public function onAfterWrite()
     if ($this()->hasExtension(HasBlocks::class_name())) {
         /** @var \ManyManyList $existing */
         $existing = $this()->{HasBlocks::relationship_name()}();
         if ($this()->{self::SingleFieldName} || $this()->WasNew) {
             if ($defaultBlockClasses = $this->getDefaultBlockClasses()) {
                 // get class names along with count of each expected
                 $expected = array_count_values($defaultBlockClasses);
                 $sort = $existing->count() + 1;
                 foreach ($expected as $blockClass => $expectedCount) {
                     if (!\ClassInfo::exists($blockClass)) {
                     $existingCount = $existing->filter('ClassName', $blockClass)->count();
                     if ($existingCount < $expectedCount) {
                         for ($i = $existingCount; $i < $expectedCount; $i++) {
                             // generate a default title for the block from lang
                             // e.g. ContentBlock.DefaultTitle
                             $templateVars = ['pagetitle' => $this()->{Title::SingleFieldName}, 'singular' => singleton($blockClass)->i18n_singular_name(), 'index' => $i + 1];
                             // try the block class.DefaultTitle and then Block.DefaultTitle
                             $title = _t("{$blockClass}.DefaultTitle", _t('Block.DefaultTitle', '{pagetitle} {singular} - {index}', $templateVars), $templateVars);
                             /** @var Block $block */
                             $block = new $blockClass();
                             $block->update(['Title' => $title]);
                             $existing->add($block, ['Sort' => $sort++]);
 public function blocks(\SS_HTTPRequest $request)
     $page = null;
     /** @var \Page|HasBlocks $page */
     if ($pageID = $request->param('PageID')) {
         $page = \Page::get()->byID($pageID);
     } else {
         if ($path = Application::path_for_request($request)) {
             $page = Application::page_for_path($path);
     if ($page) {
         if ($page->hasExtension(\Modular\Relationships\HasBlocks::class_name())) {
             /** @var \GridListBlock $gridList */
             if ($gridListBlock = $page->Blocks()->find('ClassName', 'GridListBlock')) {
                 return $gridListBlock->renderWith("GridListItems");