/** @test */ function testBlackHole() { $f = new File("/test/BlackHoleTest.php"); $this->assertTrue($f->exists(), "Il file del test non esiste!!"); $content = $f->getContent(); $f->delete(); $this->assertFalse($f->exists(), "Il file del test black hole non e' stato eliminato!!"); $f->touch(); $f->setContent($content); $this->assertTrue($f->exists(), "Il file del test black hole non e' stato rigenerato!!"); }
function testProps() { $storage_test_root = "/test/storage_dir/"; StorageFactory::setStorageRoot($storage_test_root); $test_file = new File("/test/FilePropsTest.php"); $this->assertFalse($test_file->hasAttachedStorage(), "Il file ha delle proprieta' con lo storage vuoto!!"); $storage = $test_file->getAttachedStorage(); $storage->add(array("test" => array("hello" => 1, "world" => "good"))); $this->assertTrue($test_file->hasAttachedStorage(), "Il file storage delle proprieta' non e' stato creato!!"); $sum = md5("/test/"); //path is calculated using the parent dir $store_subdir = "_" . substr($sum, 0, 1); $storage_test_root_dir = new Dir($storage_test_root); $real_store_dir = $storage_test_root_dir->getUniqueSubdir(); $r = $real_store_dir->listElements(Dir::MODE_FILES_AND_FOLDERS); $props_file_dir = $r[1][0]; $this->assertEquals($props_file_dir->getName(), $store_subdir, "La directory creata non corrisponde!!"); $final_stored_path = new File($real_store_dir->getPath() . $props_file_dir->getName() . DS . md5("FilePropsTest.php") . ".ini"); $this->assertTrue($final_stored_path->exists(), "Il file finale delle props non e' stato trovato!!"); $test_file->deleteAttachedStorage(); $this->assertFalse($test_file->hasAttachedStorage(), "Il file delle proprieta' non e' stato eliminato!!"); $r = $real_store_dir->listElements(Dir::MODE_FILES_AND_FOLDERS); $all_elements = array_merge($r[0], $r[1]); foreach ($all_elements as $f) { $f->delete(true); } StorageFactory::setStorageRoot(StorageFactory::getDefaultStorageRoot()); }
private function hasRoutesCache() { $routes_cache = new File("/bootstrap/cache/routes.php"); if (!$routes_cache->exists()) { return false; } return true; }
function testReader2() { $f = new File("/test/reader_writer/non_existent_file.txt"); $this->assertFalse($f->exists(), "Il file esiste!!"); try { $f->openReader(); $this->fail(); } catch (IOException $ex) { } }
function testAddEntriesToFile() { $file = new File("/test/java_xml_properties_dir/test_folder_2/add_props.xml"); if ($file->exists()) { $file->delete(); } JavaXmlPropertiesUtils::addEntriesToFile($file, array("ciao" => 1, "mondo" => 2, 3 => "pluto")); $this->assertTrue($file->exists(), "Il file delle properties non è stato creato!!"); $props = JavaXmlPropertiesUtils::readFromFile($file); $this->assertTrue(count($props) == 3, "Il numero delle properties non corrisponde!"); $this->assertEquals($props["ciao"], 1); $this->assertEquals($props["mondo"], 2); $this->assertEquals($props[3], "pluto"); $file->delete(); }
function testaddEntriesToFile() { $file = new File("/test/properties_dir/test_folder_2/add_props.ini"); if ($file->exists()) { $file->delete(); } IniPropertiesUtils::addEntriesToFile($file, true, array("prova" => array("ciao" => 1, "mondo" => 2, 3 => "pluto"))); $this->assertTrue($file->exists(), "Il file delle properties non è stato creato!!"); $props = IniPropertiesUtils::readFromFile($file, true); $this->assertTrue(count($props) == 1, "Il numero delle properties non corrisponde!"); $entry = $props["prova"]; $this->assertTrue(count($entry) == 3, "Il numero delle voci non corrisponde!"); $this->assertEquals($entry["ciao"], 1); $this->assertEquals($entry["mondo"], 2); $this->assertEquals($entry[3], "pluto"); $file->delete(); }
function testExtractArchive() { $create_dir = new Dir("/test/zip_test/create/"); $this->assertTrue($create_dir->exists(), "La directory create non esiste!!"); $save_dir = new Dir("/test/zip_test/saved/"); $this->assertTrue($save_dir->exists(), "La directory save non esiste!!"); $extract_dir = new Dir("/test/zip_test/extract/"); $this->assertTrue($extract_dir->exists(), "La directory extract non esiste!!"); $r = $extract_dir->listElements(Dir::MODE_FILES_AND_FOLDERS); $extract_dir_files = array_merge($r[0], $r[1]); foreach ($extract_dir_files as $f) { $f->delete(true); } $target_file = new File("/test/zip_test/saved/test_archive.zip"); $this->assertFalse($target_file->exists()); $dir_to_zip = "/test/zip_test/create/"; ZipUtils::createArchive($target_file, $dir_to_zip); $this->assertTrue($target_file->exists(), "Il file zip non è stato creato!!"); $this->assertTrue($target_file->getSize() > 0, "Il file creato ha dimensione vuota!!"); //ora estraggo l'archivio $extract_root = "/test/zip_test/extract/"; ZipUtils::expandArchive($target_file, $extract_root); $r = $extract_dir->listElements(Dir::MODE_FILES_AND_FOLDERS); $all_elements = array_merge($r[0], $r[1]); $this->assertEquals(count($all_elements), 3, "Il numero dei file estratti non corrisponde!!"); $f1 = new File($extract_root . "my_file_01.php"); $this->assertTrue($f1->exists(), "Il file my_file_01.php non e' stato estratto!!"); $this->assertTrue(!$f1->isEmpty(), "Il file my_file_01.php e' vuoto!!"); //$d1 = new Dir($extract_root."another_dir/"); //$d2 = new Dir($extract_root."my_subdir/"); $f2 = new File($extract_root . "another_dir/blabla.ini"); $this->assertTrue($f2->exists(), "Il file blabla.ini non e' stato estratto!!"); $this->assertTrue(!$f2->isEmpty(), "Il file blabla.ini e' vuoto!!"); $r = $save_dir->listElements(Dir::MODE_FILES_AND_FOLDERS); $saved_files = array_merge($r[0], $r[1]); foreach ($saved_files as $f) { $f->delete(true); } $r = $extract_dir->listElements(Dir::MODE_FILES_AND_FOLDERS); $extracted_files = array_merge($r[0], $r[1]); foreach ($extracted_files as $f) { $f->delete(true); } }
function testAdvancedPrintfWriteThenRead() { $f = new File("/test/reader_writer/readwrite2.txt"); //delete test/reader_writer/readwrite2.txt to fix this test failure $this->assertFalse($f->exists(), "Il file esiste gia'!!"); try { $writer = $f->openWriter(); $this->assertTrue($f->exists(), "Il file non e' stato creato!!"); $this->assertTrue($writer instanceof FileWriter, "L'oggetto non e' del tipo specificato!!"); $this->assertTrue($writer->isOpen(), "Il writer non e' aperto!!"); $writer->write("Ciao mondo!!!"); $writer->printf(" %02d %02d go", 12, 34); $writer->close(); $reader = $f->openReader(); $line = $reader->read(22); $this->assertEquals("Ciao mondo!!! 12 34 go", $line, "I dati letti non corrispondono!! : " . $line); $reader->close(); } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->fail("Errore nell'apertura del writer di un file non esistente!!"); } $f->delete(); }
private function check_path($path) { $f = new File('/public/' . $path); return $f->exists(); }
private function executeFileComparison(File $ref_lang_file, File $target_lang_file) { if ($target_lang_file->exists()) { $this->compareFiles($ref_lang_file, $target_lang_file); } else { $this->warn("Skipping missing target file : " . $target_lang_file->getPath()); } }
private function executeFileComparison(File $ref_lang_file, File $target_lang_file) { if (!$target_lang_file->exists()) { $this->info($target_lang_file->getPath() . " does not exist, creating ..."); $target_lang_file->setContent("<?php \n\n return array(); \n\n"); } $this->compareFiles($ref_lang_file, $target_lang_file); }
function testRenameDirs() { $d = new Dir("/test/rename_test/dir/"); $d->touch(); $this->assertTrue($d->exists(), "La directory non e' stata creata!!"); $f1 = $d->newFile("my_file.txt"); $f1->setContent("Ciao!!"); $this->assertTrue($f1->exists(), "Il file non e' stato creato nella cartella!!"); @mkdir(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "rename_test/target/"); $d2 = new Dir("/test/rename_test/target/"); $d2->delete(); $this->assertFalse($d2->exists(), "La directory esiste gia'!!"); $this->assertTrue($d->rename("target")); $this->assertFalse($d->exists(), "La directory non e' stata rinominata con successo!!"); $this->assertTrue($d2->exists(), "La directory non e' stata rinominata con successo!!"); $f2 = new File("/test/rename_test/target/my_file.txt"); $this->assertTrue($f2->exists(), "Il file non e' stato spostato insieme alla directory!!"); $d3 = new Dir("/test/rename_test/existing_dir/"); $this->assertFalse($d2->rename("existing_dir"), "Il rename e' stato effettuato su una directory che gia' esiste!!"); $this->assertFalse($d2->isEmpty(), "La directory non spostata non contiene piu' il suo file!!"); $this->assertTrue($d3->isEmpty(), "La directory gia' esistente e' stata riempita con pattume!!"); try { $d4 = new Dir("/test/rename_test/another_target/buh/"); $this->assertFalse($d4->rename("another_target/buh"), "Rename con spostamento andato a buon fine!!"); $this->fail(); } catch (IOException $ex) { } $d2->delete(); }
function testCopyFileWithDifficultName() { $f = new File("test/difficult_names/src/00 - Época\\ Porteño.txt"); $d = new Dir("test/difficult_names/dest/"); $f->copy($d); $copied = new File("test/difficult_names/dest/00 - Época\\ Porteño.txt"); $this->assertTrue($copied->exists(), "Il file non è stato copiato correttamente!"); $copied->delete(); $this->assertFalse($copied->exists(), "Il file non è stato eliminato correttamente!"); }