Пример #1
  * Get list of root pages in current typo3
  * @return  array
 protected function _initLanguages()
     $this->_languageIdList[0] = 0;
     $query = 'SELECT uid
                 FROM sys_language
                WHERE hidden = 0';
     $this->_languageIdList = DatabaseUtility::getColWithIndex($query);
Пример #2
  * Fetch list of setting entries
  * @return  array
 public static function getRootPageSettingList()
     static $cache = NULL;
     if ($cache === NULL) {
         $query = 'SELECT seosr.*
                     FROM tx_metaseo_setting_root seosr
                          INNER JOIN pages p
                             ON  p.uid = seosr.pid
                             AND p.is_siteroot = 1
                             AND p.deleted = 0
                     WHERE seosr.deleted = 0';
         $cache = DatabaseUtility::getAllWithIndex($query, 'pid');
     return $cache;
 protected function _getRootPageIdFromId($var)
     global $TYPO3_DB;
     $ret = NULL;
     if (is_numeric($var)) {
         // TODO: check if var is a valid root page
         $ret = (int) $var;
     } else {
         $query = 'SELECT pid
                     FROM sys_domain
                    WHERE domainName = ' . DatabaseUtility::quote($var, 'sys_domain') . '
                      AND hidden = 0';
         $pid = DatabaseUtility::getOne($query);
         if (!empty($pid)) {
             $ret = $pid;
     return $ret;
Пример #4
  * Delete sitemap entries
  * @return    boolean
 protected function _executeDelete()
     $ret = FALSE;
     $uidList = $this->_postVar['uidList'];
     $rootPid = (int) $this->_postVar['pid'];
     $uidList = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->cleanIntArray($uidList);
     if (empty($uidList) || empty($rootPid)) {
         return FALSE;
     $where = array();
     $where[] = 'page_rootpid = ' . (int) $rootPid;
     $where[] = DatabaseUtility::conditionIn('uid', $uidList);
     $where = '( ' . implode(' ) AND ( ', $where) . ' )';
     $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_DELETEquery('tx_metaseo_sitemap', $where);
     if ($res) {
         $ret = TRUE;
     return $ret;
  * Main action
 public function mainAction()
     // #################
     // Root page list
     // #################
     $rootPageList = \Metaseo\Metaseo\Utility\BackendUtility::getRootPageList();
     $rootIdList = array_keys($rootPageList);
     $rootPidCondition = NULL;
     if (!empty($rootIdList)) {
         $rootPidCondition = 'p.uid IN (' . implode(',', $rootIdList) . ')';
     } else {
         $rootPidCondition = '1=0';
     // #################
     // Root setting list (w/ automatic creation)
     // #################
     // check which root lages have no root settings
     $query = 'SELECT p.uid
                 FROM pages p
                      LEFT JOIN tx_metaseo_setting_root seosr
                         ON   seosr.pid = p.uid
                          AND seosr.deleted = 0
                 WHERE ' . $rootPidCondition . '
                   AND seosr.uid IS NULL';
     $uidList = DatabaseUtility::getCol($query);
     foreach ($uidList as $tmpUid) {
         $query = 'INSERT INTO tx_metaseo_setting_root (pid, tstamp, crdate, cruser_id)
                         VALUES (' . (int) $tmpUid . ',
                                 ' . (int) time() . ',
                                 ' . (int) time() . ',
                                 ' . (int) $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->user['uid'] . ')';
     $rootSettingList = \Metaseo\Metaseo\Utility\BackendUtility::getRootPageSettingList();
     // #################
     // Domain list
     // ##################
     // Fetch domain name
     $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('uid, pid, domainName, forced', 'sys_domain', 'hidden = 0', '', 'forced DESC, sorting');
     $domainList = array();
     while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
         $domainList[$row['pid']][$row['uid']] = $row;
     // #################
     // Build root page list
     // #################
     foreach ($rootPageList as $pageId => &$page) {
         // Domain list
         $page['domainList'] = '';
         if (!empty($domainList[$pageId])) {
             $page['domainList'] = $domainList[$pageId];
         // Settings
         $page['rootSettings'] = array();
         if (!empty($rootSettingList[$pageId])) {
             $page['rootSettings'] = $rootSettingList[$pageId];
         // Settings available
         $page['settingsLink'] = \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::editOnClick('&edit[tx_metaseo_setting_root][' . $rootSettingList[$pageId]['uid'] . ']=edit', $this->doc->backPath);
     // check if there is any root page
     if (empty($rootPageList)) {
         $message = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Messaging\\FlashMessage', $this->_translate('message.warning.noRootPage.message'), $this->_translate('message.warning.noRootPage.title'), \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Messaging\FlashMessage::WARNING);
     // ############################
     // Page/JS
     // ############################
     // FIXME: do we really need a template engine here?
     $this->template = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Backend\\Template\\DocumentTemplate');
     $pageRenderer = $this->template->getPageRenderer();
     $basePathJs = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::extRelPath('metaseo') . 'Resources/Public/Backend/JavaScript';
     $basePathCss = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::extRelPath('metaseo') . 'Resources/Public/Backend/Css';
     $pageRenderer->addCssFile($basePathCss . '/Default.css');
     $this->view->assign('RootPageList', $rootPageList);
Пример #6
  * Advanced meta tags
  * @param array   $metaTags          MetaTags
  * @param array   $tsfePage          TSFE Page
  * @param integer $sysLanguageId     Sys Language ID
  * @param array   $customMetaTagList Custom Meta Tag list
 protected function _advMetaTags(&$metaTags, $tsfePage, $sysLanguageId, $customMetaTagList)
     $tsfePageId = $tsfePage['uid'];
     $connector = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('Metaseo\\Metaseo\\Connector');
     $storeMeta = $connector->getStore();
     // #################
     // Adv meta tags (from editor)
     // #################
     $advMetaTagList = array();
     $advMetaTagCondition = array();
     if (!empty($storeMeta['flag']['meta:og:external'])) {
         // External OpenGraph support
         $advMetaTagCondition[] = 'tag_name NOT LIKE \'og:%\'';
         // Add external og-tags to adv meta tag list
         if (!empty($storeMeta['meta:og'])) {
             $advMetaTagList = array_merge($advMetaTagList, $storeMeta['meta:og']);
     if (!empty($advMetaTagCondition)) {
         $advMetaTagCondition = '( ' . implode(') AND (', $advMetaTagCondition) . ' )';
     } else {
         $advMetaTagCondition = '1=1';
     // Fetch list of meta tags from database
     $query = 'SELECT tag_name, tag_value
                 FROM tx_metaseo_metatag
                WHERE pid = ' . (int) $tsfePageId . '
                  AND sys_language_uid = ' . (int) $sysLanguageId . '
                  AND ' . $advMetaTagCondition;
     $advMetaTagList = DatabaseUtility::getList($query);
     // Add metadata to tag list
     foreach ($advMetaTagList as $tagName => $tagValue) {
         $metaTags['adv.' . $tagName] = '<meta name="' . htmlspecialchars($tagName) . '" content="' . htmlspecialchars($tagValue) . '">';
     // #################
     // Custom meta tags (from connector)
     // #################
     foreach ($customMetaTagList as $tagName => $tagValue) {
         $ret['adv.' . $tagName] = '<meta name="' . htmlspecialchars($tagName) . '" content="' . htmlspecialchars($tagValue) . '">';
Пример #7
  * Update field in page table
  * @param integer        $pid           PID
  * @param integer|NULL   $sysLanguage   System language id
  * @param string         $fieldName     Field name
  * @param string         $fieldValue    Field value
  * @return array
 protected function _updatePageTableField($pid, $sysLanguage, $fieldName, $fieldValue)
     $tableName = 'pages';
     if (!empty($sysLanguage)) {
         // check if field is in overlay
         if ($this->_isFieldInTcaTable('pages_language_overlay', $fieldName)) {
             // Field is in pages language overlay
             $tableName = 'pages_language_overlay';
     switch ($tableName) {
         case 'pages_language_overlay':
             // Update field in pages overlay (also logs update event and clear cache for this page)
             // check uid of pages language overlay
             $query = 'SELECT uid
                         FROM pages_language_overlay
                        WHERE pid = ' . (int) $pid . '
                          AND sys_language_uid = ' . (int) $sysLanguage;
             $overlayId = DatabaseUtility::getOne($query);
             if (!empty($overlayId)) {
                 // ################
                 // UPDATE
                 // ################
                 $this->_tce()->updateDB('pages_language_overlay', (int) $overlayId, array($fieldName => $fieldValue));
             } else {
                 // No access
                 return array('error' => $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('error.no_language_overlay_found'));
         case 'pages':
             // Update field in page (also logs update event and clear cache for this page)
             $this->_tce()->updateDB('pages', (int) $pid, array($fieldName => $fieldValue));
Пример #8
  * Return list of sitemap pages
  * @param   integer $rootPid        Root page id of tree
  * @param   integer $languageId     Limit to language id
  * @return  boolean|array
 public static function getList($rootPid, $languageId = NULL)
     $sitemapList = array();
     $pageList = array();
     $typo3Pids = array();
     $query = 'SELECT ts.*
                 FROM tx_metaseo_sitemap ts
                         INNER JOIN pages p
                           ON	p.uid = ts.page_uid
                             AND	p.deleted = 0
                             AND	p.hidden = 0
                             AND	p.tx_metaseo_is_exclude = 0
                WHERE ts.page_rootpid = ' . (int) $rootPid . '
                  AND ts.is_blacklisted = 0';
     if ($languageId !== NULL) {
         $query .= ' AND ts.page_language = ' . (int) $languageId;
     $query .= ' ORDER BY
                     ts.page_depth ASC,
                     p.pid ASC,
                     p.sorting ASC';
     $resultRows = DatabaseUtility::getAll($query);
     if (!$resultRows) {
         return FALSE;
     foreach ($resultRows as $row) {
         $sitemapList[] = $row;
         $sitemapPageId = $row['page_uid'];
         $typo3Pids[$sitemapPageId] = (int) $sitemapPageId;
     if (!empty($typo3Pids)) {
         $query = 'SELECT *
                     FROM pages
                    WHERE ' . DatabaseUtility::conditionIn('uid', $typo3Pids);
         $pageList = DatabaseUtility::getAllWithIndex($query, 'uid');
         if (empty($pageList)) {
             return FALSE;
     $ret = array('tx_metaseo_sitemap' => $sitemapList, 'pages' => $pageList);
     return $ret;
Пример #9
  * Clear all cache
  * @return boolean
 public static function clearAll()
     try {
         $query = 'TRUNCATE tx_metaseo_cache';
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return FALSE;
     return TRUE;