/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { $filename = $this->argument('set') . "set.arff"; $handle = fopen($filename, 'w+'); $text = "@relation 'price'\n@attribute y {-1,1}\n@attribute x0 numeric\n@attribute x1 numeric\n@attribute x3 numeric\n@attribute x4 numeric\n@attribute x5 numeric\n@attribute x6 numeric\n@attribute x7 numeric\n@attribute x8 numeric\n@attribute x9 numeric\n@data\n\n"; $set = \MkmScraper\Set::find($this->argument('set')); $array = array(array()); foreach ($set->mythics as $card) { foreach ($card->graphPrices as $key => $price) { $row = array(); $row[] = $price->priceClass(); $row[] = $price->card->set->daysFromReleaseDate($price->date); $row[] = $price->card->set->daysFromRotationDate($price->date); $row[] = $price->tournamentDiffWeek(); $row[] = $price->tournamentDiffTwoWeek(); $row[] = $price->articlesDiffLastWeek(); $row[] = $price->articlesDiffLastTwoWeek(); $row[] = $price->otherCardMovementDay(); $row[] = $price->otherCardMovementWeek(); $row[] = $price->boostersOpen(); $array[] = $row; } } foreach ($array as $row) { foreach ($row as $item) { $text .= $item . ","; } $text .= "\n"; } file_put_contents($filename, $text); return \Response::download($this->argument('set') . 'set.arff', $this->argument('set') . 'set.arff', array('Content-Type' => 'text/aarf')); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { foreach (\MkmScraper\Set::all() as $set) { $result = queryMKMAPI("expansion/1/" . rawurlencode($set->name)); foreach ($result->card as $card) { $record = \MkmScraper\Card::find($card->idProduct); if (!$record) { \MkmScraper\Card::create(array("id" => $card->idProduct, "name" => $card->name[0]->productName, "id_set" => $set->id, "rarity" => $card->rarity)); } } } }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { foreach (\MkmScraper\Set::all() as $set) { \MkmScraper\BoosterAverage::create(array("low" => $set->averageBoosterLow(), "trend" => $set->averageBooster(), "id_set" => $set->id)); } }
public function exportSetNewCsv($id) { $filename = "export.csv"; $handle = fopen($filename, 'w+'); $text = "x,y,Class\n"; $array = array(array()); $set = \MkmScraper\Set::find($id); foreach ($set->mythics as $card) { $date = "2015-09-03"; while ($date < "2015-12-10") { $row = array(); //$objects['sell'][]=array($dateexp[0], $dateexp[1],$dateexp[2],\MkmScraper\GraphPrice::getPriceWeek($date,$this)); //$objects['art'][]=array($dateexp[0], $dateexp[1],$dateexp[2],\MkmScraper\Article::getArticlesWeek($date,$this)); $articles = \MkmScraper\Article::getDiffTwoWeek($date, $card); if ($articles > 0) { $row[] = \MkmScraper\DecklistAppearance::tournamentDiffLastWeek($date, $card); $row[] = $articles; $row[] = \MkmScraper\GraphPrice::getPriceDiffWeekBoolean($date, $card); $array[] = $row; } //$objects['art'][]=array($dateexp[0], $dateexp[1],$dateexp[2],\MkmScraper\Article::getDiffWeek($date,$this)); $date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($date) + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60); } } foreach ($array as $row) { foreach ($row as $item) { $text .= $item . ","; } $text = rtrim($text, ","); $text .= "\n"; } file_put_contents($filename, $text); return \Response::download($filename, 'export.csv', array('Content-Type' => 'text/csv')); }
public function showSet($id) { $data['set'] = \MkmScraper\Set::find($id); $data['cards'] = \MkmScraper\Card::where("id_set", $id)->where("rarity", "Mythic")->get(); return view("set", $data); }