public function run() { $iAccountID = $this->get('id'); $oAccount = new m\Account(); $aDetail = $oAccount->getAccountDetail($iAccountID); if (empty($aDetail)) { c\Router::redirect(c\Router::genURL('Home')); } $aFields = $oAccount->getAccountFields($iAccountID); $oUser = new m\User(); $aDefaultPassword = $oUser->getDefaultPassword(); $aEmails = $oUser->getEmails(); foreach ($aFields as $k => $v) { $aFields[$k]['display'] = u\Str::partCover($v['value'], 2, 1); } sort($aFields); $aFieldNames = array_map(function ($v) { foreach ($v as $key => $value) { if ($key !== 'name') { unset($v[$key]); } } return $v; }, $aFields); $aAccountAll = $oAccount->getAllAccount(); $aSiteList = []; foreach ($aAccountAll as $aAccountDetail) { $aSiteList[] = ['name' => 'link:' . $aAccountDetail['name']]; } $aData = ['page_title' => 'Open Sesame - ' . $aDetail['name'], 'app' => $aDetail, 'fields' => $aFields, 'form_action_add' => c\Router::genURL('AddField'), 'form_action_del' => c\Router::genURL('DeleteField'), 'form_action_updatefield' => c\Router::genURL('UpdateField'), 'form_action_updateaccount' => c\Router::genURL('UpdateAccount'), 'site_list' => json_encode($aSiteList), 'field_names' => json_encode($aFieldNames), 'default_password' => $aDefaultPassword['data'], 'emails' => $aEmails['data']]; return $aData; }
public function run() { $oAccount = new m\Account(); $iTotal = $oAccount->getTotal(); if ($iTotal === false) { $oAccount->createTable(); } $aData = ['page_title' => 'Open Sesame', 'form_action_add' => c\Router::genURL('AddAccount'), 'site_total' => $iTotal, 'recomm' => (new m\Recommand())->get(4)]; return $aData; }
public function run() { global $argv; if (!isset($argv[2])) { c\cecho('搜索词呢?', 'error'); return false; } $aConfig = c\Config::get('dsn'); u\DB::connect($aConfig['data']); $sKeyword = $argv[2]; $aList = (new m\Search())->handle($sKeyword); $aNumberMapping = []; foreach ($aList as $iIndex => $aAccount) { $iIndexNumber = $iIndex + 1; $sAccountInfo = ' (' . $aAccount['rowid'] . ') ' . $aAccount['name'] . ' - http://' . $aAccount['value']; $sMsg = str_pad($iIndexNumber, 4) . $sAccountInfo; $aNumberMapping[$iIndexNumber] = $aAccount['rowid']; c\cecho($sMsg, 'notice'); } c\cecho("你要搜索啥?(请输入行首序号)"); $iNumber = trim(fread(STDIN, 5)); if (empty($iNumber)) { return false; } while (!empty($iNumber) && !is_numeric($iNumber)) { c\cecho('What are you 弄啥累', 'error'); c\cecho("你要搜索啥?(请输入行首序号)"); $iNumber = trim(fread(STDIN, 5)); } $iNumber = (int) $iNumber; if ($iNumber > 0 && isset($aNumberMapping[$iNumber])) { $iAccountID = $aNumberMapping[$iNumber]; $oAccount = new m\Account(); $aDetail = $oAccount->getAccountDetail($iAccountID); $aFields = $oAccount->getAccountFields($iAccountID); c\cecho($aDetail['name'], 'error'); foreach ($aFields as $aField) { $sMsg = $aField['name'] . ' ---- ' . $aField['value']; c\cecho($sMsg, 'notice'); } } }
public function testCRUD() { $entity = new Account(); $entity->setName(self::NAME); $entity->setOwnerId(1); $this->dao->persist($entity); $this->assertEquals(self::ID, $entity->getId()); $this->assertEquals(self::NAME, $entity->getName()); $entity = $this->dao->findById(self::ID); $this->assertEquals(self::ID, $entity->getId()); $this->assertEquals(self::NAME, $entity->getName()); $entity->setName(self::NAME_ANOTHER); $entity = $this->dao->flush($entity); $entity = $this->dao->findById(self::ID); $this->assertEquals(self::ID, $entity->getId()); $this->assertEquals(self::NAME_ANOTHER, $entity->getName()); $this->dao->remove($entity); $this->assertNull($entity->getId()); $this->assertNull($entity->getName()); }
function findSavingsAccountObs($userId) { return Observable::just($userId)->skipWhile(function ($input) { return empty($input); })->map(function ($userId) { return User::find($userId); })->flatMap(function (User $user) { return Observable::fromArray(Account::query('user_id', $user->getId())); })->takeWhile(function (Account $account) { return $account->getType() === 'SAVINGS'; }); }
public function run() { global $argv; if (!isset($argv[2])) { c\cecho('帐号ID是多少?', 'error'); return false; } $aConfig = c\Config::get('dsn'); u\DB::connect($aConfig['data']); $iAccountID = $argv[2]; $oAccount = new m\Account(); $aDetail = $oAccount->getAccountDetail($iAccountID); if (empty($aDetail)) { c\cecho('非法ID', 'error'); return false; } $aFields = $oAccount->getAccountFields($iAccountID); c\cecho($aDetail['name'], 'error'); foreach ($aFields as $aField) { $sMsg = $aField['name'] . ' ---- ' . $aField['value']; c\cecho($sMsg, 'notice'); } }
public function entity(AccountDTO $dto, Account $entity) { $entity->setOwnerId($dto->getOwnerId()); $entity->setIdParent($dto->getIdParent()); $entity->setName($dto->getName()); }
/** * Shows module content * * @param \phpOMS\Message\RequestAbstract $request Request * @param \phpOMS\Message\ResponseAbstract $response Response * * @since 1.0.0 * @author Dennis Eichhorn <*****@*****.**> */ public function showBackendAccountSingle($request, $response) { switch ($request->getPath(5)) { case 'front': $accountView = new \phpOMS\Views\View($this->app, $request, $response); $accountView->setTemplate('/Modules/Admin/Theme/Backend/accounts-single'); $navigation = \Modules\Navigation\Models\Navigation::getInstance($request->getHash(), $this->app->dbPool); $accountView->addData('nav', $navigation->nav); $account = \Model\Account::getInstance((int) $request->getData('id'), $this->app->dbPool->get(), $this->app->sessionManager, $this->app->cache); $accountView->addData('account', $account); echo $accountView->render(); break; default: $response->setHeader('HTTP', 'HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); $response->setHeader('Status', 'Status: 404 Not Found'); include __DIR__ . '/../../Web/Backend/404.tpl.php'; return; } }
println('Example 3 - Just and Map'); \Rx\Observable::just(\Model\User::all())->map(function ($results) { return count($results); })->subscribe($stdoutObserver()); println('Example 4 - Get all accounts of type SAVING'); \Rx\Observable::fromArray(\Model\Account::all())->filter(function (Account $account) { return $account->getType() === 'SAVINGS'; })->map(function (Account $savingsAccount) { return $savingsAccount->getBalance(); })->subscribe($stdoutObserver()); println('Withdraw 1000 from Luis SAVINGS account'); $id = 1; Observable::just($id)->map(function ($userId) { return User::find($userId); })->doOnNext(function (User $user) { printf("Found user: %s \n", $user->getEmail()); })->flatMap(function (User $user) { return Observable::fromArray(Account::query('user_id', $user->getId())); })->takeWhile(function (Account $account) { return $account->getType() === 'SAVINGS'; })->doOnNext(function (Account $account) { printf("Found savings account. Current balance: %d \n", $account->getBalance()); })->map(function (Account $account) { return $account->withdraw(1000)->save(); })->subscribe(new Observer\CallbackObserver(function ($account) { printf("New account balance: %d \n", $account->getBalance()); }, function (Exception $ex) { print 'Error: ' . $ex->getMessage(); }, function () { print 'Completed!'; }));
echo '{"code":"1","msg":"数据没有更改"}'; exit(0); } Account::update($data, $eid); } else { Account::insert($data); } echo '{"code":"0","msg":"数据更新成功"}'; exit(0); } $buttonTitle = $eid > 0 ? '编辑' : '添加'; if ($eid > 0) { $accountData = Account::getAccountById($eid, '*'); $accountData['account_content'] = $encrypt->decode($accountData['account_content']); } else { $accountData = Account::getTableAttribute(); $accountData['cat_title'] = '请选择一个分类'; } ?> <form id="account_form" method="post" action="<?php echo WEB_URL . '/index.php?d=account&f=add&act=save&eid=' . $eid; ?> "> <div id="form_wrap"> <div class="field_line"> <label>分类</label> <input id="account_cat_id" name="account[cat_id]" readonly="readonly" style="width:50px;text-align:center;" value="<?php echo $accountData['account_cat']; ?> " /> <input style="width:500px;text-align:center;" value="<?php
use Model\Account; $act = isset($_GET['act']) ? $_GET['act'] : ''; if ($act == 'data') { $page = isset($_POST['page']) ? intval($_POST['page']) : 1; $limit = isset($_POST['rows']) ? intval($_POST['rows']) : 10; if ($page < 1) { $page = 1; } if ($limit < 10) { $limit = 10; } if ($limit > 50) { $limit = 50; } $accountData = Account::getList($page, $limit); echo json_encode($accountData); exit(0); } ?> <div id="account_tb"> <a href="#" onclick="add_account();" class="easyui-linkbutton" data-options="iconCls:'icon-add',plain:true">添加</a> <a href="#" onclick="edit_account();" class="easyui-linkbutton" data-options="iconCls:'icon-edit',plain:true">编辑</a> <a href="#" onclick="del_account();" class="easyui-linkbutton" data-options="iconCls:'icon-remove',plain:true">删除</a> </div> <div id="module-wrap"> <h2>账户管理</h2> <table id="account_grid" style="width: 100%; height: auto;"></table> </div> <div id="account_dialog"></div> <div id="select_dialog"></div>