/** * Instanciate the ElasticSearch Migration Service * * @param array $hostsConfHash Elastic Search connection config * e.g. : [ * 'from' => '', * 'to' => '' * ] * @param array $migrationHash index migration informations * e.g. : [ * 'from' => ['index' => 'bar', 'type' => 'foo'], * 'to' => ['index' => 'new_bar', 'type' => 'foo'], * 'bulk' => ['action' => 'index', 'id' => '_id'], * 'aliases' => ['read' => 'barRead', 'write' => 'barWrite'], * 'mapping' => [...] * ] * @param integer log level Slingshot::VERBOSITY_INFO | VERBOSITY_DEBUG | VERBOSITY_ERROR * @return void */ public function __construct($hostsConfHash, $migrationHash, $verbosity = self::VERBOSITY_INFO) { // Init logger $this->logger = new Logger('slingshot'); $syslogH = new SyslogHandler(null, 'local6', $verbosity); $formatter = new LineFormatter($this->logLineFormat); $syslogH->setFormatter($formatter); $this->logger->pushHandler($syslogH); $this->logger->pushProcessor(new PsrLogMessageProcessor()); if (!$this->isMigrationConfValid($migrationHash)) { throw new \Exception('Wrong migrationHash paramater'); } if (!$this->isHostsConfValid($hostsConfHash)) { throw new \Exception('Wrong hosts conf paramater'); } $this->migrationHash = $migrationHash; $this->docsProcessed = 0; $this->ESClientSource = new \Elasticsearch\Client(['hosts' => [$hostsConfHash['from']]]); if (!empty($hostsConfHash['to']) && $hostsConfHash['from'] != $hostsConfHash['to']) { $this->ESClientTarget = new \Elasticsearch\Client(['hosts' => [$hostsConfHash['to']]]); } else { $this->ESClientTarget =& $this->ESClientSource; } $this->bulkHash = $this->migrationHash['to']; }
public static function factory(array $config, array $handlers, $debug) { $config = self::validateAndNormaliseConfig($config); $handler = new SyslogHandler($config['ident'], LOG_USER, $debug ? PsrLogLevel::DEBUG : $config['min_level']); $handler->setFormatter($config['formatter']['factory']::factory($config['formatter']['conf'])); return $handler; }
public static function ins($space = 'default') { //获取配置 $config = \Yaf\Application::app()->getConfig(); //项目名 $projName = isset($config->projName) ? strtolower($config->projName) : 'default'; $channel = $projName . '/' . $space; $channelAll = $projName . '/_all'; if (isset(self::$ins[$channel])) { return self::$ins[$channel]; } //日志配置 if (!isset($config->log)) { throw new Exception('must config the logger first.'); } $logger = new MonoLogger($space); $syslog = new SyslogHandler($channel, LOG_LOCAL6, self::$logLevels[$config->log->level]); $syslogAll = new SyslogHandler($channelAll, LOG_LOCAL6, self::$logLevels[$config->log->level]); //设置日志格式 $formatter = new LineFormatter("%channel% %level_name%: %message% %context% %extra%"); $syslog->setFormatter($formatter); $syslogAll->setFormatter($formatter); $logger->pushHandler($syslog); $logger->pushHandler($syslogAll); //增加pid $processor = new ProcessIdProcessor(); $logger->pushProcessor($processor); //与psr3 context保持一致 $processor = new PsrLogMessageProcessor(); $logger->pushProcessor($processor); self::$ins[$channel] = $logger; return self::$ins[$channel]; }
/** * constructor * * @param string $type * @param array $options * @throws \Exception */ public function __construct($type, array $options = []) { if (!is_string($type)) { throw new RunTimeException(sprintf('%s expects the $type argument to be a string class name; received "%s"', __METHOD__, is_object($type) ? get_class($type) : gettype($type))); } if (!class_exists($type)) { $class = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\Storage\\' . $type; if (!class_exists($class)) { throw new RunTimeException(sprintf('%s expects the $type argument to be a valid class name; received "%s"', __METHOD__, $type)); } $type = $class; } $this->storage = new $type($options); if (array_key_exists('pageCount', $options)) { $this->pageCount = $options['pageCount']; } if (array_key_exists('pageInternal', $options)) { $this->pageInternal = $options['pageInternal']; } if (array_key_exists('blockingPeriod', $options)) { $this->blockingPeriod = $options['blockingPeriod']; } if (array_key_exists('pageRequestMethods', $options)) { $this->pageRequestMethods = $options['pageRequestMethods']; } $this->logger = new Logger('application'); $syslog = new SyslogHandler('Evasive'); $formatter = new LineFormatter("%channel%.%level_name%: %message% %extra%"); $syslog->setFormatter($formatter); $this->logger->pushHandler($syslog); }
/** * Bootstrap the application services. */ public function boot() { $monolog = Log::getMonolog(); $syslog = new SyslogHandler('papertrail'); $formatter = new LineFormatter('%channel%.%level_name%: %message% %extra%'); $syslog->setFormatter($formatter); $monolog->pushHandler($syslog); }
/** * Wraps the creation of log handlers so they can be created in a standard way. * * @param string $type Type of log handler to create * @param array $options Configuration options for log handler * * @throws \Exception */ public function addLogHandler($type, $options) { // Throw exception if no handler configuration has been set. FirePHPHandler is the exception, it doesn't // have any config options. if ($options == []) { throw new \Exception('Missing handler configuration!', 1); } // Set the log level if one wasn't given. if (!array_key_exists('log_level', $options)) { $options['log_level'] = $this->defaultLogLevel; } // Allow messages to "bubble-up" the stack to other handlers if (!array_key_exists('bubble', $options)) { $options['bubble'] = true; } // Add the requested handler switch ($type) { case 'file': $this->pushHandler(new StreamHandler($options['log_location'], $this->loggerLevel($options['log_level']), $options['bubble'])); break; case 'firebug': $this->pushHandler(new FirePHPHandler($this->loggerLevel($options['log_level']), $options['bubble'])); break; case 'syslog': $syslog = new SyslogHandler($options['facility'], $options['syslogLevel'], $options['bubble']); $formatter = new LineFormatter('%channel%.%level_name%: %message% %context% %extra%'); $syslog->setFormatter($formatter); $this->pushHandler($syslog); break; case 'mail': // Create the Swift_mail transport $transport = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance($options['host'], $options['port'], 'ssl')->setUsername($options['username'])->setPassword($options['password']); // Create the Mailer using your created Transport $mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport); // Create a message $message = Swift_Message::newInstance($options['subject'])->setFrom($options['from'])->setTo($options['to'])->setBody('', 'text/html'); $htmlFormatter = new HtmlFormatter(); $mailStream = new SwiftMailerHandler($mailer, $message, $this->loggerLevel($options['log_level']), $options['bubble']); $mailStream->setFormatter($htmlFormatter); $this->pushHandler($mailStream); break; case 'sms': $twilio = new TwilioHandler($options['account_sid'], $options['auth_token'], $options['from_numbers'], $options['to_numbers'], $options['log_level'], $options['bubble']); $formatter = new LineFormatter('%channel%.%level_name%: %message% %context%'); $twilio->setFormatter($formatter); $this->pushHandler($twilio); break; default: throw new \Exception('Unknown Log Handler', 1); break; } }
/** * Register the service provider. * * @return void */ public function register() { $this->bindContracts(); $this->registerSingletons(); $this->app->singleton(RobinLogger::class, function (Application $app) { $monolog = $app->make('log'); $syslog = new SyslogHandler(env('PAPERTRAIL_APP_NAME')); $formatter = new LineFormatter('%channel%.%level_name%: %message% %extra% %context%'); $syslog->setFormatter($formatter); $monolog->pushHandler($syslog); return new RobinLogger($monolog); }); }
public static function getLogger() { if (!self::$logger) { self::$logger = new Logger(KBGDC_APP_NAME); if (getenv('KBGDC_PAPERTRAIL_PORT')) { $handler = new SyslogUdpHandler("logs.papertrailapp.com", getenv('KBGDC_PAPERTRAIL_PORT')); } else { $handler = new SyslogHandler(KBGDC_APP_NAME); } $handler->setFormatter(new JsonFormatter()); self::$logger->pushHandler($handler); } return self::$logger; }
public function setLevel($level) { if (!is_string($level)) { parent::setLevel((int) $level); return; } if (!defined('\\Monolog\\Logger::' . $level)) { return; } parent::setLevel(constant('\\Monolog\\Logger::' . $level)); }
public function register(Container $app) { $app['logger'] = function () use($app) { return $app['monolog']; }; $app['monolog'] = function ($app) { $logger = new Logger($app['monolog.name']); $rotate = $app['config']->get('app.log.rotate', 'single'); $logger->pushHandler($app['monolog.handler.' . $rotate]); return $logger; }; $app['monolog.formatter'] = function () { return new LineFormatter(); }; $app['monolog.handler.single'] = function ($app) { $handler = new StreamHandler($app['monolog.logfile'], $app['monolog.level']); $handler->setFormatter($app['monolog.formatter']); return $handler; }; $app['monolog.handler.daily'] = function ($app) { $maxFiles = $app['config']->get('app.log.max_files', 5); $handler = new RotatingFileHandler($app['monolog.logfile'], $maxFiles, $app['monolog.level']); $handler->setFormatter($app['monolog.formatter']); return $handler; }; $app['monolog.handler.error'] = function ($app) { $handler = new ErrorLogHandler(ErrorLogHandler::OPERATING_SYSTEM, $app['monolog.level']); $handler->setFormatter($app['monolog.formatter']); return $handler; }; $app['monolog.handler.syslog'] = function ($app) { $handler = new SyslogHandler($app['monolog.name'], LOG_USER, $app['monolog.level']); $handler->setFormatter($app['monolog.formatter']); return $handler; }; $level = $app['config']->get('app.log.level', 'debug'); $app['monolog.level'] = $this->parseLevel($level); $app['monolog.logfile'] = $app['path.logs'] . $this->getSettings('app.log.logfile'); $app['monolog.name'] = $this->getSettings('monolog.name', 'app.name'); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function handle(array $record) { if (!$this->isHandling($record)) { return false; } $segmentedMessage = str_split($record['message'], $this->length - $this->identificationLength); $totalSegments = count($segmentedMessage); $messageId = substr(uniqid(), 3, 13); for ($index = 0; $index < $totalSegments; $index++) { $recordSegment = $record; $recordSegment['message'] = strval($messageId) . ':' . strval($index + 1) . ':' . strval($totalSegments) . ' ' . $segmentedMessage[$index]; $segmentResult = parent::handle($recordSegment); } return $segmentResult; }
/** * @param AgaviLoggerAppender $appender Agavi logger appender instance to use for \Monolog\Logger instance creation * * @return Monolog\Logger with Monolog\Handler\FingersCrossedHandler that logs to syslog and file */ public static function getMonologInstance(AgaviLoggerAppender $appender) { // get and define all parameters and their default values $minimum_level = $appender->getParameter('minimum_level', Logger::DEBUG); $trigger_level = $appender->getParameter('trigger_level', Logger::CRITICAL); $buffer_size = $appender->getParameter('buffer_size', 0); $bubble = $appender->getParameter('bubble', true); $channel_name = $appender->getParameter('channel', $appender->getParameter('name', 'monolog-default')); $default_file_path = AgaviConfig::get('core.app_dir') . '/log/' . $channel_name . '.log'; $file_path = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9-_\\.\\/]/', '', $appender->getParameter('destination', $default_file_path)); $syslog_identifier = $appender->getParameter('syslog_identifier', AgaviConfig::get('core.app_name', __METHOD__)); $syslog_facility = $appender->getParameter('syslog_facility', LOG_USER); $formatter_template = $appender->getParameter('formatter_template', "%message% [%channel%.%level_name%] %context% %extra%\n"); $formatter_datetime_format = $appender->getParameter('formatter_datetime_format', 'Y-m-d\\TH:i:s.uP'); // create a new Monolog\Logger instance $logger = new Logger($channel_name); // LineFormatter defaults to "[%datetime%] %channel%.%level_name%: %message% %context% %extra%\n", but we don't // need the datetime string as we already have that from our own Agavi log message $formatter = new LineFormatter($formatter_template, $formatter_datetime_format); // define default processors to be added to handlers $processors = array(); $processors[] = new DefaultProcessor(); $processors[] = new PsrLogMessageProcessor(); // define syslog and file handlers and group them together $stream_handler = new StreamHandler($file_path, $minimum_level); $stream_handler->setFormatter($formatter); $syslog_handler = new SyslogHandler($syslog_identifier, $syslog_facility, $minimum_level); $syslog_handler->setFormatter($formatter); $handlers = array($syslog_handler, $stream_handler); // add default processors to all handlers foreach ($handlers as $handler) { foreach ($processors as $processor) { $handler->pushProcessor($processor); } } // group handlers to have every handler handle all messages $group_handler = new GroupHandler($handlers, $bubble); // define fingers crossed handler to use the group handler $fingers_crossed_handler = new FingersCrossedHandler($group_handler, $trigger_level, $buffer_size, $bubble); $logger->pushHandler($fingers_crossed_handler); // return the Monolog\Logger instance to the caller return $logger; }
/** Add information to the log file */ function add_log($text, $function, $type = LOG_INFO, $projectid = 0, $buildid = 0, $resourcetype = 0, $resourceid = 0) { global $CDASH_LOG_FILE, $CDASH_LOG_FILE_MAXSIZE_MB, $CDASH_LOG_LEVEL, $CDASH_TESTING_MODE; $level = to_psr3_level($type); if (($buildid === 0 || is_null($buildid)) && isset($GLOBALS['PHP_ERROR_BUILD_ID'])) { $buildid = $GLOBALS['PHP_ERROR_BUILD_ID']; } $context = array('function' => $function); if ($projectid !== 0 && !is_null($projectid)) { $context['project_id'] = $projectid; } if ($buildid !== 0 && !is_null($buildid)) { $context['build_id'] = strval($buildid); } if ($resourcetype !== 0 && !is_null($resourcetype)) { $context['resource_type'] = $resourcetype; } if ($resourceid !== 0 && !is_null($resourceid)) { $context['resource_id'] = $resourceid; } $minLevel = to_psr3_level($CDASH_LOG_LEVEL); if (!is_null($CDASH_LOG_FILE)) { // If the size of the log file is bigger than 10 times the allocated memory // we rotate $logFileMaxSize = $CDASH_LOG_FILE_MAXSIZE_MB * 100000; if (file_exists($CDASH_LOG_FILE) && filesize($CDASH_LOG_FILE) > $logFileMaxSize) { $tempLogFile = $CDASH_LOG_FILE . '.tmp'; if (!file_exists($tempLogFile)) { rename($CDASH_LOG_FILE, $tempLogFile); // This should be quick so we can keep logging for ($i = 9; $i >= 0; $i--) { // If we do not have compression we just rename the files if (function_exists('gzwrite') === false) { $currentLogFile = $CDASH_LOG_FILE . '.' . $i; $j = $i + 1; $newLogFile = $CDASH_LOG_FILE . '.' . $j; if (file_exists($newLogFile)) { cdash_unlink($newLogFile); } if (file_exists($currentLogFile)) { rename($currentLogFile, $newLogFile); } } else { $currentLogFile = $CDASH_LOG_FILE . '.' . $i . '.gz'; $j = $i + 1; $newLogFile = $CDASH_LOG_FILE . '.' . $j . '.gz'; if (file_exists($newLogFile)) { cdash_unlink($newLogFile); } if (file_exists($currentLogFile)) { $gz = gzopen($newLogFile, 'wb'); $f = fopen($currentLogFile, 'rb'); while ($f && !feof($f)) { gzwrite($gz, fread($f, 8192)); } fclose($f); unset($f); gzclose($gz); unset($gz); } } } // Move the current backup if (function_exists('gzwrite') === false) { rename($tempLogFile, $CDASH_LOG_FILE . '.0'); } else { $gz = gzopen($CDASH_LOG_FILE . '.0.gz', 'wb'); $f = fopen($tempLogFile, 'rb'); while ($f && !feof($f)) { gzwrite($gz, fread($f, 8192)); } fclose($f); unset($f); gzclose($gz); unset($gz); cdash_unlink($tempLogFile); } } } $pid = getmypid(); if ($pid !== false) { $context['pid'] = getmypid(); } } if (Registry::hasLogger('cdash') === false) { if ($CDASH_LOG_FILE === false) { $handler = new SyslogHandler('cdash', LOG_USER, $minLevel); $handler->getFormatter()->ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra(); } else { if ($CDASH_TESTING_MODE) { $filePermission = 0666; } else { $filePermission = 0664; } $handler = new StreamHandler($CDASH_LOG_FILE, $minLevel, true, $filePermission); $handler->getFormatter()->allowInlineLineBreaks(); $handler->getFormatter()->ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra(); } $logger = new Logger('cdash'); $logger->pushHandler($handler); Registry::addLogger($logger); } else { $logger = Registry::getInstance('cdash'); } $logger->log($level, $text, $context); }
if (is_dir(join(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(__DIR__, '..', 'src', 'app', 'Model', 'Entity'))) === false) { mkdir(join(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(__DIR__, '..', 'src', 'app', 'Model', 'Entity'))); } $di = new Container(); /* Config */ $di['config'] = function () { return ['server' => ['base_uri' => 'https://localhost'], 'orm' => ['driver' => 'pdo_sqlite', 'memory' => true], 'storage' => ['path' => '']]; }; /* Monolog */ $di['log'] = function () { $log = new Logger('api'); //@note For debugging purposes $log->pushHandler(new SyslogHandler('minerva-debug')); //A simple release logging handler, which uses the system log. For multi-server setups, //this needs to be customized, if you want to collect all errors centralized. $syslogHandler = new SyslogHandler('minerva-warning'); $syslogHandler->setLevel(Logger::ERROR); $log->pushHandler($syslogHandler); return $log; }; /* Doctrine */ $di['orm'] = function () use($di) { //Create cached annotation reader AnnotationRegistry::registerFile(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Mapping/Driver/DoctrineAnnotations.php'); //@note The ArrayCache is not very fast, if possible, replace with e.g. Memcached $cache = new ArrayCache(); $annotationReader = new AnnotationReader(); $cachedAnnotationReader = new CachedReader($annotationReader, $cache); //Hook annotation driver into driver chain $driverChain = new DriverChain(); //Register entities