public function renderFullpage(AbstractMediaEntity $entity) { /* @var MarkdownEntity $entity */ $raw = file_get_contents($entity->getPath()); $rendered = $this->markdownExtraParser->transform($raw); return $this->renderEngine->render('CmfcmfMediaModule:MediaType/Markdown:Fullpage.html.twig', ['entity' => $entity, 'rendered' => $rendered, 'raw' => $raw]); }
/** * @param string $text * @return string */ public function block($text) { $pattern = '~<(code|pre)>(.+?)</\\1>|```php\\s(.+?)\\n```~s'; $highlighted = preg_replace_callback($pattern, [$this, 'highlightCb'], $text); $text = $this->markdown->transform($highlighted); return trim($text); }
/** * compile * * @param \Twig_Compiler $compiler * * @return void */ public function compile(\Twig_Compiler $compiler) { $data = $this->getNode('value')->getAttribute('data'); $markdown = new MarkdownExtra(); $data = $markdown->defaultTransform($data); $compiler->write('echo ')->string($data)->raw(';'); }
/** markdown格式接口 */ public function develop_public() { $gData = checkData($_GET); $int_opt = $gData['int_opt']; if (!$int_opt) { ajaxReturn('非法操作[缺少必须参数]', 300); } //样式 echo '<style> .markdown-here-wrapper h1{ font-size: 20px; font-weight:bold; margin-top: 10px;} .markdown-here-wrapper h2{ font-size: 18px; font-weight:bold; margin-top: 10px;} .markdown-here-wrapper h3{ font-size: 16px; font-weight:bold; margin-top: 10px;} .markdown-here-wrapper table{ border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid yellowgreen;} .markdown-here-wrapper th { vertical-align: baseline; border: 1px solid yellowgreen; font-weight:bold; font-size: 18px;} .markdown-here-wrapper td { vertical-align: middle; border: 1px solid yellowgreen; font-size: 18px;} .markdown-here-wrapper tr { border: 1px solid yellowgreen;} .markdown-here-wrapper p a{font-size: 16px;} </style>'; $output = $text = file_get_contents(MODULE_PATH . 'develop_info/' . $int_opt . '.md'); $parser = new MarkdownExtra(); $my_html = $parser->transform($output); $this->s->assign('my_html', $my_html); $this->s->display('interface_admin/interface_list.html'); }
/** * prepareData * * @param \Windwalker\Data\Data $data * * @return void */ protected function prepareData($data) { $markdown = new MarkdownExtra(); foreach ($data['posts'] as $post) { $post->link = Router::buildHtml('front:post_default', ['id' => $post->id, 'alias' => $post->alias]); $post->introtext = $markdown->defaultTransform($post->introtext); $post->author = Author::getPostAuthor($post->author); $post->created = new Date($post->created); $post->created = $post->created->format('F j, Y'); } foreach ($data['statics'] as $post) { $post->link = Router::buildHtml('front:static_default', ['id' => $post->id, 'alias' => $post->alias]); } // Title if ($data->type == 'home') { $title = $data->blog->title; $suffix = ''; $data->bodyClass = 'home posts page-' . $data->page; } else { $title = ''; $suffix = $data->blog->title; $data->bodyClass = 'home posts page-' . $data->page; } $data->pageTitle = $title; $data->pageTitle .= $data->page > 1 ? ' - Page ' . $data->page : ''; $data->pageTitle .= $suffix ? '|' . $suffix : ''; // Meta $desc = $data->blog->description; $desc = OutputFilter::cleanText($desc); $desc = Utf8String::substr($desc, 0, 200); $data->meta->desc = $desc; }
/** * render * * @return string */ public function render() { $md = file_get_contents($this->file->getPathname()); $md = $this->prepareData($md); $markdown = new MarkdownExtra(); $content = $markdown->defaultTransform($md); return $this->output = $this->renderLayout($content); }
public function parse($text) { $markdown = new MarkdownExtra(); $text = $this->doShortcodes($text); $text = $markdown->transform($text); $text = $this->extendTags($text); return $text; }
/** * overload parse with the MarkdownExtra parser * * @param $data * * @return string */ public function parse($data) { $parser = new MarkdownExtra(); foreach ($this->config as $key => $value) { $parser->{$key} = $value; } return $parser->transform($data); }
/** * prepareData * * @param \Windwalker\Data\Data $data * * @return void */ protected function prepareData($data) { $markdown = new MarkdownExtra(); foreach ($data['posts'] as $post) { $post->link = Router::buildHtml('front:post_default', ['id' => $post->id, 'alias' => $post->alias]); $post->introtext = $markdown->defaultTransform($post->introtext); $post->author = Author::getPostAuthor($post->author); } }
private function parse($str) { if (!preg_match($this->regex, $str, $matches) === 1) { throw new \DomainException('Invalid markdown format'); } $meta = trim($matches[2]) !== '' ? $this->yamlParser->parse(trim($matches[2])) : null; $str = ltrim($matches[4]); return new Post($meta['id'], $meta['title'], $meta['summary'], $this->markdownParser->transform($str), $meta['tags'], $meta['published'], $meta['modified']); }
/** * Converts markdown into HTML * * @param string $content * @param array $config * @return string */ public static function process($content, $config = []) { if (static::$markdown === null) { static::$markdown = new MarkdownExtra(); } foreach ($config as $name => $value) { static::$markdown->{$name} = $value; } return static::$markdown->transform($content); }
public function toHTML($text) { $html = new MarkdownExtra(); $html->code_attr_on_pre = true; $text = $this->preTransformText($text); $text = $html->defaultTransform($text); $text = SmartyPants::defaultTransform($text); $text = $this->postTransformText($text); return $text; }
static function parseMarkdown($text) { //GitHub Code Parse $text = str_replace('```', '~~~', $text); $parser = new Michelf\MarkdownExtra(); $parser->fn_id_prefix = "post22-"; $parser->code_attr_on_pre = false; $parser->tab_width = 4; return $parser->transform($text); }
public function test_custom_code() { $markdown = new MarkdownExtra(); $markdown->custom_code_parser = function ($class, $code) { return '<' . $class . '>' . $code . '</' . $class . '>'; }; $tests = [["```..svg\n123123123\n```", "<svg>123123123\n</svg>\n"], ["#111\n```..svg\n123123123\n```", "<h1>111</h1>\n\n<svg>123123123\n</svg>\n"]]; foreach ($tests as $v) { $ret = $markdown->transform($v[0]); $this->assertEquals($v[1], $ret); } }
public function test_TodoList() { $markdown = new MarkdownExtra(); $markdown->custom_code_parser = function ($class, $code) { return '<' . $class . '>' . $code . '</' . $class . '>'; }; $tests = [["## aaa\n[] 1111", "<h2>aaa</h2>\n\n<p class=\"todo\"><input type=\"checkbox\" disabled=\"disabled\" />1111</p>"], ["[*] 2222", '<p class="todo"><input type="checkbox" disabled="disabled" checked="checked" />2222</p>'], ['[+]3333', '<p class="todo"><input type="checkbox" disabled="disabled" checked="checked" />3333</p>'], ['[ ]4444[111](', '<p class="todo"><input type="checkbox" disabled="disabled" />4444<a href="">111</a></p>'], ['[-]55`abc`55', '<p class="todo"><input type="checkbox" disabled="disabled" />55<code>abc</code>55</p>'], ["## aaa\n() 1111", "<h2>aaa</h2>\n\n<p class=\"todo\"><input type=\"radio\" disabled=\"disabled\" />1111</p>"], ["(*) 2222", '<p class="todo"><input type="radio" disabled="disabled" checked="checked" />2222</p>'], ['(+)3333', '<p class="todo"><input type="radio" disabled="disabled" checked="checked" />3333</p>'], ['( )4444[111](', '<p class="todo"><input type="radio" disabled="disabled" />4444<a href="">111</a></p>'], ['(-)55`abc`55', '<p class="todo"><input type="radio" disabled="disabled" />55<code>abc</code>55</p>']]; foreach ($tests as $v) { $ret = $markdown->transform($v[0]); $this->assertEquals($v[1] . "\n", $ret); } }
public function transform($text) { $parser = new MarkdownExtra(); $stylesAdded = false; if (class_exists('Kadet\\Highlighter\\Language\\Language')) { $parser->code_block_content_func = function ($code, $language) use(&$stylesAdded) { if (!$stylesAdded) { $this->pageStack->getPageResponse()->addCssFile('@Jarves/keylighter/default.scss'); $stylesAdded = true; } return Highlighter\highlight($code, Language::byName($language)); }; } return $parser->transform($text); }
/** * A very simple markdown parser. * * @since 150424 Initial release. * * @param mixed $value Any input value. * @param array $args Any additional behavioral args. * * @return string|array|object Html markup value(s). */ public function __invoke($value, array $args = []) { if (is_array($value) || is_object($value)) { foreach ($value as $_key => &$_value) { $_value = $this->__invoke($_value, $args); } //unset($_key, $_value); return $value; } if (!($string = (string) $value)) { return $string; // Nothing to do. } $default_args = ['flavor' => 'markdown-extra', 'breaks' => true, 'anchorize' => false, 'anchor_rels' => [], 'no_p' => false]; $args = array_merge($default_args, $args); $args = array_intersect_key($args, $default_args); $flavor = (string) $args['flavor']; $breaks = (bool) $args['breaks']; $no_p = (bool) $args['no_p']; $anchorize = (bool) $args['anchorize']; $anchor_rels = (array) $args['anchor_rels']; if ($flavor === 'parsedown-extra') { if (is_null($ParsedownExtra =& $this->cacheKey(__FUNCTION__, $flavor))) { $ParsedownExtra = new ParsedownExtra(); } $ParsedownExtra->setBreaksEnabled($breaks); $string = $ParsedownExtra->text($string); } else { $flavor = 'markdown-extra'; // Default flavor. if (is_null($MarkdownExtra =& $this->cacheKey(__FUNCTION__, $flavor))) { $MarkdownExtra = new MarkdownExtra(); $MarkdownExtra->code_class_prefix = 'language-'; } $string = $MarkdownExtra->transform($string); } if ($anchorize) { $string = $this->c::htmlAnchorize($string); } if ($anchor_rels) { $string = $this->c::htmlAnchorRels($string, $anchor_rels); } if ($no_p) { // Strip ` ^<p>|</p>$ ` tags? $string = preg_replace('/^\\s*(?:\\<p(?:\\s[^>]*)?\\>)+|(?:\\<\\/p\\>)+\\s*$/ui', '', $string); } return $string; }
protected function generateHtml($source, $template, $refresh) { // Check that the source file is sane if (!file_exists($source)) { throw new \Exception("Unable to open source file: {$source}"); } // Check that our template is sane, or set to the default one if (!$template) { $template = $this->app->defaultTemplate; } $templatePath = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($this->app->templatePath, basename($template))); $templateIndexPath = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($templatePath, 'index.html')); if (!file_exists($templateIndexPath)) { throw new \Exception("Unable to open template file: {$templateIndexPath}"); } $style = $this->generateContent($templatePath, 'css'); $links = $this->generateContent($templatePath, 'links'); $templateContent = file_get_contents($templateIndexPath); $resumeContent = file_get_contents($source); // Process with Markdown, and then use SmartyPants to clean up punctuation. $resumeHtml = MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform($resumeContent); $resumeHtml = SmartyPants::defaultTransform($resumeHtml); // Construct the title for the html document from the h1 and h2 tags $simpleDom = HtmlDomParser::str_get_html($resumeHtml); $title = sprintf('%s | %s', $simpleDom->find('h1', 0)->innertext, $simpleDom->find('h2', 0)->innertext); // Render the Markdown into an html file with Mustache Templates $m = new \Mustache_Engine(); $rendered = $m->render($templateContent, array('title' => $title, 'style' => $style, 'links' => $links, 'resume' => $resumeHtml, 'reload' => (bool) $refresh, 'refresh_rate' => $refresh)); return $rendered; }
public function render($content) { $html = $this->getLayoutHead(); $html .= MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform($content); $html .= $this->getLayoutFooter(); return $html; }
public function markdown($value = '') { $text = $value; $html = MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform($text); $html = preg_replace('/<img src="images\\/([^\\"]*)"/i', '<img src="/posts/images/$1"', $html); return $html; }
public function transform($text) { $text = parent::transform($text); $harusame = new \Denshoch\Harusame(array("autoTcy" => $this->autoTcy, "tcyDigit" => $this->tcyDigit, "autoTextOrientation" => $this->autoTextOrientation)); $text = $harusame->transform($text); return $text; }
public function transform($text) { $text = parent::transform($text); $text = preg_replace_callback(TBGTextParser::getIssueRegex(), array($this, '_parse_issuelink'), $text); $text = preg_replace_callback(TBGTextParser::getMentionsRegex(), array($this, '_parse_mention'), $text); return $text; }
/** * Convert the input data. * * @param string $input The raw content without Front-matter * * @return string */ public function convert($input) { if (is_string($input) === false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Expected a string value at MichelfMarkdown converter.'); } return MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform($input); }
/** * Convert the input data * * @param string $input The raw content without Front-matter * * @return string */ public function convert($input) { if (!is_string($input)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Expected Markdown string to parse'); } return MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform($input); }
/** * Runs the given string through the "markup" parser (MarkdownExtra). * * @param string $source * * @return string */ public function parseMarkup($source) { $source = $this->callHook('modifySmartDownMarkupInput', $source); $source = MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform($source); $source = $this->callHook('modifySmartDownMarkupOutput', $source); return $source; }
/** * @param CollectionEntity|AbstractMediaEntity $entity * * @return string */ public function escapeDescription($entity) { $description = $entity->getDescription(); $strategy = null; $hookName = null; if ($entity instanceof CollectionEntity) { $strategy = \ModUtil::getVar('CmfcmfMediaModule', 'descriptionEscapingStrategyForCollection'); $hookName = 'collections'; } elseif ($entity instanceof AbstractMediaEntity) { $strategy = \ModUtil::getVar('CmfcmfMediaModule', 'descriptionEscapingStrategyForMedia'); $hookName = 'media'; } else { throw new \LogicException(); } $eventName = "cmfcmfmediamodule.filter_hooks.{$hookName}.filter"; $hook = new \Zikula_FilterHook($eventName, $description); $description = $this->hookDispatcher->dispatch($eventName, $hook)->getData(); switch ($strategy) { case 'raw': return $description; case 'text': return htmlentities($description); case 'markdown': return $this->markdownExtra->transform($description); default: throw new \LogicException(); } }
public function toHtml($mdStr) { $html = $this->preTransformText($mdStr); $html = MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform($html); $html = SmartyPants::defaultTransform($html); $html = $this->postTransformText($html); return $html; }
public function toHTML($text) { $text = $this->preTransformText($text); $text = MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform($text); $text = SmartyPants::defaultTransform($text); $text = $this->postTransformText($text); return $text; }
public function getContent($page) { $pageFile = $this->getDocumentationPath() . "/{$page}.md"; return $this->cache->rememberForever("doc_page_{$pageFile}_content", function () use($pageFile) { $data = $this->parser->parse($this->finder->get($pageFile)); return MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform($data->getContent()); }); }
public function getParsedContent() { // Replace old announcements $oldAnnouncementDiv = ['<div style="color:#222;width:400px;font-family:Georgia, serif;text-align:justify;line-height:14pt;' . 'font-size:12pt;">', '<div style="color:#222;width:400px;font-family:Georgia, serif;text-align:left;line-height:14pt;' . 'font-size:12pt;">']; $newOldAnnouncementDiv = '<div style="width:400px;font-family:Georgia, serif;text-align:justify;' . 'line-height:14pt;font-size:12pt;">'; $content = str_replace($oldAnnouncementDiv, $newOldAnnouncementDiv, $this->content); return MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform($content); }