Пример #1
 private function __construct()
     $this->dbh = new PDO('pgsql:host=' . Config\POSTGRESQL_HOST . ';dbname=' . Config\POSTGRESQL_DATA_NAME . ';port=' . Config\POSTGRESQL_PORT, Config\POSTGRESQL_USER, Config\POSTGRESQL_PASS);
     $this->dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
     $this->dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
     // Fetch the IDs for special profiles/projects
     $cache = Config\SITE_HOST . 'special-ids';
     if (!($specialIds = Utils::apc_get($cache))) {
         $me = $this;
         $specialIds = Utils::apc_set($cache, function () use($me) {
             try {
                 $stmt = $this->dbh->query('SELECT * FROM special_users');
                 $userIds = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_KEY_PAIR);
                 $stmt = $this->dbh->query('SELECT * FROM special_groups');
                 $projectsIds = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_KEY_PAIR);
                 return ['USER' => $userIds, 'PROJECT' => $projectsIds];
             } catch (PDOException $e) {
         }, 86400);
     Config::add('USERS_NEWS', $specialIds['USER']['GLOBAL_NEWS']);
     Config::add('DELETED_USERS', $specialIds['USER']['DELETED']);
     Config::add('ISSUE_BOARD', $specialIds['PROJECT']['ISSUE']);
     Config::add('PROJECTS_NEWS', $specialIds['PROJECT']['GLOBAL_NEWS']);
Пример #2
 public function lang($index)
     // we don't worrie about language file modifications, since this ones shouldn't occur often
     $cache = "language-file-{$this->lang}-{$this->tpl_no}" . Config\SITE_HOST;
     if (!($_LANG = Utils::apc_get($cache))) {
         $_LANG = Utils::apc_set($cache, function () {
             // first load default language file
             $defaultLang = json_decode(file_get_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/data/langs/{$this->lang}/default.json"), true);
             // then we add eventually merge template additions
             $tplFile = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/tpl/{$this->tpl_no}/langs/{$this->lang}/json/default.json";
             if (is_readable($tplFile)) {
                 $defaultLang = array_merge($defaultLang, json_decode(file_get_contents($tplFile), true));
             return $defaultLang;
         }, 3600);
     return nl2br(htmlspecialchars($_LANG[$index], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
Пример #3
 public static function getVersion()
     $cache = 'NERDZVersion' . Config\SITE_HOST;
     if ($version = Utils::apc_get($cache)) {
         return $version;
     return Utils::apc_set($cache, function () {
         if (!is_dir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/.git') || !file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/.git/refs/heads/master')) {
             return 'null';
         $revision = substr(file_get_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/.git/refs/heads/master'), 0, 7);
         if (strlen($revision) != 7) {
             return 'null';
         return $revision;
     }, 5400);
Пример #4

require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/class/autoload.php';
use NERDZ\Core\Trend;
use NERDZ\Core\Utils;
use NERDZ\Core\Config;
if (!isset($user)) {
    die('$user required');
$func = function () use($user) {
    $vals = [];
    $cache = 'trends' . Config\SITE_HOST;
    if (!($trends = Utils::apc_get($cache))) {
        $trends = Utils::apc_set($cache, function () {
            $trend = new Trend();
            $ret = [];
            $ret['popular'] = $trend->getPopular();
            $ret['newest'] = $trend->getNewest();
            return $ret;
        }, 300);
    $vals['popular_a'] = $trends['popular'];
    $vals['newest_a'] = $trends['newest'];
Пример #5
 $vals['username4link_n'] = Utils::userLink($info->username);
 $vals['lang_n'] = $user->getLanguage($info->counter);
 $vals['online_b'] = $user->isOnline($info->counter);
 $vals['name_n'] = ucfirst($info->name);
 $vals['surname_n'] = ucfirst($info->surname);
 list($year, $month, $day) = explode('-', $info->birth_date);
 $vals['birthdate_n'] = $day . '/' . $month . '/' . $year;
 $apc_name = 'userstuff' . $info->counter . Config\SITE_HOST;
 if (!($stuff = Utils::apc_get($apc_name))) {
     $stuff = Utils::apc_set($apc_name, function () use($user, $ida) {
         if (!($o = Db::query(['SELECT COUNT("hcid") AS cc FROM "comments" WHERE "from" = :id', $ida], Db::FETCH_OBJ))) {
         $n = $o->cc;
         if (!($o = Db::query(['SELECT COUNT("hcid") AS cc FROM "groups_comments" WHERE "from" = :id', $ida], Db::FETCH_OBJ))) {
         $n += $o->cc;
         $a = Stuff::stupid($n);
         $a['n'] = $n;
         return $a;
     }, 300);
 $vals['stupidstuffnow_n'] = $stuff['now'];
 $vals['stupidstuffnext_n'] = $stuff['next'];
 $vals['stupidstuffless_n'] = $stuff['less'];
 $vals['totalcomments_n'] = $stuff['n'];
 if (!($o = Db::query(['SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM "last") AS last from "users" WHERE "counter" = :id', $ida], Db::FETCH_OBJ))) {
 $vals['following_n'] = $user->getFollowingCount($info->counter);
Пример #6
    jax: ["input/TeX", "output/HTML-CSS"],
    tex2jax: {
    inlineMath: [ ['[m]','[/m]'] ],
        displayMath: [ ['[math]','[/math]'] ],
        processEscapes: false
        "HTML-CSS": { availableFonts: ["TeX"], linebreaks: { automatic: true, width: "container" } }
    <script src="//cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js" async></script>
$trackingCacheKey = 'tracking_js' . NERDZ\Core\Config\SITE_HOST;
if (!($tracking = Utils::apc_get($trackingCacheKey))) {
    $tracking = Utils::apc_set($trackingCacheKey, function () {
        $trjs = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/data/tracking.js';
        return is_readable($trjs) ? file_get_contents($trjs) : '';
    }, 3600);
echo $tracking;
/* BEGIN SSL_VARIABLES (used by the JS API) */
    var Nssl = {
        login: <?php 
echo Config\LOGIN_SSL_ONLY ? 'true' : 'false';
        domain: "<?php 
echo Config\HTTPS_DOMAIN;
Пример #7
if (!($ret = Utils::apc_get($path))) {
    $ret = Utils::apc_set($path, function () use($mo) {
        $un_ti = ' AND ("time" + INTERVAL \'28 days\') > NOW()';
        $res = Db::query('SELECT COUNT("hcid") AS cc,"from"
            FROM "comments"
            WHERE "from" <> (SELECT counter FROM special_users WHERE role = \'DELETED\')' . (!$mo ? $un_ti : '') . ' GROUP BY "from"
            ORDER BY cc DESC LIMIT 100', Db::FETCH_STMT);
        $rank = [];
        while ($o = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
            $gc = Db::query(['SELECT COUNT("hcid") AS cc FROM "groups_comments" WHERE "from" = :from ' . (!$mo ? $un_ti : ''), [':from' => $o->from]], Db::FETCH_OBJ);
            $us = User::getUsername($o->from);
            $n = $o->cc + $gc->cc;
            $rank[$us] = $n;
            $stupid = Stuff::stupid($n);
            $ss[$us] = $stupid['now'];
        $rank = array_reverse($rank, true);
        $i = 0;
        $ret = [];
        foreach ($rank as $username => $val) {
            $ret[$i]['position_n'] = $i + 1;
            $ret[$i]['username4link_n'] = Utils::userLink($username);
            $ret[$i]['username_n'] = $username;
            $ret[$i]['comments_n'] = $val;
            $ret[$i]['stupidstuff_n'] = $ss[$username];
        return $ret;
    }, 3600);
Пример #8
 $ret = Utils::apc_set($cache, function () use($cache) {
     function createArray(&$ret, $query, $position)
         if (!($o = Db::query($query, Db::FETCH_OBJ))) {
             $ret[$position] = -1;
         } else {
             $ret[$position] = $o->cc;
     $queries = [0 => 'SELECT COUNT(counter)     AS cc FROM users', 1 => 'SELECT COUNT(hpid)        AS cc FROM posts', 2 => 'SELECT COUNT(hcid)        AS cc FROM comments', 3 => 'SELECT COUNT(counter)     AS cc FROM groups', 4 => 'SELECT COUNT(hpid)        AS cc FROM groups_posts', 5 => 'SELECT COUNT(hcid)        AS cc FROM groups_comments', 6 => 'SELECT COUNT(counter)     AS cc FROM users  WHERE last > (NOW() - INTERVAL \'4 MINUTES\') AND viewonline IS TRUE', 7 => 'SELECT COUNT(counter)     AS cc FROM users  WHERE last > (NOW() - INTERVAL \'4 MINUTES\') AND viewonline IS FALSE', 8 => 'SELECT COUNT(remote_addr) AS cc FROM guests WHERE last > (NOW() - INTERVAL \'4 MINUTES\')'];
     foreach ($queries as $position => $query) {
         createArray($ret, $query, $position);
     if (!($bots = Utils::apc_get($cache . 'bots'))) {
         $bots = Utils::apc_set($cache . 'bots', function () {
             $txt = file_get_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/data/bots.json');
             return json_decode(preg_replace('#(/\\*([^*]|[\\r\\n]|(\\*+([^*/]|[\\r\\n])))*\\*+/)|([\\s\\t](//).*)#', '', $txt), true);
         }, 86400);
     $ret[9] = 0;
     $ret[10] = [];
     if ($uas = Db::query('SELECT http_user_agent FROM guests WHERE last > (NOW() - INTERVAL \'4 MINUTES\')', DB::FETCH_OBJ, true)) {
         foreach ($uas as $ua) {
             foreach ($bots as $bot) {
                 if (preg_match('#' . $bot['regex'] . '#', $ua->http_user_agent)) {
                     $ret[10][$ret[9]]['name_n'] = $bot['name'];
Пример #9
 public function story()
     if (!($ret = Utils::apc_get($this->cachekey))) {
         return Utils::apc_set($this->cachekey, function () {
             if (!($o = Db::query(['SELECT "notify_story" FROM "users" WHERE "counter" = :id', [':id' => $_SESSION['id']]], Db::FETCH_OBJ))) {
                 return [];
             return json_decode($o->notify_story, true);
         }, 300);
     return $ret;