Пример #1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getRelated($strKey, array $arrOptions = array())
     $arrRelation = Relations::getRelation(static::$strTable, $strKey);
     if ($arrRelation !== false) {
         /** @type \Model $strClass */
         $strClass = static::getClassFromTable($arrRelation['related_table']);
         if (class_exists($strClass)) {
             $arrIds = \Database::getInstance()->prepare("SELECT " . $arrRelation['related_field'] . " FROM " . $arrRelation['table'] . " WHERE " . $arrRelation['reference_field'] . "=?")->execute($this->{$arrRelation['reference']})->fetchEach($arrRelation['related_field']);
             if (empty($arrIds)) {
                 return null;
             $collection = array();
             // Fetch from registry first (only possible if no options and the relation field is the PK)
             if (empty($arrOptions) && $arrRelation['field'] === $strClass::getPk()) {
                 foreach ($arrIds as $k => $id) {
                     $model = \Model\Registry::getInstance()->fetch($arrRelation['related_table'], $id);
                     if ($model !== null) {
                     $collection[$id] = $model;
             // Fetch remaining
             if (!empty($arrIds)) {
                 $remainingModels = $strClass::findBy(array($arrRelation['related_table'] . "." . $arrRelation['field'] . " IN('" . implode("','", $arrIds) . "')"), null, $arrOptions);
                 foreach ($remainingModels as $remaining) {
                     $collection[$remaining->{$arrRelation['field']}] = $remaining;
             $this->arrRelated[$strKey] = new \Model\Collection($collection, $strClass::getTable());
     return parent::getRelated($strKey, $arrOptions);
 protected static function find(array $arrOptions)
     if (static::$strTable == '') {
         return null;
     $arrOptions['table'] = static::$strTable;
     $arrOptions['additionalWhereSql'] = static::$strAdditionalWhereSql;
     $arrOptions['additionalSelectSql'] = static::$strAdditionalSelectSql;
     $arrOptions['additionalSql'] = static::$strAdditionalSql;
     if ($arrOptions['additionalSql']) {
         $arrOptions['group'] = static::$strAdditionalGroupBy;
     if (static::$strAdditionalHavingSql) {
         $arrOptions['having'] = static::$strAdditionalHavingSql;
     $strQuery = static::buildFindQuery($arrOptions);
     $objStatement = \Database::getInstance()->prepare($strQuery);
     // Defaults for limit and offset
     if (!isset($arrOptions['limit'])) {
         $arrOptions['limit'] = 0;
     if (!isset($arrOptions['offset'])) {
         $arrOptions['offset'] = 0;
     // Limit
     if ($arrOptions['limit'] > 0 || $arrOptions['offset'] > 0) {
         $objStatement->limit($arrOptions['limit'], $arrOptions['offset']);
     $objStatement = static::preFind($objStatement);
     $objResult = $objStatement->execute($arrOptions['value']);
     if ($objResult->numRows < 1) {
         return null;
     $objResult = static::postFind($objResult);
     if ($arrOptions['return'] == 'Model') {
         $strPk = static::$strPk;
         $intPk = $objResult->{$strPk};
         // Try to load from the registry
         $objModel = \Model\Registry::getInstance()->fetch(static::$strTable, $intPk);
         if ($objModel !== null) {
             return $objModel->mergeRow($objResult->row());
         return static::createModelFromDbResult($objResult);
     } else {
         return static::createCollectionFromDbResult($objResult, static::$strTable);
Пример #3
  * @param \Database\Result|int $result Result object or id
  * @param string $table
  * @param bool $update Update model to current result if model is in the registry
  * @return \Model
 public static function create($result, $table, $update = false)
     $model = null;
     $class = \Model::getClassFromTable($table);
     $id = is_object($result) ? $result->id : $result;
     $cto32 = version_compare(VERSION, '3.2', '>=');
     // Check the registry in Contao 3.2
     if ($cto32) {
         $model = \Model\Registry::getInstance()->fetch($table, $id);
         // model is already in the registry, shall we update the model to the current record?
         // This will affect every reference which uses the model
         // You really have to know what u need - both is dangerous
         if ($model && $update) {
     // Model is not in the registry
     if (!$model) {
         if (is_object($result)) {
             $model = new $class($result);
         } else {
             // we have to get the result from the db
             $result = \Database::getInstance()->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE id=?")->execute($id);
             if ($result->numRows) {
                 $model = new $class($result);
             } else {
                 $model = new $class();
                 // do not set id if Contao 3.2 is used because a new record is created, so that id is ignored
                 if (!$cto32) {
                     $model->id = $id;
     return $model;
Пример #4
  * Return the debug bar string
  * @return string The debug bar markup
 protected function getDebugBar()
     $intReturned = 0;
     $intAffected = 0;
     // Count the totals (see #3884)
     if (is_array($GLOBALS['TL_DEBUG']['database_queries'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_DEBUG']['database_queries'] as $k => $v) {
             $intReturned += $v['return_count'];
             $intAffected += $v['affected_count'];
     $intElapsed = microtime(true) - TL_START;
     $strDebug = sprintf("<!-- indexer::stop -->\n" . '<div id="contao-debug" class="%s">' . '<p>' . '<span class="debug-time">Execution time: %s ms</span>' . '<span class="debug-memory">Memory usage: %s</span>' . '<span class="debug-db">Database queries: %d</span>' . '<span class="debug-rows">Rows: %d returned, %s affected</span>' . '<span class="debug-models">Registered models: %d</span>' . '<span id="debug-tog">&nbsp;</span>' . '</p>' . '<div><pre>', \Input::cookie('CONTAO_CONSOLE'), $this->getFormattedNumber($intElapsed * 1000, 0), $this->getReadableSize(memory_get_peak_usage()), count($GLOBALS['TL_DEBUG']['database_queries']), $intReturned, $intAffected, \Model\Registry::getInstance()->count());
     $strDebug .= ob_get_contents();
     $strDebug .= '</pre></div></div>' . $this->generateInlineScript("(function(\$) {" . "\$\$('#contao-debug>*').setStyle('width',window.getSize().x);" . "\$(document.body).setStyle('margin-bottom',\$('contao-debug').hasClass('closed')?'60px':'320px');" . "\$('debug-tog').addEvent('click',function(e) {" . "\$('contao-debug').toggleClass('closed');" . "Cookie.write('CONTAO_CONSOLE',\$('contao-debug').hasClass('closed')?'closed':'',{path:'" . (TL_PATH ?: '/') . "'});" . "\$(document.body).setStyle('margin-bottom',\$('contao-debug').hasClass('closed')?'60px':'320px');" . "});" . "window.addEvent('resize',function() {" . "\$\$('#contao-debug>*').setStyle('width',window.getSize().x);" . "});" . "})(document.id);", $this->strFormat == 'xhtml') . "\n<!-- indexer::continue -->\n\n";
     return $strDebug;
Пример #5
  * Find records and return the model or model collection
  * Supported options:
  * * column: the field name
  * * value:  the field value
  * * limit:  the maximum number of rows
  * * offset: the number of rows to skip
  * * order:  the sorting order
  * * eager:  load all related records eagerly
  * @param array $arrOptions The options array
  * @return static|Model\Collection|null A model, model collection or null if the result is empty
 protected static function find(array $arrOptions)
     if (static::$strTable == '') {
         return null;
     // Try to load from the registry
     if ($arrOptions['return'] == 'Model') {
         $arrColumn = (array) $arrOptions['column'];
         if (count($arrColumn) == 1 && ($arrColumn[0] == static::$strPk || in_array($arrColumn[0], static::getUniqueFields()))) {
             $varKey = is_array($arrOptions['value']) ? $arrOptions['value'][0] : $arrOptions['value'];
             $objModel = \Model\Registry::getInstance()->fetch(static::$strTable, $varKey, $arrColumn[0]);
             if ($objModel !== null) {
                 return $objModel;
     $arrOptions['table'] = static::$strTable;
     $strQuery = static::buildFindQuery($arrOptions);
     $objStatement = \Database::getInstance()->prepare($strQuery);
     // Defaults for limit and offset
     if (!isset($arrOptions['limit'])) {
         $arrOptions['limit'] = 0;
     if (!isset($arrOptions['offset'])) {
         $arrOptions['offset'] = 0;
     // Limit
     if ($arrOptions['limit'] > 0 || $arrOptions['offset'] > 0) {
         $objStatement->limit($arrOptions['limit'], $arrOptions['offset']);
     $objStatement = static::preFind($objStatement);
     $objResult = $objStatement->execute($arrOptions['value']);
     if ($objResult->numRows < 1) {
         return null;
     $objResult = static::postFind($objResult);
     // Try to load from the registry
     if ($arrOptions['return'] == 'Model') {
         $objModel = \Model\Registry::getInstance()->fetch(static::$strTable, $objResult->{static::$strPk});
         if ($objModel !== null) {
             return $objModel->mergeRow($objResult->row());
         return static::createModelFromDbResult($objResult);
     } else {
         return static::createCollectionFromDbResult($objResult, static::$strTable);
Пример #6
  * Find the language fallback page by hostname
  * @param string $strHost    The hostname
  * @param array  $arrOptions An optional options array
  * @return PageModel|null The model or null if there is not fallback page
 public static function findPublishedFallbackByHostname($strHost, array $arrOptions = array())
     // Try to load from the registry (see #8544)
     if (empty($arrOptions)) {
         $objModel = \Model\Registry::getInstance()->fetch(static::$strTable, $strHost, 'contao.dns-fallback');
         if ($objModel !== null) {
             return $objModel;
     $t = static::$strTable;
     $arrColumns = array("{$t}.dns=? AND {$t}.fallback='1'");
     if (isset($arrOptions['ignoreFePreview']) || !BE_USER_LOGGED_IN) {
         $time = \Date::floorToMinute();
         $arrColumns[] = "({$t}.start='' OR {$t}.start<='{$time}') AND ({$t}.stop='' OR {$t}.stop>'" . ($time + 60) . "') AND {$t}.published='1'";
     return static::findOneBy($arrColumns, $strHost, $arrOptions);
Пример #7
  * Get all searchable pages and return them as array
  * @param integer $pid
  * @param string  $domain
  * @param boolean $blnIsSitemap
  * @return array
 public static function findSearchablePages($pid = 0, $domain = '', $blnIsSitemap = false)
     $time = \Date::floorToMinute();
     $objDatabase = \Database::getInstance();
     // Get published pages
     $objPages = $objDatabase->prepare("SELECT * FROM tl_page WHERE pid=? AND (start='' OR start<='{$time}') AND (stop='' OR stop>'" . ($time + 60) . "') AND published='1' ORDER BY sorting")->execute($pid);
     if ($objPages->numRows < 1) {
         return array();
     $arrPages = array();
     $objRegistry = \Model\Registry::getInstance();
     // Recursively walk through all subpages
     while ($objPages->next()) {
         $objPage = $objRegistry->fetch('tl_page', $objPages->id);
         if ($objPage === null) {
             $objPage = new \PageModel($objPages);
         if ($objPage->type == 'regular') {
             // Searchable and not protected
             if ((!$objPage->noSearch || $blnIsSitemap) && (!$objPage->protected || \Config::get('indexProtected') && (!$blnIsSitemap || $objPage->sitemap == 'map_always')) && (!$blnIsSitemap || $objPage->sitemap != 'map_never')) {
                 // Published
                 if ($objPage->published && ($objPage->start == '' || $objPage->start <= $time) && ($objPage->stop == '' || $objPage->stop > $time + 60)) {
                     $arrPages[] = $objPage->getAbsoluteUrl();
                     // Get articles with teaser
                     $objArticles = $objDatabase->prepare("SELECT * FROM tl_article WHERE pid=? AND (start='' OR start<='{$time}') AND (stop='' OR stop>'" . ($time + 60) . "') AND published='1' AND showTeaser='1' ORDER BY sorting")->execute($objPages->id);
                     if ($objArticles->numRows) {
                         $feUrl = $objPage->getAbsoluteUrl('/articles/%s');
                         while ($objArticles->next()) {
                             $arrPages[] = sprintf($feUrl, $objArticles->alias != '' && !\Config::get('disableAlias') ? $objArticles->alias : $objArticles->id);
         // Get subpages
         if ((!$objPage->protected || \Config::get('indexProtected')) && ($arrSubpages = static::findSearchablePages($objPage->id, $domain, $blnIsSitemap)) != false) {
             $arrPages = array_merge($arrPages, $arrSubpages);
     return $arrPages;
Пример #8
  * Add a product to the collection
  * @param   object
  * @param   integer
  * @param   array
  * @return  ProductCollectionItem
 public function addProduct(IsotopeProduct $objProduct, $intQuantity, array $arrConfig = array())
     // !HOOK: additional functionality when adding product to collection
     if (isset($GLOBALS['ISO_HOOKS']['addProductToCollection']) && is_array($GLOBALS['ISO_HOOKS']['addProductToCollection'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['ISO_HOOKS']['addProductToCollection'] as $callback) {
             $objCallback = \System::importStatic($callback[0]);
             $intQuantity = $objCallback->{$callback}[1]($objProduct, $intQuantity, $this);
     if ($intQuantity == 0) {
         return false;
     $time = time();
     $this->tstamp = $time;
     // Make sure collection is in DB before adding product
     if (!\Model\Registry::getInstance()->isRegistered($this)) {
     // Remove uploaded files from session so they are not added to the next product (see #646)
     $objItem = $this->getItemForProduct($objProduct);
     $intMinimumQuantity = $objProduct->getMinimumQuantity();
     if (null !== $objItem) {
         if ($objItem->quantity + $intQuantity < $intMinimumQuantity) {
             $_SESSION['ISO_INFO'][] = sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['productMinimumQuantity'], $objProduct->name, $intMinimumQuantity);
             $intQuantity = $intMinimumQuantity - $objItem->quantity;
         return $objItem;
     } else {
         if ($intQuantity < $intMinimumQuantity) {
             $_SESSION['ISO_INFO'][] = sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['productMinimumQuantity'], $objProduct->name, $intMinimumQuantity);
             $intQuantity = $intMinimumQuantity;
         $objItem = new ProductCollectionItem();
         $objItem->pid = $this->id;
         $objItem->tstamp = $time;
         $objItem->type = array_search(get_class($objProduct), Product::getModelTypes());
         $objItem->product_id = $objProduct->{$objProduct->getPk()};
         $objItem->sku = (string) $objProduct->sku;
         $objItem->name = (string) $objProduct->name;
         $objItem->options = $objProduct->getOptions();
         $objItem->quantity = (int) $intQuantity;
         $objItem->price = (double) ($objProduct->getPrice($this) ? $objProduct->getPrice($this)->getAmount((int) $intQuantity) : 0);
         $objItem->tax_free_price = (double) ($objProduct->getPrice($this) ? $objProduct->getPrice($this)->getNetAmount((int) $intQuantity) : 0);
         $objItem->jumpTo = (int) $arrConfig['jumpTo']->id;
         // Add the new item to our cache
         $this->arrItems[$objItem->id] = $objItem;
         return $objItem;
Пример #9
  * Build model based on database result
  * @param \Database\Result $objResult
  * @return \Model
  * @deprecated  use createModelFromDbResult in Contao 3.3
 public static function buildModelType(\Database\Result $objResult = null)
     if (null === $objResult) {
         return null;
     $strPk = static::$strPk;
     $intPk = $objResult->{$strPk};
     // Try to load from the registry
     /** @var \Model $objModel */
     $objModel = \Model\Registry::getInstance()->fetch(static::$strTable, $intPk);
     if ($objModel !== null) {
         return $objModel;
     return static::createModelFromDbResult($objResult);
Пример #10
  * Do not allow to overwrite existing cache
  * @param   bool
  * @return  RequestCache
  * @throws  \BadMethodCallException
 public function save()
     if ($this->isModified() && \Model\Registry::getInstance()->isRegistered($this)) {
         throw new \BadMethodCallException('Can\'t save a modified cache');
     return parent::save();
Пример #11
  * Create a new collection from a database result
  * @param \Database\Result $objResult The database result object
  * @param string           $strTable  The table name
  * @return static The model collection
 public static function createFromDbResult(\Database\Result $objResult, $strTable)
     $arrModels = array();
     $strClass = \Model::getClassFromTable($strTable);
     while ($objResult->next()) {
         /** @var \Model $strClass */
         $objModel = \Model\Registry::getInstance()->fetch($strTable, $objResult->{$strClass::getPk()});
         if ($objModel !== null) {
             $arrModels[] = $objModel;
         } else {
             $arrModels[] = new $strClass($objResult);
     return new static($arrModels, $strTable);
Пример #12
  * Find records and return the model or model collection
  * Supported options:
  * * column: the field name
  * * value:  the field value
  * * limit:  the maximum number of rows
  * * offset: the number of rows to skip
  * * order:  the sorting order
  * * eager:  load all related records eagerly
  * @param array $arrOptions The options array
  * @return \Model|\Model\Collection|null A model, model collection or null if the result is empty
 protected static function find(array $arrOptions)
     if (static::$strTable == '') {
         return null;
     $arrOptions['table'] = static::$strTable;
     $strQuery = \Model\QueryBuilder::find($arrOptions);
     $objStatement = \Database::getInstance()->prepare($strQuery);
     // Defaults for limit and offset
     if (!isset($arrOptions['limit'])) {
         $arrOptions['limit'] = 0;
     if (!isset($arrOptions['offset'])) {
         $arrOptions['offset'] = 0;
     // Limit
     if ($arrOptions['limit'] > 0 || $arrOptions['offset'] > 0) {
         $objStatement->limit($arrOptions['limit'], $arrOptions['offset']);
     $objStatement = static::preFind($objStatement);
     $objResult = $objStatement->execute($arrOptions['value']);
     if ($objResult->numRows < 1) {
         return null;
     $objResult = static::postFind($objResult);
     if ($arrOptions['return'] == 'Model') {
         $strPk = static::$strPk;
         $intPk = $objResult->{$strPk};
         // Try to load from the registry
         $objModel = \Model\Registry::getInstance()->fetch(static::$strTable, $intPk);
         if ($objModel !== null) {
             return $objModel->mergeRow($objResult->row());
         return new static($objResult);
     } else {
         return \Isotope\Collection\ProductPrice::createFromDbResult($objResult, static::$strTable);
Пример #13

 * Contao I18n provides some i18n structures for easily l10n websites.
 * @package    dev
 * @author     David Molineus <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright  2015 netzmacht creative David Molineus
 * @license    LGPL 3.0
 * @filesource
global $container;
use Model\Registry;
use Netzmacht\Contao\I18n\I18n;
use Netzmacht\Contao\I18n\Model\Repository\PageRepository;
use Netzmacht\Contao\I18n\Router;
$container['i18n.pages'] = ['i18n_regular'];
$container['i18n.page-repository'] = $container->share(function ($container) {
    return new PageRepository($container['database.connection'], Registry::getInstance(), Model::getClassFromTable('tl_page'));
$container['i18n'] = $container->share(function ($container) {
    return new I18n($container['i18n.pages'], $container['i18n.page-repository']);
$container['i18n.router'] = $container->share(function ($container) {
    $types = empty($GLOBALS['I18N_ROUTING']) ? [] : (array) $GLOBALS['I18N_ROUTING'];
    return new Router($container['i18n'], $types);
Пример #14
    return new StateRepository();
 * Shared instance of the expression language being used for expession conditions.
 * It's a shared service so that you can provide additional language functions for it.
 * @return ExpressionLanguage
$container['workflow.transition.expression-language'] = $container->share(function () {
    return new ExpressionLanguage();
 * The Contao user repository.
 * @return \Netzmacht\Workflow\Contao\Repository\UserRepository
$container['workflow.repository.user'] = $container->share(function ($container) {
    return new \Netzmacht\Workflow\Contao\Repository\UserRepository($container['worfklow.database.connection'], \Model\Registry::getInstance());
 * Workflow type provider.
 * @return WorkflowTypeProvider
$container['workflow.type-provider'] = $container->share(function () {
    $types = array_map(function ($typeClass) {
        return new $typeClass();
    }, (array) $GLOBALS['WORKFLOW_TYPES']);
    return new WorkflowTypeProvider($types);
Пример #15
  * Generate address options and return it as HTML string
  * @param string
  * @return string
 protected function generateOptions($blnValidate = false)
     $strBuffer = '';
     $varValue = '0';
     $arrOptions = $this->getAddressOptions();
     if (!empty($arrOptions)) {
         foreach ($arrOptions as $option) {
             if ($option['default']) {
                 $varValue = $option['value'];
         $strClass = $GLOBALS['TL_FFL']['radio'];
         $objWidget = new $strClass(array('id' => $this->getStepClass(), 'name' => $this->getStepClass(), 'mandatory' => true, 'options' => $arrOptions, 'value' => $varValue, 'onclick' => "Isotope.toggleAddressFields(this, '" . $this->getStepClass() . "_new');", 'storeValues' => true, 'tableless' => true));
         // Validate input
         if ($blnValidate) {
             if ($objWidget->hasErrors()) {
                 $this->blnError = true;
             } else {
                 $varValue = (string) $objWidget->value;
         } elseif ($objWidget->value != '') {
             \Input::setPost($objWidget->name, $objWidget->value);
             $objValidator = clone $objWidget;
             if ($objValidator->hasErrors()) {
                 $this->blnError = true;
         $strBuffer .= $objWidget->parse();
     if ($varValue !== '0') {
         $this->Template->style = 'display:none;';
     $objAddress = $this->getAddressForOption($varValue, $blnValidate);
     if (null === $objAddress || !\Model\Registry::getInstance()->isRegistered($objAddress)) {
         $this->blnError = true;
     } elseif ($blnValidate) {
     return $strBuffer;