public function testCloneKillKillingWipesHealthAndTurns() { $char_id = TestAccountCreateAndDestroy::char_id(); $charObj = Player::find($char_id); $char_id_2 = TestAccountCreateAndDestroy::char_id_2(); $charObj_2 = Player::find($char_id_2); // Will create characters with ip, but that shouldn't be clone kill able. $this->assertFalse(CloneKill::canKill($char_id, $char_id_2)); $this->syncIps('555.66.77.88', $char_id, $char_id_2); $this->assertTrue(CloneKill::canKill($char_id, $char_id_2), 'Should be able to clone kill similar and same ip characters!'); CloneKill::kill($charObj, $charObj, $charObj_2); // Obliterate them. $pc1 = Player::find($char_id); $pc2 = Player::find($char_id_2); $this->assertEquals(0, $pc1->health); $this->assertEquals(0, $pc2->health); $this->assertEquals(0, $pc1->turns); $this->assertEquals(0, $pc2->turns); }
/** * Use, the skills_mod equivalent * * @note Test with urls like: * http://nw.local/skill/use/Fire%20Bolt/10 * http://nw.local/skill/self_use/Unstealth/ * http://nw.local/skill/self_use/Heal/ */ public function useSkill($self_use = false) { // Template vars. $display_sight_table = $generic_skill_result_message = $generic_state_change = $killed_target = $loot = $added_bounty = $bounty = $suicided = $destealthed = null; $error = null; $char_id = SessionFactory::getSession()->get('player_id'); $player = Player::find($char_id); $path = RequestWrapper::getPathInfo(); $slugs = $this->parseSlugs($path); // (fullpath0) /skill1/use2/Fire%20Bolt3/tchalvak4/(beagle5/) $act = isset($slugs[3]) ? $slugs[3] : null; $target = isset($slugs[4]) ? $slugs[4] : null; $target2 = isset($slugs[5]) ? $slugs[5] : null; if (!Filter::toNonNegativeInt($target)) { if ($self_use) { $target = $char_id; } else { if ($target !== null) { $targetObj = Player::findByName($target); $target = $targetObj ? $targetObj->id() : null; } else { $target = null; } } } if ($target2 && !Filter::toNonNegativeInt($target2)) { $target2Obj = Player::findByName($target2); $target2 = $target2Obj ? $target2Obj->id() : null; } $skillListObj = new Skill(); // *** Before level-based addition. $turn_cost = $skillListObj->getTurnCost(strtolower($act)); $ignores_stealth = $skillListObj->getIgnoreStealth($act); $self_usable = $skillListObj->getSelfUse($act); $use_on_target = $skillListObj->getUsableOnTarget($act); $ki_cost = 0; // Ki taken during use. $reuse = true; // Able to reuse the skill. $today = date("F j, Y, g:i a"); // Check whether the user actually has the needed skill. $has_skill = $skillListObj->hasSkill($act, $player); assert($turn_cost >= 0); if ($self_use) { // Use the skill on himself. $return_to_target = false; $target = $player; $target_id = null; } else { if ($target != '' && $target != $player->player_id) { $target = Player::find($target); $target_id = $target->id(); $return_to_target = true; } else { // For target that doesn't exist, e.g. http://nw.local/skill/use/Sight/zigzlklkj error_log('Info: Attempt to use a skill on a target that did not exist.'); return new RedirectResponse(WEB_ROOT . 'skill/?error=' . rawurlencode('Invalid target for skill [' . rawurlencode($act) . '].')); } } $covert = false; $victim_alive = true; $attacker_id = $player->name(); $attacker_char_id = $player->id(); $starting_turns = $player->turns; $level_check = $player->level - $target->level; if ($player->hasStatus(STEALTH)) { $attacker_id = 'A Stealthed Ninja'; } $use_attack_legal = true; if ($act == 'Clone Kill' || $act == 'Harmonize') { $has_skill = true; $use_attack_legal = false; $attack_allowed = true; $attack_error = null; $covert = true; } else { // *** Checks the skill use legality, as long as the target isn't self. $params = ['required_turns' => $turn_cost, 'ignores_stealth' => $ignores_stealth, 'self_use' => $self_use]; $AttackLegal = new AttackLegal($player, $target, $params); $update_timer = isset($this->update_timer) ? $this->update_timer : true; $attack_allowed = $AttackLegal->check($update_timer); $attack_error = $AttackLegal->getError(); } if (!$attack_error) { // Only bother to check for other errors if there aren't some already. if (!$has_skill || $act == '') { // Set the attack error to display that that skill wasn't available. $attack_error = 'You do not have the requested skill.'; } elseif ($starting_turns < $turn_cost) { $turn_cost = 0; $attack_error = "You do not have enough turns to use {$act}."; } } if (!$attack_error) { // Nothing to prevent the attack from happening. // Initial attack conditions are alright. $result = ''; if ($act == 'Sight') { $covert = true; $sight_data = $this->pullSightData($target); $display_sight_table = true; } elseif ($act == 'Steal') { $covert = true; $gold_decrease = min($target->gold, rand(5, 50)); $player->setGold($player->gold + $gold_decrease); $player->save(); $target->setGold($target->gold - $gold_decrease); $target->save(); $msg = "{$attacker_id} stole {$gold_decrease} gold from you."; Event::create($attacker_char_id, $target->id(), $msg); $generic_skill_result_message = "You have stolen {$gold_decrease} gold from __TARGET__!"; } else { if ($act == 'Unstealth') { $state = 'unstealthed'; if ($target->hasStatus(STEALTH)) { $target->subtractStatus(STEALTH); $generic_state_change = "You are now {$state}."; } else { $turn_cost = 0; $generic_state_change = "__TARGET__ is already {$state}."; } } else { if ($act == 'Stealth') { $covert = true; $state = 'stealthed'; if (!$target->hasStatus(STEALTH)) { $target->addStatus(STEALTH); $target->subtractStatus(STALKING); $generic_state_change = "__TARGET__ is now {$state}."; } else { $turn_cost = 0; $generic_state_change = "__TARGET__ is already {$state}."; } } else { if ($act == 'Stalk') { $state = 'stalking'; if (!$target->hasStatus(STALKING)) { $target->addStatus(STALKING); $target->subtractStatus(STEALTH); $generic_state_change = "__TARGET__ is now {$state}."; } else { $turn_cost = 0; $generic_state_change = "__TARGET__ is already {$state}."; } } else { if ($act == 'Kampo') { $covert = true; // *** Get Special Items From Inventory *** $user_id = $player->id(); $root_item_type = 7; $itemCount = query_item('SELECT sum(amount) AS c FROM inventory WHERE owner = :owner AND item_type = :type GROUP BY item_type', [':owner' => $user_id, ':type' => $root_item_type]); $turn_cost = min($itemCount, $starting_turns - 1, 2); // Costs 1 or two depending on the number of items. if ($turn_cost && $itemCount > 0) { // *** If special item count > 0 *** $inventory = new Inventory($player); $inventory->remove('ginsengroot', $itemCount); $inventory->add('tigersalve', $itemCount); $generic_skill_result_message = 'With intense focus you grind the ' . $itemCount . ' roots into potent formulas.'; } else { // *** no special items, give error message *** $turn_cost = 0; $generic_skill_result_message = 'You do not have the necessary ginsengroots or energy to create any Kampo formulas.'; } } else { if ($act == 'Poison Touch') { $covert = true; $target->addStatus(POISON); $target->addStatus(WEAKENED); // Weakness kills strength. $target_damage = rand(self::MIN_POISON_TOUCH, $this->maxPoisonTouch()); $victim_alive = $target->harm($target_damage); $generic_state_change = "__TARGET__ has been poisoned!"; $generic_skill_result_message = "__TARGET__ has taken {$target_damage} damage!"; $msg = "You have been poisoned by {$attacker_id}"; Event::create($attacker_char_id, $target->id(), $msg); } elseif ($act == 'Fire Bolt') { $target_damage = $this->fireBoltBaseDamage($player) + rand(1, $this->fireBoltMaxDamage($player)); $generic_skill_result_message = "__TARGET__ has taken {$target_damage} damage!"; $victim_alive = $target->harm($target_damage); $msg = "You have had fire bolt cast on you by " . $player->name(); Event::create($player->id(), $target->id(), $msg); } else { if ($act == 'Heal' || $act == 'Harmonize') { // This is the starting template for self-use commands, eventually it'll be all refactored. $harmonize = false; if ($act == 'Harmonize') { $harmonize = true; } $hurt = $target->is_hurt_by(); // Check how much the TARGET is hurt (not the originator, necessarily). // Check that the target is not already status healing. if ($target->hasStatus(HEALING) && !$player->isAdmin()) { $turn_cost = 0; $generic_state_change = '__TARGET__ is already under a healing aura.'; } elseif ($hurt < 1) { $turn_cost = 0; $generic_skill_result_message = '__TARGET__ is already fully healed.'; } else { if (!$harmonize) { $original_health = $target->health; $heal_points = $player->getStamina() + 1; $new_health = $target->heal($heal_points); // Won't heal more than possible $healed_by = $new_health - $original_health; } else { $start_health = $player->health; // Harmonize those chakra! $player = $this->harmonizeChakra($player); $healed_by = $player->health - $start_health; $ki_cost = $healed_by; } $target->addStatus(HEALING); $generic_skill_result_message = "__TARGET__ healed by {$healed_by} to " . $target->health . "."; if ($target->id() != $player->id()) { Event::create($attacker_char_id, $target->id(), "You have been healed by {$attacker_id} for {$healed_by}."); } } } else { if ($act == 'Ice Bolt') { if ($target->hasStatus(SLOW)) { $turn_cost = 0; $generic_skill_result_message = '__TARGET__ is already iced.'; } else { if ($target->turns >= 10) { $turns_decrease = rand(1, 5); $target->turns = $target->turns - $turns_decrease; // Changed ice bolt to kill stealth. $target->subtractStatus(STEALTH); $target->subtractStatus(STALKING); $target->addStatus(SLOW); $msg = "Ice bolt cast on you by {$attacker_id}, your turns have been reduced by {$turns_decrease}."; Event::create($attacker_char_id, $target->id(), $msg); $generic_skill_result_message = "__TARGET__'s turns reduced by {$turns_decrease}!"; } else { $turn_cost = 0; $generic_skill_result_message = "__TARGET__ does not have enough turns for you to take."; } } } else { if ($act == 'Cold Steal') { if ($target->hasStatus(SLOW)) { $turn_cost = 0; $generic_skill_result_message = '__TARGET__ is already iced.'; } else { $critical_failure = rand(1, 100); if ($critical_failure > 7) { // *** If the critical failure rate wasn't hit. if ($target->turns >= 10) { $turns_diff = rand(2, 7); $target->turns = $target->turns - $turns_diff; $player->turns = $player->turns + $turns_diff; // Stolen $target->addStatus(SLOW); $msg = "You have had Cold Steal cast on you for {$turns_diff} by {$attacker_id}"; Event::create($attacker_char_id, $target->id(), $msg); $generic_skill_result_message = "You cast Cold Steal on __TARGET__ and take {$turns_diff} turns."; } else { $turn_cost = 0; $generic_skill_result_message = '__TARGET__ did not have enough turns to give you.'; } } else { // *** CRITICAL FAILURE !! $player->addStatus(FROZEN); $unfreeze_time = date('F j, Y, g:i a', mktime(date('G') + 1, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'))); $failure_msg = "You have experienced a critical failure while using Cold Steal. You will be unfrozen on {$unfreeze_time}"; Event::create((int) 0, $player->id(), $failure_msg); $generic_skill_result_message = "Cold Steal has backfired! You are frozen until {$unfreeze_time}!"; } } } else { if ($act == 'Clone Kill') { // Obliterates the turns and the health of similar accounts that get clone killed. $reuse = false; // Don't give a reuse link. $clone1 = Player::findByName($target); $clone2 = Player::findByName($target2); if (!$clone1 || !$clone2) { $not_a_ninja = $target; if (!$clone2) { $not_a_ninja = $target2; } $generic_skill_result_message = "There is no such ninja as {$not_a_ninja}."; } elseif ($clone1->id() == $clone2->id()) { $generic_skill_result_message = '__TARGET__ is just the same ninja, so not the same thing as a clone at all.'; } elseif ($clone1->id() == $char_id || $clone2->id() == $char_id) { $generic_skill_result_message = 'You cannot clone kill yourself.'; } else { // The two potential clones will be obliterated immediately if the criteria are met in CloneKill. $kill_or_fail = CloneKill::kill($player, $clone1, $clone2); if ($kill_or_fail !== false) { $generic_skill_result_message = $kill_or_fail; } else { $generic_skill_result_message = "Those two ninja don't seem to be clones."; } } } } } } } } } } } } // ************************** Section applies to all skills ****************************** if (!$victim_alive) { // Someone died. if ($target->player_id == $player->player_id) { // Attacker killed themself. $loot = 0; $suicided = true; } else { // Attacker killed someone else. $killed_target = true; $gold_mod = 0.15; $loot = floor($gold_mod * $target->gold); $player->setGold($player->gold + $loot); $target->setGold($target->gold - $loot); $player->addKills(1); $added_bounty = floor($level_check / 5); if ($added_bounty > 0) { $player->setBounty($player->bounty + $added_bounty * 25); } else { if ($target->bounty > 0 && $target->id() !== $player->id()) { // No suicide bounty, No bounty when your bounty getting ++ed. $player->setGold($player->gold + $target->bounty); // Reward the bounty $target->setBounty(0); // Wipe the bounty } } $target_message = "{$attacker_id} has killed you with {$act} and taken {$loot} gold."; Event::create($attacker_char_id, $target->id(), $target_message); $attacker_message = "You have killed {$target} with {$act} and taken {$loot} gold."; Event::create($target->id(), $player->id(), $attacker_message); } } if (!$covert && $player->hasStatus(STEALTH)) { $player->subtractStatus(STEALTH); $destealthed = true; } $target->save(); } // End of the skill use SUCCESS block. $player->turns = $player->turns - max(0, $turn_cost); // Take the skill use cost. $player->save(); $ending_turns = $player->turns; $target_ending_health = $target->health; $target_name = $target->name(); $parts = get_defined_vars(); $options = ['quickstat' => 'player']; return new StreamedViewResponse('Skill Effect', 'skills_mod.tpl', $parts, $options); }