getSha1() публичный Метод

Returns the SHA1 hash of the content of this resource
public getSha1 ( ) : string
Результат string The sha1 hash
  * Finds other resources which are referring to the same resource data and filename
  * @param PersistentResource $resource The resource used for finding similar resources
  * @return QueryResultInterface The result, including the given resource
 public function findSimilarResources(PersistentResource $resource)
     $query = $this->createQuery();
     $query->matching($query->logicalAnd($query->equals('sha1', $resource->getSha1()), $query->equals('filename', $resource->getFilename())));
     return $query->execute();
  * @param PersistentResource $originalResource
  * @param array $adjustments
  * @return array resource, width, height as keys
  * @throws ImageFileException
  * @throws InvalidConfigurationException
  * @throws Exception
 public function processImage(PersistentResource $originalResource, array $adjustments)
     $additionalOptions = array();
     $adjustmentsApplied = false;
     // TODO: Special handling for SVG should be refactored at a later point.
     if ($originalResource->getMediaType() === 'image/svg+xml') {
         $originalResourceStream = $originalResource->getStream();
         $resource = $this->resourceManager->importResource($originalResourceStream, $originalResource->getCollectionName());
         return ['width' => null, 'height' => null, 'resource' => $resource];
     $resourceUri = $originalResource->createTemporaryLocalCopy();
     $resultingFileExtension = $originalResource->getFileExtension();
     $transformedImageTemporaryPathAndFilename = $this->environment->getPathToTemporaryDirectory() . uniqid('ProcessedImage-') . '.' . $resultingFileExtension;
     if (!file_exists($resourceUri)) {
         throw new ImageFileException(sprintf('An error occurred while transforming an image: the resource data of the original image does not exist (%s, %s).', $originalResource->getSha1(), $resourceUri), 1374848224);
     $imagineImage = $this->imagineService->open($resourceUri);
     $convertCMYKToRGB = $this->getOptionsMergedWithDefaults()['convertCMYKToRGB'];
     if ($convertCMYKToRGB && $imagineImage->palette() instanceof CMYK) {
         $imagineImage->usePalette(new RGB());
     if ($this->imagineService instanceof Imagine && $originalResource->getFileExtension() === 'gif' && $this->isAnimatedGif(file_get_contents($resourceUri)) === true) {
         $layers = $imagineImage->layers();
         $newLayers = array();
         foreach ($layers as $index => $imagineFrame) {
             $imagineFrame = $this->applyAdjustments($imagineFrame, $adjustments, $adjustmentsApplied);
             $newLayers[] = $imagineFrame;
         $imagineImage = array_shift($newLayers);
         $layers = $imagineImage->layers();
         foreach ($newLayers as $imagineFrame) {
         $additionalOptions['animated'] = true;
     } else {
         $imagineImage = $this->applyAdjustments($imagineImage, $adjustments, $adjustmentsApplied);
     if ($adjustmentsApplied === true) {
         $imagineImage->save($transformedImageTemporaryPathAndFilename, $this->getOptionsMergedWithDefaults($additionalOptions));
         $imageSize = $imagineImage->getSize();
         // TODO: In the future the collectionName of the new resource should be configurable.
         $resource = $this->resourceManager->importResource($transformedImageTemporaryPathAndFilename, $originalResource->getCollectionName());
         if ($resource === false) {
             throw new ImageFileException('An error occurred while importing a generated image file as a resource.', 1413562208);
         $pathInfo = UnicodeFunctions::pathinfo($originalResource->getFilename());
         $resource->setFilename(sprintf('%s-%ux%u.%s', $pathInfo['filename'], $imageSize->getWidth(), $imageSize->getHeight(), $pathInfo['extension']));
     } else {
         $originalResourceStream = $originalResource->getStream();
         $resource = $this->resourceManager->importResource($originalResourceStream, $originalResource->getCollectionName());
         $imageSize = $this->getImageSize($originalResource);
         $imageSize = new Box($imageSize['width'], $imageSize['height']);
     $this->imageSizeCache->set($resource->getCacheEntryIdentifier(), array('width' => $imageSize->getWidth(), 'height' => $imageSize->getHeight()));
     $result = array('width' => $imageSize->getWidth(), 'height' => $imageSize->getHeight(), 'resource' => $resource);
     return $result;
  * Deletes the storage data related to the given PersistentResource object
  * @param PersistentResource $resource The PersistentResource to delete the storage data of
  * @return boolean TRUE if removal was successful
 public function deleteResource(PersistentResource $resource)
     $pathAndFilename = $this->getStoragePathAndFilenameByHash($resource->getSha1());
     if (!file_exists($pathAndFilename)) {
         return true;
     if (unlink($pathAndFilename) === false) {
         return false;
     return true;
  * Deletes the given PersistentResource from the ResourceRepository and, if the storage data is no longer used in another
  * PersistentResource object, also deletes the data from the storage.
  * This method will also remove the PersistentResource object from the (internal) ResourceRepository.
  * @param PersistentResource $resource The resource to delete
  * @param boolean $unpublishResource If the resource should be unpublished before deleting it from the storage
  * @return boolean true if the resource was deleted, otherwise FALSE
  * @api
 public function deleteResource(PersistentResource $resource, $unpublishResource = true)
     $collectionName = $resource->getCollectionName();
     $result = $this->resourceRepository->findBySha1($resource->getSha1());
     if (count($result) > 1) {
         $this->systemLogger->log(sprintf('Not removing storage data of resource %s (%s) because it is still in use by %s other PersistentResource object(s).', $resource->getFilename(), $resource->getSha1(), count($result) - 1), LOG_DEBUG);
     } else {
         if (!isset($this->collections[$collectionName])) {
             $this->systemLogger->log(sprintf('Could not remove storage data of resource %s (%s) because it refers to the unknown collection "%s".', $resource->getFilename(), $resource->getSha1(), $collectionName), LOG_WARNING);
             return false;
         $storage = $this->collections[$collectionName]->getStorage();
         if (!$storage instanceof WritableStorageInterface) {
             $this->systemLogger->log(sprintf('Could not remove storage data of resource %s (%s) because it its collection "%s" is read-only.', $resource->getFilename(), $resource->getSha1(), $collectionName), LOG_WARNING);
             return false;
         try {
         } catch (\Exception $exception) {
             $this->systemLogger->log(sprintf('Could not remove storage data of resource %s (%s): %s.', $resource->getFilename(), $resource->getSha1(), $exception->getMessage()), LOG_WARNING);
             return false;
         if ($unpublishResource) {
             /** @var TargetInterface $target */
             $target = $this->collections[$collectionName]->getTarget();
             $this->systemLogger->log(sprintf('Removed storage data and unpublished resource %s (%s) because it not used by any other PersistentResource object.', $resource->getFilename(), $resource->getSha1()), LOG_DEBUG);
         } else {
             $this->systemLogger->log(sprintf('Removed storage data of resource %s (%s) because it not used by any other PersistentResource object.', $resource->getFilename(), $resource->getSha1()), LOG_DEBUG);
     return true;
  * Returns a stream handle which can be used internally to open / copy the given resource
  * stored in this storage.
  * @param PersistentResource $resource The resource stored in this storage
  * @return resource | boolean The resource stream or FALSE if the stream could not be obtained
 public function getStreamByResource(PersistentResource $resource)
     $pathAndFilename = $this->getStoragePathAndFilenameByHash($resource->getSha1());
     return file_exists($pathAndFilename) ? fopen($pathAndFilename, 'rb') : false;