited_on = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $row->save(); $this->setStatus(self::LOGGED_IN); } } } return $result; }
/** * Deletes the tag form the database. * * If only one relationship exists in the actual tag will also be deleted. Otherwise only the relation will be * removed. * * @return DatabaseRowTag */ public function delete() { //Delete the tag $relation = $this->getObject('com:tags.database.row.relation'); $relation->tags_tag_id = $this->id; if ($relation->count() <= 1) { parent::delete(); } //Delete the relation if ($this->row && $this->table) { $relation = $this->getObject('com:tags.database.row.relation', array('status' => Database::STATUS_LOADED)); $relation->tags_tag_id = $this->id; $relation->row = $this->row; $relation->table = $this->table; $relation->delete(); } return true; }
public function save() { //Set the introtext and the full text $text = str_replace('<br>', '<br />', $this->text); $pattern = '#<hr\\s+id=("|\')system-readmore("|\')\\s*\\/*>#i'; if (preg_match($pattern, $text)) { list($introtext, $fulltext) = preg_split($pattern, $text, 2); $this->introtext = trim($introtext); $this->fulltext = trim($fulltext); } else { $this->introtext = trim($text); $this->fulltext = ''; } //Validate the title if (empty($this->title)) { $this->_status = Library\Database::STATUS_FAILED; $this->_status_message = JText::_('Article must have a title'); return false; } return parent::save(); }
public function save() { $modified = $this->isModified('enabled'); $result = parent::save(); if ($this->getStatus() == Library\Database::STATUS_UPDATED && $modified && $this->enabled && $this->application == 'site') { $tables = $this->getObject('com:languages.model.tables')->getRowset(); $database = $this->getTable()->getAdapter(); foreach ($tables as $table) { $table_name = strtolower($this->iso_code) . '_' . $table->name; // Add language specific table and copy the content of the original table. $database->execute('CREATE TABLE ' . $database->quoteIdentifier($table_name) . ' LIKE ' . $database->quoteIdentifier($table->name)); $select = $this->getObject('')->table($table->name); $insert = $this->getObject('lib:database.query.insert')->table($table_name)->values($select); $database->insert($insert); // Add items to the translations table. $columns = array('iso_code' => ':iso_code', 'table' => ':table', 'row' => 'tbl.' . $table->unique_column, 'status' => ':status', 'original' => ':original'); $select = $this->getObject('')->columns($columns)->table(array('tbl' => $table_name))->bind(array('iso_code' => $this->iso_code, 'table' => $table->name, 'status' => DatabaseRowTranslation::STATUS_MISSING, 'original' => 0)); $insert = $this->getObject('lib:database.query.insert')->table('languages_translations')->columns(array_keys($columns))->values($select); $database->insert($insert); } } return $result; }
public function toArray() { $data = parent::toArray(); unset($data['_thumbnail_size']); unset($data['source']); return $data; }
/** * Return an associative array containing the user data. * * @return array */ public function toArray() { $data = parent::toArray(); unset($data['activation']); $data['params'] = $this->params->toArray(); return $data; }
public function toArray() { $data = parent::toArray(); $data['thumbnail'] = $this->thumbnail; return $data; }
public function toArray() { $password = parent::toArray(); unset($password['hash']); return $password; }
/** * Initializes the options for the object * * Called from {@link __construct()} as a first step of object instantiation. * * @param ObjectConfig $object An optional Library\ObjectConfig object with configuration options * @return void */ protected function _initialize(Library\ObjectConfig $config) { $config->append(array('children' => null, 'parent' => null)); parent::_initialize($config); }
public function toArray() { $data = parent::toArray(); $data['params'] = $this->params->toArray(); return $data; }