Пример #1
  * Show the selected page
  * @param $pagePath (String)
  * @return Response
 public function showPage(Request $request, $path = '')
     // Redirect trailing slash
     $uri = $request->getRequestUri();
     // if (preg_match('/(.+)\/$/', $request->getRequestUri()) !== 0)
     if (strlen($uri) > 1 && substr($uri, -1) === '/') {
         return redirect(rtrim($request->path(), '/'), 301);
     // Parse the request path
     $pathInfo = LocaleService::parsePath($path);
     $pagePath = $pathInfo->pagePath;
     // Set the active language
     // 'index' is a reserved name
     if ($pagePath === '/index') {
         error_log("index is a reserved name.");
     // Get the views' directory
     $viewsPath = base_path() . '/resources/views/';
     if (!is_dir($viewsPath)) {
         error_log("The directory /resources/views/ doesn't exists.");
         throw new PathNotFoundException();
     // Compute the view name to be showed
     $showView = '';
     if ($pagePath === '/') {
         $showView = 'index';
     } else {
         $showView = ltrim(str_replace('/', '.', $pagePath), '.');
     // If the view doesn't exists return a 404 Not Found
     if (!view()->exists($showView)) {
         abort(404, "View not found: {$showView}");
     // Initialize the LocaleLinkService used inside views to set links
     // Return the requested view
     return view($showView, ['benjamin' => 'benjamin::html', 'activeLang' => LocaleService::getActiveLang()]);
Пример #2
  * Return a JSON object containing the content of all the pages.
  * The returned object will have this structure:
  *     {
  *       langDir: 'en',
  *       pages: [{
  *           path: '/',
  *           title: 'Home',
  *           body: '<div> ... </div>'
  *           bodyClass: 'some-class'
  *         }, {
  *           path: '/...',
  *           title: '...',
  *           body: '...'
  *           bodyClass: '...'
  *         },
  *         ...
  *       ]
  *     }
  * @return JSON
 public function getAll(Request $request)
     // Get the views' directory
     $viewsPath = base_path() . '/resources/views/';
     if (!is_dir($viewsPath)) {
         error_log("The directory /resources/views/ doesn't exists.");
         throw new PathNotFoundException();
     // Get the lang' directory
     $langPath = base_path() . '/resources/lang/';
     if (!is_dir($langPath)) {
         error_log("The directory /resources/lang/ doesn't exists.");
         throw new PathNotFoundException();
     // Get the language directory from the current url
     $path = $request->input('path');
     $pathInfo = LocaleService::parsePath($path);
     // Set the active language
     // Init the response object
     $resp = new \stdClass();
     $resp->langDir = $pathInfo->langDir;
     $resp->pages = null;
     // Get last modification time on views or lang's messages
     $pagesLastMod = max(self::getLastMod($viewsPath), self::getLastMod($langPath));
     // Init current cache keys (language-dependent)
     $pagesKey = "pages.{$pathInfo->lang}";
     $pagesTimestampKey = "pages.{$pathInfo->lang}.timestamp";
     // Check if the cache is enabled
     $cacheEnabled = false;
     if (env('CACHE_DRIVER') !== null) {
         $cacheEnabled = true;
     // If the cache is valid return the cached value
     if ($cacheEnabled) {
         $pagesLastCache = Cache::get($pagesTimestampKey);
         if ($pagesLastCache !== null && $pagesLastCache >= $pagesLastMod) {
             $resp->pages = Cache::get($pagesKey);
             return response()->json($resp);
     // Get the list of views
     $viewsList = self::getViewsList($viewsPath);
     // Initialize the LocaleLinkService used inside views to set links
     // Fill the $pages array, containing all the pages' content
     $pages = [];
     foreach ($viewsList as $viewName) {
         $page = new \stdClass();
         // Page path
         $page->path = $viewName === 'index' ? '' : $viewName;
         $page->path = '/' . str_replace('.', '/', $page->path);
         // Set the page's path inside the LocaleLinkService
         // Page title
         $page->title = view($viewName, ['benjamin' => 'benjamin::title', 'activeLang' => LocaleService::getActiveLang()])->render();
         // Page body
         $page->body = view($viewName, ['benjamin' => 'benjamin::body', 'activeLang' => LocaleService::getActiveLang()])->render();
         // bodyClass
         $page->bodyClass = view($viewName, ['benjamin' => 'benjamin::bodyClass', 'activeLang' => LocaleService::getActiveLang()])->render();
         $pages[] = $page;
     // Cache the value
     if ($cacheEnabled) {
         Cache::forever($pagesKey, $pages);
         Cache::forever($pagesTimestampKey, time());
     // Response
     $resp->pages = $pages;
     return response()->json($resp);